
Can you love me, Dear husband?

A girl tries to change from her dark past when she meets her true love. But her past won't let her go. The more she tries to run from it the more it became more obvious... What would she do? Face her past and tell her love with the consequences of losing him or hide it from him and manipulate him to be with her. Unknown to her, his husband knew some secret that would shock her.

_EverSmile · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Meeting her fiance 3

Loveth smiled to herself that the plan worked. She passed through the back of the restaurant.

"Oh! My leg" she shouted.

The security rushed to pick her up from the floor. She just had a dislocation. Williams discovered she heard a voice of a lady, he looked in that direction. He discovered that it was Loveth.

He rushed to the place and assisted her to her car.

"Sorry! What happened? Firstly I didn't see you on the seat when I came back from where I bought the ice cream" Williams said in surprise.

"I went to the restroom. And I thought of passing the other side so I did" Loveth said and paused, she groaned in pain as Williams was trying to straighten her leg.

"We need to go to the hospital, the leg is swelling already. Let go" Williams announced.

Loveth ignited the engine and was about to go when Williams interrupted her.

"Can you drive with the leg? I drive well, I could help you" Williams said.

"But won't you get home late? You can go, I will sort it myself. If I can't drive, I will pack and call my dad's driver" Loveth said gently.

By then, the leg began to ache seriously, she could not bear it again. She agreed that Williams should take her to their family hospital.

"What have I done to myself? Why did I pass that side? My leg is aching me seriously now" Loveth thought

"Sorry! You will be fine. We will soon get to the hospital" Williams said calmly.

"Alright! Thank you so much" Loveth said.

"He is such a nice person. He cared for me. I wish we are together soon" Loveth thought and smiled.

Loveth began to stare at Williams. And when he looked in that direction, she will put her eyes away.

Williams maneuvered the car into the hospital compound and rushed out of the car. He announced to the nurses. And the stretcher was brought to take her in.

Loveth was carried inside and the nurses quickly attended to her. She was treated and she was relaxing.

A few minutes later, the bones of the leg were set in the right place. Loveth apologized for delaying Williams for so long.

They left the hospital and Williams alighted from Loveth's car when he was about to get to his residence.

"Thank you so much. I'm grateful" Williams said and began to wave till she was out of sight.

"Wow; I'm very happy today. I met the one my heart loves. I will not allow her to slip from my hands" Williams said as he entered his room.

He lay down flat on the bed and everything that happened began to rush into her memory.

"But why did she pass the back? despite the slippery place" Williams thought.

"Today was interesting. I'm so happy.

I'm able to meet the love of my heart. It's like he is not from a rich family." Loveth thought.

Loveth got home, she went straight to her room as she could not meet her parents in the living room.

She felt relieved of the pain in her leg.

She was happy that she could escape from the restaurant.

"I was happy I was able to escape, I don't know what will have become of me now" Loverth thought.

Just then Loveth heard a knock on her door. She jumped up almost immediately. She asked who the person was. She heard the voice of her maid calling her for dinner.

"I will come soon, I want to freshen up" Loveth replied from the other end.

Loveth walked slowly to freshen up. She put on her nightwear and came out to join her parents in the sitting room.

Mrs . Henry was the first to raise her head. She discovered that Loveth was limping. She stood up immediately and went to her.

"Daughter! What is the matter? What happened to your leg? Why did you come home late?" Mrs . Henry asked at once

"Hmmm! Nothing much mum. It was just a dislocation, I went to our hospital, and they straightened my leg.

" What! Do you mean your leg was dislocated? Why didn't you call? How did you drive home?" Mrs . Henry asked

"A friend drove me to the hospital and I was able to get here after the pain has reduced" Loveth explained.

"You should have called me. I've told you to always let us know what is happening" Mrs . Henry lamented.

"I'm sorry mum. I didn't call because. I was with my friend" Loveth.

Mrs. Henry assisted her to the dining table.

"You will explain to me when you are less busy. Eat your food first" Mrs . Henry said.

Just then Mr . Henry came out of his room to the dining table. He saw mother and daughter discussing. He interrupted them by telling his wife to dish his food.

"Dad! Good evening sir. I didn't know you were around. What happened? Didn't you go out today?" Loveth asked her dad in surprise.

"Daughter! How are you? How was your presentation in oil and gas company?' Mr. Henry asked.

Loveth laughed for some minutes before she could reply her father. Mr . Henry was so surprised that his daughter was that lively.

" Daughter! What is it? Am I missing anything?"Mr . Henry asked curiously.

"Dad! I'm so happy today. The presentation went well and I'm happy " Loveth said with a broad smile.

"And what? I know it is not the presentation that makes you happy. So, tell me" Mr . Henry said.

"Eat your food dear, Loveth will tell us when she is done eating" Mrs . Henry interrupted her.

"It's okay, I'm happy because we are all happy. I must commend that this food is delicious. I like it" Mr . Henry said funnily

"Thanks, dear! your daughter has a dislocated leg though she claimed that she went to the hospital. But I insist we go back to the hospital Henry explained.

"What! Dislocation? How? Did you fall from somewhere? Or your shoe made you fall?" Mr . Henry asked curiously.

"I'm very fine dad, let us continue our food. We will talk after the eat" Loveth said

They began to eat in silence till Mr . Henry cleared his throat.

Loveth explained how she went to oil and gas and attended the meeting. She talked about how presented very well.

Mr. and Mrs . Henry were very happy and believed that the oil and gas company will partner with them. They were so happy.

"But, what other things do you want to tell us.?I know your happiness is more than that of presentation " Mr . Henry said

"Hmmm! Dad. You are right but I'm not telling you anything now. Let me keep it" Loveth said jokingly.

"It's okay daughter if you don't want to tell us now. But I know what it could be" Mrs . Henry said jokingly.

Williams was lying on the bed, he was ruminating on everything that happened that particular day. His mind went to Loveth. He stood up and went to pick up his phone. He dialed her number.

Loveth and her mother were talking and laughing when Williams' call entered.

Loveth looked at the phone and discovered that it was Williams calling her. She excused herself and picked up the calls.

"Hello, Good evening. I can hear you. Thank you so much for today. " Loveth said.

"You are welcome! I'm happy for you. Not long after I came home How is the leg?" Williams asked.

"Thank you, it's getting better now. I can use it to walk but I'm still limping" Loveth explained

"It will go, just stay off it for some time ", W Williams said.

They talked about other things and hung up.

Mrs . Henry's joy knew no bounds when she discovered that her daughter was talking with a man. She did as if she didn't hear what she was saying. She got up and went to the room.

Loveth and Williams did not stop on a phone call. They chatted for almost an hour. After they bid each other goodbye Loveth went to her room. She lay on the bed and began to laugh. Everything was happening like magic to her.

Loveth became sad the moment she remembered how she was hiding because of the person that entered the restaurant.

" What if he met me where I could not run away? What would I tell Williams? I don't want anything that will spoil this relationship with Williams.

Loveth did not know when she slept off. She woke up the following day to the ringing of her phone.

"Oh! Is it morning already? I still want to sleep. Who is calling me by this time of the morning?. Loveth thought.

She stood up lazily from the bed and went to the toilet to ease herself. She came back and discovered that her phone is ringing the second time.

" Oh! It's Williams calling" She said happily to herself and picked up the call.

"Pretty! Good morning. Hope I did not interrupt your sleep. How is your leg now?" Williams said from the other end

"Fine! Thank you so much. my leg is fine now. How was your night too?" Loveth asked calmly.

"Fine. I will call you later in the day. Enjoy your day." Williams said and hung up.

Few minutes after the call. Loveth's phone beeped. She quickly picked up her phone to check thinking that it was William. She opened the message.

"What! She shouted.