
Can you love me, Dear husband?

A girl tries to change from her dark past when she meets her true love. But her past won't let her go. The more she tries to run from it the more it became more obvious... What would she do? Face her past and tell her love with the consequences of losing him or hide it from him and manipulate him to be with her. Unknown to her, his husband knew some secret that would shock her.

_EverSmile · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Meeting her Fiance 2

"Could it be what I'm thinking?" Loveth said and chuckled

She quickly dropped her bag and picked up the call.

"Hello! Who is on the line? Loveth said.

"Pretty! How are you? Are you at the office now? I could not but commend you for the job well done" a voice said with a wide grin.

Loveth did as if she didn't know who is on the line. She asked for the name of the person that is calling her.

"It's me Wiliams of the oil and gas company" Williams replied.

"Oh! I get it. Good afternoon. Thank you. I'm just at the office. " Loveth replied with a smile.

"Hope you did not forget our date?" Williams asked with a large grin

"A date? Oh! I almost forgot. But today's work is cumbersome, I don't know if I could meet up. Maybe some other time" Loveth said.

Meanwhile, Loveth did not want to appear cheap to him which was why she said that.

Williams pleaded with her that he would like to meet with her the day.

"It's alright. Let's meet by 4 pm at Nelly restaurant" Loveth said can't.

"Alright pretty! I will be there. Have a nice day at work" Williams said and hung up the call.

"Wow! I've caught this one. I'm so happy. Let me quickly go through these files and get ready for the date with the one I truly love" she said happily to herself and continued her work.

During lunch, Loveth went out to catch some breath, she also lamented that she was very hungry.

She stepped out of her office and began to greet everybody cheerfully.

Everybody that saw her was surprised about her change of attitude.

She was just smiling and greeting everybody that comes her way which is so unusual of her.

People began to gossip about her. They were so amazed about her change of attitude.

Loveth noticed them, she just smiled and went back to the office.

As she was about to step into her office, her secretary brought to her notice the set of people waiting for her. She turned back and addressed them calmly that she has an important assignment. so she won't get the chance to meet them that particular day.

"What is it about me? Why am I so nervous about this date? This is not my first date now" Loveth said to herself.

She quickly imputed some information into the computer in front of her. She shut down the computer and rushed to the restroom to wash her face.

She applied a little makeup and arranged her hair properly. And adjusted her dress and clean her shoes.

As she was about to check the time. Her phone began to ring. She checked who the caller was.

"Wow! He is calling already. I have to go now" Loveth said as she carried her bag.

The call dropped and it began to ring again. Loveth pick the call and told Williams that she is on her way coming.

Loveth rushed out of the office and headed to the car pack. She ignited that engine and zoomed off.

She got to the restaurant and got down from the car majestically out of the car.

As she moved closer to the entrance of the restaurant. She saw Williams sitting at one corner of the place.

"Wow! He looked more handsome than the other time. I'm so lucky and I hoped that I've found the love of my life." she said.

William's joy knew no bounds as he sighted Loveth. He raised his hand for loveth to see where he was.

Loveth who has already seen him waved her hand and walked to where he is.

Williams drew the other chair out for her to sit down.

"I'm sorry for keeping you waiting. I was so busy with office work. Hope I've not delayed you too much. " Loveth asked.

"Not at all. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience Hope you were able to cover some work before coming?" Williams said calmly.

"Yes, thank you," replied Loveth.

Williams asked Loveth what she will like to eat. He called the waitress and ordered two plates of food immediately.

There was silence for a few minutes. Williams was thinking of how to start his speech. Loveth on the other hand was shy. She put down her face anytime their eyes meet.

Williams decided to break the silence by bringing up the conversation of what happened earlier at his company. He commended Loveth's presentation and confessed to her that his director was very happy with the way she presented.

"Wow! That is great. I'm hopeful that they will accept our company" Loveth said with a wide grin.

"I'm hopeful too. I believe they will accept your company. Can I meet you?" Williams asked.

"Hmmm! I'm shy. Maybe you start by introducing yourself" Loveth said.

"Okay, my pretty, my name is Williams. I studied management and accounting. I work at oil and gas as a manager and I am a bachelor" Williams said and both of them began to laugh.

"Wow! My director. Nice meeting you" Loveth said jokingly.

"Thank you! Can I meet you now? Williams said.

"Okay! My name is Loveth Henry. I'm the only daughter of Mr. Henry of Henry and son's company" Loveth said and paused.

"Wow! You would have said the pretty daughter of Mr. Henry" Williams said.

They both smiled again and Loveth continued her introducing herself.

A few minutes later, The waitress brought their meal and they began to eat.

"Wow! This food is delicious. I can't wait to finish it. Besides I'm very hungry" Loveth thought and chuckled

"Do you like the food? " Williams asked softly.

"I like it, The food is delicious," Loveth said and continued with her food.

" I like her, she didn't pretend like those girls out there. She is so free as she's eating the food" Williams thought.

Loveth felt embarrassed when she was almost finished with her food and Williams had not.

Williams discovered she was looking at him, he started eating his food very fast. He finished the food before Loveth could finish his own.

"Wow! What a relief. I thought I was too fast with the food" Loveth thought.

After eating, Williams cleared his throat and started talking.

"As I said earlier, my name is Wiliams, and I worked at an oil and gas company. I want to say a big thank you for accepting me and dimming it fit to come this evening" Williams said and paused.

Loveth smiled and gave him a go-ahead sign.

"There was this peace I felt in my heart the moment I set my eyes on you. You are too beautiful to behold. I'm so lucky to have you in my life" Williams said.

Loveth was just smiling. It was as if she was dreaming.

"I like you Loveth," Williams said nervously.

"It's alright. Let's take some ice cream to cool off" Loveth said in other to run from William's questions

"Sorry that I didn't order it before, let me get it for you," Williams said and stood up. He went to the ice cream port and bought one.

"Yes! I'm so happy right now. He should just ask me the question now. I can't wait" Loveth said to herself.

Before Williams could come back from the Icecream port, a man who will be in his later fifties was coming to the other side of the restaurant.

"What! Who is this I'm seeing? Oh no! I must not allow him to stop this joy that is coming my way. " Loveth said in fear.

She stood up immediately and acted as if she wanted to use the restroom.

Williams walked back from the ice cream port and could not find Loveth.

He was so scared.

"Where is she? Where did she go? I could not find her on the seat. Have I said the wrong thing? Oh no! Loveth must not run away from me" Wiliams said in fear.

As he was about to dial her number, he looked to his right and saw her bag on the chair she was sitting on.

He heaved a sigh of relief. He dropped the ice cream on the table they were sitting on and waited patiently for her.

"Where could she have gone? Oh! Maybe she went to use the restroom. Why I'm i so nervous? I've not felt like this for any lady before" Williams thought.

Loveth rushed to the restroom and began to breathe heavily. She sat on the closet for a few moments.

"I'm happy he didn't see me, what would have become of me now? Why is it that he came to this restaurant by this time that we are here?" Loveth thought.

"I have to check now or what should I do? What if he is sitting close to our seat? What am I going to do?" Loveth lamented.

Williams on the other hand has been sitting for the past fifteen minutes. He didn't know what he could do. The thought of calling her to ask whether she is fine crossed his mind.

"Oh! Yes. Maybe the food is reacting strangely in her body that she needed to use the restroom" Williams thought.

He pickup ked his phone and dialed her number.

Loveth checked her phone and discovered Williams was already calling her. She thought of what she could do and a thought came to her mind.

She picked up the call on the third ring and sounded as if she was not feeling fine. She told Williams that he should help her to take her bag and meet her outside.

Williams quickly did as she said. He got outside and did not see her.

Loveth smiled to herself that the plan worked. She passed through the back of the restaurant.

"Oh! My leg" she shouted.