

It’s a world of dualism, the dominion of two opposing principles, one of which is good and the other evil. It all started when Lucifer Morningstar, the god of hell took an interest in Nyx, the goddess of night. An error so great but the Devil isn’t tamed. On a cold night when Erebus, Nyx's husband, was out at war, Lucifer, disguised as Erebus, paid a visit to Nyx and had a coitus with her. She only realized it was Lucifer after his disguise came off. She was filled with abhorrence towards him but later on, circumstances changed and they fell in love with each other. Soon after, she found out she was pregnant with Lucifer’s child. Chaos struck within the realms of supernatural beings until the Celestial Deity summoned all the gods of the realms. A Hybrid, called a “Lithian", had been created. It’s powers would exceed that of all gods and would rival that of the Celestial Deity. A decree was passed that the Lithian be killed. Nyx, with the heart of a mother, disagreed and pleaded alongside Lucifer for leniency. The Celestial Deity agreed out of curiosity and placed a curse on the child then he added that the child was to be sent to the Earth,the mortal realm, to live among the mortals(humans) without any protection from both parents and no knowledge of its origin. Afterwards, Nyx gave birth to a girl and named her Jophiel. The child was sent to Earth and lived among the mortals with the royal family of Decresh. Not knowing who or what she was, Alora bore the appearance of a human being, constituted of two irreducible elements - matter and spirit. This is the story of Brangwen...

VIKA · Fantasie
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11 Chs


"Still practicing?"

I asked as I walked towards her on the training grounds. My sister. Young, petite with silky straight black hair that reached her waist, she possessed flawless skin that complemented her divine appearance. She wasn't like every other female,she was different. A goddess, yes, she looked like one. Her silver coloured eyes were feline looking, she had a well sculptured nose and strongly outlined jaws, her lips were a pale pink color. Her body,slim yet curvaceous. Indeed, she was enviously beautiful.


I heard a feminine voice as a figure approached me on the training grounds.

I aimed my sword at the tall brunette who had just called out to me "Interrupt my training session again and you won't live to witness another, Serena". I said with a smirk.

Serena chuckles wryly. "The whole kingdom might be afraid of you, Alora but you know that doesn't apply to me".

I rolled my eyes at the taunting words uttered by my sister. I sheathed my sword and tossed it aside before grabbing a towel placed by the little fountain which l used to dab my sweaty face before walking past Serena.

Serena accompanies me while using her elbow to bulge my arm. "I meant that in a nice way, you know."

"Doesn't matter how you meant it since it's the bitter truth."

We both knew l was right. Just like how people thought me to be some heavenly entity, so were my abilities. I was feared and hated by all including my parents, King Pierre & Queen Ylva. At a young age, l could do things a normal child wouldn't have been able to do. I could fight with a sword and possessed an abomination of power. I was 7 when my sister, Klara had mocked me and pissed me off so seriously that l wished her clothes were set ablaze and alas, they were. Strange, isn't it?. Well, l was clueless on how that could be because l almost ended up hurting her. Another time, I almost killed the King, my father when he called me an abomination of a child, l used my eyes to strangle him without moving my appendages.

After this, my father and mother despised me and soon after my sisters did as well; Klara and Amelia. The news spread across the lands and before long,the Kingdom of Decresh and beyond became resentful of me. I was labeled, "the Devil's Mistress". I was treated like an outcast and l knew within me that l was. I knew that l wasn't normal and for that, l began to hate myself. At such tender age,I hated myself to the extent of harming myself just to feel something other than the pain and loneliness or nothing at all but instead, it made me numb and hard-boiled. Either way, l learnt to live with it and found pleasure in the pain. But Serena, she wouldn't give it up. She believed l was unique and was made for more. She had her ridiculous theories and ideologies.

She never gave me that look of disgust or maybe it was all a pretense, maybe she was scared that I'd hurt her, l wouldn't blame her if she was. l was scared of my abilities as well but all l wanted from her was her resentment. If she showed me that, then I'd be at ease knowing l wouldn't be able to hurt her even if she stuck around. But l knew that wish wouldn't come true as Serena was known for her stubbornness and a part of me actually liked it, knowing at least someone didn't abhor me.

We were walking down the hall when some maidens passed and greeted us timidly, "M-My Ladies". I knew the reason for that and I was sure as hell Serena did too, who wouldn't be scared living with a curse?

Serena came to a halt and snapped her fingers knowing l was lost in my thoughts "Since when do you care about what some proletariat maidens have to say or do?"

"I don't." I said as l walked towards my chambers and reached for the door knob.

"At least join us for dinner tonight, father's request" she said placing an arm on my wrist with a pleading expression.

Briskly, l pulled my arm away.

"Sorry. No touch."

"And since when does Pierre invite me for dinner? If he still has plans for that witch casting torment of his then he should know l have no interest and he can't make me."

Serena sighs."No witch casting, Alora. It's been years since we've had dinner and finally father wants to honor that. Give him a chance."

"Give him a chance?" I scoffed nearly giving off an expression. "He lost his chance when he starved and tortured me in that cell."

She held a dejected look before turning her back to take her leave "It's not an offer, it's an order. He'll use force if you insist on declining his peaceful attempt at dinner and..." She glared at me with her side eye taking a quick glance at the rumpled black shorts and white top l had on. "Change into something more appropriate." With that, she left.

I opened my door and walked through, closing it behind as l still thought of logical reasons why Pierre wanted me over at dinner. With him, it was nothing good.

I was interrupted by the scent of cinnamon that slid into my nostrils as l lurked around my room noticing that it was neatly organized and the chandeliers that hung above were now adorned with different ornaments that complimented the black walls and black sheets of the bed. Everything was adorned in dark colours, just the way l liked it. I walked towards the bathroom as I heard the sound of rushing waters echo through the room. I peeked through the slightly open door and saw a maid preparing a bath.

A frown ran across my face as l asked with an authoritative tone pushing the door wide open "Who let you in here?"

She stood up quickly, running her hands across her black and white apron with her head bent down as she spoke nervously, "I'm so sorry, My lady. The King asked me to prepare you a bath and get you ready for dinner so l thought I'd get started as soon you were out training in the fields".

Again, the king. I got infuriated at her words because they had to do with him, l knew Pierre had something planned but what was it? l didn't know. I stared at her intently, "Get me ready."

She nodded and proceeded to give me a bath. Minutes later, l was done with my bath and had slipped into a blue sleeveless fitted dress adorned with little petals. I sat in front of my mirror as the maiden placed heavy jewelries around my neck and wrist and then began to comb my hair. She combed it with a smile on her face, slowly and gently making sure not to get it tangled.

I noticed her smile from the reflection "Why the smile?" She smiled even more, "You're very beautiful, My Lady. You should wear dresses more often seeing as you have such a perfect body and good skin that compliments it." She said without an epitome of fear this time. I stared at her through the mirror "Mm, highly doubted. Next time, inform me before you set foot in my chambers." I said in a cold yet calm voice.

She nodded. "Make-up?"


She picked up my crown holding it above my head waiting for a response "May l?"

An expression of disgust appeared on my face. The maid notices and says, "King's orders."

Of course, Pierre's idea. After tonight, I'm done with his games and demands. "Put it on".

She places the crown on my head and l felt nothing but repugnance run through my veins. This crown, l hated it. It showed who l wasn't. "Leave."

She was headed for the door when l called her back, "Your name?"

"Nora, My lady." She smiled and left my chambers.

I sighed and got up from my chair as l looked into the mirror, taking a glance at myself. "And they call this perfection? Sickening." I loathed my body and looks, everything about me in general but people seemed to think otherwise. They're stupid, l thought.

I took in deep breaths and left my chambers and headed for the dining hall. I approached it and the guards welcomed me in, l strolled down and there they were. The people who were supposedly my family, looking at me like l was evil in the flesh except Serena who had a smile plastered on her face the whole time. I ignored the looks when l stumbled upon a few more. A king and queen with their son. The genes gave it off, they all looked evil and malicious. Then Pierre interrupted my thoughts.

"Alora! My little angel! Come, come, sit by my side." he said with a chary look.

I ignored his plea and went to sit on the opposite side of the table with Serena across. She was the only one I'd bear to see.

Serena smiled cheerfully she squinted her eyes towards me, "You look ravishing, Alora."

"More like hideous." Klara said as she smacked her lips. "Says the one princess who has an incurable acne spread across her face like the green of trees throughout the lands with a rather unfit size." I turned to look at her now, "Now, who's more of the beast?"

Klara growled angrily and turned towards Ylva whining like a child "Mommy! Are you going to let her taunt me like that!?"

"You are quite fat, Klara. Work on it but still, no child of mine will be disrespected in such manner by an obscenity." She glared over at me with distasteful eyes.

Pierre interrupted before I could respond, "Now now, let's all be nice and calm. Alora here is joining us for dinner tonight for the first time in a few years, we should welcome her with open arms. Isn't that right,darling?" He said as he gestured his hands towards me with a sheepish smile.

Few years?? I've been ridden of my eligibility to have dinner with them since l was 8. God, l hated this man. "Will you keep talking or will you get down to business on why I'm here?"

Pierre withdrew his hands and faked a smile yet again, this time turning his gaze towards the guests we had at the table who seemed to enjoy our family's drama. Who wouldn't? This family is a circus.

Pierre cleared his throat and rose from his seat with a glass of wine in his left hand and a stainless spoon on his right clinking it against the glass, "Today, we are honored to have the royal family of Luminor, The Harrisons, here with us. We are glad to have you here on such short notice."

"We are glad to be here, Pierre." Said King Harrison

They'd better get on with this or I'll end it myself,l thought. The servants approached us with several mouth-watering meals and placed them on the dining table as a separate servant served each one of us.

"Are you blind!?" Lydia shouted as she slapped the maid that was serving her.

The maid withdrew herself and placed her palm on her cheeks as she bent her head down with teary eyes, "I'm sorry, my lady, it was an honest mistake."

I looked over at the scene and rolled my eyes, "Did you really have to show that you're a brat? A seed of pea fell on your dress, not the whole meal. Your exaggeration never ceases to amaze me."

"Shut up, bitch"

"Language, Lydia!" Serena said slightly furious at Lydia's actions. She had made an unnecessary scene. She ordered the maid to leave. "Behave", she told Lydia. Lydia bent her head and picked at her food quietly, in shame.

Everyone began devouring their meals but l just watched mine sit there untouched and losing heat. I was watching my eating routine even though Serena says I'm not overweight. l believe otherwise.

I stared around before my gaze met his. King Harrison's son. I wasn't surprised. All males fell lost before my appearance, being captivated by my looks but for some reason l found his more irritating than others. I wanted to poke his eyes out with my fork and feed them to the crows because his stare was rather intoxicating than enjoyable. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." I said curtly

He let his lips form a smirk and licked them, "Why bother, I'll have you for a lifetime." he said as his gaze moved down to my cleavage.

I caught his gaze and l felt exasperated. The nerve and manners of this man. "Pierre, tell your little guest that l don't hold back with men who can't handle their urges."

Pierre laughed maniacally. "You'll have to live peacefully with this one buttercup, because you're getting married to him."