

It’s a world of dualism, the dominion of two opposing principles, one of which is good and the other evil. It all started when Lucifer Morningstar, the god of hell took an interest in Nyx, the goddess of night. An error so great but the Devil isn’t tamed. On a cold night when Erebus, Nyx's husband, was out at war, Lucifer, disguised as Erebus, paid a visit to Nyx and had a coitus with her. She only realized it was Lucifer after his disguise came off. She was filled with abhorrence towards him but later on, circumstances changed and they fell in love with each other. Soon after, she found out she was pregnant with Lucifer’s child. Chaos struck within the realms of supernatural beings until the Celestial Deity summoned all the gods of the realms. A Hybrid, called a “Lithian", had been created. It’s powers would exceed that of all gods and would rival that of the Celestial Deity. A decree was passed that the Lithian be killed. Nyx, with the heart of a mother, disagreed and pleaded alongside Lucifer for leniency. The Celestial Deity agreed out of curiosity and placed a curse on the child then he added that the child was to be sent to the Earth,the mortal realm, to live among the mortals(humans) without any protection from both parents and no knowledge of its origin. Afterwards, Nyx gave birth to a girl and named her Jophiel. The child was sent to Earth and lived among the mortals with the royal family of Decresh. Not knowing who or what she was, Alora bore the appearance of a human being, constituted of two irreducible elements - matter and spirit. This is the story of Brangwen...

VIKA · Fantasy
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11 Chs



Nyx crouched unseen in the darkness of the cellar. A goddess of her strength rarely needed to make physical appearances but this was her only daughter. For millennia, she had countless children with humans and gods alike but Alora had a different feel to it. A child with Lucifer Morningstar, of all odds. Alora seemed like a child of prophecy. A child born of dual natures of matter and spirit who had no place in the mortal realm but it was beyond her powers now. The Omnipotence had decided and regardless of how bitter she was about it, she had to create a place for her daughter.


By all thoughts and intents, Decresh's royal family was ordinary but extremely powerful, just what she needed.

Nyx had made certain they had no affiliation with the other gods before exchanging the King's new born son with her daughter at the cradle. The midwife opened her mouth to scream at the sight of Nyx but never made it that far. Nyx spread her arms and shadows burst forth, wrapping the midwife in darkness like swaddling clothes, putting her to sleep.

Then Nyx strode forward to the cradle and replaced the baby with hers. She stood over, lips moving "You're a daughter of night.." she whispered "You may forget yourself but you cannot loose your lineage ". A tear rolls down her right cheeks and drops on Alora's face, freckles appear, her mouth yawns open and begins to wail.

Historians say when the gods weep they relieve every mortal's death, amplifying their pain by a hundred percent. For Nyx a hundred percent was an understatement. For aeons, she had never felt love like the one she felt for her daughter in that moment.

She kissed her daughter goodbye on the forehead and walked towards Ylva who slept peacefully by the side and whispered once more " She is to be called "Alora". Hence, she took the King's son and vanished.