

Book Link : https://www.webnovel.com/book/eternal-conquest-the-endless-pursuit-of-immortality-and-death_28871727300497505 "Apologies to everyone for the unresolved technical issue. Therefore, I will be reuploading this book under a new name and with a slight twist in the story as a gesture of apology. New Title: "Eternal Conquest: The Endless Pursuit of Immortality and Death" The chapters are already serialized in the aforementioned book, so please continue from, the above book You can locate it within the original Works section of my author profile. If not showing in there yet, you can search it, by copy pasting the title. For new readers, I encourage you to explore the original book for a richer reading experience. This current version will remain available on the platform for a few days before it is removed."

Vasudeva_AY · Ost
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25 Chs


Vivek's face displayed a faint smile as he stood before the radiant artifact.

"Finally, found it, but... this opening has made such a ruckus. It's highly possible everyone outside would have heard it, and if I'm not wrong, this glass cover should have an alarm system connected to it. If I take it off, an alarm will ring for sure."

He assessed the situation, realizing time was of the essence. The security guards would likely be mobilizing in response to the alarm triggered by the glass breakage.

"There's no other option; those guards would already be on the move. I should break it and take that thing out as soon as possible."

With a swift decision, he aimed at the edges of the glass and fired, shattering it without causing any harm to the precious artifact. True to his expectations, the alarm blared instantly, confirming his suspicions.

Vivek moved closer to the artifact, a pair of gloves in hand. As he prepared to secure the object, an unexpected defense mechanism was triggered. A needle swiftly protruded from the artifact, piercing his palms. Reacting swiftly, he withdrew his hand, a small puncture visible in his palm.

His blood, now on the artifact, initiated a mysterious process. The black lines etched on its surface became animated, absorbing the blood with an otherworldly hunger. In a matter of moments, the previously dark lines were filled with his blood, leaving no trace of their original color. The artifact seemed to pulsate with newfound vitality.

"I was informed that subject 1289 has retired. It doesn't seem so, but has become inexperienced for sure," a voice echoed from behind him.

In an instant, Vivek's instincts kicked in. He grabbed the artifact and swiftly turned to face the source of the voice. There, amidst a crowd, stood a man with a protruding belly, his gun pointed directly at Vivek.

Caught in a precarious position, Vivek assessed his surroundings. The room offered no escape routes, and the lone exit was effectively blocked by the man with the gun.

As the tension escalated, Vivek felt a sudden surge of disorientation. The artifact in his hands began to radiate an intense, blinding light. Its brilliance illuminated the entire ship, its luminosity reaching an otherworldly magnitude as if attempting to pierce the heavens themselves. The radiant glow forced everyone in the vicinity to close their eyes, enveloping the entire ship in the mesmerizing radiance of the artifact.

When Vivek opened his eyes, he found himself surrounded by complete darkness. The only illumination emanated from his own body, emitting a soft, radiant glow in the obsidian void.

Suddenly, the rhythmic sound of applause echoed around him. CLAP CLAP. A voice resonated with jubilation, expressing delight at the arrival of someone after many years.

Vivek, perplexed, turned to search for the source of the voice, but the darkness held no answers. Out of nowhere, a new light manifested in front of him. This light, though potent, exuded a much more serene radiance compared to the intense brilliance of the artifact.

"Who are you, and where am I?" Vivek questioned, rubbing his eyes.

"Despicable! Have you forgotten your manners after all these years? Kowtow to me, and I shall grant you the knowledge of moon's descends," the voice commanded from the light source.

"Hey mister, first, I don't even know you, and second, I kowtow to none."

"Hahaa, arrogance! Hahaa, like me back then. You are definitely one of my descendants."

"Descendant?" Vivek questioned, a puzzled look on his face.

"Yes, I am Vrishini Yaduvanshi. I once was the great overlord of this continent you are standing on."

"So?" Vivek said, raising an eyebrow.

"SO, kowtow to me, accepting this lineage of mine. You will be the next head of the Vrishini family branch," the voice declared dramatically, attempting to assert its authority.

"What is that ?" 

The voice grew louder and angrier at the end, with sudden heat waves blowing from the source. "What is that?"

"Are you from an ancient era or what? Haven't you heard of the mighty clan of Yaduvansh? And Vrishini is... Wait, if you are my descendant, why don't you know about Yaduvansh? Who are you?" The voice echoed with immense anger, and sudden heat waves blew from the source.

"First of all, stop speaking; you talk a lot. Secondly, there is no clan like Yaduvansh now. We have a proper government and system. The mighty kingdom you are talking about no longer exists. And if I am not wrong, Yaduvanshi will be Yadavs of the current time, and there is no kingdom of Yadavs now, from which I can conclude that you are the one from ancient times, not me. As for me, I am an orphan. I don't know who my parents were, so I can't say if I am your descendant," Vivek replied in a calm tone.

The voice became silent, and the source no longer diffused heat waves.

Vivek continued, taking advantage of the situation, "Mr. Vrishini, that means you are no longer any overlord. From what I can guess from mythology, Yadavs were in power around four to five thousand years ago, so probably only a few of your descendants will be left today."

"No, that can't be. It can't be, four to five thousand years, impossible. I will check it myself," the light moved towards Vivek's forehead and entered it. All of Vivek's memories from his birth till today flashed in front of his eyes.

The room shifted, and Vivek sensed an ethereal force lifting him into the air. "Cease this! Stop it! Those memories, no!" His eyes blazed with an intense red hue, and streams of tears cascaded down from the corners of his eyes.

As the luminous source emanated from his body, Vivek regarded it with a perplexed expression, resembling a drenched cat in the rain.

"<sigh >, You are undeniably my descendant. The very essence coursing through your veins is the irrefutable proof, and you speak the truth," the voice resonated.

From the radiant glow emerged a formidable figure adorned in battle-ready armor, featuring flowing white hair and a cascading beard. With his back turned to Vivek, an aura of ancient power enveloped the mysterious figure.

"Son, I can fathom the agony carried within those memories. To possess such resilience at your age speaks volumes. Perhaps, even I wouldn't withstand such a torrent of emotions. You are undoubtedly worthy of this lineage of mine," he declared with a commanding yet comforting resonance.

"Whether my clan persists in the present or not, the establishment of this blood pact with you holds significance. I comprehend the rationale behind it, and it appears destiny has orchestrated your arrival. The pact holds no value to anyone else without your willing acceptance."

Vivek's countenance registered shock, an emotion he had never experienced in such intensity. His initial suspicion that this might be a trap orchestrated by the guards dissolved in the face of this surreal revelation. Reality had shattered his preconceived notions, leaving him in a bewildered state. The unfolding events defied all logical explanations, and he grappled with the extraordinary nature of this unforeseen turn of events.

"What is this place? Am I dead?" Vivek questioned with his usual expressionless demeanor.

"You are not that perceptive after all. This is what you call the artifact, but it is known as The Astralsplendor, literally meaning the boon of the moon deity. And now..." The old man's words trailed off as the entire scenery transformed.

In an instant, they found themselves standing on a sea, with white clouds above them. There was no sun, but the radiant blue sky emitted an unparalleled light, creating a mesmerizing sight.

"Now, we are in your sea of consciousness. It's all empty because you never practiced any spiritual methods. The only thing left now is the spiritual connection between you and the Astralsplendor."

Vivek remained in a state of awe, lying above the sea. The old man turned towards him and asked, "Would you accept this lineage of mine, so that my family branch never dies?"

Vivek stood up, glancing around him with a thoughtful expression. "How is this possible? Am I under some kind of simulation? No, it's not possible for these guards or even their boss to actually have simulation technology. If I accept, will there be any consequences?" Vivek was an exceedingly cautious person, never making a decision without thoroughly examining all aspects of the situation. His approach was deliberate, meticulously considering every angle before taking any steps. This cautious nature was ingrained in him, ensuring that every move he made was calculated and well thought out.

"If you are from Yaduvansh, how am I able to talk to you? You should have been gone long ago," he questioned straightforwardly.

"Haha, the technology today has really degraded from ancient times. In your words, I can be called a program designed for guiding, the inheritance to the destined person. In our sense, I can be referred to as a will. I have some behaviors and habits similar to my main body, but my purpose is to guide the descendants to the inheritance. I know you are thinking about the consequences, but believe me, there are none. So, what is your answer?"

"Okay, I will accept it, but I have a condition," Vivek declared, and the old man's face lit up.

"You want to get rid of those trash outside, right?" the old man said, smirking.

"After getting the inheritance from Astralsplendor, you yourself can finish them, even without my help."

"Are you reading my mind?" Vivek said, narrowing his eyes.

"Of course not. But it's your thoughts that keep coming to my mind, and I can't do anything about that," the old man spoke with a wistful expression, his features softening into a puppy face.

The old man went a few steps back. "Now, kowtow to me three times and say, 'I accept this boon from the moon deity.'" He exaggerated the gesture, making it seem like a royal command.

Vivek crossed his arms, raising an eyebrow. "Kowtow? Really? In this modern era?" He glanced around, as if expecting someone to pop up and validate the absurdity of the request.

The old man maintained his comical pose. "It's tradition, my boy. We don't go out of style."

Vivek sighed, shaking his head in amusement. "Fine, fine. If it makes you happy." He knelt down, bowing his head three times, each time accompanied by a theatrical "I accept this boon from the moon deity."

The old man clapped his hands in delight. "Good! Now, let the moon deity's legacy unfold!"

Vivek kowtowed for the third time and uttered those words, and his sea of consciousness became turbulent. A cascade of information flooded his mind, forming a towering mental mountain that left him feeling dizzy. The sheer volume of knowledge, facts, and details overwhelmed him, each piece adding to the height of the mental peak. As the mountain of information grew, his thoughts became a swirling tempest, causing a momentary disorientation that left him grappling with the vastness of what he had absorbed.

"Now the connection with the spirit shall commence," said the old man while looking at the vast blue sky.

Vivek's soul started connecting with the spirit of Astralsplendor. He felt an indescribable pain from inside his body, as his soul tore apart to make space for the spirit of Astralsplendor. He had gone through multiple tortures, sufferings, and even the worst simulations, but this pain was a thousand times stronger than anything he had felt before. The pain was there, but the source of the pain was not identifiable. In this condition, Vivek would have gone unconscious over a hundred times, but something was keeping him conscious. His body lifted into the air and then fell over the sea.

Soon a pleasurable sensation embraced Vivek. The pleasurable sensations that embraced Vivek were beyond anything he had ever experienced. It was as if he had ascended to a celestial realm, surrounded by the euphoria of divine pleasures, exquisite feasts, and enchanting beauty.

Gradually returning to consciousness in the sea of ethereal bliss, Vivek questioned, "Is it done now?"

A resounding echo of celestial laughter responded, "Yes, from this moment forth, the vast repository of knowledge and skills within Astralsplendor is now yours to wield. I shall take my rest, so disturb me not."

"And what about aiding me? I feel as though an hour has elapsed; I could be outside by now," Vivek inquired.

Amidst the celestial symphony, the voice replied, "Hahaha, my dear descendant, not even a solitary second has unfolded in the world beyond. Allow me to offer counsel – while the radiant glow of Astralsplendor envelops you, time outside is at a standstill. Seize the moment without relying on your firearms. Your body, now harmonized with Astralsplendor, will move as if guided by the cosmos. Unbeknownst to you, your soul has already forged an unbreakable connection. Even across a hundred lifetimes, your knowledge of this existence and Astralsplendor shall remain an enduring monolith."

Vivek, grappling with the consequences, exclaimed, "Why were these truths concealed until now?" Yet, his protests dissolved into the astral currents as the enigmatic figure had already vanished.

Vivek returned to the tangible world, the radiant glow of Astralsplendor still emanating, now gentle and soothing. "Can I really trust that old rascal? I should eliminate them while I still have the chance," he contemplated.

Swiftly, he withdrew his guns from his back, aiming directly at the rotund man and his accompanying entourage. Shots rang out, and as the magazines emptied, six adversaries remained. Agilely, Vivek leaped behind a sturdy metal table, bullets from the guards' weapons mercilessly pounding against its surface.

"Why resist? Trust your instincts, let your body move," the enigmatic voice resonated within him.

"You're meddling in my thoughts," Vivek retorted.

"Indeed, for I cannot forsake my descendant."

Utilizing a shard of glass from the shattered floor, Vivek cautiously surveyed the guards' positions through reflected images. "Damn, they've taken cover behind the walls."

Suddenly, a barrage of gunfire erupted from outside, directed toward Vivek's location. Upon reassessment, he discovered that all the guards lay lifeless, with three figures—two girls and a boy—standing at the entrance.

"Excellent work, all of you," Vivek commended, though his expression remained stoic.

The trio, elated but cautious, acknowledged his words. "Let's return," Vivek proposed.

As they turned to proceed, Vivek approached them swiftly, rendering them unconscious with a deft strike.

"You're ruthless, even to your juniors," remarked the voice within him.

"Let's go. I'll return this artifact once I ensure my family's safety," Vivek declared, exiting the ship without sparing a glance at the incapacitated trio.