

Book Link : https://www.webnovel.com/book/eternal-conquest-the-endless-pursuit-of-immortality-and-death_28871727300497505 "Apologies to everyone for the unresolved technical issue. Therefore, I will be reuploading this book under a new name and with a slight twist in the story as a gesture of apology. New Title: "Eternal Conquest: The Endless Pursuit of Immortality and Death" The chapters are already serialized in the aforementioned book, so please continue from, the above book You can locate it within the original Works section of my author profile. If not showing in there yet, you can search it, by copy pasting the title. For new readers, I encourage you to explore the original book for a richer reading experience. This current version will remain available on the platform for a few days before it is removed."

Vasudeva_AY · Eastern
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25 Chs


NOTE : This will be the last prologue , after this the very first arc "Bloodline Arc" will commence

As Vivek exited the ship, he felt a newfound sense of power and knowledge coursing through him. The Astralsplendor in his hands had ceased glowing, but its effects lingered. The ship's interior was eerily quiet, the aftermath of the chaotic events that had unfolded.

The guards outside, now lifeless, bore witness to the consequences of crossing paths with Vivek. He moved confidently, his every step reflecting the assurance of a man who had undergone a transformative experience.

The cityscape outside the ship seemed different, as if Vivek now viewed it through a lens of heightened perception. His senses felt sharper, and the world appeared more vivid. Vivek made his way to the rendezvous point.

As he walked through the shadows, a voice echoed in his mind, "You have the knowledge and strength of generations within you. Wield it wisely, for the Astralsplendor is now a part of your essence."

The old man's voice resonated once more, "You now bear the responsibility of a legacy that transcends time."

He ventured into the night, the city's lights flickering like distant stars. Vivek, with the Astralsplendor in hand, carried an ancient lineage that had unexpectedly found its way to the present. The journey ahead was uncertain, but Vivek's path was now illuminated by the celestial boon bestowed upon him.

Vivek continued down the road, resembling a wandering nomad. Purposefully, he had left his smartphone behind to avoid any disruptions during the mission.

Spotting a taxi parked on the other side of the road near a building, he crossed over to reach it.

"To the central station, are you available?" he inquired of the driver, a man in his fifties sipping coffee on the trunk.

"A hundred bucks," the driver replied, his voice gruff from years of experience.

Having already disposed of his bulletproof vest and weapons in an alley he had traversed earlier, Vivek now sought to use the driver's phone.

"Can I borrow your phone?" he asked, extending his hands.

The driver stood and moved to the other side, handing over his phone with a cautious glance. "I won't run," Vivek assured him with a forced smile, lacking sincerity.

Taking the phone, Vivek marked a location on Doodle Maps. "How much for this ride? I'm willing to book the taxi."

The driver's eyes widened, displaying a mix of emotions that resembled a person practicing Kathakali – a blend of anger, frustration, confusion, and shock. He drew closer to Vivek, as if trying to detect any signs of intoxication.

"Are you serious?" he questioned, scrutinizing Vivek closely.

"I will pay you triple the amount," Vivek replied promptly, without a hint of hesitation.

The driver's expression transformed, eyes half-closed, head tilted to one side – a mix of skepticism and calculation. "Do you know what the price is? It's three bucks per kilometer, which means more than three thousand bucks, around nine thousand for you," he explained, his body language exuding a sense of bargaining.

"I will pay you ten. Is that enough?" Vivek matched the driver's actions, observing his reactions.

The driver contemplated for a few seconds, studying Vivek from head to toe. Finally, a change came over him. His demeanor shifted entirely as he clasped his hands together, slightly bowed, and offered a beaming smile. "Please, sir," he gestured toward the open taxi door, "make yourself comfortable, great sir."

As Vivek prepared to settle into the seat, the driver, in a sudden burst of energy, retrieved an ancient cloth and meticulously dusted off the seats, as if preparing a throne for royalty.

"Now, sir, please," the driver declared with a flourish, gesturing toward the freshly cleaned seat as though unveiling a masterpiece.

Vivek assumed his position in the back, adopting a regal posture, legs stretched out, and head elegantly resting near the window. The taxi's engine roared to life, commencing its journey with a theatrical flourish.

In the embrace of midnight's quiet, the streets outside bore an eerie resemblance to a forgotten graveyard, illuminated only by the ethereal glow of streetlights. The taxi glided through the lonely road, a silent vessel navigating the expansive ocean of the night.

"Sir, indulge in a nap. By evening, we shall reach our destination, with leisure breaks interspersed," the driver proposed, his eyes unwavering on the road like a seasoned captain steering a ship through uncharted waters.

Vivek reclined, his eyes fixed on the nocturnal landscape outside the window near his legs. The clock ticked away the seconds, and the taxi traversed the silent streets like a chariot carrying an enigmatic passenger through the realm of shadows.

At one point, the driver broke the enchanting silence, "Sir, might I interest you in some music? I have an exquisite collection of music disks and access to FM," he offered, eagerly awaiting a response, yet receiving only silence in return.

The hours flowed like a surreal dream, with the driver engaging in a monologue that seemed to transcend time, weaving tales to an audience of one.

Vivek, now seated next to the driver in a more companionable manner, remarked, "You mentioned reaching by evening; well, it is evening already."

With an amiable smile, the driver responded, "We're almost there, just a mere three or four kilometers left." The formality that had defined their earlier interaction had given way to a more congenial tone.

A brief five minutes later, the taxi came to a halt in front of Vivek's residence. As he exited the vehicle and approached the door, Mira emerged, though her expression betrayed no joy. Instead, her eyes narrowed, and her lips formed a tight line, an enigmatic mix of emotions etched on her face.

"Mira, I forgot my wallet, can you..."

Before Vivek could finish his sentence, Mira briskly approached the driver, brandishing a debit card in her hand. Each step she took conveyed a silent but palpable anger that she struggled to express in words. The card flashed in front of the driver, who swiftly produced the transaction machine. Mira, her frustration evident, swiftly swiped her card and entered the pin without paying much attention to the amount. Without a word, she returned indoors, leaving Vivek with an unspoken tension in the air.

The driver, sensing the charged atmosphere, gave Vivek a supportive thumbs up, silently wishing him luck. Vivek returned the gesture, acknowledging the unspoken camaraderie between them.

The taxi departed, leaving Vivek to enter his house. He made his way to the sofa and settled in comfortably.

"Mira, chai," he called out loudly, expecting a response. However, there was only silence. He called her name again, glancing toward the kitchen, but it was empty.

"<sigh > She's angry with you, don't you understand that?" The old man's voice echoed in Vivek's head.

"What did I do? I even pasted that note on the fridge so she would know. What is there to be angry about?" he said in a nonchalant tone, seemingly unfazed.

In the midst of the domestic drama, the old man's voice echoed in Vivek's head, "From what I can see, the situation can become worse if you don't apologize to her in five minutes."

Vivek was dumbfounded for a few seconds, then hastily started looking for Mira throughout the house. "I should've paid more attention during Relationship 101," he muttered under his breath.

"Go to the terrace; in such situations, women tend to choose such locations," the voice in his head suggested.

"Why do I feel like you know more about women than women themselves?" Vivek retorted with a smirk. The old man didn't reply, but Vivek could sense a smug satisfaction in the silence.

Vivek, rolling his eyes, muttered, "Great, now I have a relationship advisor in my head."

As he reached the terrace, he found Mira standing there, still wearing the expression that could freeze time. "You know," Vivek began, "I have this wise old man in my head who claims to be an expert in women's moods."

But no reply came from her side.

"Mira...." Vivek paused.

She turned her body a little towards Vivek, her eyes filled with tears, lips pressed together. Both of her cheeks were as red as tomatoes, and her nose had a slight pink tint. The descending sun cast its warm light upon her straight hair, turning them into a golden cascade. She was adorned in a white gown with a pink top, both her hands delicately placed in front of her waist. In that moment, she was a vision of unparalleled beauty.

She looked at him , there eyes met each other as if one was asking multiple questions to the other , she caressed the hair in front of her face and moved it beside her ears.

Vivek took a few steps closer, his eyes locked with Mira's, the intensity of the moment hanging in the air like a delicate fragrance. The rooftop was bathed in the warm hues of the setting sun, casting a glow on the scene.

He took a few steps further towards her while extending his hand , so she did but ,away from him , he withdrew his hands and again took few steps towards her.

"Mira, listen to me first, then..." Vivek paused, the words caught in his throat for a moment. His eyes reflected the sincerity of his emotions as he began to speak, the words pouring out like a heartfelt confession against the backdrop of the descending sun.

"You left without saying a word, and God knows where you've been for the last two days." As she spoke with a soft, melodic tone, it was evident that her voice carried not only love but also an underlying edge of anger and sadness.

"After meeting that man at the park, you started acting weirdly. You didn't even talk to me properly, not even to Aarav, and left suddenly with just sticking a note on the fridge." Mira's eyes were pools of emotion, mirroring the complex tapestry of feelings within her.

Vivek's expression softened, understanding the impact of his actions. "Mira, I never meant to cause you worry or pain. That man in the park, he's connected to something bigger, something I can't fully explain right now. I had to follow him, for everyone's safety, including ours."

Mira's gaze bore into his, a mix of concern and frustration. "You could have told me, Vivek. We're a team, remember? Keeping me in the dark, disappearing like that—it's not fair to any of us."

Vivek sighed, acknowledging her point. "You're right, Mira. I should have communicated better. But I need you to trust me. There are things happening, things I can't fully comprehend yet, but I promise I'm doing everything to keep us safe."

Vivek sighed and took a few steps closer to her. This time, she didn't move; she turned towards him, her voice a tapestry of emotions weaving threads of affection and frustration into every word. The warmth of her love painted the air, but, like a storm on the horizon, anger lurked in the undertones. As her eyes flickered downward in a momentary retreat, a quiet turbulence surfaced. The unspoken conflict played out in the silent language of her gaze, tracing a narrative that words alone couldn't capture. It was a symphony of emotions, each note played by the rise and fall of her voice, and every pause punctuated by the eloquence of her downcast eyes.

"I was worried about you. You even left your phone..." Her words caught in her throat as Vivek drew near, the air thick with unspoken emotions. He gently pulled her close, resting her head on his chest and held her hand. In that intimate silence, a cascade of feelings unfolded, love and vulnerability woven into the quiet embrace.

Vivek spoke softly, his words a reassurance against the canvas of their shared emotions. "I understand, Mira. I should have communicated better. But please, trust that everything I do is to keep you and Aarav safe. There's more to this than I can explain right now, but I promise, I'm with you, every step of the way."

Mira's grip on his hand tightened, a silent acknowledgment of the complex dance of emotions they were navigating together. The rooftop became a sanctuary of shared vulnerability, the descending sun casting a golden glow on the tapestry of their reunion.

"I know we've had our ups and downs, but every moment with you is a treasure. I can't imagine my life without you, and I don't want to. You're like the sun in my sky, brightening even the darkest days. I love you, Mira," Vivek confessed, his voice carrying the weight of his feelings.

Mira's eyes shimmered with a mixture of emotions. She listened intently, tears still lingering on the edge of her eyelashes. Vivek tightened his grip on her hand, as if trying to convey the depth of his emotions through that simple touch.

The sun continued its descent, casting a warm and intimate glow on the rooftop scene. Mira, overwhelmed by the sincerity in Vivek's words, finally spoke, her voice soft yet resolute.

"But , " Vivek pressed his finger against her lips, "I know you are worried about Aarav excepting you as his mom and about my feelings towards my ex wife , but I can ensure you that , that kid loves you like her own and for me, I have to move on , I can't stick with the past, for a person who left me and her only child for wealth " 

"Vivek, I..." She paused, her emotions momentarily getting the better of her. The two stood there, hand in hand, as the sun dipped below the horizon, marking the beginning of a new chapter in their story. 

Vivek moved both his hands to her face gently caressing her hair. 

Both of them looked towards each other intently. Mira's face was resting on Vivek's palms and Vivek spoke.

"Mira , I have known you for a long time and probably can't live without you. In my eyes , you and Aarav is the world I have."

"So, Miss Mira , would like to be Mrs. Mira Vivek" his voice carried depth of his emotions and his eyes , the sincerity towards her.

A broad smile appeared on her face that could make even the heavens blush. 

The moment she parted her lips to speak, a sudden, violent intrusion shattered the silence. A bullet, swift and merciless, tore through her temples, leaving devastation in its wake. Her skull yielded to the force, the gruesome trajectory completing its journey as it emerged on the other side. In an instant, words turned to silence, replaced by the harsh reality of a life abruptly extinguished.

Blood and brain matter erupted from her temples, gushing out like molten lava from a volcano. Her lifeless corpse crumpled, falling from Vivek's gentle embrace. He stood there frozen, still in the same position as if he were still holding her head, unable to comprehend the sudden and brutal end to the moment of joy. The world seemed to slow down, and the air thickened with the heavy weight of tragedy. The vibrant colors of the setting sun outside contrasted starkly with the gruesome scene playing out before Vivek's eyes. The tender smile on Mira's face turned into a haunting visage of eternal peace.

Disbelief was in his eyes. His mind struggled to grapple with the abrupt turn of events, a tempest of confusion and disbelief raging within. The swift and unexpected shifts had left his thoughts in disarray, like trying to grasp sand slipping through his fingers. In the chaos of the moment, the once-sturdy foundation of his understanding crumbled, and he found himself adrift in the tumultuous sea of uncertainty.

"<sigh > , Love definitely makes even the strongest of warriors weak" a voice with concern came from the door on the rooftop.

Vivek turned towards the door his eyes lifelessly looking at Riya who was standing with a gun pointed towards him , leaning her back on the wall near the door.

Vivek's body moved on his own with his expressionless face he looked like a corpse controlled by some spirit. He threw the astralsplendor towards Riya instantly beheading her.( Vivek's speed , strength, response time etc were now twice to that of his original). The astralsplendor made an arc and came back to Vivek.

"Why ?" he asked to Riya's corpse.

The rooftop now bore witness to a macabre dance, orchestrated by Vivek with the Astralsplendor as his deadly partner. The zipping sound marked the swift demise of Kabir, his head severed from his body without a moment's hesitation. Vivek, the puppet master in this tragic performance, manipulated the artifact with a casual flick of his finger.

The two girls, who had once stood beside him, now crumpled in a silent ballet of death. The Astralsplendor, a lethal extension of Vivek's will, pierced their hearts with ruthless precision. Their lifeless bodies tumbled over the railing, a haunting echo of the ruthless efficiency that had become Vivek's trademark.

The rooftop, once a stage for a declaration of love, now bore witness to a cruel and unrelenting retribution. The Astralsplendor, bathed in an ethereal glow, seemed to revel in the grotesque display, casting an otherworldly pallor over the unfolding tragedy. Vivek, caught in the throes of his own descent into darkness, stood amidst the carnage, a figure shrouded in the shadows of his own making.

The only thought in his mind now was of Aarav. As he pivoted towards the door, a chilling tableau unfolded before him – Aarav with a knife on his throat, lifted by his hair, captive in the vice-like grip of someone familiar. Recognition dawned, merging disbelief with a instinctive realization.

"Master?" Vivek uttered, his voice trembling with disbelief and confusion as he gazed upon the figure before him.

"He is like my grandson, You need not worry about him, He is in safe hands," the old man reassured, his words carrying an air of mysterious authority.

"Use the Astralsplendor," a commanding voice echoed relentlessly in Vivek's head. His body, however, remained frozen, every muscle seemingly paralyzed by the conflicting forces at play.

"There are more than fifty subjects outside and a dozen or so in the house. You can't escape, even if you kill me. And if I die, my grandson will follow me," the old man declared, his laughter ringing with maniacal certainty, echoing through the tense air.

"If you see him as your own, leave him, please," Vivek implored, his eyes locking with the old man's. Simultaneously, a subtle shift in control over the Astralsplendor occurred, a fraction of its power diverted.

"Old man Vrishini, control the artifact to end the lives of those down there and in the house," Vivek commanded the ancient will dwelling in his mind.

The will of the old man, akin to a spectral force, swiftly returned to the artifact, and with a gesture of deliberate intent, he cast it down over the railings. The golden glow of the Astralsplendor, now a celestial harbinger of doom, plummeted towards the unsuspecting subjects below.

"You want that, I threw it towards your people down there. Now leave my son," Vivek demanded, his voice carrying the weight of desperation and anger.

"Very well, that was one of the reasons why I came here; the other is..." The head's sentence trailed off as he swiftly slid open Aarav's throat and callously abandoned the young boy. Little Aarav clutched his neck, desperately trying to stem the blood flow, but his feeble attempts couldn't stave off the inevitable.

"The other reason is you, yourself," the head declared, a sinister smile playing on his lips as he looked towards Vivek.

The weight of loss settled upon Vivek's shoulders like a crushing boulder, leaving him utterly shattered. His once lively eyes, now dulled by an unbearable sorrow, betrayed the depths of his grief. Every step he took seemed to carry the burden of a thousand unspoken words, aching with the void left by his beloved son.

Vivek's body, now twice as strong as before, propelled him forward like a missile of vengeance. His eyes widened with fury, and his mouth clenched shut as he molded his fist, unleashing a powerful punch. However, the head deftly blocked each strike with the long knife, showcasing a strength and reaction speed that exceeded the boundaries of any simulation. The head's furrowed brows revealed his acknowledgment of Vivek's enhanced abilities.

Vivek's fists hammered the air with a relentless fury, each punch thrown with unbridled force that echoed the frustration and anger within. The sound of knuckles meeting an invisible adversary reverberated throughout, a rhythmic percussion of violence, and the knife broke.

Fueled by a surge of adrenaline, Vivek unleashed a powerful strike with all his might. His clenched fist collided with the head in a resounding impact that echoed through the air. The force behind the blow seemed to momentarily suspend time.

The head recoiled, and the momentary shock painted across the face was palpable. Jaws dislocated with an audible crack, a testament to the intensity of the strike. The immediate aftermath was a scene frozen in chaos, as if the laws of physics themselves were momentarily rewritten by the force of Vivek's blow.

Vivek stood there, chest heaving, his hand aching from the unleashed power. The air buzzed with tension, and the consequences of the strike hung heavy in the atmosphere. A mixture of anger, frustration, and desperation lingered, as the physical act mirrored the internal struggle within Vivek.

The head, now affected by the blow, seemed to embody the vulnerability of human resilience. Though the physical altercation had left a mark, the emotional scars ran deeper, etched in the exchange of violence that neither party could fully escape.

Seizing the broken knife, Vivek swiftly slid it across the head's throat. Blood splashed on his face as the head's lifeless body slumped, the source of torment finally silenced.

He picked up the lifeless bodies of his would-be wife and only son, cradling them in his arms as if trying to protect them from the harsh reality that had befallen them. The weight of the corpses mirrored the heaviness in his heart, a heaviness that threatened to consume him whole.

Descending the stairs with a slow, deliberate pace, Vivek moved through the home that once resonated with the laughter of a happy family. Now, it echoed with the haunting absence of cherished presence. Each room bore witness to the fragments of shattered dreams and unfulfilled promises, a cruel reminder of a life forever altered.

The lines etched on Vivek's face spoke volumes of sleepless nights haunted by memories that cut through the darkness like a relentless storm. His shoulders, once proud and strong, now slumped under the weight of an indescribable grief, a grief that transcended words.

In the solitary moments, Vivek found himself lost in the echoes of his son's laughter and his lover's face, a painful reminder of a time that now existed only in the recesses of memory. The emptiness in his gaze mirrored the void in his soul, as if a part of him had been irrevocably stolen by the cruel hands of fate.

The house, now filled with the remains of the deceased, bore witness to the chaotic aftermath. The astralsplendor floated in the air amidst the chaos, the essence of blood staining every corner of the once-happy home with corpses lying all around the house.

Vivek settled the lifeless bodies of his loved ones on the sofa next to the dining table, a silent testament to the tragedy that had befallen his family.

Vivek knelt beside the sofa, the weight of remorse heavy in his chest. The house echoed with the silence of his grief, and he struggled to find the words that could bridge the gap between the living and the departed.

"Sorry," he whispered, his voice barely audible against the stillness of the house. The syllables carried the weight of unspoken regrets, a plea for forgiveness that transcended the boundaries of life and death.

His hand trembled as he traced the faces of the deceased, a futile attempt to connect with the souls that had slipped away. "I'm sorry for the words left unsaid, for the moments we never shared," he confessed, his eyes glazed with tears that mirrored the raindrops beginning to fall outside.

With a heavy heart, Vivek stood up, the room now engulfed in the mournful symphony of raindrops against the windows. A profound sadness etched across his face as he walked towards the body a foot away, retrieving a gun.

"I've danced with despair, embraced the shadows that whispered in the corners of my soul. The echoes of agony have become the rhythm of my existence. In this house of shattered dreams, I've glimpsed the face of unrelenting grief, and now, I embark on a journey beyond the veils of reality. There's nothing left to bind me to this world, only the haunting memories etched in the walls. As I step into the unknown, I carry the weight of a broken heart and the echoes of a scream that time will never erase."

"There's nothing left for me in this world now," he declared, his voice a solemn whisper. A bittersweet smile played on his lips as he looked towards the lifeless figures around him, a final acknowledgment of the tragedy that had befallen his family. Vivek closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and pulled the trigger, leaving the echoes of his pain to mingle with the rain-soaked silence.

A loud roaring of thunder like that of a lion was heard in the sky as if the heavens were ready for judgement.

Vivek's soul separated from his body, a valiant lightning strike, like that of the thunderbolt of Zeus, penetrated through the roofs and struck Vivek's soul, destroying it bit by bit. The Astralsplendor became hyperactive and stood between the lightning and Vivek's soul.

"It was all my mistake, this Astralsplendor is a god-level artifact; its link with a human was too careless," the sound of the will resonated from the artifact as if it were gritting its teeth.

"The heavens would never agree to such a thing. If I am not wrong, all this tragedy was brought by heaven itself, but destroying its soul, it's too much."

The old man appeared again, emerging from the Astralsplendor. "Son, this planet will no longer accept you; you have to transmigrate," he said while looking at Vivek's soul.

"The only way to transmigrate now is to destroy the Astralsplendor with whatever is left of my spiritual energy and use its energy to create a portal."

A strong light enveloped Vivek's soul. "I hope you have a better life in another world." The old man's will smiled towards him.

The Astralsplendor protecting them broke into pieces, which shattered all around with a loud boom. The lightning fell on the old man's will, which was instantly turned into dust.

The lightning mercilessly fell upon Vivek's soul, damaging it completely. Suddenly, a portal materialized seemingly out of nowhere, a tear in the fabric of reality adorned with multiple ethereal lights. The colors danced and interwove, creating an otherworldly spectacle that defied the laws of the mundane. The portal pulsated with an energy that beckoned, a silent call to the lost soul.

As if guided by an invisible force, the remains of Vivek's soul gravitated towards the luminous gateway. Its movements were hesitant at first, a residue of the past clinging to the remnants of its former self. The lights from the portal cast a surreal glow upon the soul, illuminating the fractured edges of its ethereal existence and pulling it into the portal.







Hello readers, Vasudeva here , Vivek's tragedy of this life of his ends here.

I will meet you with him in another world.

Thank You for reading and Bye bye :)

Vasudeva_AYcreators' thoughts