

Book Link : https://www.webnovel.com/book/eternal-conquest-the-endless-pursuit-of-immortality-and-death_28871727300497505 "Apologies to everyone for the unresolved technical issue. Therefore, I will be reuploading this book under a new name and with a slight twist in the story as a gesture of apology. New Title: "Eternal Conquest: The Endless Pursuit of Immortality and Death" The chapters are already serialized in the aforementioned book, so please continue from, the above book You can locate it within the original Works section of my author profile. If not showing in there yet, you can search it, by copy pasting the title. For new readers, I encourage you to explore the original book for a richer reading experience. This current version will remain available on the platform for a few days before it is removed."

Vasudeva_AY · Eastern
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25 Chs


"Simulation is now complete. Subject was unconscious for nine hours and three minutes."

Seated on the surgical table, Vivek faced away from the screen, his disheveled hair adding an enigmatic allure. The doorway slid open, revealing the entrance to the passage. A figure entered through the passage, and a mesmerizing female voice resonated through Vivek's ears, "You look buffed now, Vivek."

He turned his gaze toward the approaching figure, and as she drew closer, her beauty became an ethereal spectacle. With a tall and commanding presence, she possessed a slender yet alluring body. Her facial features were chiseled to perfection, and her large, captivating eyes held a depth that seemed to unveil the secrets of the universe. Every step she took radiated an undeniable charm, as if she were a living embodiment of elegance and grace, standing before him like a goddess descended from celestial realms.

"I hope you remember me, mister."

"Riya, it's you! Long time no see." A smile of recognition lit up his face.

"Oh, is that so? I should be the one saying that. You were the one who left the org for that woman," she said in a sarcastic tone.

In LEVERAGE, every master could take up to seven subjects under him for training. Vivek's master, the head of LEVERAGE, took only three: Vivek, Riya, and David, for training under his personal guidance. Since his methods were unorthodox within LEVERAGE, these three were as close as siblings.

After listening to Riya's words, Vivek fell silent for a while. She noticed it and said, "Get these clothes on. I don't want you to go naked on the mission. After changing, come to Office no.17." She tossed a black tuxedo at him and left the basement.

After cleaning himself with his ragged clothes, he changed into the tuxedo, but his hair remained messy, attempting to tame it with his hands. After getting ready, he walked out of the basement, heading towards Office no.17, situated in the middle-left of the hall.

He knocked at the door, and a voice from inside the office said, "Come in."

Riya was sitting on a sofa next to a glass table, holding a cup of coffee.

"Hmm, you don't look bad in that," Riya commented, taking a sip.

"Yeah, but the suit feels snug," he replied.

"Don't worry about that. After you left, we worked on the serum and improved it further. Soon, your body will return to its original state, in around the next ten hours, and this muscle mass will reduce, increasing muscle density, which enhances the durability of the body."

"That's better; otherwise, it would have been a problem," Vivek acknowledged.

"Okay, now, you will be assigned to a new squad, with you as the leader and the other three subordinating you. Come in, you three," Riya declared with a commanding voice.

Two women and a man entered the office and stood near the table, all of them appearing rather young.

"They are Maira, Avni, and Kabir," she introduced them from left to right. "And he is Subject 1289," she directed her gaze towards Vivek. The three of them were in awe but tried to suppress their emotions.

For the subjects in LEVERAGE, the name Subject 1289 was more than a legend—it was an iconic figure, a renowned persona, a mythical character. They feared and respected him in all aspects. His name, Subject 1289, brought trepidation even to the hearts of these emotionless creatures. The air in the room seemed to carry an aura of reverence and fear at the mention of his designation.

"Aren't they too young for this mission?" Vivek asked with a puzzled face. He wasn't the kind of person to judge people by their looks, but the three of them were probably under twenty, making them appear too young for the mission.

"Don't go on the looks. They are this year's top geniuses. Each of them has completed eight purple tier missions on their own within fourteen months," she replied in an assertive voice.

"It's good for them," he said, looking at them with his expressionless face.

"Since the introductions are done, I will proceed with the briefings. According to known sources and informants, there are four transports with the possibility of carrying the artifact. Valid sources confirm that all these transports are ships on the western coasts of Bombay. The exact locations will be transferred to your watches. Our team will drop you as close as possible to the destination. Your mission is to collect the artifact and bring it back safely to us."

"Any questions?" she asked. The squad stood silent.

"Okay, then follow me," she stood up from the sofa and walked out of the room towards the minor hall. The squad trailed after her.

The receptionist's countenance transformed into an ashen hue upon witnessing Vivek's return. Her voice quivered as she nervously uttered, "Hello, how can I help you?"

Riya, maintaining an air of composed authority, responded, "Arrange a chopper."

The receptionist hesitated for a moment before stammering, "The only chopper available now is with LEVERAGE Corp., on the other side of the station."

For those unfamiliar with the clandestine machinations beneath LEVERAGE's exterior, it appeared as nothing more than a government-backed tech corporation. This carefully cultivated façade masked the organization's true nature and multifaceted operations.

"Okay, book it. What are you waiting for?" Riya's words cut through the air, laced with an assertiveness that brooked no delay.

The receptionist's fingers fumbled over the keyboard, but with a sense of urgency, she managed to complete the task. "It is done, move towards the right passage, please," she hurriedly directed her hands toward the right.

In the minor hall, the reception occupied the central space, flanked by two passages on the left and right sides. Each passage led to distinct openings within the station.

As they traversed the passage, they arrived at the backdoors of an ancient building. Before them stretched a path leading to the main road, surrounded by structures on either side, creating a narrow passage only wide enough for a single person. One by one, they maneuvered through this confined space until they emerged onto a bustling street.

It was nearly 4:30 pm, yet the sun hung high in the sky, casting relentless heat waves down onto the streets. The road ahead was split into two lanes, both teeming with traffic and surrounded by towering skyscrapers on all sides.

Seizing the advantage of the bustling traffic, they navigated through the crowded streets until they reached the imposing building adorned with the LEVERAGE CORP. banner.

The structure stood as a solitary giant among giants, a skyscraper adorned with blue mirrors and metallic covers.

Advancing towards the mirrored entrance, they swiftly ascended to the rooftop via a lift, scanning Riya's ID pen without sparing a glance for anything else.

Upon reaching the rooftop, an expansive space lay nearly deserted, save for a waiting chopper and its pilot standing beside it, marked by a giant 'H.'

They boarded the chopper, with Riya settling beside the pilot and the others taking seats further back. The chopper's blades whirred to life, lifting it off the ground in a circular motion that soon straightened into a stable ascent.

"You guys can relax a little now; it will take at least two hours to reach the port if everything goes smoothly," Riya assured them through their headphones.

"But remember, you have to complete the mission before the ship leaves the port, i.e., before ten at night."

"That means we only have three hours and some minutes at most," Kabir exclaimed with a surprised look.

"Yes, you have to, because as the ship leaves, helicopters for its defense will arrive, and escaping them would be nearly impossible," she replied, gazing out the window.

Vivek sat in silence, contemplating the cityscape through the window. "This is the world we inhabit. We toil for those who remain oblivious to our existence. But even if they were aware, no one would care. Nothing would change, except perhaps a newfound disdain for us – for what we are and what we do, killing people for our livelihood. I'm perplexed. Why did I take on this mission? Was it genuinely for my family's safety, or was there a latent desire within me?" Vivek pondered.

Amidst the complexities of his thoughts, Vivek wrestled with the duality of his nature. He might have distanced himself from his assassin's past for years, but the allure of the hunt, the thrill of the chase, still lingered within him, an unquenchable longing.


Two hours later,

"Oh no, we have been detected!" the pilot exclaimed in panic.

A small missile zoomed past the chopper, targeting its base and destroying crucial wiring.

"We have been attacked!" Safety alarms blared within the chopper.

"How bad is the situation?" Riya demanded.

"Wirings are destroyed, and the pressure is dropping. It can't sustain more than three people now," the pilot replied in a panic, his sweaty face betraying the severity of the situation.

Riya swiftly commanded, "Get your parachutes, everyone, and jump."

The chopper hovered above the coast, with the port just within reach. It flew over the waters near the port.

The squad of four quickly retrieved their parachutes, preparing for the imminent jump.

"Is everyone ready?" Riya paused.

"Yes," came a unified reply.

"Guns," Riya requested. Kabir loaded his gun, indicating they were ready.

"Vests?" "Covered it," Maira replied.

"Parachutes?" "Covered it," Avni replied.

"Good luck on your mission." The gates of the chopper opened on both sides.

"Jump!" One by one, each of them leaped out of the chopper from either side. The chopper continued ahead in the direction from where the missile was fired, creating a diversion.

The four of them released their parachutes a few meters above the water's surface and landed on the water, skillfully omitting their parachutes. By now, it was almost seven o'clock, and the sea water was chillingly cold. Despite the temperature, the four of them swam nearly a hundred meters and reached the shore near the port, panting heavily.

The port resembled a broad road, packed with cargo in the middle and two maritime transports on either side.

Elevated ten meters above the shore, the port had multiple ladders and tires on its sides. The squad climbed up using these aids and headed straight toward the cargo area in the middle.

Vivek analyzed, "There are almost fifteen guards near each ship, and not all of them are armed. We are in the area near low-valued cargoes, guards are only near the high-value ones—almost twenty in total. There are no hidden cameras; I have confirmed it using my sunglasses. There is a high possibility of completing the mission within one and a half hours, only if we strategize properly."

The three of them stood there in awe, their eyes wide with amazement. They were left speechless, stunned by Vivek's quick analysis and keen information-collecting abilities. The sheer brilliance of his deductions and the efficiency with which he processed information left them with a profound sense of respect. They thought in unison, "Legend, as they say." This was their first red-tier mission, and they hadn't seen anyone gather information so swiftly—Vivek's capabilities were nothing short of legendary.

"I've formulated a plan. Following it gives us a sixty percent chance of success within the given time," Vivek calmly declared.

Their expressions shifted from awe to disbelief. Collecting information in seconds and having a plan already were remarkable, but with a sixty percent success rate, it was a level of strategic brilliance that left them astounded. (For most missions, the success rate ranged from a mere 10% to 33%).

As the three of them moved closer to Vivek, he continued, "The plan is straightforward but risky. There are four ships. We each go into one alone. If a mistake happens by a teammate, the others act as a distraction on their respective ships, creating an opportunity for the one inside to escape. However, the distraction will only be performed if the ship is confirmed not to have the artifact. This will reduce the search area, and if someone gets caught before that, remember, we don't know them, and we will not help. Do you guys understand?"

Silence hung in the air, but it wasn't the stunned silence of admiration. Their faces betrayed a mix of disbelief and disagreement. The prospect of executing a high-risk, solo mission was enough to unsettle their confidence, and the idea of leaving a comrade behind clashed with their usual camaraderie. Yet, none dared to voice their concerns. The gravity of the situation had sunk in, and they found themselves teetering on the edge of their comfort zones.

Vivek took command, guiding each member of the squad. "You two," he motioned to the two girls, "Head towards those two ships," indicating to his right. Both reluctantly descended the port towards the ships, using the extended anchor to climb up. Inside, the absence of guards lowered the chances of finding the artifact on these ships.

Turning to Kabir, Vivek ordered, "Hey, you. Move to the left ship up ahead."

"But there are more guards, including those near the cargo. There must be almost thirty-five guards," Kabir expressed his hesitation.

"Do as I say," Vivek's authoritative tone allowed no room for debate.

Kabir navigated through the lower cargo to the more valuable sections. The number of guards increased as he progressed. Despite Kabir's experience, facing soldiers and assassins in challenging missions, the term 'red-tier' cast an intimidating shadow. It wasn't fear of such situations that unsettled him, but the psychological impact of the high-risk nature and the risky plan, coupled with his age, left him nervously contemplating the significant life risk involved.

As Kabir moved towards the ship, he couldn't shake the feeling that real-life missions were vastly different from training. The weight of the mission and the unpredictability of every move made the experience far more intense than any simulated scenario for a red tier mission.

Caught in his nervousness, Kabir fumbled and accidentally dropped his gun onto the ground. The muted sound of the impact didn't draw immediate attention, but Kabir's panic escalated. While hurriedly reaching down to retrieve his firearm, he unintentionally pressed the trigger, resulting in an unexpected discharge. The fired bullet struck a guard positioned near the ship he was approaching, creating an unintended commotion.


Vivek was poised to advance toward the last ship when the abrupt sound of gunfire echoed through the port. Swiveling around, he witnessed Kabir cowering behind a cargo, trembling in fear as guards fired warning shots into the sky. Sensing the chaos unfolding, the two girls emerged on the decks of their respective ships, glancing back at Vivek, who simply crossed his arms—a customary LEVERAGE signal indicating inaction while everyone focuses on their assigned tasks.

Observing the girls' withdrawal, Vivek clenched his fists in frustration. "These kids are refusing to follow the plan I clearly laid out for them. Idiots."

The gunfire from the two ships became a distracting symphony, diverting the attention of guards in the cargo area. However, the guards around the ship where Kabir was heading remained inexplicably undisturbed.

"Why haven't these guards reacted? Something doesn't add up," Vivek muttered to himself as he moved towards Kabir. Retrieving Kabir's dropped gun, he stealthily ascended to the higher cargoes, positioning himself behind one of the colossal crates. Taking aim at three guards standing in a row, Vivek focused on the nearest one, targeting the temple. Without hesitation, he squeezed the trigger, initiating a precise and deadly shot.

The bullet sailed with deadly precision, penetrating the skulls of the guards in a swift succession. Brain matter sprayed in a grotesque display as the trio crumpled onto each other, lifeless. Vivek, unfazed by the graphic aftermath, had executed a triple kill with a single shot—swift and efficient.

The remaining guards, now on high alert, were too slow to respond. A hail of bullets erupted from Vivek's position, taking down ten more guards in rapid succession.

"When on the hunt, the prey's fear becomes the greatest weapon," Vivek mused as he effortlessly eliminated the guards.

The remaining guards, now standing in the aftermath of the sudden onslaught, began to realize the severity of their predicament. Vivek, unfazed and lethal, had quickly become their worst nightmare. As their eyes darted to Vivek's vest, reading the ominous inscription—"Subject 1.. 2.. 8.. 9.."—a chilling wave of terror swept through them.

Their weapons slipped from their trembling hands, and they sank to their knees on the cold, unforgiving ground. The fear etched on their faces deepened, mirroring the silent acknowledgement that they were dealing with Subject 1289—the legendary, the infamous, the Slaughter King.

Vivek, exploiting the psychological advantage he held over the guards, didn't hesitate. He moved with precision, and the staccato rhythm of gunfire marked the end for the two guards who had dared to stand in his way. Their eyes, now vacant and lifeless, reflected the terror that Subject 1289 had instilled in their very souls.

With the immediate threats silenced and the port echoing with the fading echoes of gunshots, Vivek resumed his quest aboard the ship, his eyes still piercing through the cargo with the aid of the X-ray vision in his sunglasses. The hunt for the artifact pressed on, surrounded by an aura of dread and fear.

As Vivek systematically moved through the labyrinth of cargo sections, the frustration within him began to simmer. His initial efficiency had encountered a formidable adversary—the sheer magnitude of the ship's cargo space. Each section presented a new challenge, with countless items stacked, complicating his quest for the elusive artifact.

His X-ray vision, a reliable ally until now, faltered as he descended into the ship's lower regions. The air grew dense with an aura of mystery, making him acutely aware of the oddity surrounding the absence of guards. His penetrating gaze couldn't pierce through the layers, leaving him to confront the challenge with sheer physical search.

"There's no way to pinpoint the artifact. Why is there no security here? Is this a setup or just a bizarre coincidence?" Vivek muttered to himself.

The relentless passage through section after section, hour after hour, began to take its toll. The fire in his eyes turned into a smoldering frustration as the vastness of the task at hand became apparent. Vivek, unaccustomed to the limitations imposed by time and circumstance, found himself cornered by the daunting reality of the ship's sheer enormity.

Vivek couldn't contain his frustration, and with a burst of rage, he slammed his fist into the nearby metal table. The impact was so intense that it left a profound dent, showcasing the enhanced strength he now possessed. The room echoed with the monstrous sound of metal against metal, reflecting the turmoil within him.

In the aftermath of his outburst, half of the table unexpectedly started to move, including the portion he had punched. The room seemed to respond to his unparalleled strength, as if recognizing the sheer force he wielded. Stepping back in surprise, he witnessed a portion of the wall sliding open with a resounding noise that reverberated throughout the ship.

A hidden room, painted in a sleek grey metal hue, was revealed. The lights encircling the space focused their attention on a white metallic table situated in the middle. On the table, two holders cradled a remarkable golden object, around nine inches in length. It had a distinctive design, featuring thick and thin golden rings with intricate carvings, along with Sanskrit text etched on the surface. Black vessel-like linings adorned it, suggesting a receptacle for a mysterious fluid.

The artifact, protected by a cuboidal glass cover connected to the table, radiated an aura that transcended the mundane. It bore the ethereal touch of divinity, as if a relic plucked from the heavens themselves. Vivek, in a rare moment of silent awe, found himself captivated by the sheer magnificence of the object before him. The glass enclosure rendered the artifact sacred, untouched by the ordinary world.

In the face of such profound beauty and mystery, Vivek, the seasoned assassin, stood silenced. He swallowed hard, his eyes reflecting a mix of reverence and disbelief. This was more than a mission; it was an encounter with the extraordinary. The artifact possessed a spiritual gravity, a divine allure that transcended the boundaries of the material world.

"This... This is the artifact," he whispered, his voice carrying a tone of profound realization. The weight of the moment hung heavy in the air as Vivek grappled with the enormity of what lay before him.




Hello reader , Vasudeva here, I hope you like this chapter as well , thank you for supporting the book from so early on.

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Thank You for reading , Bye bye :)

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