
Bleach: From You to Me

The year is ~900 A.D., social upheaval and tensions rise within Soul Society as souls battle for their right to live with dignity. Some die in the human world, being thrown into the deep end as they navigate life after death. Some are born as souls, knowing only the brutal, poverty-stricken nature of their 'Paradise'. In this shallow world, ambitions fester into obsessions. Souls break down and begin anew, forging themselves into Shinigami. Those who rule over life and death. Ones who attain power beyond imagination. Power that can craft one's perfect world. But what if you didn't need power? What if all you needed was someone to listen? Someone to be there. Someone who can guide you through the challenges of the afterlife. A person or people who want nothing more than to exist for just one moment, nothing more. Kindred souls meet in the bloodiest area in North Rukongai, Akachou. In a place where families are built on bonds rather than blood, a group of lost souls learn what it means to live for the first time. Join a small family as they find purpose, shape their identity, and heal alongside one another. Slight AU. Manga/Anime Mashup. Haven't delved into the novels. Do not own the cover. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hello Fellow Humans, I'll kick this off by saying that this is my maiden voyage for fanfics. I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing. I'm just going with the flow, enjoying the process. I haven't done much creative writing at all. I ask you to enter without expectations and hopefully you'll leave having enjoyed at least some part of my attempt. If you find a little pleasure in only a couple chapters, I've done a decent job. That being said, please send your thoughts and critiques. Big or small, tough love or coaxing, I don't care, just as long as I can learn what it is I need to work on. Never discount your opinion, whatever it is, share what you're comfortable with. Then without further ado, I hope you'll sit back and gain something from this little story. AKD_Khmer To some happy boi hours.

AKD_Khmer · Anime und Comics
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78 Chs

Chapter 23: Invitation and Evaluation

Clattering chopsticks and chuckles shared the warm atmosphere of Tengoku's kitchen. Sasakibe Choujirou stole a glimpse at his three dining companions. The contrast between the information he was privy to and the joyous faces he was seeing persistently baffled him. He had met Kenji a few times, their interactions were friendly and accommodating. Not once was there something to criticize. Especially the food…souls above.

It was safe to say that Seireitei's culinary choices were a bit lacking. Those who knew of this Seventh Heaven kept it secret. However, the secrecy wasn't pinned specifically on the food. Since the first meeting led by his lord, Yamamoto Shigekuni, Choujirou was advised to remain respectful and humble. Not that he didn't already practice such behavior, but still, it made him curious about Yamamoto's 'acquaintance'.

Meeting Kenji for the first time was shocking. Choujirou was pulled to a small field so they could spar. The 'assessment' turned into a complete dressing down. Choujirou felt the reality between those like him, who had just achieved Bankai, and the peak. That was the day mastery and grand mastery was put into perspective.

Still, all ended well, he had been acknowledged for his hard work and skill. And now, centuries later, he was enjoying the warm aura radiating off this house of yore. The sole member had picked up two troublesome youngsters. Choujirou couldn't help but smile as the three were snapping at one another. After finishing their meal, he informed them of some crucial news.


Kenji answered the call as he continued washing the dishes.


Choujirou turned his gaze back to the young ladies of the house.

"My second reason for coming was to inform you that the Annual Autumn Conference will be held at the beginning of the next month. Around three weeks from now. We've gathered the support of nearly half of the noble Shigundan Era clans. Seireitei's policy for outsiders will still be kept, in light of this, Eijisai-dono and the allied houses have secured you an invitation should you wish to come."

Kenji stopped his work and looked at Furoufushi and Batsu'unsai. Their eyes were gleaming with excitement. He smirked and turned back to the dishes.

"We'll attend. Should I bring food? Or is there something else that's required this year?"

"Ahem. I've been made aware that Tengoku-dono's food is the most desired item, however, this event falls under a diplomatic excursion. No feast or pleasantries are needed. As for the schedule, a small round of sanctioned duels will be hosted first for the younger generation, captains are not allowed to participate. Some gambling has been permitted, though the winnings won't be large. And finally, Captains are asked to listen and share at Seireitei's State of Affairs. Captains are allowed to bring their subordinates."

"Dress code?"

"Shinigami can dress in uniform or informally. This will be a casual event as usual."

"Anyone I gotta watch out for?"


Kenji turned to look at Choujirou. The latter was rubbing the bridge of his nose in hesitation. Kenji grinned at the uncommon sight.

"Who is it Choujirou-kun?"

"*sigh* It's uhh… the Shihouin Matriarch."


The grin on Kenji's face dropped. Pursing his lips, he threw out a possible reason.

"How many husbands is it now?"

"That… it would be impolite of me to speak about her situation, Tengoku-dono."

"Hmm~. Silly woman has been this way since the end of her first century."

Kenji pinched his chin in thought. Seeing the interaction, Furoufushi and Batsu'unsai's eyes flashed with hidden purpose. They knew exactly what the other was thinking without looking. Batsu'unsai 'innocently' leaned on the table.

"Who is this Shihouin Matriarch?"

"The Shihouin House is one of Soul Society's noblest and oldest existences. She happens to be one of the oldest residents in Soul Society. A former Royal Marshal [元帥 / Gensui], she left before they changed into the Royal Guards. Now she overlooks clan affairs."

Choujirou spoke with difficulty, yet he remained honest. Batsu's lips curled up slightly, her eyes drifted to Kenji's evading eyes. Furoufushi tried to keep herself from smirking. She couldn't help herself.

"Is that so? I didn't know Tenchou was in deep with a noble lady. My~! Batsu, I didn't even consider if we had older siblings!"

"It seems we've been had Nee-san. Infidelity is no laughing matter. I can only imagine the trail of tears he's left in his wake."

"What a ruthless bastard."

*Crack* *Crack*

The two girls trembled at the grotesque noise of knuckles popping. Kenji's aura prickled their skin.

"I see the manners I've been teaching haven't settled in. We'll have to spend some time this month."

"Haha! Aww, I forgot to clean the front house earlier. Better take care of that. Haha…"

With slinking steps, Batsu'unsai slipped out of the room. Her partner in crime was stunned, left with an expression of betrayal. Furoufushi quickly made an excuse.

"I felt my Zanpakutou talk to me earlier. I'm just gonna go train a little. Bye-bye!"

Her pink pigtails fluttered as she took off. The two men were left in the kitchen, both had grins on their faces. Walking back to the table, Kenji poured some sake to top off their meal. Choujirou gratefully accepted and drank, feeling the sting, his enjoyment shone through.

"Haah~! Perfect. Tengoku-dono's cuisine and beverages always seem to capture me. Those young ladies have been living in luxury it seems."

"Those brats are too stiff to appreciate this stuff. Sometimes, they can't even see the food on the plate."

Kenji poured another serving for them. Choujirou spoke in a knowing tone before he drank.

"Training is it?"

"Yeah. Fu-chan's got training stuck in her head. The youngest is just following the eldest. I told them about the Cycle. You know how that goes…"


The air turned heavy and somber. Choujirou avoided the topic and opted for something more interesting.

"So, now that they're both training, could I hear your evaluation? I assume they'd likely go to the Spirit Arts Academy later, correct?"

"Yeah, I'll send them off to you guys when they reach my standard. Maybe around low-captain or so. It's a little overkill, but with how Seireitei has been, they need every tool they can get. Even if they end up being stronger than their instructors."

"A wise decision. On a more positive note, they'll have plenty of rivals to select from, their generation's talents are nothing to scoff at. Lieutenant and Captain class talents are abundant, given the current clan heirs. They'll have plenty of opportunities to improve."

Kenji nodded his head and then stroked his chin in thought. He laid out his evaluations.

"Fu-chan is blessed with plenty of natural skill. Her Reiryoku will likely plateau around the mid to high-Marshal level, or mid to high-Royal Guard level, or whatever they call it now. Damn names. But uhh~, She's a natural warrior. Zanjutsu could end up far above mastery if she has a thousand years lying around somewhere. Besides that, her instincts are top-notch, and her Hohou could probably break past Shunpo Mastery. Give her maybe 7 centuries, she'll match Tenjirou. Umm, what'd they call that kid? Like Lightning-Fast Tenjirou? Lil' bastard could run and hide pretty well."

"And your youngest?"

"Mmm~. Batsu's a special case. Her mind is the real weapon. I can say her ability to grow in different fields is her greatest gift. Her Reiryoku limit would be around mid to high-Royal Guard level too. I can see Zanjutsu, Hohou, and Kidou mastery. Whether she breaks past the limits depends. She'd probably end up doing Kidou and research more after several centuries."

"Hmm. I'll be sure to let Eijisai-dono know about them. *gulp* *gulp* Haah~! As much as I'd like to spend more time here, I'm needed. Eijisai-dono is having some difficulties with the more… unpleasant side of Seireitei."

Choujirou stood up from his seat and bowed to Kenji. Waving his hand dismissively, Kenji adjusted his white hachimaki.

"No worries Choujirou-kun. Keep in touch, once I send the girls off to you guys, I imagine I'll be called in a lot. Damn troublemakers."

Despite his words, Choujirou could see a small smile on Kenji's face.

"I'll keep an eye on them. Goodnight then Tengoku-dono. I hope to see you by next month."

"Take care Choujirou-kun."

Choujirou nodded and left the kitchen, seeing himself out the door. It was a busy day.


In the back bedroom, Furoufushi and Batsu'unsai snacked on persimmons. Wiping her hands clean, Batsu'unsai asked her senior for some clarification.

"Tenchou told me if I can't hear anything, he won't train me."

"Hmm? Say that again?"

Her roommate was stuffing her face with persimmons. Batsu's eye twitched at the monkey's greed. Ignoring the slobbering mess, she lifted the sword she was given during training. An in-depth explanation was needed.

"When I first received this sword, Tenchou told me if I didn't hear anything by two weeks, he won't train me anymore. What does that even mean?"

"Mmm~, I gotcha now. First off, it's called a Zanpakutou. The sword needs time to be… what's the word he used… in-, em-, imprinted? Anyway, basically, the sword will have a spirit that's only for you. Some sorta soul stuff, I don't really know. My Zanpakutou won't even talk to me, something about avoiding myself or whatever. Did your sword ever vibrate a little?"

Hearing the question, Batsu brought her eyes down to the Zanpakutou in her lap. She answered without looking up.

"I think so. I thought it was my imagination though."

"Ooh! That's good then. One of Tenchou's old friends gave us these fancy blades. Niimaiya. He said it's kinda impressive if you feel a connection really early. Can you feel anything now? Wait. Close your eyes and put your hands on it. You're not at this stage yet, you need more time. But it's a lot easier when you're exhausted."

Furoufushi watched Batsu close her eyes and relax. The one-eyed girl observed in rapt interest. The sounds of munching snuck out of her full mouth. After five minutes of silence, Batsu shook her head in defeat.

"I don't feel anything. Is two weeks enough time?"

Furoufushi gave a casual shrug to the concerns. Her dismissive voice wove in with chomping and crunching.

"Don't know *crunch* *munch* I got it super quick. Don't worry about it, two weeks'll be plenty. I'll be doing the same thing with you."

Batsu'unsai didn't feel too much confidence looking at the gluttonous girl. A reluctant sigh leaked from her soul.

"*sigh* Two weeks huh?"