
Bleach: From You to Me

The year is ~900 A.D., social upheaval and tensions rise within Soul Society as souls battle for their right to live with dignity. Some die in the human world, being thrown into the deep end as they navigate life after death. Some are born as souls, knowing only the brutal, poverty-stricken nature of their 'Paradise'. In this shallow world, ambitions fester into obsessions. Souls break down and begin anew, forging themselves into Shinigami. Those who rule over life and death. Ones who attain power beyond imagination. Power that can craft one's perfect world. But what if you didn't need power? What if all you needed was someone to listen? Someone to be there. Someone who can guide you through the challenges of the afterlife. A person or people who want nothing more than to exist for just one moment, nothing more. Kindred souls meet in the bloodiest area in North Rukongai, Akachou. In a place where families are built on bonds rather than blood, a group of lost souls learn what it means to live for the first time. Join a small family as they find purpose, shape their identity, and heal alongside one another. Slight AU. Manga/Anime Mashup. Haven't delved into the novels. Do not own the cover. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hello Fellow Humans, I'll kick this off by saying that this is my maiden voyage for fanfics. I have absolutely no clue what I'm doing. I'm just going with the flow, enjoying the process. I haven't done much creative writing at all. I ask you to enter without expectations and hopefully you'll leave having enjoyed at least some part of my attempt. If you find a little pleasure in only a couple chapters, I've done a decent job. That being said, please send your thoughts and critiques. Big or small, tough love or coaxing, I don't care, just as long as I can learn what it is I need to work on. Never discount your opinion, whatever it is, share what you're comfortable with. Then without further ado, I hope you'll sit back and gain something from this little story. AKD_Khmer To some happy boi hours.

AKD_Khmer · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Chapter 24: Seven Days Since

Seven days have passed since Choujirou's visit. A few things have changed over the course of the week. Customers began to return to Tengoku a couple of days later, though the amount of patrons was significantly lower. An instinctive fear still permeated through the air for newer guests. The regular customers had acted as if nothing strange had happened, yet it would be false if they claimed they were unbothered. Aside from the shifting customer base, the clash of two against twenty had altered the citizens' perspective of the two teahouse employees. Respectful and reverent greetings were frequently received by the two young women.

Kenji's desire for the gruesome incident to remain in the minds of all hit the mark. Citizens of not just North Rukongai, but all cardinal directions had spread stories about the savage affair. Specifically, the effortless killing committed by the 'Fatal Camellia'. It became the talk of Akachou. Wherever one walked, people were reciting the amazing and terrifying swordplay. It was just that mesmerizing and cruel.

That wasn't the only gossip. Low whispers reached those who were truly interested. Whispers of a 'False Princess', a graceful woman masked in kindness and compassion who, underneath it all, was an inhuman killer of the lowest class. Tales of blood, gore, and apathetic verses had seeped beneath the surface of Rukongai's daily life.

Those who didn't know the house members were too scared to set foot in the teahouse. Those who knew the house members were apprehensive to return. And those who saw it unfold were still fearful. But every resident of Akachou knew, there was no safer place than Tengoku. Nonetheless, the afterlife moved on. Business continued with little trouble, no doubt thanks to the previous conflict.

With this newfound peace, Furoufushi began to put extra effort into her training. Beside her, Batsu'unsai would trail closely. The two young women continued their spars every day. Both were gaining insights into combat with repetition. They even sought Kenji's thoughts about sparring on uneven ground, such as in the mud. He immediately agreed, allowing them to split the spar into two sections.

Furoufushi's remained victorious the whole week. Yet even she could see the potential of her junior. With every spar, Batsu'unsai was improving at an accelerated rate. The increased effort and results of the two students caused Kenji to add to their training regimen. Batsu was introduced to the submerged river run. Her experiences with said exercise were less than pleasant. Not that her mud run was any better. Furoufushi explained that it took her three months to achieve some semblance of proper balance. Batsu wasn't entirely thrilled with the time frame, given her deadline.

Lastly, the two girls received an in-depth review of their sealed Zanpakutōs. Realizing the significance of sword meditation, Batsu put visible effort into communicating with the sealed spirit. Furoufushi on the other hand was still stuck in a mire. Her Zanpakutou refused to interact. Multiple times, she considered throwing the sword, but she refrained with the little patience she had. Diligently, she worked to reestablish trust.

And now, after two stressful weeks since her fight with Furuoki, she found hope. Every day, since Kenji gave her the Zanpakutou, she either leaned it in the corner of the room or kept it alongside her as she slept. Upon waking up, Furoufushi was greeted with a strange sight. Her sealed Zanpakutou had transformed overnight.

The uniform black scabbard had turned pink, gaining a whitish gloss that reflected light. The katana had drastically changed. The original circular tsuba [handguard] had morphed into a golden six-pointed star. The actual handle of the Katana took on a dark pink shade. The blade itself appeared the same, however, upon closer examination, she could plainly see the sharpened edge.

Furoufushi immediately sat up and began meditating. The past two weeks had woken her up to the walls around her heart. It was time to talk with her Zanpakutou. Closing her eyes, she felt her mind whisked away from the plane of reality.


[Furoufushi's Inner World]

Inside the eye of a floral typhoon, a desolate shrine hosts two figures. Furoufushi opened her eye. Face to face, she saw her Zanpakutou spirit for the first time in two weeks. The Miko's face was still as irritating as ever. Sealed eyelids and long lashes shielded the Miko's pure white pupils. Her 'welcoming' smile formed a well-crafted façade. A black ribbon tied her shining silver hair in a ponytail. A camellia was tucked above her right ear.

The eccentric dress enhanced the Miko's appearance in a unique blend of peril and composure. Her red silk Kosode [upper garment] was dotted with white, while her white Hakama [lower] wore stains of red.

The Miko's lips parted. Angelic notes streamed from her mouth.

"It's been a while child. I hope you've learned your lesson."

Furoufushi was poised for any situation. Thoroughly observing the Miko, she cautiously nodded and started unraveling her discovery.

"I think you're giving me riddles or questions. Like last time."

The Miko brought her sleeve in front of her face, obscuring her curling lips. She giggled in delight.

"My~! It seems the monkey is growing up. Finally using her head now that she has responsibilities. Splendid!"

Veins pulsing in annoyance, Furoufushi pushed her demands forward.

"Enough chatter. I spent two weeks, I want answers. The Shikai. What else do I gotta do to hear your name? Keep picking up fragments, answers? Anything else?"

"So impatient! Still, you've grown well. All I need is answers, no funny business. Hehe~. Mmm~. You found one before our… breakdown, remind yourself what that was."

The Miko's question didn't permit negotiation. Not that Furoufushi minded.

"Tunnel Vision. Outside this shrine, the eye of the Typhoon. I hadn't looked at anything else. Just like out there."

The Miko nodded in agreement.

"A satisfactory summary. I'll allow it. We know the first fragment. What's the second piece you've unearthed?"

"It's… I'm stopping everything."


The Miko's eyelids slithered open slightly, revealing the clear white eyes within. Crashing tides of Reiatsu descended on Furoufushi, causing her to hunch over. Lowering her sweating head, she heard the Miko demand more.

"Do explain child."

"Nothing enters and nothing leaves. The typhoon is stopping me from touching the outside. And anything outside is stopped from coming in. I think it's a wall. Right?"

The Miko nodded her head in agreement. Furoufushi heaved a sigh of relief, wiping the sweat from her brow. But it was short-lived. The Miko's Reiatsu flared once more. Groaning wood and howling wind blew through the barren shrine. Two wooden swords fell from the ceiling.

"Although you are correct, I told you to explain, not guess. I hope you don't make the same mistake with the remaining two pieces. It seems I have to beat some sense into you. Hehe~."

"Sneaky bitch!"


[Inside the Tengoku Teahouse]

"*sigh* She finally made it in."

Batsu'unsai woke up to a shocking sight. Furoufushi sat on her futon, deep in meditation. The two girls shared ideas with one another during training. Over the past week, both girls struggled to establish a connection with their Zanpakutōs. Seeing the success of her senior, she couldn't help but feel some envy.

Shaking off the negative thoughts, Batsu prepared herself for the day. After finishing, she made her way into the kitchen where Kenji was eating a small breakfast. Serving herself a portion, she told him the news. A tinge of jealousy in her voice.

"Nee-san's meditating now."

"Hmm? Is that so?"

Kenji's casual acceptance stung Batsu. Pausing for a moment, she threw away the troublesome emotions. The attachment she was building started to weigh her down. She sat at the table, not touching her food. For two minutes, Kenji waited, quietly eating. Feeling his disregard, she couldn't bear the silence. A derisive snort came from Batsu, she shoved the food away from her. With narrowed eyes, she glared at Kenji.

"Heh. Do you even care if I succeed?"

"You think I don't? Where'd you get such an idea?"

He waved off her contemptuous words with a casual wave of his hand. Her head lowered, making her bangs drape over her face. She gnashed her teeth in frustration. Low and disdainful, questions fell out of her mocking smile.

"Why don't you say anything then? I don't even know why I'm here. For one week, I haven't heard anything. At all. You know why my Zanpakutou won't connect with me, don't you? But you won't say anything. I'm just wasting my time, right?"

He shrugged without meeting her gaze.

"Are you? I wouldn't know."


She slammed her fist on the table, causing the dishware and utensils to hop. Kenji shoveled the rest of his food into his mouth.

His single-word response showed relief and respite.


"Huh? Finally, what? You finally gave up?"

"I think it's about time we have our first spar Batsu. Finish your breakfast then we'll go."

"Let's go right now!"

"Batsu'unsai. I'll say this once… eat your breakfast."


Dull black eyes lifted from the other side of the table and settled on her derisive expression. They stared at her, asking her if she wished to continue. Sitting back down, Batsu forced the food down her throat until she finished. She maintained a steely-eyed glare as they walked out of the teahouse.

Stepping outside, her eyes caught a creeping silhouette some distance down the road. Batsu's eyes squinted as she focused on the lean, unclear figure slipping back around a corner. Fixing her glasses, she couldn't catch any clue about the stalker. Concern rose in her mind as she faced Kenji with frowning lips.

"Tenchou, I think-"

"Someone's been hanging around the teahouse. I know. Come on, let's go."


"*sigh* You just… whatever."



[??? POV]

There they go. Wow. The False Princess. I'm so close.

No. Just wait. We have plenty of time. No need to be hasty. Calm yourself.

Relax. An opportunity will come. Let's just wait. We'll get a chance.

Time to leave.

"Hey, brat."

A poisonous call constricted my lungs. Cold sweat trailed down the back of my neck. I turned my head to find the Fatal Camellia standing behind me. Her heavy aura was sublime and surreal. A warrior goddess, like nothing I'd ever seen. Her hand inched along the handle of her weapon. I could feel the mortal danger of her unspoken threat.

"I don't know what kinda game you're playing brat, but it's best you stay in your lane. Or I'll hack your fucking legs off that skinny ass body. Sound good?"

I turned to face her. The bloodthirst she secreted was crushing, it almost seemed tangible. An invisible blade had been placed at my throat, even though we were separated by meters. A tingle crept down my spine.

I couldn't help myself.

"And if I should not follow your advice?"

"Hoh? You got some balls brat; I'll give you that. Let me put you in your place then."

*Whish* *thuk*

Before I could react, she was already upon me, thrusting the pommel of her sword into my torso.

"Ackk! *gasp* *gasp*"

I felt the air escape my lungs. Longing for breath, I clutched my chest. Her closing words echoed in my mind as I fell unconscious.

"Not bad brat. But it ain't enough. Must be a little younger than Batsu huh? Not bad. Not bad at all."