
Chapter 22: Relief

Slippery soil gushes under the weight of stomping steps. Low, heaving breaths emerge like smoke. Pale-skinned and shaking, the fragile back of a young woman struggles to stand. She halts her march in the mud only to hunch over the ground. Hands supported by her knees, she leans over and dry heaves. Untied and untidied, her long dark pink hair obscured her retching face.

For minutes, she tried to expel what ailed her. But her desperate actions yielded no success. The echoes of bodily toil spread across the vast paddies. Any energy in her body was all but spent. Slowly, she crumbled to her knees. A single hand dove into the wet soil while her free one held a sword tightly to her chest. Trembling with exhaustion, her body refused to listen. It screamed for her to stop. To relieve the strain, she laid on her back. The sword at her side was now resting on her body away from the filth.

The cloudless blue sky filled her vision. Its dry hue was the same as always. Hair cleared away from her face, she stared up, lost in thought. Bangs fringed upon her delicate eyebrows. Her scarred left eye remained closed. Unknown to her, her damaged eye rapidly shifted and focused beneath the scarred eyelid.

Her working right eye had glazed over. The image of the blue heavens sunk into her violet pupils. She sighed, causing the cloudy breath to lift into the autumn air. A calloused hand lightly traced along the sword that rested on her body. Her blank expression hid the surge of thoughts and memories in her mind. Weary and ragged, she spoke into the endless ocean of blue.

'I'm tired…'

Lifting the sword from her chest, she brought it to her vision.

"Are you there?"

Her simple question was low and regretful.


Left in silence, she waited, watching the sword with a dull gaze.

"*sigh* Whatever."

She dropped her outstretched arm back onto her chest. The empty sky held her in a daze. Her motionless body twitched at a familiar, shrill voice.

"Hey! Hey Monkey!"

She remained in the sinking mud, unwilling to sit up.

"Hey Cyclops!"

Her violet eye twitched, trying to stay calm.

"You, you, you… bitch… Yeah! Hey you Bitch!"


The annoyance pierced under her skin causing her to sit up. She looked at a buxom young woman some meters away. The buxom woman was in a similar state of mess. The long black hair she usually tied into a ponytail and freed itself. Her bangs were hung over her dirtied glasses. Thin, delicate eyebrows scrunched in focus as she moved slowly. Behind the glasses, exhaustion set into her large round eyes.

Frustration set in her pleading voice.

"Let's go back already! It's past lunchtime! We've been out here for almost 5 hours!"

"Then go and head on back, little angel."

Rejecting the plea, the pink-haired girl quickly laid back down and stared at the sky.

The black-haired girl's glasses flashed. A snap decision was made in her mind. She leaned down and formed a mud ball with her hands. After ensuring its perfect shape, she took aim. Tongue out in concentration, she wound up and hurled the mud pie.




"Youb stubib *ptui* bradt!"

A direct hit. The mudpie landed with a bullseye. Now, covered in mud, the reclining girl jolted up. The sword previously resting on her chest dropped into the mud. Gritting her teeth with vengeful wrath, her hands were swiftly sent into the mud. An evil cackle echoed throughout the fields.

"Hehehe~! You want it princess! Just watch!"

With the perfect mudpie in hand, she straightened up to look at her opponent. But before she could deliver judgment…




"That's it! I'm shoving those glasses in the dirt!"


Springing out of the mud, she hurried to the bespectacled audience member. Without mercy, she rammed the mudpie at point-blank range. Hand to face, the impact resounded like a well-placed slap.


A silent glare sparked between the two. Without warning, the black-haired girl tackled the other. Wrestling in the mud, both fought for dominance. Soil flew as they rolled around smearing each other's scowling faces.

"You stupid bitch!"

"Say that again you bitch!"

"Ahh! Shitty monkey! Hey! Not my hair!"

"Haha! Not so high and mighty now lil' princess!"

"Eat shit!"

*pluk* "Gackk! *cough* Bleghh! *ptui* Youb bitdch! *ptui*"

A fierce brawl erupted in the pits. Faces were mushed in mud. Hair was pulled by the handful. Curses were slung around in chaos. Eyes pierced the other with murderous intent.

Under the empty sky, the two fought. Sunlight warmed their dirtied skin. The earth beneath them supported their 'mortal' battle. Neither let up the offensive. They threw and threw, hoping the other would tire.

After 30 minutes, they arrived at the critical moment. Crouching, they were separated by 10 meters. Their lungs were working with fervor.

"Haah… Haah… be ready. Nee-chan's gonna set you straight, brat."

With weakened steps, the one-eyed girl approached with weapon in hand. Her kneeling foe was blind, glasses masked in smeared soil. With one step between them, a stillness settled over the two.

The next second, they moved.





Giggles burst from their mud-stuffed mouths. Their coated teeth flourished as they clutched their stomachs. Wiping the dirt from their faces, tears trickled from their red eyes. They laughed. Relief shone through as the sun brightened their weary bodies.

"Come on."

Still standing, the pink-haired girl offered a hand.


Sitting up and grabbing on, a devious smirk spread on the bespectacled girl's lips before they parted.

"I'll race you back!"


Yanking the one-eyed girl down, she bolted in a head start. An evil cackle charged the light air as the victim fell face-first. Realizing the dirty ploy.

"*ptui* That mutt. You cheeky brat come back here!"

She picked up her sword and gave chase. A wide smile graced her face.


Sat over a small table, a red-haired man sipped on his sake. A thin smile sat below his closed eyes.

"*sigh* Everything's gonna be just fine."

*shk* *shk*

A short distance from the man, a giant, peculiar sword vibrated inside a vat of sake.

The man had a teasing smirk on his face as he downed his alcohol.

"*gulp* Haah~! Silly woman. What are you? Their mother?"

*shk* *shk* *SHK*

He shifted his open eyes to the corner of the room.

"Hehe~. Stop lying to yourself… tsun tsun. *sip*"


"Just a joke, just a joke. Geez drama queen."


"Right~. Whatever you say. Keep telling yourself that."


"That's what I thought. Ooh~? We'll have to cut our drinks short. We got a visitor. I was expecting them earlier this week. *gulp* *gulp* Haah~."

Finishing his cup, he sighed in satisfaction and left the room.


Crowds parted on a street as two young girls walked. Their wet hair and fresh clothes displayed their recent trip to the communal baths. Furoufushi was glaring at the whispering onlookers. Fearful murmurs spread down the road. Batsu'unsai remained unperturbed, keeping her eyes forward as they walked home. A bark arose from the eldest.

"What're ya'll lookin' at?! Never seen some killers before?! HAH?!"

Groups of people scurried off the road. Suspicious men straightened up and saluted the two young women. Children pointed to the two as they watched the scene with ignorance. Nose turned up in haughtiness, Furoufushi smirked. Batsu pushed her glasses up and talked with a steady tone.

"I don't think that's helping our reputation Nee-san."

"Baa~! Respect is the only thing these mutts care about. We put 'em in their place."

Dismissing the concern, Furoufushi sneered and lifted her chin. She 'looked' down on the masses. Glasses flashed.

*pling~* "Nee-san… everyone's taller than you."

*Smack* "Oww!"

Furoufushi delivered a quick swat to the back of Batsu's head.

"Hah! Don't go sayin nonsense brat. It's the aura, the aura. That's how you run a street like Akachou!"

Batsu rolled her eyes and rubbed her arm. She thought of making a snide remark but stopped since they were almost home. A 'closed' sign had been hung with the colorful banners decorating the Tengoku teahouse. They slid open the front door. Furoufushi's voice echoed into the one-story building.

"We're back!"

After a couple of seconds, a welcoming shout traveled down from the back hallway.

"Early dinner is ready!"

The two smiled as they ran around the front counter. They made their way into the kitchen. Entering the room, they were greeted by Kenji. He was standing with a white apron over his striped happi. On top of the stove was a baked bun of some sort. It immediately caught their eyes causing them to drool. They broke out of their stupor when a chuckle came from a fourth occupant.

"Haha~! So, these are your students eh Tengoku-dono? Quite the funny bunch."

"Yeah, quite troublesome. I thought I taught them some manners. They'll be stuck in their first millennium without husbands. *sigh* I swear, these girls. You two at least bow or something! Wash your hands and sit down."

Furoufushi and Batsu's faces flushed in embarrassment as they bowed and scampered to the wash basin. Shaking off the fluster, they looked back at the table where a young man with short silver hair sat. His pupilless eyes were switching between the two girls in amusement. A small white cape covered the upper portion of his shihakushou. The two girls quickly sat at the table. Seeing their evaluating exchange, Kenji introduced the three.

"Girls, this is Sasakibe Choujirou. He's Right-hand to a man who heads an alliance in Seireitei. Wait. It is an alliance, right?"

Choujirou chuckled in understanding. He turned his head to Kenji.

"Heh. You would be correct Tengoku-dono. Eijisai-dono is implementing Soul Society's old Shigundan [死軍団] System. We're planning to expand our position in Seireitei. Under his guidance, we'll unify the Shinigami once again under our Captain's alliance."

Choujirou faced the two quiet girls. Slight excitement rose from his expectant words.

"And these two young ladies are quite talented. I imagine both are gems waiting to be polished. They'd be quite the force in the future."

Kenji plated the food and brought it to the table. His busy hands continued to move while he spoke. Pride and playfulness hung on his smirk.

"Mn. You'd be correct. The eldest, Furoufushi, is the one giving you the nasty glare. Lack of manners, barks and bites, she's quite the bully. I advise you to tread lightly. Souls know what her husband'll be in for."


An arrow pierced her body. Furoufushi blushed and dropped her head. The cascade of dark pink hid her face away. Everyone was amused. Batsu'unsai froze when she heard Kenji talk again.

"The youngest there is Batsu'unsai, she thinks she's smart. Doesn't help that she can deceive others with the glasses. Really, she's just a dork who gets lost a lot. I'm honestly surprised she can even find her nose. This one's husband will have to tie a rope around her waist so he can find her when she wanders off."


She too dropped her head in shame, dying from the critical strike. Both girls were now fidgeting in humiliation. But they couldn't defend themselves.

Plates of food were placed around the table. Choujirou chuckled at their expense.

"They do seem to be quite the trouble Tengoku-dono. I don't envy you. Haha~! By the way, what is this we're having? Souls above… it smells delicious. Your food always amazes me. Worlds apart from anyone in Soul Society."

"Pirozhki. Inside's some beef, rice, and a little garlic. Simple dinner tonight. A little tough to eat with chopsticks though. Decided to do something I haven't done in a while."

Kenji sat at the table. The four gave their thanks and began to eat.

[A/N: One Chp. Sunday]

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