
Birth of a Psychotic Demon

With the knowledge of several immortal beings at his fingertips, as well as, the ability to force himself into a state of enlightenment, Shung Yun fought, schemed, manipulated, and tricked his way through every challenge in his path, as he climbed towards the top of the food chain in a universe with beings able to traverse the limitless void with just a step, able to destroy a realm with a swing of a sword, able to blur the line between real and fake, twisting reality into whatever they deem fit, and many more impossible feats that can't even be imagined. But with so much knowledge and such an insane ability, can he survive the prophesied destruction and catastrophe brought about by his very own existence? Follow along the journey of a youth who wishes to have fun despite the torment brought to him by a bunch of siblings imprisoned in his soul by a true god to find out. And when reading, don't forget to leave a review so others can also join in the fun without much doubt. Cover image was created with the aid of an AI in a website called nightcafe.

Akugbo_Larry · Ost
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160 Chs

Chapter 14 New World

"I assure you that he won't. He's more than meets the eye," Shung Xhao said with his sword already in his hand.

"I hope so," Taichu Hong said as he dashed towards the six[6] semi-rank middle-stage jade horn Deers and one[1] full-rank middle-stage jade horn deer with his two[2] clansmen flanking him.

Crack!! Whoosh!!

Sprinting towards the six[6] semi-rank middle-stage jade horn Deers and one[1] full-rank middle-stage jade horn deer, Shung Yun left a crack on the ground at the initial point of his movement.

Making a 'see-you' gesture by tapping his index and middle finger on the left side of his head before pointing it towards Taichu Hong and his clansmen, he smiled as he sprinted pass them.

"He sure is fast for a body tempering realm cultivator," Taichu Gui said as he ran beside Taichu Hong.

"The both of you should keep up," Taichu Hing said as the Qi on his legs increased, prompting him to move faster than his juniors.

"Try to keep up," Shung Wen said to Shung Xhao before sending more Qi to his legs.


Dashing forward at equal speed as Taichu Hong, he quickly surpassed Taichu Gui and his clan brother as he shot towards the six[6] semi-rank middle-stage jade horn Deers and one[1] full-rank middle-stage jade horn deer.


Taking a few steps back after his battle-axe clashed with the jade horn of the full-rank middle-stage jade horn deer, Shung Yun tightened his grip on his battle-axe before raising it up and smashing it down on the full-rank middle-stage jade horn deer running towards him.


Taking lesser steps than he did in the first clash, he brimmed vigorously with battle intent as the Qi flowing through his internal body began thrumming in a rhythmic manner.

Shaking away the thought that his opponent's attack got stronger, the full-rank middle-stage jade horn deer charged towards Shung Yun before swinging his jade horn at his jaw.

Taken aback by the beating sound he heard from his body, Shung Yun could only respond to the approaching jade horn of the full-rank middle-stage jade horn deer after it reached a few inches from his jaw.

Throwing his head backwards, the tip of the full-rank middle-stage jade horn deer's jade horn cut the edge of his jaw, drawing blood from it.

Missing its kill, the full-rank middle-stage jade horn deer ruthlessly brought down his jade horn at Shung Yun's head.

With the Qi in his body still beating in a rhythmic manner, Shung Yun stretched out his left hand in the direction of the falling jade horn.


Smashing the ground open due to the force from the full-rank middle-stage jade horn deer's horn attack, he held the jade horn of the deer at bay, stopping it from moving further.

"Roar!!" struggling to escape from Shung Yun's grasp, the full-rank middle-stage jade horn deer tried moving its head backwards but couldn't move an inch away from the grasp of his opponent.

Sensing a connection being formed between him and the deer beast as he held its horn, Shung Yun felt a new world being opened to him.

"Roa... Let me go, human!"

"Di..did you just speak?" Shung Yun actually had a surprised expression on his face as he heard the words of the full-rank middle-stage jade horn deer.

"Let go of me, you filthy human!" the full-rank middle-stage jade horn deer shouted without considering what Shung Yun said.

"Filthy human? Is that the best you can come up with me?" Shung Yun asked as he smiled at the full-rank middle-stage jade horn deer.

"Disgusting human, how do you li...," coming to a stop as comprehension dawn on it, the full-rank middle-stage jade horn deer looked at Shung Yun with surprised eyes, "how can he understand me?"

"What? Surprised that I can understand you?" Shung Yun asked, "even I am surprised that I can understand you."

Dodging the jade horn of the semi-rank middle-stage jade horn deer by side-stepping to his right, Taichu Hong slashed down his sword at the unprotected neck of his opponent.


Slashing through its neck, the head of the semi-rank middle-stage jade horn deer fell on the ground with blood pouring out of its severed neck.


Creating cracks on the jade horn of his opponent with his club, Shung Wen quickly followed up with another attack, smashing apart the jade horn of the semi-rank middle-stage jade horn deer in front of him and sending it to its death.

Catching up with their leaders, Shung Xhao, Taichu Gui and his clan brother each took on their opponent from the remaining four[4] semi-rank middle-stage jade horn deer, while Taichu Hong finish up the last one.

While Shung Yun took on the strongest jade horn deer in the pack, Shung Wen and Taichu Hong, two[2] upper-stage Qi birth elite soldiers. as well as Shung Xhao, Taichu Gui, and his clan brother, three[3] middle-stage Qi birth elite soldiers, easily dealt with the semi-rank middle-stage jade horn Deers in the pack.

Watching Shung Yun speak while the full-rank middle-stage jade horn deer roar in response, the thought of Shung Yun communicating with the jade horn deer never crossed the minds of the Shung and Taichu clans' elite soldiers.

"Is he okay? Or is he trying to make the jade horn deer furious?" Shung Xhao asked no one in particular as he watched Shung Yun holding the jade horn of the deer, while it struggled to free itself.

"He must be trying to make the jade horn deer furious. I can't think of anything else," Shung Wen said with his eyes on Shung Yun.

"What do you think about submitting to me? I will make you one of the rulers of this forest," Shung Yun said to the leader of the middle-stage jade horn deer beasts pack.

"I will never submit to a human!" the full-rank middle-stage jade horn deer said aloud.

"I'm not a normal human, you should know that," Shung Yun said with his hand still tightly grasping the jade horn of the full-rank middle-stage deer.

"I don't know how you're able to understand me, but you won't trick me into submission," the full-rank middle-stage jade horn deer said.

"Trick you into submission? Don't joke with me! I don't need any trick to make you submit, my strength is enough," Shung Yun said as he raised up the battle-axe in his right hand.

Sensing the emotion that was birth at the point of connection between him and the beast race, he called upon it as an intense feeling clouded his entire existence.

Experiencing an aura all too familiar to every beast in existence, the look in the eyes of the full-rank middle-stage jade horn deer towards Shung Yun drastically changed.

"How can it be possible? Only beasts from the beast race can have such aura. No being outside the beast race can ever have such aura," he could no longer understand the fundamental aspect of his race after seeing Shung Yun, "he must be a beast from the beast race. Only that can make him use the submissive aura of the beast race."

"What the hell do you have in your mind that's making you lose your previous momentum?" Shung Yun asked the full-rank middle-stage jade horn deer with his battle-axe still raised above his head.

"I'm willing to submit you, my king," the full-rank middle-stage jade horn deer said as it stopped struggling to free itself from Shung Yun's hold.

"I'm no longer interested in your submission," Shung Yun said as he battle-axe finally fell.

New Chapter...

Have an excellent day....

Having only one man pleasing to God's eyes at the point of the flood, He gave the human instructions on how to survive the coming flood as well as to save the animals who can't survive with all those water on the face of the Earth....

Thanks for your time and patience...," Author_X