

'By the energy of Destruction? Simple. Dragon Balls.'

'Dragon Balls?'

'Super Dragon Balls.'

'I see. So you made a wish to shield you from destruction?'

'I did.'

'Why make such a wish?'

'Just doing what I can to preserve my life. What's wrong with that?'

His eyes bore into me.

'Very well. You are free to go Rei. I'll be watching you from now.'

'That's fine. See ya.'

I disappeared and reappeared on Earth. Whis was explaining something to Gohan. The others stood around them.

'So you want me to destroy things? No! I refuse.'


He turned to me.

'Teacher you're back!'

'Accept the position Gohan.'


'No one can make you do anything you don't want to. Don't turn down this opportunity.'

He looked somewhat bothered but he agreed in the end. With a flash, he and Whis disappeared.

The others looked at me and Vegeta made to speak it before he had the chance I too disappeared, returning to Vampa.

Despite being able to enter the Ultra Instinct state I couldn't hold the form for very long. That had to change. I had 2 years before the tournament is supposed to begin. Till then I would aim to perfect it.

Time flew as I worked on extending the time I could hold the form. 5 minutes became 10. 10 minutes became an hour and an hour became a day. I focused all my energy into extending the time limit. After 2 years had passed I could hold the form for a week. In time, that too would extend.

Two years had flown by and a lot had changed. King Cold had been resurrected but was quickly put down. Zamasu of the future still caused problems for the future timeline of Future Trunks but Goku and Vegeta dealt with it. Gohan has wanted to interfere but Whis denied him. He had to learn the difference between him and the mortals. He was now the God of Destruction after all.

The tournament would soon begin but the Gods first put on a demonstration for the two Zeno. Many were shocked at the power Gohan displayed. However, like him, some displayed Ultra Instinct.

As I had expected, Gohan arrived on Vampa accompanied by Goku and Whis.

'Hello, Gohan.'


'I know why you're here.'

'Your answer?'



With that brief exchange, Gohan and the others disappeared. Before long, the Universe's warriors were chosen. It would be Goku, Vegeta, Buu, Piccolo, 17, 18, Krillin, Tien, Master Roshi and Yamcha.

Buu was asleep and Goku suggested they revive King Cold to take his place. Before I could allow his stupidity to continue, I grabbed the sleeping Buu and threw him into the hyperbolic time chamber. He exited an hour later fully refreshed.

With the team sorted we made our way to the venue. The others all inspected their opponents while the Gods inspected me.


Belmod raised his voice. The Grand Priest turned to him and asked,

'What is the problem Belmod?'

'He.. that guy! He can't be allowed to participate! Can't you feel it? He's not a mortal!'

'I can. Yet he is not a God. He was born a mortal and has transcended without outside help. His participation will be allowed.'

Belmod was shaking as he sat down helplessly.

Goku turned to me.

'What's he talking about?'

'Don't worry about it.'

Before long, the tournament was underway. Intense fights took place all around me. I chose a place to sit and watched as they all fought. Kale went berserk and took out a lot of the contestants. She rushed to my direction and before anyone could process what had happened, an unconscious Kale in her base form was falling out of the arena.

I felt all the eyes fall on me as the fighting paused momentarily.


Goku's voice broke the silence as the fighting resumed. For a little while, I was given a wide berth. As I sat quietly a large figure appeared before me.

'So you're the one that killed Jiren?'

Toppo stared at me in anger. He raised his fist and made to attack before he himself was sent flying.

'You're fighting me!'

Vegeta rushes after him and continued their fight. It got interesting and I had gotten bored of watching the others' fight, so I stood.

Multiple eyes fell on me. Many took up guarded positions as they watched me with caution.

All they saw was me in their vision and then the emptiness of the space outside the arena as they plummeted. In seconds, everyone not a member of Universe 7 save for Toppo, had been eliminated.

'Universes 2, 3, 4, 6, 9 and 10 have been eliminated. They will now be erased.'

The members of the aforementioned universes all disappeared leaving only the angels.

The silence was eerie.

'You...why did you do that?!'

Goku yelled at me after he had regained his senses.

'Do what?'

'What you just did!'

'You mean eliminate the competition?'


'To ensure the survival of my universe. Oh, and to watch Vegeta's fight without any disturbances.'


Goku shook helplessly in anger at my response. His expression was one of dissatisfaction.

'Go ahead Vegeta.'

The Saiyan in question snapped back into battle mode and focused on his enemy.

Toppo was furious. His entire team had been eliminated.

'I won't forgive you!'

His energy exploded and a purple energy of Destruction surrounded him.

Vegeta charged forth in his Super Saiyan Blue form.

'Oooh, it's starting!'

I took a seat and watched the fight commence.