
Ben 10/MCU

The year is 2023 Ben Stewart is a genius orphan, who at the age of ten finished high school, and spent the better part of 8 years in college. Earning several degrees in engineering, he also been practicing martial arts for the better part of 8 years. Finally entering into the workforce he finds himself unhappy. For the most part about the type of people he has to deal with daily. Coming back from work after having another stressful day at work. He couldn't help but say to himself " Please if there is someone out there who could take me away from all this madness I'm dealing with. Please do it now otherwise..." As he said these words Ben didn't realize that this would be the being of his journey through another universe. " What is that Iron Man?" " Why do all the heroes and villains look like celebrities? And why do I suddenly have the Omnitrix? Character Bio NAME: Benjamin Alexander Stewart (Formerly) Benjamin Stewart Tennyson HOME WORLD Earth 5554 (Formerly) Earth 2000089 RESIDENTS: New York Manhattan AGE: 18 (time of story) HEIGHT 6 foot 1(1,88 meters) OCCUPATION Superhero/ Vigilante Mechanical Engineer/Civil engineering Programmer (self-taught) Entrepreneur ABILITIES Enhanced Eidetic Memory Freestyle Hand-To-Hand Combatant Advance Marksmanship With Throwing Weapons Spontaneous Learning/Understanding EQUIPMENT Omnitrix (restored prototype)

Shane_Delgado_03 · Filme
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15 Chs

Crisis On Helicarrier 2

With a booming thud, the Hulk pounded his massive green fist into the ground, marking his territory. Natasha, who had just been flung into the wall by the Hulk, gazed up at him with a slightly hint of fear unlike anything she had ever experienced.

His hand raised, prepared to end her life in that moment. " Yo, Let Me Tell You Something Incredible Hulk. No, breaks Rath stuff except Rath himself. " I shouted as Rath angrily.

Rath burst onto the scene, tackling the Hulk and sending them both rolling into the next room. As they grappled on the floor, Rath swiftly regained his footing and pointed an accusatory finger at the transformed Bruce Banner, now the Hulk.

" Now, see what going to happen is Rath gonna, make you pay for breaking Rath staff without Rath's permission first. So, Rath is going to squashing you into a Jamaican Suplex, then--" Before Rath could finish his sentence Hulk launched at Rath throwing a large fist at Rath waist.

Rath swiftly limped several meters backwards as the sudden attack came at him. Chaos ensued in the Helicarrier Airport room, with the Hulk, who had just been hurled through the wall, glowered at Rath who resembled a tiger with sharp black claws.

Pointing at himself, Rath's taunts only fueled the Hulk's roared in frustration at Rath dodging his fist. "Oh yeah! It's clobberin' time! Rath's gonna show ya how it's done." Rath furious at Hulk's not letting him finish his previous words, then let out a primal roar of his own.

Hulk also roared with fury, swinging his massive fists at Rath again, who deftly dodged and countered with lightning-fast strikes of his own.

Rath's agility and strength proved to be a match for the Hulk's raw power, and the two began exchanging blows in a spectacular display of strength. Rath's retractable claws extended from his back hands, slashing through the air with precision and ferocity, leaving deep gouges on Hulk's green skin.

Hulk's is quickly able to heal from this injuries, his wounds clothes up in a blink of an eye. Fueled by the intensit of the fight Hulk punches became more and more powerful with every blow.

Rath could feel Hulk's strength increasing with every hit he took. However, Appoplexian had great durability absorbing the impacts easily, Rath's strength also grew as a result of the fight.

Appoplexian strength also grew the angrier they get, however unlike the Hulk their was a distinct upper limit to these strength. Ben in his Appoplexian from wass unable to recognize this fact. Due to Rath personality fully taking over his reasoning, as he was engrossed in the battle.

His emotions solely on the fight, Hulk, undeterred by Rath's razor-sharp claws, continued his relentless assault, each blow shaking the very foundation of the Helicarrier. Rath, fueled by his Appoplexian instincts, matched the Hulk's strength with his own, refusing to back down in the face of overwhelming odds.

Hulk swung another massive fist at Rath, who somersaulted out of the way, landing gracefully on his feet.

Rath lunged at the Hulk, grabbing him around the waist and hoisting him up into the air with a mighty yell." Ursa Galactic Suplex!" Rath call out performing a perfect suplex, slamming the Hulk head first into the Helicarrier's metallic floor with a deafening crash.

Leaving Hulk in a slightly daze state, Rath quickly laps back, as a grin from across his face. " Oh, yah Rath is the strongest one there is. And that a fact everyone here will witness. " Rath triumphantly proclaim with his back turned raising his arm wide toward some of the crew hiding far away.

Hulk upon hearing Rath of being the strongest one there is. Touch something inside Hulk feeling like someone stole something that belong to me. Making him angry than ever Hulk stands up, shaking his head.

" Hey, you guys better be recording this. " Pointing at a trembling aircraft attendant. " Sir, the Omnitrix is already recording this fight so there no need for additional footage." Olivia voice rang from the Omnitrix symbol on his chest.

" Oh, that's convenient!" Rath stated, as he was talking with Oliver at this point Hulk angrily rips off the wing of a nearby jet, torques his body like a greek discus thrower and... hurls it at Rath.

With Rath's sensitive hearing he caught the sound of something heading towards himself. Glance back to find a massive metal object heading towards him, Rath quickly did a backflip over the flying object.

Rath leaped at the Hulk, his muscles bulging as he as the two clashed again in a battle of strength and endurance. Meanwhile, the crew on the helicarrier flight bed all fled in all direction, trying to get away at the two giants that suddenly crashed into the room.

As the two beings prepared to battle it out, Hill was running towards the helicarrier control Bridge, as various Shield stuff members were also running around. Trying to control the chaos caused by Loki.

Hill after a few twist and turns made it to the control center. At the same time Fury came from a different side, the two knowing the dire situation. Immediately went to work controlling the situation.

" Sir, we're getting reports of a giant bipedal tiger. Battle the Hulk in the flight bed." Fury and Agent Hill look over their monitors. As they see the fight between Hulk and Rath.

" Tennyson? " Fury question upon seeing the new transformation glance at Hill. " Agent Hill where Thor right now. " Fury decided to ask the more pressing questions.

" His headed towards the containment cell 26B. To confront Loki and prevent him from escaping. " Hill reported.

"Than our main focus full evac on the lower hangar bay. Get on it." Fury commended, after getting a full grasp of the situation. Star and Rogers on fixing the engine, Tennyson and Thor dealing with The Hulk and Loki on different sides.

Agent Hill nods. She leaves to exit out, but a sliding grenade appeared. "GRENADE!" Hill shouted as the grenade goes off, sending her down the steps.

Fury fires a shot at the open entrance. He moves over behind the side of the entrance. A handful of Barton's men enter. Watchful, ready, waiting... Fury steps out, his GUN drawn.

A shoot out and hand-to-hand combat ensues, between fury and one of the men.

Fury kills two of them but, is unable to stop one of them, which is why he is shot in the head by Agent Hill.

"We got perimeter breach! Hostiles are in SHIELD gear. Hold on to every junction." An agent reports. Somewhere else on the Helicarrier, Agent Coulson walks up the armory door. He places his head into a facial recognition scanner. Walks into the room.

Hulk crushes from under the floor, sending Rath into another room. Hulk grabs Rath by the neck. Rath process to use his claws to stab Hulk arm grabbing him, sending dark green blood dashing out onto the floor.

Hulk flings Rath to the side, " Hey, Rath doesn't like being strangled. " Rath said, on the side clutching his neck as he caught his breath. All while Hulk stared at the wound inflicted on his right arm that began to quickly close-up.

" Sir, you only have three more minutes of transformation time left." Olivia voice reported, releasing that the this fight passed a great danger.

Especially, since Rath is one of the transformation drastically altered her master personality. " Yah, whatever. " Rath simply shrugged off Olivia warning more focused on proving his the strongest.

As the fight continued a gunfight opened up on Helicarrier Bridge. Agents exchange fire with brutally efficient tactical soldiers.

" Sir, the fight between Tennyson and the Hulk is escalating. Reports are coming in from shuttle levels 2,5, and 6. Those two will tear this place apart. " Hill reported, as she shoots down to men, before ducking behind cover.

" Tennyson! Do you copy. " Fury shouted into his earpiece over the sound of gunfire. " Yeah, what I'm kinda in th-- Ah middle of-- something here. " Rath arrogant voice came through the coms, accompanied by the sound of intense.

" Get the Hulk off my ship and don't care how you do it but, make it quick. " Fury commended in a serious tone as he fired his pistol.

Lower equipment room, carrier

Natasha was still recovering from Hulk shaving her into the wall, Natasha. Summoning back all her coolness, she touches her earpiece.

On shuttle level four Rath and Hulk where going at it in a fierce brawl of power. "Sir, the Helicarrierr just lost all power in Engine 1. And you only one minute left until Omnitrix time-out sets. " Olivia voice reported with a hint of urgency. As Rath was once again flang a few minutes away by Hulk's punches to his gut.

"Attention Agent Barton just took out our systems. He's headed for the detention level. Does anybody copy?" Fury voice came over the Omnitrix symbol on Rath chest.

Rath squinted upon hearing this report, as he left the helicarrier losing altitude under his feet. Looking at the large opening window, let out a growl of annoyance. Not wanting to end his fight with Hulk on an unconclusive note.

But, deep inside he new he couldn't drag this fight on any longer, as it not only posed a danger to himself but, the entire carrier.

" Hey, this doesn't mean you won alright. " Rath stated with a clearly annoyance, Hulk stopped in his tracks trying to comprehend what the dump talking tiger was saying.

Seeing his chance With a primal roar, he seized his moment, swiftly maneuvering behind the towering Hulk with lightning speed. With sinewy arms coiling around Hulk's colossal head like a vice, Rath's battle cry echoed through the chamber, a declaration of his unyielding resolve.

Every muscle in Rath's body tensed as he channeled all his might into a single, daring move. In a display of raw power and determination, he hoisted Hulk's massive frame over his head, the sheer force of his effort causing the ground to tremble beneath them.

"Thunderous Phalanx Throw!" Rath's voice reverberated with fierce determination as he unleashed his signature wrestling move. The air crackled with tension as Rath, fueled by adrenaline and resolve, hurled his adversary toward the towering glass window with a deafening crash.

Shards of glass exploded outward in a glittering cascade as Hulk hurtled through the air, his bellow of surprise echoing.

Rath stood near the shattered glass window watching Hulk falling toward the ground.

" Sir, it seems mister Stark is currently being chewed up in the engine rotors." Olivia reported, after receiving a report from Jarvis requesting assistance. " So, what does that have to do with me." Rath questioned as he had no way to possibly get to Stark in time.

" Sir, Jetray. " Olivia said, exasperation. " Oh, right totally forgot about him." Rath stated, before tapping the Omnitrix on his chest transforming.

" Jetray!" Ben now as Jetray shouted out, however immediately after transforming the Omnitrix symbol began to flicker and beep insistently.

Not wasting any time, he flew into the sky at lighting speed. Throw the shattered glass window

Finding the engine that was still looked, Ben flew down towards the rotating engine, moving at a speed as everything seemed to be moving in slow motions. As he agile moved through the engine rotors grabbing Iron man with his tail.

Before swiftly passing through the rotating engine blades, flying towards, Cap who was still in a intense gunfight with one of Barton's men. However, before Ben could fire his Neuroshock Blasts from his eyes he finally timeout.

Crashing into the ground in his human form, Tony who suddenly found himself out of the rotors engine. Immediately stabilized himself in the air before fire a repulsor blast towards the goons killing him instantly.

" Hey, what happened to pulling the lever, when I gave the signal. " Tony asked, in an annoyed tone. As his armor was now heavily damaged. " Huh, how about a thank you for saving my life Ben. " I asked, as I got up from the ground dusting himself off.

" Hey, this isn't the time for this we need to go and stop from escaping of this carrier. " Steve interrupted disgruntled at the two's bickering at this situation.

Meanwhile, Thor and Loki now stood face to face, their eyes locked in a fierce gaze. The brothers, once bound by blood, were now pitted against each other in a battle of wills.

Thor who had gotten here earlier had been trying to make his younger brother see the errors of his way. And give up the loction of the Tesseract, however, Loki detention cells opened suddenly briefly end their conversation.

" Loki you don't have to do this you can still make amends for all the crimes you've committed tell us. Where to find the Tesseract son this can all come to an end. " Thor pleaded with Loki

Loki, with his mischievous grin, taunted Thor, as he stepped out of his cell. "Brother, oh so righteous. If you give up the thrown of Asgard. And supporting me as the rightful ruler than I may consider it. " Loki proclaims as he existed the detention cells.

Thor, his hammer Mjolnir in hand, replied with determination, "Loki, your thirst for power has clouded your judgment. I will not let you harm innocent lives any longer."

With a swift motion, Loki conjured illusions of himself, confusing Thor momentarily. Seizing the opportunity, Loki unleashed a barrage of magical attacks, forcing Thor on the defensive. Lightning crackled as Thor summoned the power of the storm, retaliating with mighty strikes that shook the helicarrier.

The battle raged on, the helicarrier quaking under the impact of their clashes. Sparks flew as Mjolnir clashed against Loki's sorcery, each blow resonating with the weight of their tumultuous history. As they fought, the skies darkened outside with storm clouds, mirroring the turmoil within the brothers' hearts.

In a moment of vulnerability, Loki attempted to strike Thor with a powerful spell, only to be met with a resounding crack as Mjolnir intercepted the attack. With a final surge of strength, Thor channeled the power of thunder and lightning into a devastating blow, sending Loki crashing backing into the cell on the ground.

Breathing heavily, Thor stood over his fallen brother, extending a hand to help him up. "Loki, this madness must end. Join me, and together we can restore peace to Asgard."

Loki, defeated but not broken, looked up at Thor with a mixture of defiance and acceptance. "One day, brother, our paths will cross again. Until then, may fate guide us on separate journeys."

" Oh, brother your so navy. You can have your precious Asgard but, I'll will have the earth as my own.

Thor watched as Loki vanished in a swirl of green magic, turning around the real Loki comes out from behind the cell door, which closes on Thor, locking him up. Loki

smiles. "Are you ever not going to fall for that. "

A few minutes later outside the Helicarrier, the jet that brought Barton and his team now leaves, taking Loki and his scepter. The carrier flies into the distance.

As the jet leaves Ben, Cap and Iron man ran out trying to stop Loki and his team. With Tony flying ahead of the two trying to stop them. In his now heavily damaged armor, Ben daily up Swampfire fire extended long vines towards the escaping quinjet.

As Tony Stark flies ahead in his damaged armor, trying to intercept the escaping quinjet, Loki uses his illusions to create multiple decoys of the quinjet, confusing the heroes and buying himself time to slip away unnoticed.

Meanwhile, Captain America and Ben Tennyson, with Swampfire's vines extended towards the quinjet, find themselves entangled in a web of illusions created by Loki.

As they struggle to figure out which Loki is real, the trickster god seizes the opportunity to teleport himself to safety using his magical abilities, leaving the heroes empty-handed.

Despite their best efforts and teamwork, Loki's mastery of deception and magic allowed him to evade capture and vanish into the shadows, setting the stage for his next mischievous scheme.

" Damn it!" Ben screams frustration at losing Loki. Tony lands on the ground his expression masked by his face, while Ben and Steve looked at each other with solem expressions.

Ben thought about turning into Jetray, and try to find Loki but, even with his speed Loki's mind was fast enough to keep up. As shown with their previous encounter. " How do we find him now? " Steve question with a solemn tone.

Both Ben and Tony remain silent at this question suddenly, fury voice suddenly rang through Steve and Tony earpiece. With Ben hearing Fury voice through the Omnitrix with the symbol flashing with every word.

" Agent Coulson is down." Fury voice came through, agent Hill is being treated for a gash on her head, listens on her headset, stands up. Upon hearing the news with a solemn upon hearing the news of Coulson death.

As went for Tony, Steve, Natasha and Ben to a lesser extent having only communicated with the men a few times briefly, upon arriving on the carrier. But, found it hard to except the death of an dedicated man like Coulson.

I hope you enjoy the chapter, sorry if the actions aren't to you're liking. I'm still new to the whole action-packed-orientated novel. But, I hope to improve as the story progresses.

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