
Becoming A Wrestler

If you want to read 20 Chapters ahead or more, be sure to check my Patreon!!! Go to https://www.patreon.com/Tang12 _________________________________ Sandro was a Fan of Wrestling since a young age introduced by his father, becoming his place to run from the harshness of reality. Growing up, he yearned to become a wrestler but couldn't become one, when he turned 30 years old he managed to buy a ticket to Wrestlemania to celebrate his birthday. On the way there, he was struck by an oncoming truck killing him in the process, when he opened his eyes he saw a bright light. God: "I'm sorry my child, my angels chose the wrong person to die. To repay you I will let you be reborn and give you 3 wishes for you to choose." Follow Sandro's journey, to become the wrestler he always wanted since a young age, inspired by the likes of The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Triple H, and many more! _____________________________ -English is not my first language so bear with me, please! -Everything in this book is just fiction, all of the people are real people except for the MC. As for how the story goes on, its universe is an alternate earth where the timeline and events are changed by the Author for the convenience of the story.

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3. UCF Wrestling Team

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When Sandro finally turned 15 years old, he enrolled in the University program, majoring in Business and Law. It was at this time that he finally showed his true potential. Due to how easy his physique is in training sports, he attracted the attention of the coach of the Florida University Wrestling Team.

Sandro was the youngest member of UCF and their wrestling team, because he was considered to be a genius and somewhat eccentric he didn't have many friends. Sandro of course didn't care about this, and he had his wealthy background but entered UCF through a scholarship which is something he is proud of.

While studying at UCF, Sandro joined the wrestling team and showed his expertise in grappling after his training at a Wrestling Academy, along with his mastery over Taekwondo and Aikido he garnered throughout the years.

His excellence in sports began to garner some attention among the Students of UCF, a young genius who comes from a wealthy family entered UCF through a full scholarship, and is very skilled at hand to hand combat and wrestling.

At first, some students didn't believe it and thought that it was a rumor being circulated by Sandro himself, choosing to believe that he came from a rich family and was a genius, not believing the kind of self defence skills he had.

It was not until the Wrestling Coach of the UCL Wrestling Team announced that they would hold a small tournament for everyone to participate, where the top 3 winners would represent the UCL Wrestling Team for the Florida State Wrestling Tournament that will be held in 2 months.

This became a hot sensation in the entire University, especially with the Wrestling Team of UCL and their fanbase, because UCL had lost three times in a row and they needed the win this year to prove that the UCL Wrestling Team still had it.

The wrestling mats buzzed with anticipation as the coach rallied the UCL Wrestling Team for the upcoming tournament. Excitement and tension filled the air, fueled by the determination to break the losing streak.

As the coach announced that every team member would participate, eyebrows raised, and murmurs spread among everyone on the court. The decision triggered a mix of emotions enthusiasm for the chance to prove themselves and skepticism about the sudden unconventional approach.

Sandro, who was not yet of legal age according to the law, found his name on the participant list where instantly, a wave of objections surged through the team as they found this unfair and illegal.

Concerns echoed about his readiness and the potential risks involved. The coach, however, stood firm with his decision, emphasizing the importance of their training to love themselves, to not underestimate other competitors, and to expect the unexpected.

The court soon transformed into a battleground of conflicting opinions, but as the tournament was important to them and fearing the Coach would wipe their name from the tournament, the others gradually embraced and accepted the fact that Sandro who was not yet of legal age would wrestle them.

Sandro on the other hand actually doesn't expect that he would be chosen by the Coach due to how young he is and even though the Coach saw the talent he had, it doesn't mean he feels qualified even though he actually is qualified.

After the announcement, the Coach told everyone to train and prepare themselves as their tournament for the Florida State Wrestling Tournament would begin next week, and everyone immediately scattered to train and Sandro was among these people.

He goes into a corner a spot he chose when he first came here, and since no one wants to team up to train with him he visualizes his opponent himself and begins to train like he is in a wrestling match.

"Hey, Sandro do you bribe Coach to put you in the tournament? Do you actually think that a small kid like you could represent UCL?! Dream on kid, that was the big leagues where you would be squashed easily," said a man with several men following him who suddenly approached Sandro who was training by himself.

Sandro turned his head and saw Aiden, one of the star athletes of the wrestling team, "Aiden please mind your words, even though I'm rich I never bribed anyone in my life especially Coach, if you don't want to be knocked out by people in the future watch your words."

Hearing what Sandro said, Aiden and his goons beside him let out a loud laugh attracting some attention to their location, "Do you really think a little turd like you could knock me out?! Haha! This is the funniest word I have ever heard! Look at your muscles and the muscles I have! It's just a dream wanting to knock me out, kid!" said Aiden followed by his goons laughing out and pleasing Aiden.

Sandro shakes his head, he knows that in the United States assault was a pretty serious crime especially if you mastered martial arts, but if it was self defense on the other hand it was a different matter.

So Sandro decided to taunt Aiden and his goons into doing something bad, "You do know that muscles aren't an integral part of all of the martial arts," he said as he looked at Jack from top to bottom, "What matters is you have the balls to back up your word, but from the way I see it you either didn't have one or it's just a small one."

Sandro's taunt immediately caused Aiden and his goons to be angered, because they were never insulted before and were the ones who did it to other people. Jack immediately signaled two of his goons to teach Sandro a lesson, which the two happily do as they wanted to teach Sandro a lesson.

Sandro stood his ground, calm and unflinching, as the two goons approached. Seeing a fight going to break out, everyone in the court immediately focused on Sandro's location, and seeing the size difference many shook their head as they thought Sandro would be beaten.

The first goon, a bulky guy with a shaved head, lunged at Sandro, aiming a wild punch at his head. Sandro smoothly sidestepped, with fluid and precise movements.

With a swift motion, he grabbed the goon's arm, twisted it, and used his momentum sending the big guy crashing to the ground with a loud thud shocking everyone who saw it.

The second goon seeing what happened, used a slightly smarter approach and moved cautiously toward Sandro. He threw a series of jabs and hooks, but Sandro's training shone through.

He dodged and weaved, his small frame making him a difficult target. Seizing an opening, Sandro delivered a quick, powerful kick to the goon's midsection, causing him to fold over in pain.

The crowd gasped in astonishment, not expecting two of Jack's goons defeated by Sandro with such ease. Aiden's face turned red with anger and embarrassment. He clenched his fists, clearly contemplating whether to step in himself.

However, before he could make a move, the Coach arrived, having noticed the commotion from afar. "What's going on here?" the Coach demanded, his authoritative voice cutting through across the court.

Aiden stammered, trying to come up with an excuse, but the Coach wasn't having it. "I've warned you before about bullying, Aiden. This is your last warning. One more incident like this, and you're off the team."

Turning to Sandro, the Coach gave a nod of approval. "Good job handling yourself, Sandro. But next time, don't stoop to their level. Let your skills do the talking."

Sandro nodded, understanding the Coach's words. As the crowd dispersed, murmuring about the unexpected turn of events, Aiden shot Sandro a venomous look. "This isn't over, kid," he hissed, before storming off with his remaining goons.

Sandro watched him go, feeling a mix of satisfaction and caution. He knew that Aiden would come back for revenge, but he would be ready, and as the coach had just said he rather let his skills do the talking.

Two weeks passed by in the blink of an eye, and in that time, Sandro had immersed himself in intense training, honing his Wrestling, Aikido, and Taekwondo skills.

He balanced this rigorous routine with the classes he needed to attend, surprising many with his dedication and resilience as many would surely break off the routine after several days let alone 2 weeks.

Jack and Taylor, concerned for Sandro's well-being, worried that he might be overworking himself. Taylor, especially, feared her son would collapse under the pressure. However, Sandro's disciplined training regimen and strong physique allowed him to maintain his stamina and focus.

As the days went on, whispers about the upcoming tournament began to circulate around campus. Sandro's name was often mentioned, both in admiration and doubt.

Many still doubted that someone of his stature could compete at such a high level and physical tournament, but those who had witnessed his skills firsthand were beginning to change their minds.

One afternoon, after an exhausting training session, Sandro was approached by Coach in the locker room. "You've been working hard, Sandro," Coach said, his tone a mix of pride and concern. "But remember to listen to your body. Overtraining can be just as harmful as not training enough, especially with your body still in a growth period."

Sandro nodded, wiping the sweat from his forehead. "I will, Coach. Thanks for looking out for me."

Coach smiled and patted Sandro on the back. "You've got a lot of potential, kid. Just keep your focus and stay smart. The tournament is just around the corner, and I have a feeling you're going to surprise a lot of people."

As Coach left, Sandro felt a renewed sense of determination because the coach was the third person in this world to believe in him, like his father and mother. He had worked too hard and come too far to let anything stand in his way now.

That evening, as he walked home, Sandro noticed Aiden and his goons lingering near the campus entrance. Aiden's eyes followed him, a menacing smile playing on his lips.

It was clear that their confrontation was far from over. But Sandro didn't let it faze him. He kept his head high and walked past them, his mind focused on the tournament that held the opportunities he needed.

Back at home, Taylor greeted him with a warm smile and a home-cooked meal. "You look exhausted, honey," she said, her eyes filled with concern. "Are you sure you're not pushing yourself too hard?"

Sandro smiled reassuringly. "I'm fine, Mom. Just a lot on my plate right now. But I'm handling it."

Taylor nodded, though her worry didn't completely fade. "Just promise me you'll take care of yourself. You're strong, but even the strongest need to rest sometimes," she said, caressing Sandro's head.

"I promise, Mom," Sandro replied, giving her a hug. "Thanks for always being there for me." After embracing his mother, Sandro took a seat at the dining table alongside her, ready to enjoy the meal together.

As they ate, the front door opened, and Jack walked in after a long day at work. Seeing his son and wife enjoying Taylor's cooking, he smiled and joined them at the table, eager to relieve his hunger and spend time with his family. The conversation flowed easily, filled with laughter and the warmth of togetherness.

After dinner, Sandro went to his room. He took a hot shower, letting the steam relax his muscles and calm his mind. As he lay down on his bed, he felt a wave of anticipation wash over him.

Tomorrow was the tournament to decide who would represent the UCF wrestling team in the Florida State Wrestling Tournament, and he could hardly wait. His mind raced with thoughts of the matches, strategies, and the challenges ahead. Feeling sleepiness come over him, Sandro closed his eyes, his last thoughts were filled with excitement as tomorrow would be an important day, and he was ready to give it his all.


Name: Alessandro Zhang

Age: 15 (2005)

Birthplace: Orlando, Florida USA

Brand: None

Wrestling Style: None

Faction: None

Championship History: 0

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