
Ballad of the Crows

He reincarnated with the mission of the one above all, but not everything is as it seems. War on all scales. This is not a typical protagonist story, so don't expect the protagonist to be someone who achieves everything with the power of friendship. The protagonist's ideology is 'the end justifies the means'

deimospendragon · Anime und Comics
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164 Chs

Farewell 3

Kahatara: Now we just have to wait for Bullet to train Destrokhe properly so that he can obtain Haki.

Laxus: Sir, they're here.

Shiryu: This will be fun...

Katahara: Now let's see what they want to talk about...

At that moment, a small boat approached the shores.

Ryuma: Pirate Hunter, I didn't expect you to accept my lord's offer.

Shiryu: It seems like you want to fulfill that dream of yours.

The three people who disembarked from the boat were:

The thieving cat Nami and the Pirate Hunter Zoro, both members of the Straw Hat Pirates.

And the last one to step off the boat was Kuzan, also known as Admiral Aokiji.

Ryuma: If you wish to fulfill your dream, it will be impossible...

Shiryu: Ryuma and I had a fight a few weeks ago, and it ended in a draw.

POV, 3 weeks ago.

A deserted island.

Storm Flayer Ryuma and Shiryu of the Rain stood face to face, staring at each other intently.

As 11 ships surrounded the island, each one carrying a commander of the Black Crow, they observed the battle.

On the main ship, The Shadow of Aghata, the high lords watched everything.

Katahara: I wonder who will emerge as the winner. I can't even clearly see the future between them with my Observation Haki.

Meanwhile, on the island,

The battle had already begun, and everything around them showed traces of cuts.

Both warriors possessed advanced Observation Haki and advanced Armament Haki, making them equally formidable opponents. The scene was filled with tension as their swords clashed repeatedly.

Ryuma, with his unsheathed Shusui sword, displayed supreme skill and control. His advanced Armament Haki enveloped his body, granting him impenetrable defense. His advanced Observation Haki allowed him to anticipate his opponent's movements with supernatural precision.

Shiryu, wielding his Nodachi Raiu, used his advanced Observation Haki to perceive Ryuma's subtle movements even when he turned invisible with the power of the Suke Suke Fruit. With each stealthy move, he waited for the opportune moment to strike.

The battle commenced with a flurry of attacks and defenses. Ryuma unleashed powerful cuts with astonishing precision, while Shiryu moved stealthily, evading blows with agility and countering with swift and accurate strikes. Both fighters showcased their mastery of the sword art, but neither managed to gain a significant advantage over the other.

The battle continued with a series of quick and strategic maneuvers. Ryuma unleashed his special technique, the "Sword God's Tornado," a series of rapid and spinning cuts that defied the laws of physics. Shiryu, utilizing his ability to turn invisible, managed to dodge most of the attacks but not without sustaining some minor cuts, as he prepared his special attack, the "Blood Star Breaker." With a series of cuts emanating from all directions, accompanied by a red aura, he abandoned his invisibility completely.

As the fight intensifies, both swordsmen unleash their advanced Armament Haki to bolster their defenses. Every strike is blocked with millimeter precision, creating a deadly choreography of clashing swords. The tension in the air is palpable.

However, despite their superhuman abilities, neither manages to overpower the other. Their strengths are balanced in such a way that their movements and attacks cancel each other out. The battle becomes a deadly dance of equality, with neither able to gain the upper hand.

After a frantic exchange of blows and movements, both warriors suddenly stop. They recognize each other's skill and power, and with mutual respect, they decide that the battle has come to an end. They step back, acknowledging the draw.

Ryuma and Shiryu gaze at each other, sweat on their foreheads and breaths heavy. Though neither has emerged as the victor, they both know they have proven their worth as exceptional swordsmen.

Present POV

Zoro: Still, I'd like to have a duel.

Ryuma: If you desire a duel, you are welcome.

Shiryu: It might be the last time you have this opportunity, kid. What a shame.

Ryuma: But at the moment, time is against us. If you wait a few days...

Leaving Zoro lost in thought, he turned to look at Nami, who was already in the arms of Laxus, and then turned to Katahara with a determined look.

Zoro: Is the offer to join still on the table?

Drawing everyone's attention.

Laxus: Mind your manners, kid.

Katahara: Calm down... but I must tell you something. If you want to become the world's greatest swordsman, you should simply try your luck against the Secretary General of the new world organization... but if you still want to join, you're welcome.

Zoro: Still, I'd like to join. Something inside me tells me that if I don't join you, I will never be able to reach my full potential.

Katahara: Welcome, kid. For now, you'll be under Ryuma's command until the full structure is established.

Katahara: It's a pleasure to have you here, Nami... Unfortunately, the royal treasury department is full.

Leaving Nami in charge of finances would be the stupidest decision, Katahara thought.

Laxus: You'll be with me until we find a job.

Before Nami could say anything, Kuzan approached.

Kuzan: Now that the kids are done talking... let's discuss business, King Crow.

Katahara: Alright... why don't you show Ryuma where he will be staying? As for Nami, I have to consider that she will stay with you, Laxus... Let's talk in a quieter place, follow me.

They disappeared at that moment, along with Kuzan.

Both of them appeared atop a mountain.

Katahara: I'll be honest with you. I'm looking for someone like you to join me as my personal bodyguard.

Kuzan, looking at Katahara seriously.

Kuzan: I don't believe you lack talented people within your little independent country. Onis, Minks, Giants, Sky People, not to mention the Kuja tribe. Even some of your commanders have the same level as I do, so what's the truth?

Katahara: Everyone has their own assignment, which has already been assigned.

Kuzan: Let me be clear from the beginning. I don't share your intentions or ideals. I know very well that you're only interested in gaining power for yourself, and you don't care about the well-being of the world.

Receiving a smile in response.

Katahara: Look at it this way, you won't have to work for a few years until my grand plan is fully structured.

Kuzan: So you plan to pay me for doing nothing, for a few years...

Meanwhile, Katahara looked into Kuzan's eyes, showing him an illusion.

In just a few seconds, he showed him what he would face in the future, while also revealing his next destination.

Kuzan: That has to be an illusion, things like those are impossible to exist...

Katahara: Believe it or not... but Im Sama was one of their commanders. I showed you and told you what only a handful of people know...

Kuzan pondered for a few minutes as he looked at the horizon.

Kuzan: I appreciate your honesty, Katahara. However, I can't deny that your proposal piques my interest, along with everything you showed me. And what you showed me, I don't share your philosophy, but I still believe that everything you've done in the past will be accounted for in some way.

Katahara: The end justifies the means... everything is a means to an end... so now, an answer, Kuzan.

Kuzan: I accept becoming your bodyguard, but I want it to be clear that I won't be fully committed to your actions. I won't participate in indiscriminate atrocities, and I'll do everything in my power to stop any act that I deem excessively destructive.

Katahara: I understand your conditions, Kuzan. I appreciate your willingness to join me, even if our ideals differ. Let me remind you that you will still follow my orders and abide by my decisions, but I trust that you will also act with some moderation. And of course, you won't do it for free. You'll have as much money and power as few others, and of course, there won't be as many restrictions.

Kuzan: Protecting you is not a problem as such. I'm more than certain that none of your commanders would allow anyone with malicious intentions to get close, especially in those places you showed me. And who would be foolish enough to directly attack a Yonko?

Katahara: You have no idea... You have no idea, Kuzan.

Kuzan: I will work by your side and follow your orders to a certain extent. I will do everything in my power to minimize the suffering caused by your excessive ambitions. Don't forget that my loyalty is limited by my own moral compass.

Katahara: And to complete it, you must bear the Guardians' Rune.

As he pulled out a small knife.

Kuzan: A tattoo.

Katahara: This represents that you're one of the commanders of the guard.

Kuzan: Why don't you just use an ID? How bothersome.

Of course, with this, I'll have your total loyalty. Katahara thought to himself.