
Ballad of the Crows

New chapters will be released regularly on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

deimospendragon · Anime & Comics
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168 Chs


Katahara: I almost forgot that I still have one lottery ticket. System, use the lottery ticket.

[The host can randomly summon silver, gold, and diamond-grade items using a lottery ticket.] [Activating the lottery function...]

At that instant, a roulette appeared ranging from the silver level to the highest diamond level.

The chances of the lower-level items appearing were the highest, while the chances of the higher-level items appearing were very low.

The roulette started spinning until it came to a stop.

[Congratulations, you have obtained a gold-grade summon: Slade Joseph Wilson "Deathstroke" (DC Word)]

Katahara: Deathstroke... interesting. But before Katahara could finish speaking, a black portal formed in front of him, from which dark mist emerged and took human form.

Deathstroke is a middle-aged man with short, gray hair. He has his right eye covered by an orange patch, a result of an injury. His physique is muscular and athletic. He is usually seen wearing an orange and black combat armor, providing him with protection and freedom of movement. Additionally, he carries tactical gear, including a belt with various gadgets and weapons.

Deathstroke opened his eyes, and the first thing he did was kneel down while removing his mask.

Deathstroke: Sir, my name is Slade Joseph Wilson, also known as "Deathstroke," the most lethal and effective assassin there is. I am honored to be at your service.

Katahara: I didn't expect this... Rise, Deathstroke...

Deathstroke: Master, allow me to describe my abilities and what I can offer as your subordinate.

Katahara: Go ahead, Deathstroke. I am interested in learning about your abilities.

Deathstroke: Sir, I am a master of hand-to-hand combat, proficient in the handling of all types of weapons, and possess a brilliant tactical mind. My loyalty and efficiency are guaranteed. I am your perfect weapon to carry out any task you entrust to me.

Katahara: Impressive. Very well, Deathstroke. Your abilities will be put to the test. Show your worth and ensure that your actions are aligned with my objectives. From now on, you will undergo intensive training and officially be part of Laffitte's team.

Deathstroke: Understood, sir. I will not disappoint. My loyalty is unwavering, and my determination is unquestionable. I am ready to fulfill your orders.

Katahara: Once you master Observation Haki and Armament Haki, you will be ready to actively participate in missions.

As he approached his communicator.

Katahara: Contact Bullet and tell him to come to my office right away.

As he hung up his communicator.

Meanwhile, on a ship scaling the great waterfall of Wano Kuni, with only two crew members.

Damn, the ship won't hold.

At that moment, the ship started to fall from the enormous precipice.

But then, a gigantic hand made of ice prevented it from falling.

Meanwhile, Laxus was with Ryuma and Shiryu on the coast, accompanied by a whole battalion.

Shiryu: So, one of them did choose our lord.

Ryuma: I'm not surprised about Laxus' bride, but the other two...

Laxus: Our lord will arrive any moment now...

Meanwhile, in another part of Wano.

Aslaug was with several guards, standing next to Agrom.

Aslaug: I told you, our lord wants to speak with you now.

Agrom: There was no need to bring guards for me.

At that moment, the guards stopped.

Aslaug: These guards are not here to prevent you from hurting someone... these guards are here to prevent me from beating you up.

Agrom: That makes much more sense... Hahahahaha.