
Balance In The Force: A Star Wars Story

In the Star Wars Universe there are thousands of different species and almost all are humanoid and look incredibly similar. Why? How? Was there some distant relative they all had or was it just the force at will and whatever it was what if it came back to us at a time when the galaxy was supposedly at peace. I do not own Star Wars and this is to be considered fanfiction/ legends material.

KumaBear27101 · Filme
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

After several hours of needless exposition that would be a mind sore to anyone reading but I need to recap.

"So let me get this straight: The force in the galaxy is no longer balanced and is primarily light side because they split up into different orders the Jedi and the Sith who have been warring for thousands of years on and off until the Sith who represent the dark side all died and now the Jedi who are the light side are the only force users?"


"And they keep anyone from learning about the dark side by taking any child that is force sensitive and indoctrinating them in their order?"


"These Jedi are also so-called peacekeepers of a republic that either controls or has influence in most of the so-called known galaxy?"

"And the only reason why this world hasn't been either exterminated or taken over by either the Sith or Jedi ever is due to the force keeping this world hidden even though it is within these core worlds?"

"Yes and yes."

"I am not even going to summarize the rest of what you said. My mind hurts."

"Is there anything you need my lord?" Zara askes with a modicum of worry.

"I am fine Zara just a lot to process. So does anyone know of the Tult race or of the Progenitors?"

Yumia chimes in this time. "Not really my lord, while we do send out ships and people into the galaxy it is for mostly simple trade or to gather news and knowledge as to not be blindsided, so while people have seen us, we haven't been looked into. As far as the Progenitors… From what we can tell we are the only peoples that remember your race my lord. The rest of your people of the gods kept hidden from their creations at so much as to not be remembered and thus didn't interact with their people."

"I see, so what do you all think we should do? Stay hidden as you have been or join the wider world?"

It is an important question, while this world is amazing I feel something in the force, something that is calling me to stay not just here on this planet. I will have to explore that feeling later.

"We will do whatever you wish my lord."

"I appreciate that Alfred but I am asking for you opinion. Like what would be the pros and cons of making our presence known?"

"Before I answer that my lord, I think we should know what your goals are?"

I didn't know how to answer that. Mhm think, well I get the feeling the force wants me to interact with pats of the galaxy so ide have to leave eventually and Yumia and Zara would definitely leave with me, I doubt they would take no for an answer which is weird since I am their 'god' but whatever. Wait... the force wants me in the galaxy and I just woke up now and not during any other time. What is special about now?

"Is there anything going on in the galaxy as a whole? Like are there any notes of chaos or wars or anything?"

The defense minister Hector was pretty quick on the response. "Based on our latest reports from earlier this month there aren't any major wars or issues happening. Some corruption in the senate, the Hut cartel is still in the slave business, and a couple of planets have small internal wars but in the grand scheme of things there is nothing worth mentioning my lord."

'Then why am I here? Perhaps I am just early or maybe the force just decided at random… I won't know for sure until the force tells me, or I find out myself.'

"The force wants me in the galaxy and may have woken me up at this time for a reason, what that reason is I am unsure as of yet. So either by myself or us as a people will head out into the galaxy. Now tell me the pros and cons."

Everyone in the room showed nervousness, excitement, anticipation as well as uncertainty at my words. These are a people who from their explanation has been observers and not participants in the galaxy for eons, and now that might change.

"Well my lord" Hector started. "From a defense standpoint the pros would be that we could have the opportunity for expansion of land, resources, immigrants, and culture which could bolster our people and world. However, the cons would be the slow rot of our own people and culture from other races as well as possible enemies that wish to capitalize on an unknown people."

"From a social standpoint, I would have to do some surveys but I would say that most people would stay here unless you permanently left this world. Some would want to follow you but none would stop you from anything you wish." Alfred declared.

"We would of course be right there with you my lord as your guards and loyal followers." Zara answered for both her and Yumia.

"Thank you all. I will think of it further, Alfred go ahead and take that survey and see if people would prefer to stay hidden or wish to join the wider galaxy, tell them I want their honest opinions. Hector I would like some info on our military capabilities and how we would compare to other known powers. Zara and Yumia, tomorrow I would you two to assist me in teaching me how to fight, since you two were the highest level of guard I assume you are amazing fighters."

""It will be done my lord."

""Yes lord the best fighters.""

All people answered and I was happy with this meeting.

"Now do your jobs and once it's done inform either Zara or Yumia and I will meet with you to discuss it. I will be going to bed."

"My lord will you be needing any food or water?"

"Huh, what do you mean Zara?"

"Um do you want any sustenance?"

I really didn't know what she was referring to until I thought hard about it and recalled an inherited memory.

"Ah no I won't, I get everything I need from the force itself. I just want to sleep and meditate and tomorrow we will train."

"""""Yes my lord""""" and with that the first meeting that would shape our lived finished.

After the meeting, Hector and Alfred left and I went with Zara and Yumia with Zara ahead and Yumia behind. I tried to get them to walk just next to me but they said this was to protect your front and rear from attacks, I didn't know what they were protecting me from but whatever. We ascended the stairs of the same building until we were at the top floor, once there I saw a couple doors with one being a double door. I was however taken out from my examination by Yumia's voice.

"My lord the double door is your room with the doors to each side being mine and Zara's rooms so we can be close to guard and assist you at all times. Next to your bed is a button that will call us at any time. Please don't worry and call us for anything. The last two rooms are a longue and an office. Is there anything further you need?"

"No thank you I will be in my room until tomorrow, you two can do whatever it is you do, go eat or sleep or whatever. Just don't disturb be for the rest of the day I need to meditate.

""Yes our lord""

I left the two women and entered my room. It was very large with a bed that could easily fit 4 of me side by side comfortably, the walls were decorated with pictures of nature, and a couple chairs were in the corner with a small desk, next to the bed was the button to call for help and at the side was both a closet with clothes as well as a bathroom. I ignored all of that as I sat down on the bed and started my meditation. I need to see what the force wants.