
Bad Boy!

In this time there are things such as demons and others as celestials. Celestials protect humans from these demons, but some demons, such as bakugou, can disguise themselves. But once they are found they are sent to a special place for demons of such. These demons need a certain ammount of blood each day, and if they don't they turn into their spirit animal. Bakugou's spirit animal is a pomeranian, scary, right? After Izuku accidentally saw Bakugou transforming out of his animal form, he is dragged into this never ending adventure of hiding and sheltering Bakugou from these celestials. Although Bakugou was not very fond of this protection before hand, he eventually gets very used to it and even starts to feel something more. What will happen next on their journey. Will Bakugou be caught, or will the two boys live forever being hunted?

baku_dekufam · Anime und Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 1

It was a start of a new life, arriving in Japan, a new country across the world, Izuku took his first step in Japan and was immediately hit with the scent of cherry blossoms.

Being a transfer student sounds hard and tough as it is, but since Izuku has done it, he has met tons of new people from different culture and language that it had grown quite simple to adapt to new environments. He's gotten used to different climates and weather because of his journey's and now he knows tons of new languages. He has also mastered lots of different studies, like science in Europe, mathematics in the U.S, and history in Africa. Izuku loves learning about each place he visits.

Japan is his final destination before he returns home. But something is bothering him. Izuku doesn't know where home is. The reason he started transferring was to get away from it. So maybe this whole time he was trying to find a place to call home.



U.A High is where Izuku was assigned. It's just a regular HighSchool in a regular neighborhood. Izuku did enjoy the rich neighborhoods, but he would rather stay at a more humble environment.

Izuku's overgrown green hair flopped through the wind while he stared out the open window. He watched houses zoom by as the car glided to a smooth stop.

"Here's your destination." The driver said unlocking the door. Silently Izuku thanked him and got out of the car to unload his stuff. Izuku stopped and stared up at the house. It was fairly big, with an upstairs and maybe even a basement. Midoriya went around to the back of the car and got his luggage. He then shut the trunk and hit it twice. The driver took off in a hurry.

Izuku stood there for a second, spinning around in all directions, admiring all the houses carefully. The houses were oddly close to each other than in America and there was a lot less trees. Plus the road was smaller and had no lines on it. He shrugged it off and walked up the slanted driveway. His big red shoes hit the porch as he climbed up dragging his two suitcases behind him.

Izuku propped his bags up against the side of the house and knocked, his knock shaking the hanging flower pot to his left side. He heard a few footsteps and bangs, before the door flung open. There stood a tall lady with dark blue hair, skinny glasses that fell on the bridge of her slim nose, she was very lean and skinny. An even taller male stood beside her holding her shoulder. He had dark black hair, busy eyebrows, sharp jawline that could cut anything and some serious calves. Then behind them was a tall boy about Izuku's age with dark blue hair, glasses, sharp jawline, bushy curved eyebrows, and thick calves (THICCC).

The first to speak was the mom. "Ah, you must be Midoriya. I'm Mrs. Iida, hes Mr. Iida, and my son is Tenya. Come on in, I'll show you to your room." Her voice was soft and delicate, so delicate that it could break with a simple gust of wind.

"Okay thank you ma'am." Izuku said taking his shoes off at the door and following her down a narrow hallway full of family pictures and paintings. The odd thing about them was that there was an extra person in them. He looked older than Iida, but very similar. Izuku shook it off and continued walking. She lead them to a flight of stairs heading into the top level. The stairs turned left into an open hallway with doors on both sides. The first door was on the right, second on left, third on right, fourth on left, and smack dab in the middle of the end of the hallway was door number five.

"The first door is the bathroom, second is Iida's room, third is your room, fourth is an office and fifth is a closet. Our room is in the basement if you need anything." She said. Izuku thanked her before she disappeared downstairs.

With both of his bags he entered his new room. The first thing he saw was a bed flat up against the wall in front of a window. To the left of him was a desk with a lamp on it, and to the left of that was a walk in closet. In the closet was a dresser and some hangers for him. He set his bags next to the closet door and plopped on his bed. He sank right into the fluffy mattress remember the painful endless hours of the plane flight. He felt his eyes roll back.

"Hello, is this a bad time?" Izuku shot up from bed and sat upright. A light blush plastered his face.

"No certaintly not, what's up?" Izuku asked embarrassed still by what he walked in on.

"We haven't had a proper greeting, I'm Iida as my mom said before." Iida said holding out his hand. Determined, Izuku took it.

"I'm Midoriya, Izuku Midoriya. Nice to meet you!" He said shaking Iida's tough hand. 'Wow is he seems strong' Izuku thought letting go of the strong grip.

"I hope we become friends, and I hope you make some of your own. I can show you some of my friends if you'd like?" Iida said standing still like a statue. This made Iida look more mature and in a way, older than he was. So in response Izuku straightened up his posture and refocused back on what he had said.

"Sure, I would love that!" Izuku exclaimed feeling very excited. Iida winced at his loudness. "Sorry, I still need to work on that."

"You'll fit in great, don't worry." Iida smiled. "I'll leave you be now, and dinner will be done soon. I'll come get you when it is." And with that Iida left closing the door a nudge.

This will do...


Thanks for reading. Have a great night/day
