
Bad Boy!

In this time there are things such as demons and others as celestials. Celestials protect humans from these demons, but some demons, such as bakugou, can disguise themselves. But once they are found they are sent to a special place for demons of such. These demons need a certain ammount of blood each day, and if they don't they turn into their spirit animal. Bakugou's spirit animal is a pomeranian, scary, right? After Izuku accidentally saw Bakugou transforming out of his animal form, he is dragged into this never ending adventure of hiding and sheltering Bakugou from these celestials. Although Bakugou was not very fond of this protection before hand, he eventually gets very used to it and even starts to feel something more. What will happen next on their journey. Will Bakugou be caught, or will the two boys live forever being hunted?

baku_dekufam · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter 2

"Thank you for breakfast!" Izuku exclaimed, picking up his shoes and hurridly putting them on. He grabbed for his backpack running out the door, he caught up with Iida who was already half way down the block. Out of breath, Izuku exclaimed, "Slow down you're too fast Iida!"

Iida chuckled, "Sorry, it's sort of a habbit, even my friends can't keep up." Izuku let out a breathy laugh.

"It's all right." Izuku said patting his shoulder. "Just don't leave me behind." Izuku and Iida shared a silly laugh as they made their way on campus.

"So what class do you have?" Asked Izuku as they walked down the crowded and noisy corridor.

"1a, what class do you have?" Iida replied. Izuku junped up and down, "The advanced class, me too!" He squealed happily beside him. That definitely made Izuku feel more comfortable and sorta safe, now knowing that he won't be completely alone in school. He smiled happily.

'Yep he'll definitely fit in' Iida said under his breath. Izuku heard a bit of noise from Iida, so in confusion he tilted his head sideways, to glance at the tall man with glasses that were falling down his nose as they walked. Iida seemed to not notice, so he curiously spoke up.

"What was that?" Izuku questioned, just to make sure he really didn't say anything. At this point it could've just been some other noisy kids that were walking by. It seemed as the seconds passed, the louder the hallways got, but soon it died down as some students dipped into their classrooms.

"I'll take you there, just don't lose me." Iida "repeated". Izuku smiled and averted his eyes ahead of him, seeing no other than other students dispersing their way to their classes.

"Okay." Midoriya replied, having now heard him. Midoriya skipped happily behind Iida to class.



     The two boys, very different in height, walked into 1a together. Lots of new faces were turned towards others, having full conversation, except for one, he was excluded from the group. He stuck out like a sore thumb. He had ashy blonde hair, red powerful eyes, and one sharp of a jawline. An odd feeling resided over Izuku, he just had to be his friend.

"Who's that guy?" Asked Izuku, pointing towards the outcast of the class. Iida followed his finger that seemed to fall upon Bakugou. The loud explosive boy the whole school seemed to know. It was a bit surprising for Izuku to have really noticed him of all people, he was just silently staring out the window as if something had his attention.

"Oh him, he's Katsuki Bakugou. He is very disrespectful and rude. I'd suggest you stay away from him." Iida said with disgust. He then lightened up. "Come, I'll show you my friends." Izuku really wanted to see for himself if Bakugou was a nice person or not, he really wouldn't know by just looking at him. Though something did seem off about that kid, but he always says; never judge a book by it's cover. Izuku stopped his thinking and followed Iida over to his friend group, smiling widely as they stopped.

"Iida~chan you're here!" A girl with brown hair called. "With?" She said turning towards Izuku. He was a bit nervous, not only was he the new kid, but also he was a transfer (which some schools don't normally get). So with that being said, Izuku had a tint of red spreading across his freckled cheeks as his hand found his way to the back of his skinny neck.

"Oh, I'm Izuku, Izuku Midoriya. I'm a transfer student." Izu said with a smile. That got peoples attention, even Bakugou's. As they all stopped to listen, Izuku felt more nerves washing over him. Feeling all the weight on his shoulders he began to blush a bit harder and even shake with nervousness.

"Wowza, that's so cool! Lets all be friends! I want to get to know where you are from and all of your adventures!" She squealed. "Oh I almost forgot, I'm Uraraka, Uraraka Ochaco. This is Shouto Todoroki, Denki Kaminari, Mina Ashida, and Eijiro Kirishima." Everyone waved and greeted Izuku who was still shaking a bit from his breakdown. Now everything went back to normal, other people went back into their conversation and even Bakugou went back to staring out the window again. Izuku felt a bit of relief now knowing he wasn't the center of attention anymore.

"Okay everyone take your seats." Said a strict voice. The teacher emerged from a yellow sleeping bag in the corner of the room. Everyone flowed into their seats, the only open one was behind Bakugou. Izuku smiled and happily walked past Bakugou making sure to smile at him. Katsuki growled lowly at it. Izuku sat at his desk and placed his bag next to him.

The teacher then went on with a boring lecture.



"Ugh that was so boring!" Izuku complained to Iida in front of him.

"When is he not boring?" Iida questioned tapping his lunch tray as they stood patiently in line. There wasn't much of a line, but the lunch ladies were going very slow today, mostly because they accidentally burned the chicken and had to restart cooking them. Which was a nice thing about this school, they actually cared about their students and cooked for them.

"I know right, he's always super boring and tired. Why did he become a teacher in the first place?" Asked Uraraka sticking her head out from behind Izuku.

"I think he might have insomnia." Ashido suggests, Ochaco turned around to face her.

"Yah, he always has dark bags under his eyes." Uraraka reaponded touching the spot under her eye.

"Maybe, but it is not polite to assume. So let's drop this conversation and talk about something more appropriate." Iida replies sternly, paying for his food. After paying he waited patiently nearby to wait for the rest of the group to pay.

"I agree. Anyways what do you guys do for fun around here?" Izuku asked. They had all finally paid and walked to an open table that was next to the table full of jocks. Most people would call them cool and all, but to be truthful, they're annoying and (not to be rude or anything) dumb. They do fine in their classes, since they have to in order to play on the school team, but that's only because they cheat and have other smart people do their homework for money. They probably don't know the first thing about mathematics, or even science in that matter.

"Ooh, I have one." Kirishima exclaims raising his hand. "We love going to the bowling alley and messing around there!"

"That's a good one!" Denki agrees. "We also love going to the movies."

"Yep and we play games at the arcade!" Ashido exclaims. "Theres so many new and fun games there."

"Ooh, ooh and we go to the mall all the time. There's tons of stuff to do there." Uraraka adds. "There's even karaoke in there!"

"Those are fun, but I prefer the times where we go to someones house to study, watch movies, and play games all night then having a sleepover." Todoroki calmly suggests. Izuku smiles at that one.

"So basically we go everywhere and do everything." Iida says, looking down at Izuku as they all sit at a table. "My favorite is going to the cafe down the street to study."

"I can't wait for all of that!" Izuku exclaimed, joy taking over his body. Izuku took a bite of his katsudon and felt it melt in his mouth. His eyes shoot wide open. He felt like he was literally tasting heaven.

"Why so surprised, Izuku?" Asked Iida who was sat beside him, looking down at his expression.

"This food tastes so different than the school food in America. The food in schools there are frozen then heated up and served. But this, this is just... wow..." Izuku blurted. They all giggled at how fast Izuku was talking. "Sorry, sometimes when I talk I get off topic. But just wow, this is good food."

"It's okay, we get it." Ochaco says taking her spot in front of Izuku. Izuku smiles warmly and starts to scarf down his food with a smile still on his face.

     The teens continued to talk about their lives and why they love Japan so much, throughout the entire lunch period. And when the bell rang, they swarmed out of the lunch room and back into 1a to suffer from boredom again.



     Izuku sat at his bed on his phone, after school he had been added to his new friends group chat. They were talking about meeting up sometime tomorrow at the cafe. Izuku sighed happily and began typing out a sentence, deleting it about a million times before finally sending it.

❤~Izu- Okay guys, I gtg. I'mma work out

He let out a breath, hoping they won't mind him leaving the chat so soon. He fell backwards on his bed, letting his arms lay by his sides, his phone still being held in his right hand. Izuku felt his head sink into his pillows as he stared up at the ceiling. Multiple dings began to play out of his phone and once more he brought the phone to his face to read their messages.

❤~K- have fun Izu~bro

❤~U- See yah tomorrow Izu~

❤~A- Have fun~

❤~T- See you tomorrow Midoriya.

❤~I- Come back safe

*Izu~ signed out*

     Midoriya slid on his jogging shoes and slipped on his jacket. He tucked his phone into his pocket, with tons of missed calls from his mother. He shook his hair out of his face and walked down the stairs.

"I'm heading out to jog. I'll be back in an hour or so. Call me if you need something." Izuku called out before leaving the house.

     The chill breeze of the evening sent shivers down his spine. He closed his eyes and turned right, only to be immediately knocked off his feet. He flung back and slammed on the ground. Izuku gasped at the air after having it knocked out of him. He propped himself up to see what hit him. On the ground in front of him was no other than Bakugou Katsuki.

"Hey watch where you're going nerd!" Katsuki yelled at him.

"It's you who needs to look where you're going!" Izuku snapped back. Bakugou got up silently and stepped over Izuku who was still on the ground, propping himself up with his elbows. They were both glaring daggers into each others eyes.

"What did you say nerd?" He growled. Izuku gulped underneath him, scared by his intensity. "Now get up and get out of my sight."

     Izuku did as told and walked past Katsuki. 'What an asshole' Izuku thought. 'Who does he think he is?' 'I'll show him.'

     Bakugou also couldn't get him out of his head. 'Who does he think he is?' And 'I'll show him who's boss around here!'


Thanks for reading

Have a great night/day
