
Chapter 2 - School Trip

In a famous High School of New York there's a teen boy named Peter Parker he has 1,80 cm tall, with a brown curly hair,pale skin and a very slim body, every day after his first class he helped the chemical teacher with his experiments to obtain extra scholar points because he was on his last year and needed those points to entering in a university with a scholarship.

While he was getting out of the chemical laboratory after another daily experiment he look at the clock and began to run with his backpack on his hand,It was already at 8:40 AM and his next class were at 8:45.

"I need to hurry and go to the biologic class or the teacher will be mad with me again!" Peter mumbled as he run on the empty school hall.

"If I can't get to the class in time this will be the fourth time in this weekend and I will receive another advertising"

While Peter was muttering to himself he couldn't see that right in front of the classroom entrance there was a guy, at the time that Peter saw this guy was already late and he couldn't stop at time so he collided on the guy's back and fell on the floor with his backpack.

" Huh!? what in the fucking hell hit me " said the guy while he looked behind his back, the guy was 1,95 cm tall and had a very muscular body that anybody couldn't relate to a normal High School teen, the name of this 'muscular giant' was Flash Thompson a quarterback of the School football team.

"Oho so that was you Puny Parker, where did you got the balls to do that huh!?!" said Flash to Peter while he put him of the ground by his shirt.

"S-sorry Flash I didn't saw that you was there, I'm really sorry can you let me g-go?" spoke Peter to him while trembling.

"Fuck if Flash hurt me, I'll be not able to do my part-time job tonight and I could lost this job like the others because of that" thought Peter to himself while he deliberated trembled his body.

His body was a little fragile because he couldn't afford to buy properly food,pay the school charges and do the house bills with the heritance that his parents left for him, and the part-time job at night don't helped in the health of his body either.

His parents died in a strange car crash when he was 12 years old,with his hearithance he also gained the propriety of his parents house in the suburbs of New York, the house only have one floor and a basement that his parents used to make small experiments of their work.

"So you didn't saw me huh!? You think you are better than me because of yours grade is better than mine's, you're just a professor's pet you little shit!!" spoke Flash while he began to approach his hand to the Peter's belly.

Peter was more mature than his classmates due to he grow up on his own, because after his parents died there's no one to take care of him, he was very intelligent and the teachers loved him, but we can't say the same to his fellow classmates, that don't liked the professors comparing them with Peter , because of that he was excluded of the whole class except for one person.

"Stop that Flash,or I'll call the teacher!!" yelled a girl that just has arrived before Flash could punch Peter on his belly.

That person who yelled to him was a girl named Mary Jhane, she was a tall teen with a very aerodynamic body and a red hair that get the attention of everyone that met her, she is a member of the School Actor's club,she was very popular, and she was the only person that really spoke properly with Peter.

Flash dropped Peter on the floor and spoke with him on a cold tone before he entered to the class.

"Tsk! you're lucky Puny Parker next time there's will be no one to stop me from punching you, pray to the lord to don't be alone with me"

Peter lift from the floor while Mary Jane passed to him his backpack that falled of his hands when was being bullied, and then proceed to talk with him.

"Peter I know that you like to be spanked but this the second time on the weekend." spoke her with a little smile.

And Peter replied to that in a pitch voice while also smiling.

" Don't even joke about that Mj, only thinking about Flash spanking me I have a shiver on my spine!"

She smiled and then spoked back to him.

"Right right I'll not make this joke anymore, so let's enter on the class now, it's about to initiate and I think that you don't want to be late again haha."

She entered into the class while laughing.

"This girl know how to provoke me haha.." Peter mumbled while he entered on the class right before the bell ring.


He got to his table that was very dirt and with a lot of cursed words printed on his desk like scumbag,little bitch,professor's pet,asshole and a lot of others profanitys words that you can think.

He just looked at that and give a little depreciative smile to this low acts of his classmates.

"Ok everyone, take your seat and let's begin today's lesson"

Said the professor to the class after the bell ringed.

"But after that, I have to tell to everyone that for the tomorrows class we are going to visit the Osborn Industries due to the indication of Herry"

The professor and all of the class looked and cheered to Harry Osborn that was sitting next to Mary Jane.

"Ok ok calm down" said the teacher to the class, and then continued to spoke

"We will visit the Oscorp, one of the biggest companies in biological modification, we are going to visit the exposition hall and some of their laboratories that will be opened only for our visit due to Harry imploring to his father" said the teacher while he smiled to harry.

And then proceed to talk again.

"We will left the school at 7:30 AM so don't be late or you'll be left behind" he looked at peter while he spoke that part, and everyone at the class laugh, letting Peter with a red face.

"Ok calm down, now let's begun today's lesson, today we are going to learn about genetics."

The class sighed and then began to take their books out of the backpack.

Please, if there's an error point it to me, I'm training my english so take care of me.

And if you like so,or have some thought for the history development let me know about it I pareciate it.

CrazzyChemistercreators' thoughts