
Astelia Chronicles

In the world of Astelia, our protagonist embarks on a journey across the seven unique continents that make up this world. Along the way, he faces challenges, both personal and political as he navigates through the complex societies and cultures. As he uncovers the truth about the world, he must struggle with his loyalty and his morality.

BlankVisage · Fantasie
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24 Chs

Fate and destiny


Jinn and Michael were taken to a top-secret Ironclad laboratory, deep in the heart of the continent. They were both perplexed and terrified of what fate and destiny awaited them. They were taken to separate rooms, where they were subjected to a series of cruel and inhumane experiments.

Jinn was strapped to a table and injected with the serum called "Neo-Genesis." He could feel the serum coursing through his veins, burning and itching as it made its way through his body. He could see the scientists observing him through the glass, taking notes and making calculations. He could feel his strength and speed increasing, but he could also feel something else changing within him. He could feel his mind becoming hazy and his thoughts becoming muddled. He could feel his willpower slipping away and his obedience increasing.

The scientists then placed a headset on Jinn's head, and he could hear a low frequency sound. Suddenly he felt compelled to obey whatever command the scientists gave him. He felt like he was losing control of his own actions and thoughts.

One of the scientists approached Jinn and gave him a command: "Jinn, you are now one of the elite soldiers of Ironclad; you will obey any command given to you, and you will do so without question."

Jinn felt a wave of anger and frustration wash over him, but he couldn't seem to control his own actions. He knew that something was wrong, but he couldn't put his finger on what it was. He wanted to resist, but the sound waves continued to play in his head, making it impossible for him to think for himself.

"What have you done to me?" Jinn managed to ask through gritted teeth, But the scientist simply turned away, leaving Jinn alone with his thoughts and his anger. He could feel the sound waves pushing at the edges of his mind, trying to take control of his thoughts and actions.

"Why? Why would you do this to me?" Jinn asked, his voice shaking with anger.

Jinn felt a wave of despair wash over him, as he realized that his free will had been taken away from him. He was now just a puppet, controlled by the ruling class of Ironclad. He couldn't help but think about Michael, and wonder what they were doing to him.

Meanwhile, in another room, Michael was going through a similar experience. He was also injected with the Neo-Genesis serum and subjected to the same cruel experiments. He too was fitted with a headset that broadcasted the same sound waves, and he too felt his will slipping away.

The scientists then placed Michael and Jinn in a room together and ordered them to fight each other. Jinn and Michael, both now under the control of the serum and the sound waves, couldn't resist the command and fought fiercely against each other.

The scientists observed from behind a glass, taking notes and recording the results of the experiment. They were pleased with the results, seeing that the serum and the sound waves had turned Jinn and Michael into powerful and obedient soldiers, ready to do the bidding of Ironclad's ruling class.

Jinn and Michael were just two of many subjects who had been subjected to these cruel experiments, and the scientists were planning to continue to use the Neo-Genesis serum and the sound waves to create an army of super-soldiers, ready to do the bidding of Ironclad's ruling class.

After the experiment was over, Jinn and Michael were both left bruised and battered, but the scientists didn't seem to care. They had gotten the results they wanted, and the two boys were nothing more than lab rats to them.

The scientists then locked Jinn and Michael in a cell together, with no explanation of what was to come next. The two boys were left to contemplate their fate and the horrors they had just been subjected to.

Jinn couldn't believe what had happened to him. He had always been a fighter, always stood up for what was right, but now he felt like he had lost a part of himself. He couldn't shake the feeling that he had been used and manipulated, and he couldn't help but wonder what the future held for him.

Michael, on the other hand, was just trying to process everything that had happened to him. He had always been a survivor, but now he felt like he had lost control of his own life. He couldn't help but think about the other orphans who were taken to this laboratory much earlier than them, and he wondered if they had been subjected to the same experiments.

The two boys sat in silence for what felt like hours, until they heard the sound of footsteps approaching their cell. The door opened, and the scientists entered, accompanied by guards. They informed Jinn and Michael that they were to be subjected to another round of experiments the following day, and that they should get some rest.

Jinn and Michael were both filled with dread, knowing that they would be subjected to more cruel experiments, and they couldn't help but think about what the future held for them. They both knew that they were now pawns in a larger game, controlled by the ruling class of Ironclad, and that their fates were out of their hands.


The following day,

Jinn and Michael were determined to resist the experiments, and they fought back with all their strength. But the scientists were prepared for this, and they were able to subdue the boys with sedatives and advanced restraints.

Jinn could feel the sedatives coursing through his body, making him feel weak and groggy. He could barely keep his eyes open as the scientists began to administer the painful and invasive procedures. He could feel his strength and willpower slipping away, as the scientists poked and prodded him, taking samples and measuring his responses.

As the procedures continued, Jinn could feel his body becoming weaker and weaker. He could barely move, and he could barely speak. He felt like he was losing himself, and he couldn't help but wonder if this was the end.

But even as his body was being broken, his mind was still fighting. He knew that if he gave up now, it would all be over. He had to find a way to resist, to fight back.

Jinn started talking to himself, in his mind, "I won't give up, I can't give up. I won't let them turn me into a weapon, a tool for their use. I am more than this, I won't be broken."

He knew that he had to find a way to resist, to fight back against the experiments. He could feel his willpower slowly returning, and he knew that he had to use it to his advantage.

But even as he was thinking these thoughts, the scientists were administering more sedatives, and Jinn could feel himself slipping away again. He knew that he had to act fast, before it was too late.

With all his strength, Jinn managed to break free from the restraints. He fought back against the scientists, and even though he was weak and frail, he managed to subdue them. He then grabbed Michael and helped him to break free as well.

The two boys managed to escape the laboratory and flee into the night. They knew that they were now fugitives, and that they would be hunted by the Ironclad government. But they also knew that they had reclaimed their freedom, and that they would never be controlled and manipulated again.



Dr. Hubert Doucette, who is a tall, thin man with a serious expression, furrows his brow in concern as he speaks. "The Neo-Genesis serum is showing promising results, the subjects are displaying increased strength and resilience." He leans forward, resting his arms on the table in front of him.

Dr. Jameson Dunlevy, who is a shorter, rounder man with a more relaxed expression, nods in agreement. "Yes, but we need to be careful with the dosage. We don't want to push them too far and cause any permanent damage." He leans back in his chair, steepling his fingers in front of him.

Dr. Hubert Doucette's expression becomes increasingly worried as he continues. "Agreed. We also need to monitor the psychological effects of the serum. There have been reports of aggression and loss of self-awareness in some subjects." He runs a hand through his hair, pacing back and forth.

Dr. Jameson Dunlevy, however, remains calm and composed. "That's why we're using the sound wave device to control their actions and reactions. We can use it to put them into a dream state and monitor their responses to various scenarios." He leans back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest.

"But what about the subjects?" Dr. Hubert Doucette said, "Jinn and Michael, for example. They're showing signs of resistance and rebellion. They're not just blindly following orders like the others."

"That's exactly what makes them valuable subjects." Dr. Jameson Dunlevy replied, "We need to push them to their limits and see how they react under extreme conditions. Their responses will give us valuable information on the serum's effectiveness in real-world situations."

As the conversation continues, Dr. Hubert Doucette's expression becomes increasingly troubled and he becomes more animated in his gestures, whereas Dr. Jameson Dunlevy remains composed and relaxed, his face remained impassive, but his eyes were cold and calculating.

Jinn and Michael thought they had escaped the laboratory, but it was all just part of the experiment. The scientists had used a sound wave device to put them into a dream state, where they could control their actions and reactions.

The boys were made to believe that they had broken free from their restraints and escaped, but in reality, they were still in the laboratory, hooked up to various machines and equipment. The scientists monitored their every move, recording their responses and reactions to the dream scenario.

Jinn and Michael were horrified when they realized the truth. They had been controlled and manipulated, and their escape had been nothing more than an illusion. They felt like they were trapped in a nightmare, with no way out.

The scientists continued to run experiments on them, using the dream state to test their limits and push them to their breaking point. The boys were subjected to a series of painful and invasive procedures, which left them weak and frail.

Jinn felt like he was losing his mind. He couldn't tell what was real and what was just part of the experiment. He was filled with anger and frustration, knowing that he had been used and manipulated.

He started to talk to himself in his mind, "I can't take this anymore. I won't be a pawn in their game. I have to find a way to break free from this, to escape this nightmare."

Jinn knew that he had to use all his strength and willpower to resist the experiments and find a way out. He knew that it wouldn't be easy, but he was determined to fight until the end.


As the days passed, Jinn felt nothing. He had lost all hope, the experiments had drained him of all emotions. He knew that he and Michael were being used as guinea pigs, but he couldn't bring himself to care. He had given up on trying to understand the scientists' motivations or the reason behind their actions. All he could focus on was getting through each day, surviving one more round of experiments. Despite his numbness, a small spark of hope still burned within him, the desire to escape and put an end to this never-ending nightmare.

One day, while they were being led to their next round of experiments, Jinn overheard a conversation between the scientists.

"The subjects are showing remarkable improvements, but we need to break their wills, make them more malleable." said Dr. Wallace Bensing.

"Yes, once we have control over their minds, we can use them as living weapons, programmed to obey every command and with the new mind erasing procedure machine, we can do it quickly and efficiently." said Dr. Malachi Zanetti.

Jinn's mind raced as he tried to process the information. A mind erasing machine? They were planning to erase his memories, his past, his family, and friends. He felt a sense of hopelessness wash over him as he realized the true extent of the scientists' plans. He knew that he needed to find a way out before it was too late.

He turned to Michael and whispered "We have to escape, now. They're going to turn us into mindless puppets, we have to get out of here before it's too late."

Michael's eyes widened in shock and fear as he heard Jinn's words. He knew that they had to act fast, they couldn't let the scientists take control of their minds and memories.

"How are we going to do it? We're heavily guarded and we don't have any weapons or allies." Michael asked, his voice barely above a whisper.

Jinn thought for a moment, then replied "We'll have to use our new abilities, and our intelligence. We have to be smart and resourceful. We'll have to improvise and use whatever we can find to our advantage."

Michael nodded, his eyes filled with determination. "Alright, we can do this. We'll find a way out and put an end to these cruel experiments."

Jinn and Michael spent the next few days gathering information and coming up with a plan. They observed the guards' routines, studied the layout of the facility, and looked for weaknesses in the security system.

Finally, the day came when they were ready to make their move. They waited for the right moment, when the guards were distracted and the facility was at its most vulnerable. They acted quickly and quietly, using their new abilities to outsmart and outmaneuver the guards.

They fought their way through the facility, using their enhanced strength and speed to take down the guards. They encountered a few close calls, but they managed to make it to the main entrance.

As they reached the entrance, Jinn turned to Michael and said "We made it, we're free."

Michael nodded, his eyes filled with relief and excitement. "We did it, we put an end to their cruel experiments."

As they stepped out of the facility, into the bright sunlight, Jinn and Michael knew that their journey was far from over. They knew that they had to continue fighting, to put an end to the oppression and injustice in Ironclad. They were determined to make a difference, to bring freedom and hope to the people of Ironclad.


Jinn and Michael emerged from the facility, their hearts racing with excitement and relief. They had finally escaped, and they were free.

But as they looked around, their hearts sank. They saw that they were surrounded by dozens of Ironclad soldiers, all pointing their weapons at them.

Jinn's mind raced as he realized that they had been set up. The scientists had planned their escape, allowing them to think they had succeeded so that they could break their will and make them more compliant.

"It's over, you're surrounded, give up now and you won't be harmed." said one of the soldiers.

Jinn and Michael exchanged a glance, both knowing that they couldn't give up now. They had come too far, and they wouldn't let the scientists win.

"We won't go down without a fight." said Jinn, his voice filled with determination.

The soldiers advanced, ready to take them down. But Jinn and Michael were not going to go down without a fight. They used their enhanced abilities to fight back, taking down several of the soldiers with their superhuman strength and speed.

But there were too many of them, and soon Jinn and Michael were outnumbered and outmatched. They were subdued and captured, and taken back to the facility.

As they lay strapped to the tables, ready for the mind-erasing procedure, Jinn couldn't help but feel a sense of despair. He knew that he had come so close to freedom, only to be taken back to the very place he had fought so hard to escape.

The procedure began, and Jinn felt a sense of overwhelming fear and despair. He knew that he was running out of time, that the scientists were going to take away everything that made him who he was. But he also knew that he couldn't give up, he couldn't let them win.

As the procedure progressed, Jinn's mind became hazy and foggy. He could feel his memories and emotions slipping away, as if they were being erased one by one. He tried to hold on to them, to keep fighting, but it was too late.

When the procedure was over, Jinn opened his eyes and looked around. He saw the scientists, the soldiers, and the facility, but it all felt strange and unfamiliar. He couldn't remember who he was, where he came from, or what had happened to him. He couldn't even remember his own name.

The same goes for Michael, as he too was left with no memories of his past.

The scientists looked pleased with their work, as they succeeded in erasing both Jinn and Michael's mind, leaving them with no memory of their past, family, friends, and experiences in the Iron Haven Orphanage. They were now nothing but blank slates, ready to be molded.