
Astelia Chronicles

In the world of Astelia, our protagonist embarks on a journey across the seven unique continents that make up this world. Along the way, he faces challenges, both personal and political as he navigates through the complex societies and cultures. As he uncovers the truth about the world, he must struggle with his loyalty and his morality.

BlankVisage · Fantasy
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24 Chs


After the resistance successfully took back the Iron Haven Orphanage, they quickly gathered the children and told them that they needed to move quickly. The Ironclad would soon be sending reinforcements, and they needed to get to safety before that happened.

Natalie, Beth, Alex, Thomas, and Sarah were relieved that they were finally going to be able to escape the clutches of the Ironclad. They had been through so much, and they couldn't wait to be free.

The resistance fighters led the way, taking the children through the underground sewage system that ran beneath the city. It was dark and damp, and the children had to hold their noses to keep from gagging from the smell. But they were determined to keep going, knowing that freedom was just a few steps away.

As the resistance fighters led the group of orphans through the dimly lit, damp sewage tunnels, Natalie couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The tunnels were cramped and claustrophobic, and the stench was overwhelming.

"Are we almost there?" she asked, her voice shaking with fear.

"Not much further," one of the resistance fighters, a man named Jack, reassured her. "We've been using these tunnels to move around the city undetected for years. The Ironclad have no idea they even exist."

"But why are we going to this secret base?" Alex asked, out of curiosity.

"What's going to happen to us?" Thomas asked.

"We're going to take care of you," Jack replied. "We'll provide you with food, shelter, and protection. We'll also help you try and find your friends who were taken by the Ironclad."

"Thank you," Sarah said, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. "I'm just glad we're finally safe."

After what felt like hours, they finally reached the entrance to the secret base. It was hidden behind a false wall, and the resistance fighters had to use a special code to open it. Once inside, the children were amazed at what they saw.

The base was a large underground facility, equipped with everything they needed to survive. There were sleeping quarters, a kitchen, and even a small medical bay. The resistance fighters told the children that this was their new home, and that they would be safe here.

Natalie, Beth, Alex, Thomas, and Sarah were overjoyed. They couldn't believe that they were finally free from the Ironclad. They hugged each other, tears of joy streaming down their faces. They knew that the road ahead would still be difficult, but they were ready to face it together.

The resistance fighters gave the children a tour of the base and explained that they will be staying here for a while, training and preparing for the next move against the Ironclad Empire. The children were excited and couldn't wait to start their new life, away from the cruelty and oppression of the Ironclad.

As the children were being led through the secret base by Jack, they couldn't help but stare at the twin brothers Landon and Landon. Their bright red, fluffy and curly hair was a stark contrast to the dark and gloomy atmosphere of the underground base. The children couldn't help but giggle at the sight of their round faces and big round eyes, they look like they were always surprised.

"Who are they?" one of the younger children whispered to Jack.

"They're Landon and Landon," Jack whispered back. "They're part of the resistance. They're one of the most important figures in this place."

The children looked at the twin brothers in awe, they've never seen anyone like them before. They were fascinated by their unique appearance and couldn't help but stare at them.

As the tour continued, Landon and Landon started counting the number of children, but they kept getting different numbers.

"Wait a minute," Landon said, holding up his hand. "There are only 13 kids here. I thought there were supposed to be more."

"No, there were 14," Landon argued. "I counted them myself."

"Well, obviously one of us can't count right," Landon said, rolling his eyes.

They started to argue between each other, "I count 13, you said 14!" Landon said to Landon.

The children couldn't help but giggle at the twin brothers bickering, it was quite amusing to see them. They both have a great sense of humor and they were able to make light of any situation.

Natalie smiled, she was glad that the children were able to find some humor in the situation, it lightened up the mood and made them forget the harsh reality of their lives for a moment. She knew that the road ahead would be difficult, but with the help of the resistance and the twin brothers, they had a chance at a better future.

As they continued to tour the resistance's secret base, the older children couldn't help but be impressed by the well-equipped and organized facility. They were shown around the barracks, and the armory, all of which were bustling with activity.

"And this is where we train new recruits and sharpen our skills," Jack added, gesturing towards the training room.

The older children were in awe of the skills and resources of the resistance, and they couldn't help but feel a sense of hope and determination as they realized that there were people out there fighting against the Ironclad Empire and working towards their freedom.

As the tour came to an end, the orphans children were approached by Landon and Landon. "Welcome to the resistance," they said in unison, with a grin. "We're glad to have you on board."


As the group of children followed Landon and Landon through the winding tunnels of the underground base, they couldn't help but stare at the twin's unique appearance again. Their fluffy red hair and round faces were unlike anything they had ever seen before.

Finally, they arrived at a large metal door at the end of the tunnel. Landon and Landon turned to the children and smiled. "Welcome to the command center," Landon said. "This is where we plan our operations and coordinate our efforts."

The door opened, and the children were greeted by a tall, imposing figure. He had a tall, athletic build, and his black hair was neatly styled. His piercing green eyes seemed to take in everything around him, and his sharp jawline and high cheekbones gave him a chiseled, almost angular appearance.

"This is Xander Blackwood," Landon said, gesturing to the man. "He's the leader of the resistance intelligence gathering group and the brains behind our operations."

Xander smiled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Welcome, children," he said, his voice deep and commanding.

As he was being introduced, Landon and Landon suddenly pull out a bag of homemade confetti and they throw it into the air, filling the room with a shower of colorful paper. "Surprise!" they shouted, making the children laugh and smile despite the serious atmosphere.

"Don't mind them," Xander said with a chuckle. "They have a knack for breaking the tension. You are all safe here, and we will do everything in our power to protect you."

The children looked at each other, their hearts filled with hope. They knew that they were in good hands with Xander and the resistance. They were ready to fight for their freedom and bring an end to the Ironclad Empire's reign of terror.

Xander Blackwood stood in front of the group of children, his eyes scanning the crowd as Landon and Landon presented them to him. As he counted the number of children, he noticed that there were less than what they had anticipated.

"What happened to the rest of the children?" Xander asked, his voice steady but with a hint of concern.

Landon and Landon exchanged a glance, before Landon stepped forward to explain. "They were able to rescue thirteen of the children, but unfortunately, the others were not so lucky. The others were taken by the Ironclad for further experimentation."

Xander's expression grew darker as he heard this. He knew that the Ironclad's experiments on the children would be cruel and inhumane. "We will do everything in our power to save the others and bring them to safety," he said, his voice filled with determination.

The children looked up at Xander, their faces filled with hope and trust. They knew that he would do everything in his power to save their friends and bring an end to the Ironclad's reign of terror.

"But first, we need to focus on keeping all of you safe," Xander said, turning to the children. "You have all been through a lot, and you need time to rest and heal. We will provide you with everything you need, and we will make sure that you are protected at all times."

The children nodded, feeling a sense of relief wash over them. They knew that they were finally safe, and that they had a chance to build a better future for themselves and their friends.


As the children were being led to their sleeping quarters by Landon and Landon, they suddenly heard a familiar voice, a small voice, calling out to them. They turned their heads in the direction of the sound.

"Hey guys!"

They all turned to see Little Joel, standing at the entrance of the sleeping quarters, with a bandage wrapped around his head. The children were shocked and overjoyed to see him. They rushed over to him, surrounding him and hugging him tightly.

"Little Joel! We thought you were gone!" Natalie exclaimed, running up to give him a hug.

"I thought so too," Little Joel said, smiling through tears. "But I managed to regain consciousness and I found the old sewage system that led me here."

The children couldn't believe it. They had all thought that Little Joel had been lost forever, but somehow he had managed to find his way to the secret base.

It turns out that after the night when Jinn and Michael tried to save Little Joel, after he was hit on the head by them and lost consciousness, he somehow ended up in the old sewage system. He was found by Landon and Landon when they were forced to check the perimeter of the old sewage system leading to their base. At that time, he was banged up and dirty, but otherwise unharmed.

Little Joel was able to escape from the Iron Haven Orphanage through the old sewage system and stumbled upon the resistance. He was able to provide valuable information about the orphanage and the experiments that were being conducted on the children there. This information was crucial in the resistance's decision to launch a rescue mission to save the children from the orphanage.

Xander Blackwood and his team were able to use the information provided by Little Joel to plan a successful raid on the orphanage, rescuing the children and bringing an end to the atrocities that were being committed there. Little Joel's bravery and determination to save his friends played a key role in the success of the mission and the liberation of the children.

The children all cheered and hugged Little Joel, happy to have him back with them. They knew that their journey was far from over, but with Little Joel back by their side, they felt like they could face anything.

-Flashback to when Landon and Landon run into Little Joel in the old sewage system-

While Landon and Landon were on a routine perimeter check of the old sewage system that led to the resistance secret base. They were joking and laughing as they walked.

"I can't believe we have to check this smelly old sewage system again," Landon said, holding his nose.

"Yeah, I know right," Landon replied.

As they are about to turn a corner, they heard strange noises coming from one of the old sewage tunnels. They cautiously approached, weapons at the ready, when suddenly a small figure lunged at them from the shadows.

"Whoa!" Landon exclaimed, sidestepping quickly.

"What the hell!" Landon shouted, jumping back.

The figure stumbled and ran straight into the wall, collapsing in a heap. Landon and Landon cautiously approached, their weapons still at the ready, but as they got closer, they realized that it was just a small child.

Landon: "Whoa, what was that all about? Did we just get attacked by a mini version of ourselves?"

Landon: "I think so, but I have no idea who that little guy is."

"I think he mistook us for his mommy and daddy," Landon replied, trying to suppress his laughter.

"Is he dead?" Landon asked, looking down at the child.

"I don't think so," Landon said, checking for a pulse. "He's just unconscious."

Landon: "Well, he's definitely not one of us. Maybe he's a spy sent by the Ironclad."

Landon: "Ha! Yeah right, like a little kid could be a spy. He probably just got lost and stumbled upon us."

Landon: "Well, whatever the case may be, we should probably bring him back to the base and let Xander deal with him."

Landon: "Agreed. But first, let's make sure he's not carrying any weapons or explosives. I don't want to get caught off guard again."

Landon: "Good idea. I'll check his pockets, you check his shoes."

Landon: "Ha! Good luck with that, I don't think he's wearing any shoes."

Landon: "Well, at least we know he's not a spy then. Spies always wear shoes."

Landon: "Exactly. Now let's get him back to the base before he wakes up and decides to attack us again."

"Right, well that was anticlimactic," Landon said, holstering his weapon.

"Tell me about it," Landon said, shaking his head. "I thought we were gonna have to fight off a horde of Ironclad soldiers or something."

"Yeah, instead we somehow just knocked out a kid," Landon said, chuckling.

The two brothers picked up the child and carried him back to the base, still unsure of who he was or how he got there.

In the present, as the flashback ends,

The children arrived at the sleeping quarters. The room was large and well-lit, with rows of bunk beds lining the walls. Each bed had a simple blanket and pillow, and a small locker for personal belongings.

As the children settled in to their new beds, they couldn't help but notice the large logo of the resistance, the Hammer of freedom, emblazoned on the wall. The symbol was a hammer, with a lightning bolt striking through the center. The slogan, "Hammer of freedom" was written in bold letters above it.

"Wow," Thomas and Alex said, staring up at the logo. "We've never seen anything like this before."

"That's the symbol of the resistance," Landon explained. "We're fighting for freedom and justice against the Ironclad Empire. This logo is a reminder of our mission and our purpose."

The younger children looked up at the logo with awe and wonder, while the older children looked at it with determination and resolve. They knew that they were now part of something bigger than themselves, and they were ready to do whatever it takes to bring freedom and justice to the world.


At night, Alex, Thomas, Sarah, Beth, and Natalie sat huddled together in the sleeping quarters, talking in hushed tones. They couldn't help but think about their friends Jinn and Michael. The last memory they had of them was when they were dragged away by the Ironclad soldiers to be sent to the laboratory.

"Do you think they're still alive?" Sarah asked, her voice filled with worry.

Alex couldn't help but feel a heavy weight on his heart. "I can't believe it," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "Jinn and Michael... they're gone."

Thomas shook his head. "We don't know that for sure," he said. "They could be alive somewhere, being held by the Ironclad. We have to have hope."

"We have to believe that they're still out there," Thomas said, trying to sound optimistic. "We can't give up on them."

Sarah nodded. "I agree," she said. "We can't give up on them. They're our friends. We have to find a way to save them."

"But what can we do?" Natalie asked, her voice trembling. "We're just kids. We can't fight the Ironclad."

Beth looked up, her eyes filled with determination. "We will save them," she said. "With the help of the Resistance, Hammerfall, we can do anything. We just have to be patient and wait for the right opportunity."

Beth put her arm around Natalie, pulling her close. "We may not be able to fight them physically, but we can keep their memory alive. We can tell their stories and keep their spirits alive. We owe it to them to never give up hope."

Natalie nodded, her eyes shining with hope. "We'll find them," she said. "We'll never give up on them."

The five of them sat in silence for a moment, each lost in their own thoughts. But they knew that they would never give up hope, they would never stop fighting until they found Jinn and Michael, and brought them home. They knew that the road ahead would be difficult, but they also knew that they had to keep fighting for their friends, no matter what. They would never give up hope, and they would never forget Jinn and Michael.


The children were finally able to lay their heads down on a clean and comfortable bed, something they had not experienced in a long time. They had been so used to sleeping on dirty and uncomfortable bunk bed in the Iron Haven Orphanage, that the sensation of a soft mattress and clean sheets was almost overwhelming. They couldn't help but feel grateful for the Resistance, Hammerfall for providing them with such a simple yet essential comfort.

As they settled in for the night, Alex, Thomas, Sarah, Beth, and Natalie couldn't help but think about Jinn and Michael. They knew that they were out there somewhere, and they couldn't help but hope that they were safe and well. They knew that with the help of the Resistance, they would be able to find and save them.

As they drifted off to sleep, they couldn't help but feel a sense of hope and optimism for the first time in a long time. They knew that they had a long road ahead of them, but they were finally in a position to do something about it. They were no longer alone and helpless, they had allies who would fight alongside them to bring an end to the Ironclad's reign of terror.

As the night went on, the sound of their peaceful breathing filled the sleeping quarters, a sound that had been missing for too long. The children slept soundly, their dreams filled with the hope and the promise of a better tomorrow. They knew that they still had a long journey ahead of them, but for the first time, they felt like they had a chance to make a difference and change their fate. They would not rest until Jinn and Michael were back with them, and the Ironclad Empire was defeated once and for all.

-End of prologue-