
Astelia Chronicles

In the world of Astelia, our protagonist embarks on a journey across the seven unique continents that make up this world. Along the way, he faces challenges, both personal and political as he navigates through the complex societies and cultures. As he uncovers the truth about the world, he must struggle with his loyalty and his morality.

BlankVisage · Fantasy
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24 Chs

The dreadful beginning of a forgotten past

Jinn, now known as J-01, woke up in a cold and sterile room, with no memory of his past life. He was confused and disoriented, his mind felt foggy and blank. He struggled to remember anything, but all he could recall were fragments of memories that didn't make any sense. As he looked around the room, he noticed that he was wearing a plain white jumpsuit and his body felt weak and sore, as if he had been through some sort of intense physical training.

Jinn felt a sense of unease wash over him as he surveyed the room. He couldn't remember how he got here or why he was here. All he knew was that something felt off, and he had a bad feeling about this place.

A voice came over a loudspeaker, "J-01, please stand up and follow the yellow line on the floor to the next room." Jinn obeyed, his mind still trying to piece together what was happening. He followed the yellow line, which led him to a large hall filled with other young men and women, all dressed in the same white jumpsuits. They were all staring blankly ahead, as if they were in a trance.

"What's wrong with us?" Jinn thought to himself, "Why can't I remember anything?"

He overheard one of the scientists talking to another, "These 7 are the only ones whose bodies were compatible with the Neo-Genesis serum. The others became aggressive and uncontrollable, they had to be put down."

Jinn's heart raced with fear and confusion, "Put down? What does that mean? Did they kill them?"

"J-01, move it! Fall in line, now!" the guard barked, his voice firm and commanding.

Jinn quickly obeyed, falling into line with the rest of his fellow test subjects. He couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled in his gut, but he knew better than to question or disobey orders.

As Jinn stood in line with the other 6 children, he couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. He couldn't remember anything from his past life, all he knew was his new identity as "J-01" and that he was here to protect the Ironclad Empire. He looked around at the others, all of them had blank expressions on their faces, just like him.

As Jinn, Michael, and the other group of five test subjects stood at attention, a scientist in a white lab coat walked in and began to speak. "Congratulations! All of you have successfully completed the Neo-Genesis program. Due to your compatibility with the serum, you have been chosen to enter the Ironclad Military Academy. There, you will be trained to become elite soldiers in the Ironclad military. "Your past lives no longer matter; you are now soldiers of the Ironclad Empire, and you will be trained to protect our land from the enemy."

The scientist paused, looking at each of them in turn. "You will be transported to the academy in the morning. "Prepare yourselves for a rigorous training regimen." With that, the scientist turned and left the room, leaving the test subjects to contemplate their new futures as soldiers of the Ironclad Empire.

Jinn stood there in silence, trying to process the information he had just heard. He couldn't remember anything from his past life, and now he was being told that he was a soldier of the Ironclad Empire. He felt a sense of dread and uncertainty wash over him, as he realized that his future was now out of his hands.

"What have they done to us?" Jinn thought to himself, as he looked around at the other test subjects. They all looked as confused and lost as he felt.

As the group was escorted out of the room and back to their dormitories, Jinn couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. He couldn't remember anything from his past life, and the only thing that he knew for sure was that he was a soldier of the Ironclad Empire. He couldn't help but wonder what was in store for him at the military academy and what his future would hold.


As the night passed, Jinn couldn't sleep. He lay on his cot, staring up at the ceiling, his mind racing with questions and uncertainty about his new life as a soldier of the Ironclad Empire. "Who am I?" he thought to himself. "Where did I come from? Why can't I remember anything?"

He sat up and ran his hands through his hair, trying to piece together the fragments of memories that were swirling in his mind. "I feel like there's something important that I'm supposed to remember," he muttered to himself.

He got up and paced back and forth, his mind consumed with the desire to remember his past. He couldn't shake the feeling that his past was important and that he needed to remember it, but he didn't know how to do it.

As he walked around the room, he noticed that one of the other test subjects, Michael, was also awake, staring at the ceiling with a blank expression on his face. Jinn walked over to him, "Hey, do you remember anything before this?"

The person, Michael now knew as M-4, simply shook his head. "No, nothing. It's like my mind has been wiped clean."

Jinn let out a sigh, feeling a sense of isolation wash over him. He didn't even know the name of the person next to him, let alone remember any kind of past with them. He couldn't help but wonder how many more people he had known in the past. He couldn't shake the feeling that this was all some kind of cruel experiment, that they were being used as pawns in a larger game.

He couldn't shake the feeling that he needed to find out the truth, to remember who he was before all of this. But for now, he knew that he had to keep his head down and follow orders if he wanted to survive in this new world as J-01.

The next morning, the test subjects were awoken by the sound of a loud horn blaring through the loudspeakers. They quickly got dressed and lined up at attention, waiting for their next set of instructions.

"J-01, T-2, H-3, M-4, F-5, S-6, and E-7, you will now be transported to the Ironclad Military Academy," an officer barked out. "Fall in line and follow me."

Jinn and the others followed the officer out of the room, their minds still foggy and uncertain. They were led out to a large open field where a massive steampunk-like aircraft was waiting for them. The aircraft was impressive, with large propellers on the wings and a sleek, metallic design.

As they boarded the aircraft, Jinn couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and fear. He knew that this academy was where he would be trained to become a soldier of the Ironclad Empire, but he couldn't shake off the feeling that there was something more going on, something bigger than just protecting the empire.

As the aircraft took off, Jinn looked around at the other test subjects, T-2, H-3, M-4, F-5, S-6, and E-7, all of whom were staring straight ahead with blank expressions on their faces. They were all strangers to him now, and he couldn't help but wonder what kind of life they had led in the past before they lost their memories.

The flight to the academy was long and uncomfortable, and by the time the aircraft landed, Jinn's nerves were on edge. As they disembarked, they were met by a group of drill sergeants who barked orders at them, herding them into formation.

Jinn could see the academy in the distance, a large, imposing building with high walls and guards posted at every entrance. He could see the fear and uncertainty in the eyes of the other test subjects, and he knew that they were all feeling the same way. They were about to enter a new world, one where their past lives no longer mattered and they were nothing more than soldiers of the Ironclad Empire.

Jinn took a deep breath and steeled himself for what was to come. He knew that the road ahead would be hard, and that he would have to fight to survive. But he also knew that he would do whatever it takes to find out the truth, to remember who he was before all of this. He would not be broken by the Ironclad Empire, he would rise above it.


As they stepped out of the aircraft and approached the academy, Jinn couldn't help but notice the large crowd of people outside the gates. There were children, men and women, all dressed in plain clothes, milling about and trying to catch a glimpse of the academy.

It was clear that this was registration day for the Ironclad Military Academy and the common class people were there to register their children while the ruling class people looked at them with disdain.

As they walked closer to the academy, Jinn also noticed the numerous aircrafts parked near the academy, all of them bearing the Ironclad Empire's emblem, further emphasizing the power and prestige of the military.

Jinn could feel the tension in the air as they walked through the gates and into the academy. The common class children were staring at them with a mix of fear and envy, while the ruling class children looked at them with haughty superiority. Jinn couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as he realized that he was now a part of this world, a world where class divisions were deeply ingrained and where the ruling class looked down on the common class.

As they walked through the academy grounds, Jinn couldn't help but notice the stark contrast between the ruling class children and the common class children. The ruling class children were dressed in immaculate uniforms, their hair perfectly styled, and their shoes shined to a mirror finish. They looked down their noses at the common class children, sneering and laughing at them as they walked by.

Jinn heard one of the ruling class children, a tall, blonde-haired boy, sneer to his friends, "Look at these commoners, they're so beneath us. I can't believe we have to train with them."

His friend, a blonde girl, replied, "I know, it's so beneath us. But at least we'll be able to rise above them and become officers while they'll just be enlisted soldiers."

Jinn felt a sense of anger and resentment boil inside of him. He couldn't believe the disdain and disrespect that the ruling class children had for the common class. He knew that he had to be careful, he couldn't let his emotions get the better of him.

As they were led into the main building, Jinn couldn't help but feel a sense of awe at the grandeur of the academy. The halls were wide and imposing, with high ceilings and marble floors. The classrooms and lecture halls were state-of-the-art, and Jinn could see the latest technology and equipment being used for training. But despite the impressive facilities, Jinn couldn't shake off the feeling that something was off. He couldn't help but wonder what kind of life he would have here, and what kind of person he would become.

As they were assigned to their dormitories and given their schedules for the next day, Jinn couldn't help but notice the stark contrast between the living quarters of the ruling class and the common class.

The ruling class dormitories were large and luxurious, with comfortable beds, private bathrooms, and even televisions.

The common class dormitories, on the other hand, were small and cramped, with bunk beds and shared bathrooms. Jinn couldn't help but feel a sense of anger and resentment at the unfairness of it all.

Jinn and his fellow test subjects were shown to their dormitory, which was located in the lower academy, where the common class children were housed.

As they settled into their new living quarters, Jinn couldn't help but think back to the words of the scientist, "You are now soldiers of the Ironclad Empire, and you will be trained to protect our land from the enemy." He sat on his assigned bunk bed and looked around the room, filled with unfamiliar faces, T-2, H-3, M-4, F-5, S-6, and E-7. He let out a sigh, feeling a sense of isolation wash over him.

Suddenly, one of the test subjects, T-2, stood up and addressed the group. "I think it's time we introduce ourselves. My name is T-2."

The others followed suit, with H-3 introducing herself as H-3, M-4 as M-4, F-5 as F-5, S-6 as S-6, and E-7 as E-7.

Jinn, who had been feeling a sense of isolation, couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with his fellow test subjects. "I'm J-01," he said. "Nice to meet you all."

The group nodded in agreement, and for a moment, the weight of their past lives and the daunting task ahead was forgotten. They were now soldiers of the Ironclad Empire, and they were in this together.

"I wonder who we're supposed to protect the land from," he thought to himself. "What kind of enemy are they preparing us to fight against? And what kind of sacrifices will I have to make to do it?"

He couldn't shake off the feeling that his past was important and that he needed to remember it, but he didn't know how to do it. The academy and it's staff had made it clear that their past lives no longer mattered, that they were now soldiers of the Ironclad Empire and their duty was to protect it from any enemy.

"I will find out the truth," he muttered to himself, "I will not let the Ironclad Empire break me, I will rise above it."


The next day, Jinn and the other test subjects were awakened early by the sound of a bugle. They quickly got dressed in their uniform.

The academy uniform for the Ironclad Military Academy is a sleek and functional design, meant to instill a sense of discipline and pride in the cadets. The uniform consists of a black, double-breasted jacket with gold buttons and a high-collared, white dress shirt. The jacket has a red strip of cloth sewn on the right arm, symbolizing the cadet's loyalty to the Ironclad Empire. The pants are also black, with a straight leg cut and are worn with black, polished boots. The cadets also wear a black beret with a red band. The uniform is completed with a black belt, with a gold buckle that bears the emblem of the Ironclad Empire.

The uniform is completed with an armband worn on the left arm, which displays the cadet's year in the academy. The armband is colored black with a white stripe for first year cadets, black with a red stripe for second year cadets, and so on, with the Eight-year cadets wearing a black armband with a gold stripe. This armband serves as a symbol of the cadet's progress in the academy and their status as a student of the Ironclad Military Academy.

As they made their way to the main parade ground, where they were met by a large crowd of cadets, both from the upper and lower academies.

the test subjects, including Jinn, and the other students were lined up in formation for the opening ceremony for the new cadets. The academy grounds were filled with students, both from the ruling class and the common class, all dressed in their respective academy uniforms.

Jinn could see the haughty expressions on the faces of the ruling class cadets as they looked down their noses at the common class cadets. He could feel the tension in the air as the cadets lined up for the opening ceremony.

The tension in the air was palpable as everyone waited for the ceremony to begin.

Finally, the vice-headmaster of the academy, Eloise Williams, an old woman with wrinkles etched deep into her face, but her eyes are still sharp and alert. She has silver hair that she keeps pinned up in a bun, and she walks with a cane. Despite her age, she still maintains a strong and regal presence, walked out onto the stage. She surveyed the crowd with a stern expression on her face, her eyes scanning the sea of cadets.

"Welcome to the Ironclad Military Academy," she began, her voice deep and commanding. "You have been chosen to become soldiers of the Ironclad Empire, and you will be trained to protect our land from the enemy. The road ahead will be hard, and you will be tested in ways that you cannot imagine. But I assure you, the sacrifices you make will be worth it in the end."

Jinn couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as he listened to the vice-headmaster's words. He knew that the academy would be strict and demanding, but the vice-headmaster's speech made it clear that the stakes were high and the consequences for failure were severe.

The vice-headmaster continued, "You will be trained in the art of war, in weapons handling, hand-to-hand combat, and military tactics. You will be taught the history and ideologies of the Ironclad Empire and you will be expected to be loyal to the empire and protect it with your lives."

"But remember, cadets," the vice-headmaster's voice grew louder and more commanding. "You are not just soldiers, you are the future of the Ironclad Empire who will protect our land from the enemy. You will be trained to become the best soldiers this land has ever seen, and to uphold the values of loyalty and obedience."

The vice-headmaster's words were met with silence, the cadets, including Jinn, were in awe and fear of the vice-headmaster's strict and commanding speech, and the weight of the responsibility that was placed on them. The vice-headmaster's words were a clear reminder of the seriousness of their training and the high expectations that were placed on them.

"Dismissed," the vice-headmaster barked, and the cadets snapped to attention, saluting before breaking formation and heading back to their dormitory.


As the ceremony came to a close, Jinn and the other test subjects, T-2, H-3, M-4, F-5, S-6, and E-7, were making their way back to their dormitories. Suddenly, they were confronted by a group of ruling class students. The leader, a tall, blonde-haired boy with a sneer on his face, stepped forward and said, "Look at these commoners, I can't believe we have to attend the academy with them."

Jinn felt a sense of anger and resentment boil inside of him, but he knew he had to keep his cool. He looked at the ruling class students and said, "We may be from different classes, but we're all here to become soldiers of the Ironclad Empire. It doesn't matter where we come from, what matters is our ability to protect our land and our people."

The ruling-class students sneered at him, saying, "You're lucky that you're even accepted into the academy; commoners like you should be grateful for the opportunity." But don't think you'll ever be on the same level as us."

Jinn could see the anger and resentment in the eyes of his fellow test subjects, T-2, H-3, M-4, F-5, S-6, and E-7, and he knew that they were all thinking the same thing.

As the ruling class students walked away, laughing and sneering, one of the test subjects, Michael, now known as M-4, clenched his fists and stepped forward, ready to confront them. But Jinn, now known as J-01, quickly grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back. "Cool down, M-4," he said, "Don't let them get to you, M-4. They're just trying to provoke us. We have to stay focused."

M-4 looked at J-01, his fists still clenched, "I can't believe they talk to us like that. We're just as good as they are, if not better."

J-01 nodded. "I know it's hard, but we have to stay strong." We can't let them get through our heads. "We're all here with the task of becoming soldiers of the Ironclad Empire, and we have to work together to achieve that goal."

M-4 took a deep breath and unclenched his fists, "You're right, J-01. We have to stay focused and not let them break us."

As they walked back to their dormitories, Jinn couldn't help but think back to the words of the headmaster, "You are soldiers of the Ironclad Empire, and you will be trained to protect our land from the enemy." He knew that the road ahead would be hard, and that he would have to fight to survive, but he also knew that he would do whatever it takes to find out the truth, to remember who he was before all of this. He would not be broken by the Ironclad Empire, he would rise above it, together with his fellow test subjects.

As they arrived at their dormitory, one of the test subjects, T-2, the tallest among them, stood up and spoke, "I think it's hard for us to refer to each other by our code names, it makes us feel disconnected. Why don't we give each other a name that's more personal?"

The others nodded in agreement, and Jinn spoke up, "I know what you mean. It's like we've lost our identities, our pasts."

H-3 chipped in, "I agree, it's hard to remember who we were before, but we're all in this together now."

S-6 suggested, "Maybe we can give each other names based on our code names? That way it's easier to remember."

F-5 nodded, "That's a good idea. We can use the first alphabet of our code names as the base of our names."

With that, T-2 introduced himself as "Tyson", H-3 as "Henry", M-4 as "Michael", F-5 as "Frank", S-6 as "Sophie" and E-7 as "Evelyn".

Jinn smiled, feeling a sense of camaraderie with his fellow test subjects. He introduced himself as "Jinn", feeling a sense of pride in his new name.

They all sat in silence for a moment, taking in the new names, and then they all laughed and started to talk with each other, feeling a sense of connection and belonging that they never felt before.

Jinn couldn't help but think that this was the start of something new, something that would change them forever. He knew that the road ahead would be hard, but he also knew that he would face it together with his new friends. They were soldiers of the Ironclad Empire, but they were also something more, something greater, and he couldn't wait to see what the future holds for them.