

Ryan a young man who is stranded to another world and embarks on an adventure and a true ruler

In_Fajar · Fantasie
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22 Chs


"Huh, luckily I was able to remove the traces.... Ryan said

"Well luckily even if it was suspected there would be none they would think it was purely from a meteor... Zenor said

"hey zenor where did you get out of Tham ... Ryan said

"Oh I found a sharp stone in Tham's stomach and then punched a hole in his stomach, that's what happened... Zenor said

"You are a little different when you were at the academy you were silly there and couldn't do anything but now you are very serious and rarely smile... said Ryam

"A lot of things happened on my way here... Zenor said

Back to the human kingdom

After 3 days of traveling Aztec assassin team ordered by Fergu

Has arrived with the bodies of the Aztecs

"Sorry sir fergu we haven't been able to carry out our duties properly

"The Aztecs die... if the team leader dies then everyone in the team must die too... said Fergu

"Sorry, once again, give us a chance

"No, you don't have to..I myself will go there this time I am serious about killing that damn monster ... but before that you will receive punishment .... said Fergu

Return to Ryan in the Elf Kingdom

"Looks like we have to get out of here...Let's travel to the Lizardman kingdom... Ryan said

"That famous powerful Lizardman... said Zenor

"Yes, the reason we moved from here for a while...Moreover Surely Fergu and the others won't stay still... Ryan said

"If Fergu and the others come, the Lizardman won't allow Humans to enter.... Zenor said

"In other words, we take refuge for a while From Fergu..last fight with him I almost died... Ryan said

"And there we will find a way to defeat Fergu by ... Zenor said

"With what ... Ryan asked

"Oh no I forgot... Zenor said

they both said goodbye to Ellie

"You left me here for a month, it's okay. It's for the safety of all of us... Ryan said

"Yeah, take care of your health and don't die... said Ellie

"Heh I didn't expect that, you guys, when it comes to the landlord I've spoken to him not to withdraw the deposit for 2 months so don't worry if he comes.. And if you want to find the money I'll provide a supply of health potion bottles for 2 months The money is for food only yes Ellie... said Ryan

"Yeah, go quickly... Ellie said

"Yes, I'll go first, my sweet wife ... Ryan said while hugging Ellie

2 minutes passed until they hugged for a long time Zenor who couldn't bear to see that

"Oii sorry to interrupt your romance but isn't this too long... Zenor said a little annoyed

"You're just bothering singles... Ryan said

"Oiii what are you doing... Zenor said

"Yes, dear, I'll go first, okay... Ryan said to Ellie

"Yes you guys be careful.. said Ellie

they both went by bicycle to the Lizardman Kingdom

In the middle of Ryan's bicycle ride, the wheel fell off due to a sharp rock that hit the wheel

"Ouch damn even though it's half way .. Ryan said

"We should rest here first, it's getting late in the day just to anticipate if there's a monster... Zenor says

"Oh yeah yeah...let's just build a cottage on a tree... Ryan said

"Not that it's a waste of your time.. Zenor said

"Hoho only 5 minutes I made 1 hut you just wait later I'll make a hut next to my tree .. Ryan said

Finished building 2 small huts to sleep Ryan and Zenor talking to each other

"Oii Ryan, how do you know your wife Ellie, she's even like a noble or something, don't you kidnap a noble's daughter and then enslave her to be your servant... Zenor said

"Where's the story, you're pretentious.. Yes, the one who doesn't know is.. Ryan said

"Haha joking When I was little I met Ellie in the alley of a bar she was at the palak of thugs then I saved her and finally I was beaten by the thugs From that time I became her friend and until 1 year ago Before entering the academy I proposed to her as my wife and he wantsthat's the story (Ryan lied)... Ryan said"It's very easy and straight on your way to get a wife as beautiful as Ellie hmm By the way Do you know Giny's name or not... said Zenor

"Giny ohh the woman who lost to you in the Magic group isn't it... Ryan said

"I was close to him After the fight even though it was short I really loved him And when I wanted to express my feelings I was recruited by the Aztecs and didn't want to express it If only I could refuse ... Zenor said

"Why don't you refuse the Aztecs... Zenor says

"Because if I refuse Bad luck will befall me and I'm threatened by someone to follow his plan... Zenor said

"Oh the Aztecs are sly people.. Ryan said

"Azt aperture..... Zenor says

"Never mind sleeping I'm tired today Tomorrow must also continue the journey ... Ryan interrupted while lying on the hut

"Haha well you go first... said Zenor


"yoshh we continue ... Ryan said

"But you don't have a bicycle anymore do you want to walk... Zenor said

"Hwahwaha I could make another bike but as long as it's far from the Elf kingdom it's safe haha ​​I'm not cycling or walking I'm going to fly .. Ryan said as he removed the restraining seal and raised Dragon Wings

"Waanjir cheating... said Zenor

"Okay I'll go first You try to follow me I'll fly slowly... Ryan said

"Okay fine... said Zenor

Ryan sped away Quickly leaving Zenor

"Coooy...slow from where Wait Weey....Zenor said chasing quickly trying to equalize the position

"Fuuuh after only 2 hours it finally arrived...okay I'll put the seal again by the way where is Zenor huh... Ryan said

10 minutes passed before Zenor appeared

"wwoooy..you youuuu....what a shame I almost died coy...Zenor said while gasping for breath

"I'm slow, you already.. Ryan said while giving Zenor a stamina potion

"Is this okay I just drink... Zenor said

"So that's Stamina Potion, just drink half a bottle to increase your stamina again, don't worry. One bottle straight away... owweey I said not one bottle... Ryan said

"Didn't I hear sorry I was very thirsty so I just finished a bottle of it really why wouldn't anything happen if I drank one bottle straight away... Zenor said

"Of course there are side effects. You won't be able to sleep one day, that's the side effect, no matter how tired you are, you won't be able to sleep one day.... Ryan said

"Huh, I used to be able to not even sleep for a whole week.... Zenor said

"haha yeah ok let's go to the lizardman kingdom just walk

the two of them headed to the lizardman kingdom which was only 20 minutes away

"Are you from the elf nation... said one of the Lizardman gatekeepers

"Yes, of course we Elf see the ears... Ryan said

"What do you need for our Kingdom...said the guard

"We just want to see the famous lizardman's fighting techniques and strength... Ryan said

"hoho Of course We Strong Lizardman please come in… said the Guard

They see the inside of the kingdom

very crowded There is a battle arena building and a statue of their lizardman hero there is also a traditional village Their buildings are very diverse and still create a different impression.