

Ryan a young man who is stranded to another world and embarks on an adventure and a true ruler

In_Fajar · Fantasy
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22 Chs


"Wow, I slept very well.... Ryan said

"Eh, you've been up since you've been diligent too, huh zen... Ryan said

"I didn't sleep at all damn it from drinking a bottle of stamina potion.. Zenor said

"Oh, yes, it's a side effect, isn't it, that's why when the elders talk, they listen to it... Ryan said

"I want to go for a walk, do you want to come, don't you zen... Ryan said

"I'm just here my legs are weak all my body is tired but I can't sleep... Zenor said

"Okay then, I'll go first... Ryan said

Ryan went around the village and met the lizardman tribesmen who were training

"Hello sir, by the way, what's the name of this exercise... Ryan said

"eeh hello, you're an elf huh haha ​​yeah this is called a martial arts exercise that was passed down from time immemorial by the Lizardman elders... said the lizardman residents

"Yes, I'm from the land of elves, the name is Ragako... Ryan said

ryan saw one of the lizardman's techniques which greatly surprised him a little

Lizardman can harden the skin and strengthen its limbs

"Wow that's a really deadly technique... Ryan said

"Yes, that's our mainstay when we are pressed. Can strengthen body parts such as Iron armor but it takes Rage and which is a little draining ... said the Lizardman Citizen

Ryan is surprised

"Uh, that's not it"

Ryan saw the Lizardman who lost last night in the gladiator arena

"Sir, last night I saw the young lizardman in the gladiator arena and he was battered but how come he's healthy .... Ryan said

"Hoho oh that's Ryze, his nickname is the loser, you haven't realized yet, we lizardman have super fast regeneration abilities ... said the Lizardman resident

finished training then ryan met ryze

"Hey, are you named ryze.. Ryan said

"oh yeah what's wrong elf master... said Ryze

"Look, last night I saw you in the gladiator arena... Ryan said

"Yes, I was there last night what was wrong... said Ryze

"I was there last night and you have huge potential why you can last so long and never give up what's your reason .. Ryan said

"Hmm, potential, I just want to beat the invincible, that's my determination... Ryze said

"Do you want victory and want to avenge your revenge... Ryan said

"Wow sorry if you offer something cheating or dark magic I definitely refuse, sorry sir I don't have time I will continue my training... Ryze said

"Uh uh that's not what I mean.. I just want to train you and if you manage to beat me I'll give you a weapon that can help you beat that invincible or something... Ryan said

"oooh you want to practice fighting... Ryze said

"Come on but don't be here too many lizardmen, I'll teach you a technique that's new and unheard of in this world... Ryan said

"Okay sir elf... said ryze

After reaching in the middle of the forest Ryan Casts a Skill that can make a clone of Gor

Then came out fake Gor

"uh why is Gor here and why is his face so pale... said Ryze

"Don't worry, it's just an imitation that's your training partner... Ryan said

"So try to attack the Gor imitation, just think of it as the real one.. Ryan said

"Okay.. said Ryze

Hit with all his might but Faux Gor parried it

"Can you parry (while getting hit by Tycoon Gor)

"hehe it's not an ordinary clone it's similar to the original Gor he only attacks if he is attacked first and his attack will be returned 2X ... said Ryan

"why did you just tell me... said Ryze

After a day

"You still can't seem to beat this Gor clone... Ryan said

"Sorry sir today I'm really bad.. said Ryze

"Okay, no need. Now I will give you a weapon that is suitable for use against Lizardman like Gor... Ryan said

"What is that... said Ryze

"This is Burnknuckle vibranium, I'm sure with this you can defeat Gor... Ryan said

"Now you try but before that I will teach you Boxing first... Ryan said

"Huh what boxing is that... Ryze said

After showing boxing moves to ryze

"Well now you try to match your attack to the Gor clone if the clone is successfully injured and can't accommodate your attack it will break... Ryan said

"Okay fine... said Ryze (while hitting like a boxer doing Jabs and uppercuts)

Gor's clone was injured and broke

"Eh I did it.. Ryze said

"Yes, it seems that one day you are very significant. You can also add strength as you wish so use it for good.. Ryan said

well sir elf thanks for this training… said Ryze

"Okay okay before that I want to try to feel the lizardman attack that can strengthen the body what is it called... Ryan said

"Eeh I can't do it I haven't mastered and practiced the full rage technique... Ryze said

"Ouh Rage full name okay let's train now just in case you lose your weapon ... Ryan said while removing the seal

"I will train your fists to make you stronger ... said ryan while changing his right hand into a dragon hand ... let's start this practice again

"Youuuu are actually an elf or a dragon.. Ryze said

"I really am who I am who knows... Ryan said

"Okay I'm getting excited even though my stamina is running out I'll take it out in one hit... Ryze said

"Ooh fight, okay, let's start ... Ryan said

each one of them let out a lethal fist (trangg)

"(druaaakk) Aaaegh damn I'm only up to this limit huh... Ryze said while bouncing then fainted

"Hmm it looks like this Dragon is too strong for him eh wait Eh it's bleeding (Ryan is surprised because his dragon hand can bleed) instead of the Dragon's hand is very strong, yes, it can only be hurt with steel. Is the lizardman not aware of his potential... Ryan said as he closed his eyes? seal andissue health potions.Ryan left Ryze with a Health potion beside him