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Chapter 136 Black Emperor

Chapter 136 Black Emperor

"Who is that over there? Bring me a book!" Truman reached out and opened a small window on the wall of the white tower.

The window leads to another divine kingdom, which is covered with bright flowers and a real sun hangs in the sky, emitting real light and heat.

This light and heat illuminate the highest level of the White Tower, adding some warmth to the place.

The Pope, the "God of Knowledge and Wisdom" on the side, looked stiff at all this and did not dare to move at all.

The highest floor of this white tower is the residence of the Pope, the place closest to the Kingdom of God, but now it is obviously occupied by "evil guests".

"Go." An oracle came from the kingdom of God and fell into the pope's ears, allowing his stiff body to recover.

The pope naturally recognized the person in front of him, and he also understood the world behind that small window.

He hesitated for a second, then took a book from his bookshelf and respectfully handed it to Truman.

"Knowledge and Secrets", this is the name of this book.

"Huh? Not bad!" Truman nodded with satisfaction. This book is of high quality. It contains angel-level knowledge and angel-level secrets collected by the "God of Knowledge and Wisdom" church.

Most of the secrets come from Herabogen during the "cherubi" period.

"Omniscient means omnipotent?" Truman really entered the reading state.

The small window behind Truman shed sunlight, but the sun just hung there without any movement.

The highest level of the White Tower fell into a state of silence. There was no movement in the wonderful world of books, and there was no movement in Hellabogen.

Outside the "Abyss of Storms", Truman looked away and nodded with satisfaction. Herabogen was sensible and did not take action.

"If Solomon fails to do this, he can commit suicide."

The two true gods who were most likely to be cruel to Solomon were blocked by Truman in the Kingdom of God. This even exceeded the contract between Truman and Solomon.

Truman stopped paying attention here and looked towards the star realm. The real creator and the Mother Earth were fighting fiercely.

"Ha!" Truman separated a ray of consciousness and entered the Dream Heaven. At this time, the two people who were fighting vigorously in the star realm were deserting.

"Be respectful, okay? There's a fight!" Truman sat in the dreamy seat and waved his hand to project the scene from the star realm into the dreamy paradise.

The two true gods fought very hard, and the scene was exciting, but the fighting spirit of both parties seemed not to be high, and they just held each other back.

The other true gods are not surprised, as long as these two gods have left enough dignity for the future situation.

Even...some gods don't care about this place at all.

Truman glanced at the seat belonging to Amanissis, waved his hand again, and the war taking place in another hidden place was revealed.

"God of War" Badheir took advantage of the opportunity when the world was in chaos because of the founding of Solomon and he suddenly launched a surprise attack on the "Deep Dark Heaven" of the "Night Goddess".

The "hidden malice" of the "giant" path can almost erase all malice in fate and reality at the level of gods, which is most suitable for sneak attacks.

It's just that the "Night Goddess" seems to have expected this, and has even been waiting for the "God of War" to arrive.

Dusk didn't even have time to invade the Deep Dark Heaven before it was surrounded by the tide of darkness and fell into the trap that had been set long ago.

"...Badheir is a bit smart," Truman looked at the scene in front of him speechlessly, "but not much."

After entering the trap set by the "Night Goddess", the "God of War"'s first reaction was not to run, but to completely break free from the trap, intending to defeat the "Night Goddess" head-on!

The ideal is great, but the implementation is a little difficult.The orange-red dusk used its powerful explosive power to forcefully crash into the deeper night. It was a hidden world that the "Night Goddess" had already prepared.

This hidden world is only the size of a small town, but at its center lies a fully activated brass book!

There are hundreds of rules that firmly control the entire hidden world. The outsider "God of War" breaks through its restrictions with powerful power, directly inspiring the most violent counterattack of the Brass Book!

Chi Chi!

God's blood splattered, and the "God of War" who was caught off guard was sanctioned by the brass book under the extremely strict rules.

"Roar!" The power of the Dusk Authority skyrocketed, and the establishment of the Dusk Prison allowed Debadheir to temporarily break away from those strict rules.

The next moment, an even more terrifying dusk storm burst out from the dusk prison, destroying everything in the hidden world with powerful force.

Authority against authority!

The "Giant" path is not good at decryption and sealing, and can only break through the blockade of rules with the most powerful power.

The winner will naturally be the "God of War" Badheir, but the "God of War" who had already tried his best before seeing the true form of the "Night Goddess" has already lost...

The power of Badheir tore the rules of space into pieces and put the Brass Book into an unsustainable predicament. The power of dusk made its rules gradually disappear.

But the moment he saw the brass book, Badheir was still furious.

"Damn Dream!" Badheir looked up to the sky and roared angrily.

"You're your own boss, and you're still scolding me?" Truman rolled his eyes.

He just borrowed the brass book, and Amanissis used this to set up a trap. Who would have thought that he would be so reckless and run straight into it.


Another figure arrived in the dreamland, it was Amanysis.

"I'm going to hurt Him, and then I'll drag you with me if we start a war again." Amanisis looked at Lilith.

This... makes so much sense!

The current "God of War" is still too proud and cannot sacrifice his face and interests to seek his "mother".

"I'd love to see that scene." Lilith chuckled, enjoying seeing that scene.

The two goddesses looked at each other and smiled, while the other two looked at each other in confusion.

"Ahem!" Saslier coughed lightly, "Solomon is going to succeed."

Truman showed the scene of Solomon's Empire at the right time, which was the capital of the empire and the tomb where Solomon was located.

"My people." There was a voice in the hearts of all the people of the Solomon Empire. That voice was as strict as a rule but also had some meaning that distorted all things.

The people who heard the true god's voice did not explode, but were more in awe of the emperor.

Because they knew that their emperor was already a real god!

In the secret Black Emperor's mausoleum, a shadow of order gradually took shape. It squirmed and finally condensed into a human figure.

Solomon walked out of the darkness, wearing a black emperor's crown, his eyes were dark and majestic.

His image appeared in the hearts of all citizens. Ordinary people, and even extraordinary people below angels, could not help but feel great awe. They knelt on the ground and chanted "His Majesty the Emperor".

In thousands of years of history, the first "Black Emperor" was born!

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 137 "Death"

Chapter 137 "Death"

At the time when Solomon entered the mausoleum and began the ceremony to become a god, Truman came to the "Abyss of Storms", and the "God of War" went to the "Deep Dark Heaven", other major events occurred in the world that could affect the direction of the world.

Southern Continent.

Compared with the Northern Continent, which is called the center of the world, the development of human civilization in the Southern Continent lags far behind.

The area here is densely covered with jungles and poisonous insects, making it unsuitable for large-scale human reclamation and logging. The majority of human settlements are tribes.

Of course, during that migration to the Eastern Continent, the Southern Continent also welcomed enough immigrants, and civilization developed greatly.

In this land that is free from struggle, the most prosperous beliefs are death and doomsday.

They belong to the "Doomsday" witch and Salinger, who has already called himself the "God of Death".

Of course, there are also legends about the gods of spiritual objects circulating in the fringe areas that few people pay attention to.

The Death Sect is centered on the legend of the underworld, claiming that the dead can enter the underworld and start a new life, blurring the boundaries between life and death, and greatly reducing people's fear of death. This has allowed the Death Sect to gain a large number of followers.

In the real underworld, Salinger used the authority of the underworld to spy on the increasingly fierce battle between gods in the northern continent, and knew that the opportunity he had been waiting for had arrived.

"I need a death that is decisive and grand enough."

This is the ceremony for the "God of Death" to become a god.

The "God of Death" path starts from collecting corpses, digging graves, and channeling spirits, and gradually progresses to managing the dead and undead spirits, and becoming the emperor of death.

But in the end, the "God of Death" also died for the last time. Only in this way can he truly integrate with the concept of "death" and become the "God of Death".

This kind of god-making ceremony is very simple, but it is too dangerous. If you are not careful, you will really die. The malice and strength required to kill yourself are extremely high.

If it were such an enemy, the only way to kill him would be to make him die forever.

Salinger has been collecting materials for many years, but he still has to wait until now before he dares to try.

In this ritual, the person Salinger chose to kill him was the "Doomsday Witch" Chick.

Naturally, it was impossible for him to completely trust Chike. He dared to let Chike kill him because he could help Chike truly become the "original witch".

Salinger is walking in the Southern Continent, and Chike, the "Doomsday Witch", is sending out doomsday punishments with malice.

Chike opened his eyes, his pupils were dark, his hair was flying and became as thick as a small snake. The outer layer was smooth and evil, with mysterious lines all over the surface.

Some of the tops of these hairs are inlaid with black and white eyes, and some have snake-like heads with slightly open mouths spitting out letters.

This is Chick's semi-out of control state, which is close to the real "original witch".

Chike looked at Salinger, with a strong desire to destroy everything in front of him.

Salinger's face became extremely ugly. Even though he knew it was necessary for the ritual, he would really die!

The world where Chike looked began to turn gray-white. This gray-white color seemed to spread in all directions with vitality, turning the world around him gray-white.

"Death!" The earth began to shake violently, and a muffled sound came from the depths. This was an earthquake aimed at Salinger, and all the power of the continent acted on him.

Red meteors appeared in the sky, trailing flame tails, accelerating crazily, and falling towards the small figure.But the coming disasters are far more than this. Blizzards, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions and other natural disasters erupted at the same time, and the world seemed to be on the verge of destruction.

These disasters only broke out in the area where Salinger was located. Because of the deterrence of a very humane existence, Salinger did not even dare to take away too many burial objects in this death.

Of course, one of the important reasons is that Salinger also needs these believers to anchor their will.

If you want to become a "god of death", the requirements for believers cannot only be the souls of the dead. The faith of the living is equally important to the "god of death".

After all, the "God of Death" itself is the living person who controls "death", and the faith of the living can anchor him.

The disaster only occurred in one place, but even so, the movement here set off a panic throughout the southern continent.

"Is this the 'end' propagated by God?!"

Under the "doomsday", almost all human beings have fallen into chaos.

This is also the reason why the God of Death chose this time to hold the ceremony. At this moment, the gods and angels in the northern continent are deeply involved in the war and cannot take care of this side in a short time.

Otherwise, such a movement will definitely not be concealed, and the "God of War" and "Goddess of the Night" will definitely stop it.

Salinger, who had no resistance at all, began to turn gray, and his reason and cognition were destroyed by the power of "doomsday".

In the godhood ceremony of the "God of Death", the first thing the "God of Death" has to resist is his own instinct as a life.


In the snowstorm, Chike looked indifferently at Salinger, who was dyed gray and white. The flying hair behind him seemed to turn into javelins and pierced his body fiercely.

These hairs themselves bring destruction like the collapse of all things, and the entire world dyed gray and white is collapsing, shattering, and disappearing!

Salinger's body suddenly turned gray, as if he had turned into a stone statue. The power of the collapse of all things followed all the hair on the stone statue, completely destroying it.


Salinger truly fell and entered a state of death.

The entire continent was also shaken violently at this time, causing a lot of deaths.

These creatures that died almost at the same time as Salinger have become his burial objects, and will gradually shape Salinger's initial understanding of the concept of death.

And in that deeper level of death, Salinger's last trace of self-knowledge protected by the ritual of becoming a god penetrated the invisible barrier and fell into a long flowing river.

"River of Eternal Darkness?!" Salinger woke up immediately with his in-depth research on the River of Eternal Darkness and found that he was in that dark river.

Salinger deduced his situation in the shortest possible time, "If you merge with the concept of 'death', will you be close to this long river that symbolizes the end of death?"

"Hey!" Salinger's self-awareness tried to escape, but when he turned his head, he saw a huge shadow in front of the swaying illusory river.

It was a giant bird with its feet stuck in the river.

The body of this giant bird was covered with pale flames and feathers woven with mysterious patterns, but it was no longer complete. The body began to rot, exuding light yellow pus.

"Phew!" The giant bird suddenly opened its eyes that seemed to be made of bronze. There were countless layers of illusory doors hidden in its eyes.

Bronze light splashed out and enveloped Salinger, trying to drag him into the river.

Even if the God in charge of "death" dies, he will definitely leave behind enough backup!

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 138 The "initial" negative side


Chapter 138 The "initial" negative side

Now Salinger decided to truly become the "god of death" and completely take away the power of death from Gray Carrie. Only then did the backhand left by Gray Carrie explode and drag Salinger into the river.

Once such a plan is successful, the one who wakes up will be the ancestor of the Phoenix!

"Grey Carrie?!" Salinger frowned, but he also felt like a stone had finally fallen to the ground.

Only they, who are also on the path of the "God of Death", know how difficult it is to kill the path they belong to.

Salinger is also prepared for this!

Salinger jumped up suddenly, and the human body began to change. Stained white feathers sprouted all over the body. The flesh and blood of his hands squirmed to become wings, and his feet became one and slowly stretched.

In just a few moments, Salinger transformed into a feathered snake the size of an island!

He has huge scales that are green and black, and there are feathers stained with light yellow pus in the gaps. Each feather has an illusory black thin tube connected to the unknown darkness.

The feathered serpent's eyes burned with pale fire, and its face was Salinger's bronze face with deep features.

The feathered snake spread out a pair of exaggerated and thick wings from its back, roaring and crashing into the phoenix that was already stuck in the river!

In order to counter the absolute oppression of lower-level beings by higher-level beings in the "God of Death" pathway, Salinger changed his own mythical creature form and faced the Phoenix Ancestor with a brand-new attitude.

On the other side, after killing Salinger, Chike jumped directly back to the "River of Eternal Darkness" space where he could hide himself.

Almost at the same time, a purifying light beam that almost enveloped half of the southern continent struck down!

The purifying light pillar forcibly held down the entire turbulent continent. Truman's true body instantly roamed here, and the "real" power turned all the horrific disasters into a dream.

"Death ritual?!" Truman frowned slightly, but looking at the situation, Salinger was probably dead and had completed the first half of the ritual.

"There is also Chick's 'doomsday' aura!" Truman recognized Chick's and understood everything that happened here.

Truman did not leave immediately after calming down the disaster. The situation in the Northern Continent had gradually become clear, and his participation was no longer needed.

I don't know how long it took, but Truman suddenly raised his head and felt a condensation of power.

He had seen similar power in the Phoenix Ancestor.

It was pale death, and it was a concept that took on a real form.

At this moment, all the undead and undead souls felt that their god was born.

The power of death caused changes in countless cemeteries around the world. Countless dead bodies emerged from the coffins and bowed to "death".

"Adam?" For some reason, the first person that appeared in Truman's mind was Adam.

"What the hell is he doing again?"

The fact that the "God of Death" became a god seems to have nothing to do with him, but the audience understands it.


"He has indeed appeared again." Chike returned to the dark space where he was hiding, "He is the only one who is different."

Other true gods may choose to save believers because of issues such as "anchor" and "faith", but only he saves humans.

During the great disaster, the first thing he did was to save people.

"Dream..." A cold voice suddenly flashed in Chike's mind.

He turned his head, and a gray-white cloud made of bones appeared out of thin air in this space, causing violent turbulence in the "River of Eternal Darkness" below.

It is Salinger who truly became the "God of Death"!

Perhaps His more than 1000 years of preparation worked. He buried the ancestor of the Phoenix for the second time, completely pinning it in the "River of Eternal Darkness", integrating it with the concept of "death", and becoming the "God of Death".Even because of the existence of the spiritual imprint of the Phoenix Ancestor, he was in very good condition.

"It's your turn to fulfill your promise." Chike remained cold and arrogant before the "god of death" point.

"There's no rush." ​​Salinger shook his head slowly, "Wait until I get used to my state."

"No!" Chike stared at Salinger with his eyes fixed on him, and his long snake-like hair pointed at the new "God of Death".

Chike is not afraid of the "god of death", and even has the intention to fight if he disagrees.

"Why are you crazy?!" Salinger's face was stiff, and his eyes shone with a dangerous gray luster.

"I want to become the 'original' as quickly as possible!" Chike did not back down at all, looking directly at the "god of death".

The two strategic allies who had been working closely together just now were suddenly in a situation where they were about to fight.

"..." Salinger looked at Chike with his deathly gray eyes and asked the question he had asked once again.

"What did Adam tell you? Tell me, and I will help you hold the ceremony to become a god as quickly as possible."

"...If you want to get close to 'Dream', you can only get closer to 'Initial'!" Chike was silent for a moment, then spoke softly, giving enough respect to His Majesty the "God of Death".

"And 'Original' is my most important step towards 'Original'."

"'Primary Creator'?!" Death thought a lot at once, about the legendary "Primary Creator", about "Dream", about "Original".

"You're crazy!" "Death" squeezed out this sentence from between his teeth.

"I just gave up suppressing the will in my body, so that I can get closer to the 'original'."

"I will be the 'original' feminine side, allowing some of His qualities to awaken in me..."

"Only in this way can I become equal to Meng Meng in terms of status and be qualified to hold him in my hands!"

Chike smiled slightly maniacally, with long snake-like hair flying behind him. Something strange appeared on Chike, making Salinger look solemn.

A mysterious symbol appeared silently on Chike's smooth forehead.

That is the symbol that represents the "original" and the negative side of the "primary creator".

The appearance of this symbol made Chick's eyes become more and more terrifying, but Chick himself strangely maintained a clear self-awareness.

"What a lunatic." Salinger suddenly sighed, "However, the difficulty of your god-making ceremony will probably be reduced to a minimum."

Even according to the current situation, after a few more years, a certain will in Chike's body will awaken to a certain extent, and the characteristics in the body will naturally converge and become the "original witch".

The ultimate goal of the godhood ceremony is to stabilize the state of the person who takes it and maintain self-awareness to resist the influence of the potion.

As long as there is no confrontation, the function of the ritual is only to complete a qualitative change in the characteristics of the body.

"Okay, I'll help you become the 'Original'." Salinger nodded lightly and decided to fulfill his promise to help Chike become the "Original Witch". This will be a relatively long process.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 139 About Dreams


Chapter 139 About Dreams

On this special day, the "Black Emperor" and the "God of Death" were born almost at the same time. This news made the true god speechless, but he had to admit it.

The war in the northern continent stopped at the moment when the Black Emperor was completely born.

Both the "sun" reading on the white tower and the "dream" knocking on the door outside the "Abyss of Storms" disappeared at the same time.

The "Mother Earth" and "The Hanged Man" who were playing an exhibition match above the star realm also left after leaving behind a tangled shadow and a storm of life.

In addition, the fastest runners were the two brothers Amon and Adam, and neither Medici nor Ouroleus could stop them.

"Hmph! Little crow, I will burn your hair next time I see you!" Medici put away the bloody sword and returned to the real kingdom of God with Ourolius.

The rest of the church forces also withdrew. After the birth of the Black Emperor, his tomb was filled with some kind of divine power. A direct attack would be tantamount to suicide.

"It's over." Bethel took all Solomon's angels back to the capital of Solomon's empire.

"I have met your Majesty." Bethel bowed and saluted Solomon who came out of the tomb.

Solomon, who became the Black Emperor, had a lingering shadow of order hidden deep in his pupils. Just standing there caused the air around him to distort slightly, as if he wanted to distort the regular order of the world to suit himself.

This is the quality of the "Black Emperor".

"Your merits are great. If you need anything, you can ask me." Solomon also respected Bethel enough.

"Thank you, His Majesty the Emperor." Bethel responded in a neither humble nor condescending manner, but He really didn't want anything...

When Solomon was lavishing rewards, Truman, who had returned from the Southern Continent, also returned to his Duke's Castle.

"Hey, you're a rare visitor!" Truman saw Adam arriving uninvited as soon as he walked in.

"Why have you become so cowardly? You don't even dare to come to see me in person?" Truman took out the Book of Dreams to isolate the fate inside and outside.

"I was afraid that you weren't calm enough, so I tied me up and took me to 'Reality'." Adam sat opposite Truman quite calmly.

"I have this idea." Truman admitted frankly. If it was Adam's true body, he might actually do this.

"I expected this."

Adam still maintained a warm smile, "The confrontation between humanity and divinity was my original plan. Everything would have gone smoothly until one side gained the upper hand or made sacrifices."

"But you are the only unpredictable variable in my plan." Adam's golden eyes stared at Truman.

This is even the third time Adam has discussed this issue with Truman.

"I dealt with it in a certain way."

Adam's words made the corners of Truman's mouth twitch uncontrollably.

"So you're here to show off with me?" Truman leaned back on the high-backed chair, folding his arms and looking at Adam.

"We are friends, aren't we?" Adam's expression remained unchanged and he did not answer directly, "It's just that you may prefer the 'real' human side."

"I understand that too."

Truman doesn't know which one is better, humanity or divinity, but Truman, who firmly believes that he is a human and has always maintained a human form, is undoubtedly more inclined to humanity.

Similarly, Truman prefers to be friends with a person who is full of emotions, rather than with a god who only cares about gains and losses.

"What preparations did you make when you were the Creator?" Truman no longer pressed the question forcefully, but asked this question.

"The main issue is inheritance distribution," Adam said.

"'Real' got the Dream Council, I got the 'Desecrated Tablet' and some knowledge that 'Real' doesn't know either."

Adam and Sasriel have the same origin. If Truman did not go to any side, he could compete for a seat in the Dream Parliament, but he had never tried. "Knowledge that Saslier doesn't even know?" Truman raised his eyebrows, but he was somewhat interested in this knowledge.

As a clone that was relatively completely separated from the Creator, Saslier did have some things that were incompatible with him.

"Yes." Adam nodded slightly, "Most of them are memories of the 'God' and prophecies about the future."

"Let me guess..." Truman suddenly realized something, "For example, is it about dreams?"

Adam didn't deny it.


The Solomon Empire was truly established, and all the major true gods and their churches had to recognize its rule. Emperor Solomon even demonstrated the power of a true god.

And after some discussion of merit and rewards, the major dukes also obtained large fiefdoms in Solomon, enough to make the family prosperous for thousands of years.

Others who performed outstandingly in this war of founding the country also received their due rewards.

This was the beginning of the prosperity of Solomon's empire.

But within ten years, news came out in the southern continent that a behemoth comparable to the Solomon Empire was about to be established - the Balam Empire!

This news quickly gained the support of all the true gods when it came out. It was completely different from the founding war experienced by the Solomon Empire, and they were completely two extremes.

Even under the influence of some kind of force, His Majesty the Black Emperor also released news that he would send a mission to the Balam Empire to participate in its founding ceremony.

"Tsk, a little change has happened." Truman had no objection to the two empires coexisting in the northern and southern continents, and just let nature take its course.

"On the other hand, it's the True God..."

Truman opened the book of dreams and entered the dream paradise.

Another dream parliament.

Under the dreamy starry sky, four figures sat on high-backed chairs outside the round table at the same time.

"Good afternoon, everyone." Truman, as the convener, said hello to the other three naturally.

The other three, You Shen Ming and You Shen Zhai, just nodded lightly.

"I heard that some interesting things happened over there." Truman looked at Amanysis and Lilith.

"About the Alliance of Gods." Amanisis directly proposed this term.

"Alliance of Gods?"

"All the true gods except you two and the Black Emperor." Lilith told all the members of the so-called Alliance of Gods.

"Then there are six..." Truman blinked, "Night Goddess", "Earth Mother Goddess", "God of War", "Lord of Storms", "God of Knowledge and Wisdom", and "God of Death".

There are six true gods in total.

"What a generous act..." Truman exclaimed, then looked at Amanissis, "Can the God of War and the God of Death resist taking action against you?"

"Leodro is willing to sit down and have a talk with Herabergen, what else is impossible?"

Instead, Saslier explained aloud.

"You are too strong." Amanissis hit the point in one sentence.

The alliance now formed by the Solomon Empire has made the other true gods feel full pressure, and even temporarily overwhelmed their own desire for the characteristics of adjacent pathways.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 140 Mission


Chapter 140 Mission

"Then it's me who's wrong?" Truman didn't care.

But then I thought about it, with the Black Emperor, Sasril, Sun, and myself on my side, the power is indeed a bit too strong. If these other gods do not form an alliance, they will definitely not be able to take advantage of the Solomon Empire. .

"If I weren't sitting here, I would definitely be deeply involved in the alliance." Lilith expressed her thoughts.

Facing such a powerful hostile alliance, self-preservation is instinctive.

"The key to the alliance is Adam." Amanisis once again revealed an extremely critical piece of information.

"It's Him again..." Truman rolled his eyes and looked at Saslier, "If I could, I really want to go back to the Third Age and punch you twice."

This refers to Sasril's true identity, the second-generation creator.

He prophesied the future countless times with the power of the Creator and left these prophecies to Adam.

"This is a matter between the two of us. You should not have interfered." Saslier tapped his finger on the round table.

Sasril is more normal. He has inherited the channels of the Dream Parliament and is already a true god. He can calmly plan and truly stand on the trend of history.

"Neither you nor Adam will allow the possibility of the Creator's resurrection and return." Amanisis looked at Sasril and spoke softly. This is the biggest contradiction.

In the final analysis, until now, there is still a battle over the "orthodoxy" of the Creator of the Third Age.

The "Emperor" has died, and the most promising people to inherit the throne are the "Emperor's eldest son" and the "Consul", while the other ministers want to completely hold down the "Emperor"'s coffin board so that the "Emperor" will never be born.

"And now you take the first step, Adam is their natural ally."

In the Alliance of Gods, it was difficult for Leodro and Herabogen to ignore Adam, but the other gods would not allow anything to happen to Adam. He was the best way to involve Sasril.

Balance is an art, and the gods are great at it.

And Adam's use of this identity was even more wonderful, promoting the alliance of gods.

"The Alliance of Gods is still in its infancy for the time being, and it may be finalized through the opportunity of Balam's founding." Finally, Lilith revealed the news.

"Hey, just in time, I'll go over and take a look." Truman suddenly thought of the appointment letter that had been sent to his Duke's castle.

As long as he nods, he can lead the delegation to attend the founding ceremony of Balam as the highest envoy of the Solomon Empire.

"Okay, see you then." Lilith and Amanysis both nodded, and then disappeared into the dreamy paradise.

Truman and Saslier also left separately, and the serious dream meeting was so brief.

After Truman left Dreamland, he directly took the invitation letter and stamped his own mark on it.

"We have Duke Dream over there." Solomon's voice came from the invitation. Even though he had become a god, Solomon still had full respect for Truman.

"How could you miss such a fun thing?" Truman chuckled, already looking forward to it.

However, because this was the first formal diplomatic event between the two empires, it was impossible for Truman to roam directly there.

There is a sea separating the northern and southern continents, so a serious imperial mission would naturally travel by boat.

Apart from Truman, the one with the highest status among the Solomon Empire's envoys is the new generation of 'Insect of Time' Pales Zoroastrian.

The previous "Insect of Time" had died at the beginning of the Founding War, which plunged the Zoroastrian family into chaos for a long time.

But in the end, it was Palles who grew up at the fastest speed and became a new generation of "worm of time", sweeping away the family's decline and regaining its glory.

"This ship from the 'Church of Storms' is quite reliable." The new generation of "Insects of Time" curiously observed the big ship under their feet, and suddenly their hands felt a little itchy.

In this situation, it would be embarrassing not to "take" something conveniently. "Don't collapse the ship." Truman lay on the deck of the big bed and glanced this way.

"Oh!" Palles immediately calmed down. Truman seemed to have his own occult pressure on the "Gou San Family". No extraordinary person in this path could stand up to him.

"Ah, Mr. Duke, can I take a boat?"

Truman turned his head, and Pales almost jumped up.

"Amon!" Pales turned around sharply, looking tensely at Amon, who appeared silently on the deck and was wearing a magic robe.

Amon pinched his monocle gently and glanced at Palles with interest.

"Hello, Pales, I have a hunch that many interesting things will happen between us."

Pales was extremely hostile to Amon, but Amon just came closer as if he didn't see him.

Pales raised his right hand in response, but resisted the urge to take action with great perseverance.

He couldn't defeat Amon now.

"What do you want to do again?" Truman looked at Amon speechlessly. He was really bold to dare to appear here.

This place is not far from Solomon's empire, and Solomon doesn't have a good impression of the Adam and Amon brothers who participated in destroying his god-making ceremony. If he gets the chance, he will definitely beat them up.

"How could I miss such a lively and interesting thing?" Amon crossed over Pales, who was slightly stiff, and came to Truman's side.

He carefully observed Truman's special deck chair, then stole wood from the ship, built one himself, and sat next to Truman.

"It's really comfortable." Amon, who was enjoying the sea breeze, quickly adapted to this new seat.

"Are you here to snitch?" Truman tapped his finger, and the Amon hidden in the air were pulled by invisible forces and all poured back into Amon's body.

"I'm not interested in participating in any of His plans, I'm just here to watch the show." Amon rubbed his body lightly and said with a smile.

"There are so many true gods. I have never seen this scene before." Amon was amazed.

Even when the ancient Sun God was besieged, three gods appeared.

"If we really get into a fight, what kind of scene would it be?"

"If you can't help but ask me to break up the fight."

Amon pinched his monocle, looking forward to such a scene.

"After all, you are my teacher. I will try my best to save you. Of course, if you cannot be saved, it is best to pass Gensokyo to me first."

"This will perfectly bypass Bethel."

Truman's face darkened, and he couldn't help but snap his fingers, and the recliner under Amon turned into a rope to tie him up and hang him up.

Amon's figure flickered for a while, but he was unable to break free.

"Stay awake for me up there. Why are you talking to the teacher?"

Truman didn't go to the Balang Empire just to fight. After all, the six true gods were a bit too much, and he was not arrogant enough.

(End of this chapter)