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Chapter 141 "Death Archon"


Chapter 141 "Death Archon"

As long as the ship sailed on the ocean, Amon hung on the sail for as long as it took. This made Palles go to the deck to take a turn twice from time to time to enjoy the beautiful scenery on the sea.

Amon was not surprised at all, and occasionally discussed with Pales some valuable experiences among "thieves".

This is probably one of the wonders of the world, that two angels of the same path and sequence can actually "coexist peacefully" and "exchange experiences."

Of course, both of them are the strongest "fraudsters", so it is doubtful how credible their words are.

"Ah, we're almost there." Truman looked at the continent in the distance and sensed some kind of gray-white death, which was the trace left by the communication between the underworld and the real world.

He stood up and waved Amon down.

Amon kept a reserved smile, adjusted his magic robe slightly, put on the soft pointed magic hat, and nodded elegantly to Pales.

"His Majesty the God of Death seems to have sent a team to greet us." Pales saw the honor guard assembled at the port.

"The customs here are really weird." Truman sighed as he looked at the gorgeous coffins.

For those who believe in the God of Death, lying in a coffin is probably the moment when they are closest to the God of Death, symbolizing that the soul enters the legendary underworld and obtains eternal peace.

"Welcome friends from the Northern Continent!"

When Truman heard this, he looked over and saw a man with bronze skin and cold eyes looking over here.

Wearing a dark black robe embroidered with gold thread and a bird-shaped crown made of gold, He seemed to be looking down at all living creatures.

He is an "Archon of Death."

"Eh?" Truman was surprised, "It's actually him? Is he the Archon of Balam at this time?"

But considering that the Alliance of Gods is about to take action, his appearance is not surprising.

"He is the Archon of Balam, Azik Eggers." Pales reminded.

It was indeed him... Truman nodded slightly.

"Good day, Duke of Dreams." Azik Eggers' cold eyes seemed to have lost all emotion, and there was no expression on his face during the salute.

He is the consul of the Bailang Empire, half a rank higher than Truman in the imperial hierarchy, but Truman's status is too special.

It was even a bit slow for Him to come to greet Him personally.

"Welcome to Balam," the Death Archon's cold face said without any sincerity.

Truman just nodded slightly, ignoring the coffins, and walked on the land of Balam with the Death Consul.

But Amon jumped in curiously and experienced it, "Unfortunately, there is no way to connect to the underworld, and the 'God of Death' didn't pull me in specially."

Pales glanced at Truman who was walking in front, jumped in like Amon, closed the coffin lid, and followed the Romans...

Apart from the differences in customs, this place is not much different from the Solomon Empire in the Northern Continent.

"Who are the guests you invited this time?" Truman asked the Death Consul.

"The popes and angels of the major churches."

Several major churches have given enough face. Not only did the Pope personally take action, but some angels even came.

On the other hand, the "Eternal Fierce Sun" church, under Truman's deliberate suppression, has always focused on preaching and has never participated in this kind of "team building."

This allowed the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun to maintain a certain degree of aloofness and achieve great results in its missionary work. "The scene is okay." Truman nodded lightly. Of course, what he was more concerned about might be a subsequent meeting of the gods. These popes and angels were just figures supporting the scene from the major churches.

"Duke Dream, please come with me..." The Death Consul personally led the way, leading the imperial envoy to the castle that was obviously modeled after Solomon's irregular beauty.

After Solomon became a god, this irregular beauty has become the aesthetic of Solomon's empire in a mystical sense.

This is weird and "twisted".

"Why is there still this style of castle..." Pales couldn't help but complain. He really couldn't appreciate the so-called irregular beauty.

"It doesn't look bad." Amon looked at the building imitating the style of Solomon's Palace with great interest - now he didn't dare to get close to the capital of Solomon, so naturally he couldn't see it.

Truman did not comment on this. The timing of their imperial mission was very good. The next day was the day when Bailang was founded, so there was no need to wait here for long.

"Imperial banquet?" That night, Truman received an invitation from the Death Consul to attend an imperial banquet.

This is a banquet that brings together all the guests, and its main purpose is probably to reach a consensus: don't cause trouble at tomorrow's founding ceremony!

The most important thing is that the God of Death will be present in person.

"Do you want to express your attitude to me... Let's go and have a look." Truman had this idea and took Amon and Pales to the appointment.

For Truman, what matters is not what is at the banquet, but the people who come to the banquet.

When Truman stepped into the palace where the banquet was held, the whole world seemed to fall into silence. The popes and angels from various churches looked at the three Trumen with some serious eyes.

"Tsk, it's a bit dangerous!" Amon sighed on the side and took two steps slightly to show that he was not in the same group as them.

Amon was already weird among the team, but for some reason he had to ignore him.

Pales is naturally not afraid of these angels and the Pope, but the group of true gods standing behind them is really scary...

But Palles was loyal enough and did not take two steps laterally like Amon.

"This is His Excellency the Dream Duke of the Solomon Empire." The Death Consul introduced Truman to everyone in a formal manner.

"Your Excellency Dream." Even the Pope bowed his head and saluted.

"Huh? Secret and life?" Truman glanced at the banquet and unexpectedly saw two familiar figures, which were the Angel of Secret and the Angel of Life.

The clones of these two are special and hidden enough that no true god has ever been able to discover them. They can only be regarded as devout angels serving their respective true gods.

But the Dream Angel didn't know the Life Angel, so Truman just said a friendly hello to the Pope of the Church of the Night and the Hidden Angel.

"Long time no see." The Hidden Angel just nodded slightly, but the Pope of the Night respectfully shouted "Dream Angel".

Now the scene becomes a little more subtle.

Meng Meng was once the Pope of the Church of Night. This news is not a secret, but now - we have a traitor...

"Ahem," the Death Archon, the owner of this place, finally couldn't help but break the silence.

"Duke Dream, please come with me, His Majesty the Emperor wants to see you." The Death Consul took Truman deeper into the palace.

As soon as Truman left, the atmosphere here quickly calmed down, and Pales was not rejected by these angels, at least maintaining this friendly relationship on the surface.

"Salinger, long time no see." Soon, Truman met the "god of death" who had once held a meeting together.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 142 Invitation from the Gods


Chapter 142 Invitation from the Gods

Salinger wore a dark black divine robe, decorated with luxurious gold ornaments, and his facial features were typical of people from the Southern Continent.

"Long time no see, Dream." Salinger waved away the Death Consul and sat opposite Truman.

"First of all, congratulations to you for finally becoming a god. It seems that Gray Carrie has been completely suppressed by you."

This is Truman's inference based on the path of the "God of Death". When Salinger became a god, the interference of the previous generation of "God of Death" was indispensable.

"I have been waiting for this day for a long time." Salinger's voice no longer had the unique coldness, and he sighed slightly.

They met at the end of the Second Age, and even had a tacit cooperation to push the ancestor of the Phoenix into the "River of Eternal Darkness".

"I'm here to invite you on their behalf." After the simple greetings, Salinger went straight to the point.

"What?!" Truman blinked, almost suspecting that he heard wrongly.

"On behalf of all their true gods, I invite the Sun to join the Alliance of Gods." Salinger repeated seriously.

"Herabergen and Leodro have also reached an agreement with us and will not have any prejudice against the Sun."

"..." Truman blinked, doubting his ears for a moment.

"Invite 'The Sun' to join the Alliance of Gods?" Truman repeated and couldn't help but applaud.

This move was truly unexpected.

The invitation is "sun" rather than "dream", this is the most important point.

This is equivalent to the Alliance of Gods taking the initiative to let Truman step into two different boats, giving up certain interests, and letting "The Sun" join the Alliance of Gods.

In this way, for Truman, this is hedging his bets. Even if he encounters the worst situation, he will not be a loser.

"Wonderful!" Truman sighed.

"Originally, Heiye was supposed to come to talk to you." Salinger reminded, "But since you are here, you can let me do it for you."

Truman was once the Pope of the Night, and even now he is still the dream angel under the "Goddess of the Night". No matter from every angle, the "Goddess of the Night" is the best choice.


Are you afraid that I will win over "Dark Night"... Truman did not reveal Salinger's thoughts and looked at him with interest.

"We don't need you to stand clearly on our side. We just need you to be able to give up Solomon when the outcome is clear."

ha!This is because they are afraid that I will lift the table...

"Always stand on the right trend of history. This is what I know about you, and this time is the opportunity we give you."

"No matter who wins in the end, you never lose."

Salinger looked at Truman and expressed his views on Truman.

"We have compiled all your information and have a deep enough understanding of you. You will agree."

Sallinger analyzed calmly.

"You should have first appeared under 'Dark Night' and became his Pope. At that time, you were still an angel."

"Afterwards, 'Dark Night' killed the Demon Wolf of Destruction and grabbed the biggest fruit of victory in the Age of Fire."

"In the twin years, you went to the Creator's Heaven and became the Creator's dream angel."

"After that, the Creator took back his power and ruled the entire world." "In the third era, you disappeared for a while, but after your return, you joined the Redemption Rose and delivered the final blow when you assassinated the Creator."

"You seem to have an unknown ability to foresee destiny and always stand on the correct historical trend. Now we are exchanging such an opportunity for a not harsh promise."

"..." Truman fell into a long silence.

clap clap clap!

Truman couldn't help but applaud Salinger, "It's really unfair of you to be the 'God of Death'. You should be the 'Black Emperor'."

Sequences seven and six of the "Black Emperor" path are "briber" and "corruption baron" respectively, both of which are good at persuading and corrupting people.

"So," Salinger stared at Truman, "your choice is..."

"But there is one thing you should be confused about and even frightened. How do you know that the camp I am in is not the correct one?"

Truman looked at Salinger and asked this sentence.

"..." Salinger gently closed his eyes, feeling the deathly power surging around him. After a few seconds, he opened his eyes.

"This is indeed a problem." Sallinger answered calmly, "But we also have the power to create trends and define the right thing."

"And it's certainly not a bad thing for you to have more choices."

That's right... Truman was speechless.

"Then I'll take it as your promise." Salinger suddenly said such a sentence, and then disappeared directly in Truman's astonished eyes, turning into the concept of death and returning to the underworld.

Um... Truman's whole body was shrouded in black threads, and he felt like he was being dragged aboard a pirate ship.

But soon Truman smiled again, as long as such an unconstrained invitation was sent out, it had already achieved its purpose.

On a deeper level, Salinger didn't even mention it. When he even realized that he was about to refuse, he ran away without giving Truman a chance to refuse.

Truman did not enter the underworld to force Salinger out, but walked out of the palace and found the Death Archon.

"Your Excellency, the banquet is still going on. Do you want to return to the venue?" Death Archon still had such a lifeless and indifferent tone.

"No, I'd like to ask you to take me around the palace." Truman has a very outstanding advantage, that is, he holds grudges, and he basically doesn't stay overnight.

Salinger tricked him a little, and he found it back with his son.

"..." The Death Archon subconsciously wanted to resist. When he thought of the "God of Death"'s order, he had to give up his official duties and lead the dreamy Duke to visit the Balam Palace.

"Azik, do you know anything about divinity and humanity?" Truman asked.

"Divinity? Humanity?" Under Truman's guidance, Death Archon pondered this profound question for the first time as Azik Eggers.

Resurrecting vessels to produce deep humanity is not a good thing.

"Yes," Truman prepared to use the method of inspiring Lilith in the Second Age to help Azik develop some humanity.

"The two are opposites in a mystical sense, but they have many things in common. Your current indifference is just an expression of your divinity."

"And if you want to gain humanity and achieve balance, you need a large number of believers. Not only do you have to get close to them, you also need to understand them and become them."

Truman's voice fell into Azik's heart like holy light turning into rain.

This is the "utopian" authority, which is silently integrated into the deepest part of Azik's spirit, turning into his instinct, and will sprout into a stable human nature at the right time.

Salinger could have discovered this method, but who let him escape?

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 143 Dream Sect


Chapter 143 Dream Sect

Salinger's figure was slowly outlined in the depths of the spiritual world. He did not return to the underworld immediately. There were other true gods here waiting for his results.

This is a space temporarily opened by the will of the gods, where four true gods who are clearly hostile to dreams conspire.

"He refused deeper cooperation." Sallinger said the news with a cold face.

If He hadn't run fast, even the most basic cooperation would have been rejected.

"Too greedy!" A will projected here showed great indignation, "He has taken advantage of both sides, and he still wants more?!"

"It's not that simple, but having a basic consensus has already achieved the goal."

"Then do we still need to implement the second plan?" An impatient voice sounded, unwilling to listen to this nonsense.


There was a moment of silence in the depths of the spiritual world, and none of the four true gods could make such a decision directly.

"Execute it, we can resist the consequences no matter what." Sallinger finally suggested.

"Okay." One of the voices responded softly.


The indifference on Azik Eggers' face melted, like a newborn baby. It was the angel's confusion about his own state after being temporarily isolated from madness, similar to Lilith's state when she was reborn.

This will also be the germ of humanity.

Truman protected this budding humanity from being discovered by Salinger after his return. It would be interesting to see if there would be any problems with the resurrection container due to the budding humanity.

Truman is looking forward to that time coming.

At a certain moment, Truman was struck by inspiration and snapped his fingers. Azik Eggers fell directly into the collision of humanity and divinity, and was temporarily absent-minded.

After that, Truman turned his head directly and looked at the faint figure behind him that slowly stood out in the darkness.

"Have you seen Salinger?" The voice of the Hidden Angel has a unique gentleness and tranquility, like the night vanilla blooming quietly in the darkness.

"He actually came to persuade me to use two boats. I have never heard of this request." Truman sighed.

"In their eyes, you are the biggest and most successful speculator. It is not surprising to make such a decision." Hidden Angel concluded.

"This...is really unfair!" Truman rejected this slander.

"Heh." The Hidden Angel responded.

"Try not to let the conflict get out of hand tomorrow." The Secret Angel suddenly reminded.

"The Cataclysm hasn't calmed down for a few years yet, and you don't want to see the world enter a state of war again."

"What do you know?" Truman's eyes narrowed slightly, "The perception of doom?"

"No, it's just the simplest reasoning." The Secret Angel said softly.

"..." Truman nodded slowly, "Don't worry, I will control the scale."

He really didn't want to see a disaster like the Cataclysm happen again. In his imagination, even the conflict between the Alliance of Gods and the Solomon Empire would take hundreds of years to gradually accumulate.

"Yeah!" The Secret Angel nodded slightly, and then his figure was gently wiped away by the eraser and disappeared.

"Let's go." Truman tapped Azik Eggers on the shoulder, woke him up, and continued to visit the Balam Palace.Not long after, Truman returned to the castle where the Solomon mission lived.

"They shouldn't attack me directly. That would only make the situation uncontrollable."

A full-scale war is unacceptable to all gods. Now the main task of the major churches and the two empires is to preach and obtain more "anchors", which is directly related to their own status.

"Then at what level will they take action?"

Time gradually passed, and came to the day when Bailang founded the country. Truman washed up and prepared to set off.

It was around this time that an oracle from the "god of knowledge and wisdom" fell into the hands of an angel from his church.

"God is above!" This is a Sequence [-] "Wisdom Angel", known as the "Angel of Knowledge" in the Church of the "God of Knowledge and Wisdom".

This is a very special title because the Pope's title is actually "Angel of Wisdom."

To a certain extent, these two angels are equal. "Wisdom" controls the church's academic affairs, while "knowledge" controls the church's knowledge inheritance.

The two of them are the two most powerful angels under the "God of Knowledge and Wisdom" today, and they are both favored by God.

The "Angel of Knowledge" thanked the gods for the gift. After deeply understanding the oracle, he stood up from the ground and picked up the real god-given weapon - the "Crown of Omniscience" from the table next to him.

This is a pure white crown, dotted with gems of various colors, and is made from the three "Insighter" characteristics of the "White Tower" path sequence.

But it is blessed by the "God of Knowledge and Wisdom" and has the power to discern the mysteries of all knowledge.

The "Angel of Knowledge" put the crown on his head, thanked the gods again for the gift, and used the secret technique of "teleportation" to arrive at a city in the Solomon Empire.

"Dream Sect." The purpose of the "Angel of Knowledge" was very clear and they immediately found the headquarters of the Dream Sect in this city.

The Dream Sect is extremely special among all churches and secret organizations. They are not a church and do not have a strict church system. They are even called believers for their faith and priests for their piety.

This is an incredible thing in this world where gods truly exist and even gods walk on the earth.

But what is strange is that such a strange sect has not been suppressed by major churches, and even under normal circumstances the churches will ignore its missionary behavior which is not out of the ordinary.

"'Dream' path..." "Angel of Knowledge" looked at the priests in the Dream Sect in confusion.

They were ordinary people who became priests because of their piety.

And to some people who have mastered enough knowledge, these people are as conspicuous as the colorful strokes on their white robes.

Because they are pious enough, these priests have extraordinary powers given by the "supreme dream" they believe in, and have become extraordinary people.

And these Extraordinaries of the "gift" system are full of all kinds of mystery under the vision of the potion system, and they are simply out of place.

The "Angel of Knowledge" was one of the first people to discover this system, and he had an unquenchable curiosity about it. However, before he could get close to studying this system, he was stopped by the god of faith.

The "God of Knowledge and Wisdom" forbids them to explore this unique system, because the things involved are too great.

But now the "God of Knowledge and Wisdom" has finally sent down an oracle, and even given the "Crown of Omniscience" to allow Him to come here.

"I need to find someone who is far enough along the 'dream path'."

The eyes of the "Angel of Knowledge" turned into a brass color, flashing with brilliance rapidly, exploring the dream believers in the entire city.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 144 "Child of Fantasy"


Chapter 144 "Child of Fantasy"

"Angel, do you want to know something about our supreme Lord?"

Suddenly, a voice exploded in the ears of the "Angel of Knowledge", which shocked the angel and turned around suddenly to look at the figure that seemed to have always been behind him.

The person who came was wearing a plain white divine robe, his hair was neatly arranged, his face was slightly old, his eyes were light golden, and his body had a strong dreamy phosphorescent aura.

"Are you the Pope of the Dream Sect?" "Angel of Knowledge" remembered the identity of the person in front of him.

"I am just a follower of the Supreme Dream, and I dare not claim the throne of the Pope." Hermes' golden eyes looked directly at this "Angel of Knowledge" with a certain kind of majesty.

In Hermes' perception, this angel was too rude and rampant, and he used his abilities unscrupulously to pry into the secrets of the Dream Sect.

"Omniscient!" The eyes of the "Angel of Knowledge" fell on Hermes, and the "Crown of Omniscient" on his head flashed a glimmer of light. Some kind of ability belonging to the sequence one of the "White Tower" pathway was blessed on the "Angel of Knowledge".

"White Tower" pathway sequence one, "Omniscient Eye", the most obvious feature of this sequence can be inferred from the name of this sequence.

"Omniscient" is the most powerful ability of the "Omniscient Eye".

Taking the "Insighter" a step further in understanding the rules of the world, the "Omniscient Eye" is enough to analyze any passing knowledge lower than Sequence One, and even has a strong analytical effect on Archangels of the same Sequence One.

The brass color in the eyes of the "Knowledge Angel" became more and more intense, and the glimmer of light in it directly broke through to a level at a certain moment.

At this moment, this "Angel of Knowledge" even possesses the personality and power of Sequence One.

Hermes frowned. These "Gods of Knowledge and Wisdom" taught a group of lunatics. They not only liked to show off their knowledge in various ways, but also had a pathological desire to possess knowledge that they did not master!

He pointed out lightly, and a "spiritual storm" struck down.

He is also the Sequence [-] of the "Imaginary" path!

"God is with me!" The "Angel of Knowledge" is praying to the "God of Knowledge and Wisdom."

This made the crown on his head more powerful, giving the "Angel of Knowledge" a divine blessing in a short time, suppressing the spiritual riot.

And the effect of this divine blessing can even weaken all spiritual attacks to the lowest point.

The power of the "ideologue" path is suppressed.

Hermes frowned and used the sea of ​​collective subconscious to teleport and jump away from the busy city and came to the outside of the city where there was less human life.

"Why are you leaving?" The "Angel of Knowledge" was chasing after him. He actually showed a kind of confusion, "The exchange of knowledge should be a feast."

"When you use 'omniscient', it's no longer a fair knowledge transaction."

Hermes always had the illusion that all secrets were exposed to the eyes of the "Angel of Knowledge".

But as the leader of the Dream Sect, many things about him cannot be seen!

"The Lord will forgive you, but before that, I may have to send you to see Him." The golden color in Hermes's eyes faded, and a little dreamy light gradually appeared on his body.

"That's it!" The "Angel of Knowledge" suddenly opened his eyes, looking at those dreamy lights with fascination, trying to decipher the mysterious knowledge in them.

After being filtered by Hermes, these powers from the Book of Dreams have come with the knowledge of the "dream" path mastered by Hermes himself, so it is also feasible to analyze the knowledge with "omniscience".

Hermes clasped his palms together lightly, and the dreamy light rippling outside his body suddenly became something else.

They become "mirrors" that isolate and reflect the "omniscience" that peeks into dream knowledge.

"An angel of the 'dream' path?!" The face of the "Angel of Knowledge" changed slightly.As the current Pope of the Dream Sect and almost the earliest follower of the Supreme Dream, Hermes has already become an angel in the "gift" system!

"Dream" path sequence two, "Child of Fantasy"!

Hermes, who has become a "dream" path, has even been able to drive the light of dreams to shape into various incredible things according to his own will, leaving behind various dream deeds.

The power of the "Fantasy Child" is perfectly matched with the power of the "Visionary" path, enough to produce the effect of one plus one greater than two.

"This system other than potions really has endless potential. I am even more interested in it." "Knowledge Angel" suddenly became excited.

"Lightning storm!" The "Angel of Knowledge" threw out the lightning storm that he "imitated", with the intention of testing the limit of the "mirror"'s ability.

This kind of "imitation" ability is similar to the "recording officer"'s "recording" ability, which is weaker than the ordinary ability.

"Disperse!" Hermes shouted softly, and the raging thunder and lightning storm directly disintegrated into little bits of spirituality after entering the radiation range of the dreamy light.

This is already the embodiment of fantasy coming to reality in the second stage of the sequence.

For an angel at this stage, it is already a very incomprehensible ability.

The "Angel of Knowledge" stretched out his hand, activated the "Crown of Omniscient" on his head to its strongest state, and used "Imitation".

This is the power of the "Learner" of the "White Tower" path. Now the "Knowledge Angel" is used as a Sequence One personality, which is enough to imitate all abilities below Sequence One.

It's just... this is a little more difficult.

The "omniscient" vision suddenly became enlightened, and the "knowledge angel" was surprised and found an opportunity consciously.

But what appeared in the "omniscient" vision was a behemoth that the "Angel of Knowledge" had never seen before.

"How is it possible?" The "Angel of Knowledge" lost his mind for a moment. He saw a "dream" path constructed by four kinds of authority.

Usually, "Knowledge Angels" often use this ability, but no path can compare with the complexity of the "Dream" path!

This is too complicated and scary for "imitation"!

This is the angel from the second sequence of the "Dream" path...


The "Crown of Omniscient", which had withstood a certain power, collapsed directly. This artifact, which carried the blessing of the "God of Knowledge and Wisdom", fell into destruction because it could not withstand the complex knowledge essence of "Dream".

The "Angel of Knowledge" was stiff and at a loss.

Who could have predicted this outcome?

Knowledge that is completely impossible to "simulate" and understand is the first time the "Knowledge Angel" has seen it!

"No...impossible!" The "Angel of Knowledge" was stunned for a moment, feeling as if his faith had collapsed.

"Nothing is impossible."

Hermes was also a little surprised, but everything in the dream world was reasonable.

"Repent to the supreme dream." Hermes' body had a strong dreamy light surging, and the dreamy statue gradually appeared.

"Huh? I picked up a copy of the 'cherubi' attribute."

There was really a gaze coming from the dream statue, and it fell on the "Angel of Knowledge".

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 145 Secret


Chapter 145 Secret

Truman came to the Balam Palace again wearing the ducal robe prepared by Solomon.

Today's Bailang country is extremely "lively".

"What a ghost." Truman looked at the ghosts and ghosts walking on the earth and couldn't help but sigh, "He is indeed the 'God of Death'!"

These are the souls of those who once believed in Death and were pious enough.

They have long since died, but today, the "God of Death" has truly demonstrated his power of "death", bringing the ghosts of the deceased back to the living world to meet their relatives.

Of course, in Truman's eyes, these souls all have the aura of the underworld. There is a high probability that they were pulled into the underworld after death and now return to reality.

Correspondingly, Truman also felt the breath of the underworld. The underworld deep in the spiritual world seemed to extend countless tentacles and connected with Bailang.

Such ghosts can be seen everywhere, walking in every corner of the capital of Bailang. While they are gathering with their families, they are also waiting for the arrival of the founding ceremony.

"This kind of scene can only be seen here." Amon was amazed.

"This is a real miracle!"

When the Solomon Empire was founded, it was only Solomon who manifested himself in the hearts of the people, and the invisible rules were distorted, which was not as shocking as the scene before him.

"Blurring the boundaries between life and death and shaping the authority of the underworld is a missionary mission carried out by the true God himself." Pales came to this conclusion after talking to a ghost walking by.

After the appearance of these ghosts, the kingdom of Balam fell into a certain degree of chaos, but soon the entire empire's belief in the "God of Death" exploded.

Once it is proven that one can really go to the kingdom of gods after death, these Balam citizens will be less afraid of death and their faith will be stronger.

"The Duke of Dreams." The Death Consul appeared in costume and greeted Truman and his entourage at the Balam Palace.

"The ceremony is about to begin, please take your seats."

Truman and others did not wait long. At the turn of day and night, the moment the sun rose, a dark and faint breath came from the underworld.

These dark and faint auras seeped out from every corner of the world and gradually formed a torrent, covering the rising sun and plunging the whole world into silent darkness again!

The rising sun cannot penetrate the darkness, and the "God of Death" creates a world most suitable for the existence of ghosts.

In such a world, the living and the dead dance together, as if they have gained temporary peace and joy.

The "God of Death", also known as the "Eternal Sleeper", is unique in his abilities in this regard.

At this time, "God of Death" Salinger appeared in the high sky with the underworld, and all humans and ghosts were shocked inexplicably.

This is also the first time that the underworld has appeared in the world of the living in this way.

"Bailan will be my kingdom of God on earth. All my devout citizens can enter the underworld and be immortal."

"Death is above!" Sallinger performed a miracle, and pure light floated out from the heads of every believer, gradually converging into a mighty Milky Way.

The invisible power spreads away like ripples on the water, and the power of the "Eternal Sleeper" falls into the hearts of every believer.

All believers have gained a short period of peace, their body and mind are peaceful, and they are no longer contaminated by the slightest dust.

But this process did not last long, and many believers who broke away from that peaceful state developed a fanatical pursuit of that state.

Salinger, the "God of Death", walked out of the underworld and walked towards the throne on the long steps to ascend to the gods. His gorgeous divine robes were dotted with traces of the aura of death, which was mysterious and awe-inspiring.

This is an epic picture.

"Huh? I picked up a copy of the 'cherubi' trait." A slight murmur broke the solemn feeling.Everyone looked towards the source of the voice, which was the Dream Duke from the Solomon Empire.

Many popes and angels from various churches who were watching the ceremony were trembling in their hearts, as if they had seen something terrifying.

Among them, the face of the Pope of the Church of the "God of Knowledge and Wisdom" changed drastically.

The characteristics of "cherubic angels" are almost all in the hands of the church!

Truman ignored all sights, his spirit was touched, and he looked towards the northern continent. He saw Hermes and the "Angel of Knowledge" through the light of dreams.

In just a moment, Truman already understood what the "Angel of Knowledge" was doing.

"Analyze dream pathways? Imitate my abilities?"

Truman laughed dumbly. In fact, this is feasible. The power he bestowed is real and can be copied, recorded and imitated.

But the size of the "Dream" path is completely different from the other single paths.

Comparing the power of other paths to a line, the "dream" path is a ball of thread mixed with four kinds of lines, which is too stressful for recorders and imitators.

And a Sequence [-] "cherubi" wants to imitate the "Child of Fantasy"?


The four sequences of the "Dream" pathway starting from Demigod are all special and powerful enough. Truman spent a lot of energy on them. How could they be so easily imitated?

"Don't overestimate your capabilities." Truman shook his head slowly, turned the "Angel of Knowledge" into a hand-sized puppet with a wave of his hand, and bent down to pick it up.

"What you don't want is mine!" Truman put the doll in his pocket and looked at the "God of Knowledge and Wisdom" church camp.

The Pope, who had met Truman once, looked ugly. He saw the true nature of Truman's puppet, but he did not dare to speak.

"Duke Dream, can you exchange that doll with me?" "Death God" Salinger's eyes fell here. His voice was soft and majestic, which was very suitable for the position of emperor.

"No." Truman refused directly.

This act of sweeping away the majesty of the "god of death" in person made the scene deserted again, and many angels felt a strong sense of crisis.

The two true gods looked at each other, each confident, but at a certain moment, Truman's eyebrows jumped slightly, as if he felt something.

But before that, the "God of Death" had already taken action.

The "God of Death"'s eyes flashed, and there was a kind of power that was attracted by him. Truman was slightly shocked, "It turns out it was a petition..."

Truman did not resist, and his figure was wiped away by the hidden power.

The "secret" power of the "Night Goddess"!

At the same time, Hermes suddenly lost his sense of dreams. The next moment, he suddenly looked up and saw a brass-colored eye.

This eye is countless times more terrifying than the "Omniscient Eye" of the previous "Angel of Knowledge". All the secrets of Hermes are seen by this eye!

There is a faint light flickering in it, frantically analyzing the knowledge within it.

"The God of Knowledge and Wisdom..." Hermes faced the god directly and was horrified.

This is just a time lag. The "dream" path is analyzed before "dream" comes out of "secret".

This can not only allow them to understand "Dream" more deeply, but can even create a gap between "Dark Night" and "Dream".

The gods still had doubts about the relationship between "Dream" and "Dark Night", so they worked together to force "Night" to attack "Dream"!

(End of this chapter)