
A 27

Chapter 131 Bethel


Chapter 131 Bethel

The contest between the two "Insects of Time" was simple enough, with the winner almost instantaneously.

Of course, it was also because Zoroaster judged that he had no chance of winning and chose to escape.

"You can't escape." The giant wall clock hanging in mid-air turned into a huge figure of Amon.

He lowered his head and looked at Zoroaster who was frantically trying to steal distance and release his "accumulation". He gently raised his right hand and pinched his monocle.

The ability that Zoroastrian can steal and store is at most the King of Angels level, which is the "distortion" given by Solomon as the "Black Emperor".

He distorted time to get rid of Amon's time-slowing effect, but as the second son of the Creator, the ability that Amon could steal and store was terrifying.

"Fallen!" A dim light flashed through the monocle, which was the "holy word" from Sasril. There seemed to be another will in Zoroaster's body interfering with his escape.

Zoroaster pressed his palm on his forehead in time.


The newly born will in the body suddenly changed its position and helped him steal it.

But this also takes time, and this is what He lacks most now.

Almost at the same time, Amon's eyes fell on Zoroaster's hand, and he also used "deception".

He "defrauded" Zoroaster.

This operation was so strange that Zoroastrian, one of the strongest "thieves", was stunned and found it difficult to understand.

"Tsk," Amon said provocatively like Medici, "That's so stupid. How dare you 'cheat' in front of me?"

Zoroaster instantly understood that under the suppression of the unique personality, Amon's "deception" had a higher priority than him.

He turned to use the "comfort" stolen from the other dragons to suppress the will in his body, and even released some of the abilities he had stolen, hoping to make the environment more chaotic and seize the "loophole" to escape.

It's just that it's too late.

"Purify!" A ray of light rose up, which was the three days of light from the Creator's Heaven that Amon had stolen.

This was originally a not-so-successful prank by Amon, who used his identity to steal three days of light from the Creator's Heaven.

Because of this prank, He was imprisoned in the fairy tale castle by Sasril for three years - for the most powerful fraudster and thief, this was the best punishment.

The light of these three days turned into a strong purifying light, and turned into a beam of light that struck Zoroastrian, whose body was slightly slower.

Not just the "ancient scholars" of the "Fool" path, nor just the "Recorder" of the "Gate" path, the "stealers" of the "wrong" path also depend on connections.

Zoroaster's expression was frozen there. Such a strong "purification" was almost equivalent to a blow from the true god, and he was completely unable to compete with it.

"...Family...'Insect of Time' characteristics..." Zoroastrian could only raise these two intermittent thoughts, and all his thoughts were completely purified.

Between the gradually disappearing light pillars, a crystal pillar composed of light and shadow was condensed, and many "worms of time" with twelve links were swimming quickly inside.

"Aggregation!" Amon's lips formed a smile, and he used his personality to forcibly aggregate all the characteristics.

It's just that these characteristics that are clearly pointing to Amon are flying in another direction. There seems to be chaos in the front, back, left, right, and bottom of this area, and it has encountered powerful distortions.

"Huh?" The smile at the corner of Amon's mouth faded a little, and he raised his head and looked further away, "Solomon? No, it's you, Bethel." In the void, illusory portals were opened, Solomon Come out of that illusory portal.

The only one who can instantly locate this place and open up the space door is Bethel, who has fused three copies of the "Star Key" and performed a simplified ceremony to fuse the "door" uniquely.

But isn't Bethel in Fantasyland?

Amon reached out and grabbed it, trying to steal the characteristics of the "Insect of Time" that was flying in the opposite direction.

"Amon!" Solomon walked out of the space door, his majestic eyes fell on the characteristics of the "Insect of Time", and all the rules here were distorted.

The "stealing" was successful, but the object was distorted, and what was in Amon's hands was just a "worm of time".

"Ha." Amon put away the "Insect of Time" in his hand, gently pinched the monocle on his eye socket, and looked at the angel who appeared in the space door.

"Huh? Little crow?" Medici and Ourolius glanced at this place through the space door.

There are even angels such as Zaratul and Alistair Tudor in the other space gates.

With a king of angels who has the strongest mobility, any angel in his camp may face an attack by all the angels in the other camp.

"Why did you come out?" Amon looked at the light and shadow formed by the condensed starlight hidden at the end of the space door.

"The teacher once asked me to become a Duke in the Solomon Empire." Bethel's voice came from behind the space door.

Before the deal between Truman and Adam was reached, Bethel was already the Duke of Solomon, and during this period of time, Truman did not interfere in everything here.

"Sure enough, it's still him." Amon nodded lightly. As long as the object was Meng Huan, he even felt a little embarrassed...

"It's just me, not the teacher." Bethel corrected seriously.

Amon did not answer, but turned into a ray of light and disappeared in place, and the others had no intention of pursuing him.

Let's not talk about whether anyone other than Bethel can catch up. Even if we catch up, what will happen?Kill Amon?Even the true God may not be able to do it!

"Zorroaster..." Solomon reached out and took the "Insect of Time" characteristic in his hand. There was anger that was difficult to conceal on his majestic face, but he had to suppress it.

"I will return this 'Insect of Time' to the Zoroastrian family." Solomon looked at the other angels.

"Whatever." Medici said nonchalantly, and the illusory portals that emerged gradually faded away.

"Angel of Visions." Bethel found a Church of the Creator in the capital of Solomon and saw Adam inside.

"Yes." Adam calmly watched Bethel approaching, nodded slightly, and then his body disappeared directly, entered the ocean of collective subconscious, and left the capital of Solomon.

This is the price that needs to be paid after failure. As long as Adam is found entering the capital of Solomon, he may face a situation where he is besieged by Solomon's angels.

Bethel prayed softly to the Creator under the cross representing the Creator and repented to the Creator.

His name and surname come from the Creator. His teacher was appointed by the Creator, and he himself was once a devout believer of the Creator.

Due to various factors, even though Bethel gradually converted to dreams, she still maintained awe of the Creator.

"By the way, where did the teacher go?"

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 132 "Original"


Chapter 132 "Original"

Truman destroyed the Witch Cult headquarters, but also lost all traces of Chic and could not be traced back.

"Which source of matter is it? The city of disaster?" Truman could only scratch his head, helpless.

At this stage, only the source material can make him helpless.

At the moment Truman gave up his pursuit, the turbulent waves in a certain dark space gradually calmed down.

"I told you not to provoke Mew!" A cold voice sounded, which could send chills to one's bones.

"I am not the undead you drove." Chike's true body stood up from a bone altar.

Not the "City of Disaster", but the "River of Eternal Darkness".

The River of Eternal Darkness, which was turbulent due to the dream's prying eyes, gradually calmed down. Salinger's death-grey eyes opened and stared at Chike.

After the death of the Creator, the size of the "River of Eternal Darkness" deep in the underworld doubled, and it even gave Salinger some authority to do things that even the ancestor of the Phoenix in the Second Age could not do.

Including but not limited to the exploration of isolated dreams.

"He is mine!" Chike didn't care at all about Salinger's gaze, and even acted crazier than Salinger.

"I don't want my collaborator to be a lunatic." Sallinger even regretted using the Witch's uniqueness as a bargaining chip.

"You haven't seen a crazier me." Chike used local materials and used the corpses on the bone altar to create a dream statue. This was the form of a dreamy mythical creature he saw in "Dream".

The dreamy statue made of bones is pale and lifeless, completely strange, but it also has a certain mysterious and sacred meaning.

"Adam has been looking for you." Salinger suddenly asked.

"Yes." Chike was fixing the details of the dream statue. When he heard the inquiry, he did not deny it.

The Witch Cult was discovered by Adam almost when it was first established. He had been observing from the sidelines. It was not until he discovered Dream Faith that he took the initiative to find Chike.

"What does He want to do?" Salinger was completely afraid of the eldest son of the Creator.

Having experienced the power of the Creator, He is probably one of the angels who cannot tolerate the Creator's resurrection and return.

Therefore, whether it is the "revival" advocated by Adam or the "return" implemented by the true Creator, Salinger is hostile to it.

There are many angels like Salinger. In this aspect, they even have the same interests as the outer gods and others.

——After the Creator returns, they will lose all opportunities.

"It's related to dreams, you don't need to know." Chike bluntly refused to share the information.

"..." Salinger narrowed his eyes slightly and fell silent.

After a long time, Chike polished the dream statue in his hand to perfection and looked at Salinger.

"When are you going to start your godhood ceremony?"

"It will be soon when the gods can no longer care about me."

The beginning of Solomon's founding war has already involved all church forces, and once this war reaches its climax, all the gods may end up, and that is the best time to hold a godhood ceremony.

"I'm going to become the 'original' too!" Chike enshrined the dream statue.


Truman was unable to find Chike under the protection of the River of Eternal Darkness and could only return to the Dream Duke's Mansion.

The Desperate Witch in the Dream Duke's Mansion had been completely out of control due to Chike's previous madness, and turned into a mass of indescribable tentacles ridden with resentful spirits.Truman broke up these tentacles and took out the demigod characteristics within them.

"Teacher." Bethel came up to him.

"How was it?" Truman asked about what happened during his absence.

"It was an assassination arranged by the Angel of Utopia. Amon killed Zoroastrian, but fortunately the 'Insect of Time' property was snatched back by the Black Emperor." Bethel briefly introduced the situation.

"That's it?" Truman subconsciously felt that it was a scam. How could a "worm of time" be worth Adam's effort to drive him away?

"Adam..." Truman tapped on the table carved from white jade and fell into thinking. However, under the notarization, he could not slap himself in the face and take the initiative to explore.

"There is no need to worry about Him, as long as we achieve our goals."

What Truman is talking about is naturally the founding war of the Solomon Empire.

Both he and Sasriel supported Solomon's establishment of a kingdom, so this matter was unstoppable.

The wheel of the times is rolling forward. There are many angels, even kings of angels like Bethel and Solomon who are only one ceremony away from becoming gods. As long as the true God does not appear, they are invincible.

As for Bethel, its reputation also completely resounded throughout the world during this founding war.

Before, He would be a student of dreams and an angel of the Creator, but now He is Mr. Door!

"Gate" is the sequence zero of Bethel's path. This title is enough to illustrate his strength.

He has been called the angel most likely to become a god.

Of course, in the eyes of some people, this person has already reached the end. He will definitely not be able to take that step before the end comes.

Bethel's ability to reach this point without losing control is the result of the protection of the dream and its own strong will.

As Solomon's founding war was in full swing, a small country located in a remote area of ​​the northern continent also had to make its own choice.

Honakis Mountains, the Kingdom of the Night.

The country is small, consisting of several small city-states scattered around the Honakis Mountains.

The people here believe in the "Mother of Heaven", believe that death is not the end, and believe that their dead relatives will protect them in the dark night.

And there is a real "City of the Dead" on the Honakis Mountains.

Many people who have accidentally stepped into that city have seen with their own eyes their relatives continuing their lives there!

The boundaries between life and death have become extremely blurred here, and the distance between them is only the top and the foot of the mountain, which can be easily crossed by walking.

In the eyes of ordinary people, life and death are the greatest miracles. This also makes the people of the Kingdom of Darkness extremely pious, providing the two angels on the mountain with enough "anchors" to generate humanity.

"Sister, I'm going down the mountain." Antigonus said to a beautiful lady standing in the dark.

Antigonus has completely transformed into a human form, with dark eyes and tufts of thick black short hair on his cheeks. He has both the characteristics of oldness and youth.

"With the protection of dreams, we can stay away from struggle forever." The "Mother of Heaven" walked out of the darkness, with a beautiful face and stable humanity. She looked at Antigonus worriedly and was unwilling to let him go down the mountain.

"But I am now the 'Servant of Secrets'." Coming to the first stage of the sequence is no longer something you can stop if you want.

The "Mother of Heaven" fell silent.

"And I'm going to retrieve the relics of God the Father."

Antigonus looked at the stone tablet with the characters "Honakis" written on it, and there was a dreamy phosphorescence shining on it.

(End of this chapter)

lChapter 133 The Storm Is Coming

Chapter 133 The Storm Is Coming

The demon wolf Antigonus from the Kingdom of Darkness comes to the real world of disputes.

But when various battles gradually reached their climax, the Archangel of Sequence One could not even have a decisive impact on the battle situation.

When Antigonus first came to the capital of Solomon, he was really shocked by the development of human civilization.

In the era when His Father God was still around, mankind was still in its most primitive stage, and even extraordinary people could hardly see a few.

In the Age of the Creator, human civilization was developing at an unimaginable speed. What he saw now had made Antigonus a little distracted.

After all, the Kingdom of Darkness is too remote, the population is too small, and the contact with the outside world is controlled to a certain extent by the two angels. Even the basic iron tools of this era are not yet widespread.

"Hello, are you Mr. Antigonus?" An old man wearing a white divine robe approached silently.

It was Hermes, so it was naturally impossible for him to stay in that almost closed Fantasyland.

He manages all the dream believers in the northern and southern continents and exercises the power of the Pope, but Hermes is not greedy for these, and followed Truman after learning that he had arrived in the capital of Solomon.

Antigonus's eyes instantly turned dark, and he looked at Hermes, with the thick black hair on his face standing up slightly.

This is just a subconscious reaction of the demon wolf when it encounters danger.

"The supreme dream predicted your appearance. Let me come here and wait for your appearance." Hermes' face showed the utmost respect for the supreme dream.

After entering the new era, all Dream believers on this planet have changed their names for Dream, and their prayers are the same as those of Starry Sky Dependents.

"Lord of Dreams" and "Supreme Dream" are Truman's latest honorary names.

"Dream?" Antigonus was in a trance. The dream he had when he was sheltering the Honakis Mountains was still a dream angel.

"Please follow me." Hermes led the way.

Antigonus hesitated for a moment, and then followed. He was already familiar with the dreamy phosphorescence on Hermes.

"Long time no see, Antigonus." Truman met the little wolf who had just come down from the mountain in the living room of the castle.

"Your Majesty," Antigonus said as a common courtesy among the Solomons.

Truman nodded slightly, "Do you want to change back to the 'Mask of the Fool'?"

"Yes!" Antigonus replied seriously.

"Okay, this is what I promised you." Truman has no need for the "Fool" mask now.

"But you should know what you will face after you get this thing back." Truman said with some warning in his tone.

"I already have His whisper in my ears." Antigonus' face was expressionless, as if he was talking to a stranger.

"Huh?" Truman's eyes fell on Antigonus, and he seemed to see the murmurs that kept echoing in his body.

It was a power he was familiar with.

The "Fool" path is worthy of being the exclusive domain of the "Lord of Mysteries". Compared with the "Gate" and "Error", the crisis of the "Lord of Mysteries"'s recovery that this path has to bear is much greater.

Basically, becoming a "Secret Attendant" means facing that threat head-on.

"Once you fuse that mask, if you go further, you will inevitably lose control." Truman predicted the situation of Antigonus.

"..." Antigonus's brows knitted together, but his thoughts remained unchanged. "Can you tell me your reason? This way the price you pay can be smaller." Truman did not pry with "fantasy", but asked curiously.

There is always a desire to explore in life.

"..." The strong lines on Antigonus's face softened slightly, and he looked towards the direction of the Honakis Mountains, "I want to protect my home."

The period in the Honakis Mountains was the best time in Antigonus's wolf life. It made him seem to have forgotten all the troubles and dangers in the outside world, and gained the first peace since his birth.

"My promise still stands and Honakis will not be disturbed by anyone."

"It's just..." Antigonus turned his head and looked at Truman, his dark eyes a little complicated.

He reached out and pointed to his head, "All I need to face is Him, but what you face will be countless times more dangerous than me."

"My... historical projection saw the battle where you killed the Creator from a distance. You faced too many and too many difficulties."

Um... Truman didn't expect to hear such an answer, and was silent for a moment.

"That's right, placing all your hopes on others is the stupidest choice." Truman came back to his senses, nodded in agreement, and threw the "Fool" mask to Antigonus.

"Then what price do I have to pay?" Antigonus asked Truman as he took the "Fool" mask, which was very compatible with him and had a strong attraction to him, in his hand.

"Ah, this..." Truman was immediately stopped by the question, and then his eyes lit up, "Be my angel and fight for me."

The three paths of mystery have become my students or angels. Doesn't that mean that the "Lord of Mystery" has become my angel?

"I won't completely lock you in. The starting and ending time is the establishment and fall of Solomon's empire."

"It is my honor to be the angel of the supreme dream." Antigonus knelt down on one knee in front of Truman and lowered his head.

"Very good," Truman flicked his fingers, and a dream mark fell on the back of Antigonus' hand, "Become my angel, and you will get corresponding benefits."

"This mark can't help you fight against that will, but it can also make your daily life a little more comfortable, without having to passively listen to that annoying raving."

Antigonus looked at the mark on the back of his hand in shock, which completely subverted his understanding of sequences, pathways, and potions.

"Hermes will take you to understand the specific matters." Truman asked Hermes to take the confused Antigonus out of the Duke's Castle and join the founding war.

"Solomon's Empire..." The arrival of Antigonus can only be regarded as a small episode. What really concerns Truman is Solomon's godhood ceremony.

"There is still one last large-scale sacrificial ceremony to go. They should be unable to sit still."

If the Black Emperor becomes a god and the Solomon Empire is completely established, then even if the unstable factor of Truman is ignored, the True Creator camp will be strong enough. Unless the true gods unite, they will never be able to compete.

The current situation is that the "God of Knowledge and Wisdom" and the "Lord of Storms" are hostile to each other, but they cooperate with each other to resist the "Eternal Fierce Sun" that has been developing quietly, and they are also eyeing the true Creator.

The "God of War" and the "Goddess of the Night" have already started a holy war. Except for the gods, all the other angels have already left.

The "Earth Mother Goddess" is relatively transcendent, spreading the light of life in the northern and southern continents, but she is obviously biased towards the "God of War".

"The storm is coming. Hey, I'm not talking about you, Leodro..."

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 134 Detonation

Chapter 134 Detonation

All cities under Solomon's rule will hold a large sacrifice today to honor His Majesty the Great Emperor and officially announce and celebrate the establishment of the Empire.

All the cities under Solomon's rule were filled with a very exciting atmosphere, not the influence of extraordinary power, but the enthusiasm of the people, and even more the rhythm of the "anchor".

Solomon was not bad at treating his own citizens, and all kinds of protection were in place, which was much better than in the city-state era. This made the belief in His Majesty the Emperor very stable and had a very significant impact on Solomon's rituals.

When the sun reaches its highest point in the sky, all cities begin the grandest sacrificial ceremony at the same time.

The Black Emperor Solomon also officially appeared in front of people and announced the most important news in the Kingdom of Solomon.

"From today on, our Solomon Empire is officially established! In the future, we will unify the northern and southern continents and bring the glory of civilization to the world!"

"In the name of the Black Emperor Solomon..."

Solomon's majestic voice echoed in the minds of all Solomon's citizens, making people more pious, and prayers spread everywhere, like a torrent gathering, drowning everything.

Everyone seemed to be shining amidst the endless prayers. At this moment, the people were most closely connected with the empire and the emperor.

"It's begun." Truman walked out of the Duke's Castle and glanced at the Black Emperor Solomon who was still giving a speech.

Solomon nodded slightly to him, then disappeared, entering a certain mausoleum for the final step of the ceremony to become a god.

Truman also wandered away, heading towards the planned destination.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Countless portals opened and closed from the void. Bethel stood quietly in the Black Emperor's palace, opening the space doors to all Solomon's angels.

At this moment, all the Black Emperor's tombs are almost unified into one, and can be reached with one step. This makes the strength of the Solomon Empire condense into one, enough to cope with any accident.


A lightning storm appeared, and the most unbearable Storm Dove appeared, and the angels of his church attacked the Black Emperor's tomb.

And this is the signal for a complete war. The Church of the "God of Knowledge and Wisdom" and the Church of the "Mother Goddess of the Earth" enter the scene at the same time. The secret of knowledge and the brilliance of life attack different tombs respectively.

"Go!" Bethel's face was calm, and he did not make any movements. However, angels passed through the opening and closing of the space door, quickly supporting all the tombs.

Zarathu, Alistair Tudor, Trunsoest and even Antigonus were among them.

The church has more angels, but they are not as good as the Solomon Empire camp at the sequential level, only the "craftsmen" invited by the church to join the war.

That's right, it's "craftsman".

In the first sequence, He swept across the four directions with the "Scroll of Civilization", forcing Zarath to retreat steadily - this was the "knowledge and wisdom" church that the "craftsman" only agreed to after Truman nodded.

"The Craftsman" needs a big stage to show himself and continue some of Truman's plans for him.

As for the "Scroll of Civilization", those gods who know where it comes from remain silent about it.

"Combined!" "Artisan" shouted softly, and the "Scroll of Civilization" turned into a cloak and fell on him, and behind him appeared a "mecha" made entirely of magical items.

This "mecha" is dozens of meters tall and is entirely constructed from the remains of a giant. The remains of this giant have been combined with extraordinary characteristics to become a special magical object.

Behind it are a pair of wings made of wind and thunder, which are made of the characteristics of "Sea King". The giant sword in its hand is also similar, coming from a "Weather Warlock".

Then there are the "Sage" armor, "Planeswalker" boots, and "Darkless One" shield on it.

Finally, there is his own sequence - "Enlightener" and "Scroll of Civilization".

All of these are perfectly integrated, and the negative effects are cleverly offset, forming a "mecha" at the level of the King of Angels. "Is there such a thing?" Bethel felt his eyes opened and he personally used his hands to stop this "mecha".

He, the king of angels, naturally stopped this "mecha" personally and could even keep the space door smooth at the same time.

But the Church of "Knowledge and Wisdom" was already greatly surprised that "Artisan" was able to hold back Mr. "Gate".

"Destroy the tomb quickly!" Many church members took out some extremely harmful magical items, causing natural disasters such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

But all this was still within control under the suppression of several angels.

Even Bethel took action at some point to banish these dangerous items one by one.

The power of Mr. "Gate" is undoubtedly revealed at this moment, almost achieving the achievement of three-line combat.

But because he is too prominent, he will inevitably be targeted by the true god.


In the most hidden tomb of the Black Emperor, Solomon sat on the most majestic throne, put the Black Emperor's crown on his head, and drank the prepared magic potion.

His body entered an extremely strange state, without entity, as if it had lost its true meaning, and became a shadow of order.

This is his most vulnerable state. Even if a demigod throws down a lightning storm, his godhood ceremony will completely fail.

Solomon's own consciousness is expanding and extending into a wonderful state, and the nine tombs and his empire are the anchor points for him to position himself in nothingness.

The faith and prayers of the people of the empire for the "Black Emperor" echoed in Solomon's ears, reminding him of his identity at all times and preventing him from getting lost in crazy ravings.

But at a certain moment, Solomon, who was still in his weakest state, turned his head stiffly and saw a green vine emerging from the gap between the bricks of his mausoleum.

Where could such a thing appear in the most secretive and majestic tomb?

"Earth Mother Goddess!" Solomon's self-awareness, which was not yet stable enough, rang out the honorable name of this deity.


The vines instantly swelled, as if they had become a giant dragon swooping down.

But at this moment, a fallen shadow emerged from the corner of Solomon's tomb, and the shadow curtain opened, revealing the dark eyes inside.

The power of the two true gods began to rage in the tomb of the Black Emperor.

But the shadow suddenly condensed, and a black figure seemed to step out. He reached out to the vine, grabbed him and jumped into the star realm together.

The mausoleum of the Black Emperor has been preserved.

Solomon breathed a sigh of relief. His thoughts were still spreading, as if they were split into countless parts, falling into his own rules and integrating into his own empire.

Solomon took one last look at the astral world before his consciousness had to be devoted entirely to the rites of becoming a god to preserve himself.

There is much more hidden there than just two true gods!

Solomon's godhood ceremony became the trigger, exploding all the conflicts that had accumulated since the age of strife!

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 135 Check Water and Electricity

Chapter 135 Check Water and Electricity

Bethel fought on three fronts and made outstanding contributions to this battle. Its near-divine combat power once again amazed everyone who paid attention to this battle.

"Who would have thought that that little kid could be so powerful?" Medici and Ourolius had been watching, witnessing the brilliance of Mr. "Gate".

When Bethel was given to "Abraham" and became a student of dreams, he was still paying attention to him for a while.

Medici looked at Bethel with a solemn expression. Even if He came on his own, he would definitely not be Bethel's opponent. Plus the Creator's war legion would be almost the same.

But now the war legion has declined. All the angels in it have left, taking many demigods with them. Its size is only half of its heyday, and the power that Medici can control has also weakened a lot.

"Will Adam and Amon come?" Ourolius kept making predictions, but he was unable to get any information about the two brothers.

He and Medici were on standby here to guard against the possible appearance of Adam and Amon.

"It's best not to come. I don't want to fight them yet."


As soon as Ourolius finished speaking, a crow's cry sounded in the ears of the two angel kings.

"Haha!" Medici was stunned for a moment, but couldn't hold back and laughed loudly, "As expected of 'destiny', what he said is so accurate!"

When Amon's figure was reflected in Ourolius's eyes, Medici had already rushed out with a blood-red sword and stopped Amon.

And He himself stretched out the layers of illusory wings behind him. In his pupils and in the wings of light behind his feet, mysterious rings stood out one by one.

These illusory circles gradually formed an illusory and transcendent river, connected end to end like snakes.

The whole world is becoming illusory and is about to return to the state it was in three seconds ago, but the world is being restarted, and there are some things that even restarting cannot help.

"Eh? Ourolius has made some progress! You can think of this trick!" Amon, who was entangled with Medici, looked here and looked at the out-of-place middle-aged priest in the restart scene with interest.


He didn't know when he had arrived here, hiding in a corner. It wasn't until Ourolius restarted the entire area that his existence was exposed.

The only ones in this area who can remain unchanged are the four angel kings themselves who are of high enough status.

This was beyond everyone's expectations, including Amon and Adam.

Ourolius' eyes were firm. He didn't want to fight, but he wasn't afraid of fighting either!

Adam still remained calm, and looked at each other with Ourolius. All kinds of reality were distorted, and the scene fell into chaos.

The fighting here was too terrifying, and it was more powerful than the joint attack of several churches. While Bethel suppressed the "craftsman", it was also paying attention here.

"All the relevant angels are here..." This thought flashed through Bethel, but some gods thought the same way.

Bethel suddenly raised his head and looked at the infinite height. His body fell into a state of stiffness, as if there was an electric current crawling through his body, with a slight numbness.

"Lord of the Storm!" This honorable name flashed through Bethel's mind, confirming that the true god had glanced at him.

Now He is the hub. Without His support, the Black Emperor's major tombs will fall into a state of isolation and helplessness.

Therefore, as long as He is forced to give up, the chances of winning of the three major churches will be greatly improved.

This is a sure profit for the true God.Bethel even felt as if a lightning storm was about to hit its head.

"Open the door! Check the water and electricity!"

In a daze, Bethel seemed to hear a "dong" sound, and a familiar voice rang in his ears.

"Teacher?!" The intuition of Bethel's "astrologer" allowed him to see the scene happening in the "Abyss of Storms" at this moment.

"The Abyss of Storms" is the terrestrial kingdom of the Lord of Storms. It is located on the island of Pasu in the Suniya Sea. It is shrouded in endless storms and lightning all year round. It cannot be approached by the "tyrant" oracle and even angels cannot approach it. It is the most dangerous place in the world today. one of the places.

But at this moment, there was a human being hammering the "door" of the "Abyss of Storms" with his fist, shouting loudly inside.

"Check the water and electricity?" Bethel was stunned, and then smiled, "The Abyss of Storms" must have enough sea water and lightning, if nothing else.

"Who else but my teacher can block the door to the Kingdom of Gods and Gods?!" Bethel couldn't help but rise in respect.

"Dream!" An angry roar came from the "Abyss of Storms", and a lightning storm hit the head.

"What a coincidence, I can do this too!" Truman raised his eyebrows, flipped his palm to hold a lightning ball and threw it in.


Two lightning storms that could destroy the continent collided, and their power even dimmed the never-ending lightning in the "Abyss of Storms".

"Would you like something else? It just so happens that my 'Storm' authority is missing a piece."

Truman stood outside the "Abyss of Storms" and shouted to Leodro inside.

"The Abyss of Storms" is not a square and square Kingdom of God. There is no real door to Kingdom of God, and Truman was knocking on this entire solidified Kingdom of God space before.

A half-finished storm symbol appeared in front of Truman, which he had copied from the Elf King with the authority of "all things".


Endless waves swept over. Leodro was wearing black armor, stepping on the waves, surrounded by lightning, holding a golden trident, and stared at Truman angrily.

Truman also stared back, "If you don't dare to come out, just stay here!"

Leodro's face turned red with anger. It's really unreasonable. I was bullied by you when I was the "Wind Angel", and I am still bullied by you now as the "Lord of the Storm". Then I became a god for nothing! ?

Leodro threw several lightning storms.

He... really didn't dare to use other powers, for fear that the authority would be stolen inexplicably the next second.

"The Blasphemer" was the nickname given to Truman by the King of Elf back then, and he was deeply affected by it. Part of his signature authority was stolen, which made his second "tyrant" very embarrassed.

And the power that can recreate the authority of the true God is still awe-inspiring and terrifying to God even if a thousand years have passed.

"Hmph!" Truman himself became blurred, as if he was in two different time and space at the same time, and not a single wisp of lightning fell on him.

This "tyrant" is not violent enough. His ability to transform himself and even other massive amounts of matter at the speed of light is still very powerful.

Truman confronted the "tyrant" outside the "Abyss of Storms", but almost at the same time, his illusory figure also appeared at the headquarters of the "God of Knowledge and Wisdom" church, where there is a pillar standing between heaven and earth, like a pillar reaching the sky. of white tower.

Truman appeared directly on the highest floor of the White Tower. Looking around, he saw the Kingdom of the "God of Knowledge and Wisdom". This was a world composed of books that were spread out or closed, with different figures on the books. Travel through the world and enjoy reading.

(End of this chapter)
