
Anti-Matter Generator

Adrianne has a chance to go to her own adventures and the world she goes to first is a good start.

Allen_Danels · Filme
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6 Chs

Revenge And Funds

It has been eighteen years since she had reincarnated into the Marvel Cinematic Universe and it was the first time she was ever free to do anything. Her parents from this reality died due to gang related violence while her elder brother was shot by the NYPD for simply being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Been black in this reality would have been challenging if she did not have the powers of one if her favourite Marvel comics superhero, Adam Brashear aka Blue Marvel. She was smart too, not to his level but enough not to find university level studies a headache.

Her elder sister had taken care of her to the best of her abilities that Adrianne would confidently call her a second mother. She had three jobs a day and she slept only three hours. Bags had started to form under her eyes making her look older than she really was and it was one of the reasons Adrianne was happy to finally move out, she would be giving her some breathing space.

"You really didn't have to move out. You were contributing half of the rent with your tutoring job..."

"I have to do this for my own sake. If I stayed here longer then that would mean I would be sheltered," Adrianne told her sister, wiping away her tears. This girl had gone above and beyond to take of her. The death of their brother, the sole breadwinner, made her quit high school in her second year and get into the harsh world. Any man she brought home would bail after one night, not wishing to be tied down in this dump.

"I am going to miss you so much, Adrianne," she sobbed, grabbing her into a hug. Adrianne knew it would be a crushing hug, if not for her sturdy body, she would probably be gasping for air. "You are built like a bull, perhaps you should enter a boxing career."

'Yeah, they might want to take my blood to test for drugs and the only needle on earth that might penetrate my skin might be a vibranium one, so no. Also, my opponents might break their arms if they punch my and that will be bothersome,' Adrianne thought to herself as she pulled her sister off of her.

"Alright, Mary, I'll call you when I reach New York," Adrianne said dismissively, knowing the longer she stayed the more her sister would not let her go. Mary had no choice but do so for she was weaker than the hand pushing her off and watched proudly as Adrianne got into a cab.

"Have a safe flight!" she shouted at the speeding cab. Adrianne waved her goodbye from the cab's window then looked at the cabbie.

"Drop me off anywhere not remotely close to here,"

"Got it," the cabbie said. After more than ten minutes, the cabbie came to a stop at the warehouse district. "Nice and private." Adrianne got off, paid the cabbie before getting inside one of the warehouses. It was empty while filled with stacks of empty boxes which made her smile. Putting down her suitcase, she opened it and inside it was a black suit.

She took inspiration from Red Hood in the DC universe together with Batman so her suit did not look skimpy at all. Infact, it was made by 85% kevlar and hard rubber for better mobility. It was more of an armored suit than it was spandex and the helmet had bulletproof tinted glass connected to a small precessing CPU at the ears that would give it a HUD. The entire suit was black with a single with a white star on her chest.

When she wore it, she felt how it hugged her body comfortably and smiled. The HUD came alive, making her feed appear like the glass infront of her eyes was not tinted at all. The HUD named everything in her sight, something she made for fun. But the main reason she made it like a hat was so that she would not lose track of enemies and also X-ray vision.

The suit was made with her powers in mind so his gauntlets was not made of kevlar but strings of silver weaved together. That way, she could fire concussive bolts without compromising her suit. Adrianne looked at herself and smiled. It felt surreal that she was going to do her first hero work as an act of revenge.

She had tracked down the gang that killed her parents and the cop that shot her brother down and she could not, in good conscience, let them continue living so carefree. She knew where the gang was currently while the cop was still in NYPD but nearing his retirement. First she would take care of the gang then fly to New York and enact justice for her brother.

She bent her knees then pushed off the ground so hard it broke the concrete floor below her. Her head smashed through the roof like a hot knife through butter followed by her body, then picked up speed while heading to the gang's hide out. It did not take three minutes to arrive at the huge mansion their leader lived in, landing with a crash on the he drive way.

"What the f*ck!" one of the guards shouted in shock at the noise. He turned around and saw a person in an armor and a futuristic helmet standing inside a small crater at the driveway. "Whatchu want, fool?"

"Justice," Adrianne said, the voice distorter device in the helmet making her voice sound genderless, creepy and deep. The guard went to get his gun only to find Adrianne right a couple inches away from his face, a vice like grip on his hands with only one hand. Try all he could but he could not release himself. Adrianne touched his chest and let out some electricity which made him stiffen up with a muffled scream while convulsing before falling unconscious.

She let go of the man, letting him fall to the floor and went to the front door. She wanted to break it and get in but someone opened it with a hurry and try to get out only to hit her chest, breaking his nose and falling backwards.

"What the hell!" the man shouted painfully only to be electrocuted unconscious by Adrianne.

Adrianne was expecting to see the house messy but was surprised to see how clean and well maintained it actually was. She knew the big boss was upstairs and started to climb them when four men appeared from the hallway, each one of them armed to the teeth.

"This whatchu get, fool!" one of them shouted before they all opened fire at him. The bullets hit the suit only to fall on the ground harmlessly. This was the result of her hard work. Kevlar from body armor made bullets stick to it but she had doctored hers to not be damaged by anything less than a turret.

"What the actual FUCK!" one of the shooters exclaimed, saying what the other were actually thinking. Adrianne appeared in front of the first man, threw him to the wall behind him, rushed to the second and then threw him downstairs then smashed the last two heads' together all in a second.

The bodies crumpled on the floor as she head to the door the big boss should be in. She forced it open because it was locked only to hear a click before an explosion engulfed her. Her heart missed a beat when she saw this and even though she herself was not harmed, her suit was slightly damaged. This was the first time she had had a bomb explode in her face and she was shellshocked for a few seconds.

"Hahaha, that should do it. Don't know who it was but you made a mistake coming here," she head someone say from inside. Looking inside, she saw a slightly muscular man coming out from underneath a surprisingly sturdy office desk. He was the leader of the his gang and the one who ordered the hit on her parents. The man looked towards her expecting to see a mangled corpse only to find a being in a combat armor looking at her.

"After all these years, I finally found you!" Adrianne said. The explosion had damaged her voice distorter device so her voice sounded like a robot's, cold and detached. This send a shiver down the man's spine, making him think fast on how to act. His hand went for the gun on his hip only to find the figure had already gotten in front of him and got hold of his hands.

"I don't know what will happen but I hope you pray only your arms come off," Adrianne said before stretching out his hands. She had gripped them from just below his elbows so while his arms were fully outstretched, hers weren't. And that was what she wanted. Using more of her strength, she continued outstretching his hands, making him scream out in agony.

"Boss!" someone shouted from behind. Adrianne heard someone come behind her and crash a chair on her body only for it to break apart. She was not fazed, all her concentration on the screaming man whose hands were starting to produce popping sounds.

"Why are you doing this?" the big boss asked while in agony.

"You can still speak, that's a surprise, but a welcome one. Your will is strong and that will work against you with me. As for why I am doing this, I would have said justice before but let's be honest, I am doing this because I have the power. You have been well mannered recently it made me think that perhaps you turned a new leaf. But, I was going for a trip outside of the continent and I couldn't bear to leave you alone. I decided to come over and finally enact my form of revenge.

"These hands that took up arms and made you into what you are today, I will be taking them with me!" The man behind her had started firing at her head, with no avail, only to find it was futile.

"Let's end this," With a yank, the man's hands were ripped out of his shoulders, making him let out a shrill scream for a few seconds as he fell to the carpeted floor then he passed out. Adrianne turned around to see the man that was still firing at her and hit him with one of the arms, sending him flying out of the house through a wall. She looked at the still bleeding waste of space on the floor, scoffed then turned to the safe in the room. Effortlessly, she ripped the door off then proceeded to stuff $63000 in a duffel bag and took to the skies. With this money, she could find a decent house in New York.