
Another world ( BL )

WARNING. STRONG LANGUAGE A normal ( or not so normal ) 15 year old boy named Noah befriends a winged boy from another dimension named Axel. Noah gets taken to his new friend's dimension, which is very different from ours. many amazing secrets lie in this strange new world, along with some dark, unsolved ones. Noah delves deeper into the past of the place, ( and his own self ) as well as saving it with the help of his friends

Exlipse122 · Fantasie
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5 Chs

{ one }


quick message before we start. this is my first serious novel attempt, I've wrote stuff similar in the past ( on other platforms) with mini stories and stuff, so I'm not completely new to this. I'm trying my best, so I hope you don't judge too harshly on my writing skills. anyways, I hope you enjoy ^^


I opened my eyes to a dark room. I looked out the window. stars decorated the sky, it was a clear night. the house was quiet, it must be pretty late. my father stays up until around 12 most nights, while my mom goes to bed at around 8.she always mentions that her beauty sleep is important to her. I reach for my phone and turn on the screen to check the time. 4:13

I swipe up and enter my password into the phone, then I look at my notifications. my friend, Ali, spammed my messages. he stopped around 4 minutes ago. I took the chance to shoot a text before he falls asleep on me.


'lol hi'

'sup, surprised you're actually awake'

'lmao, couldn't sleep'

'Good, I'm bored'


'are you gonna make it to my house? or did your parents say no again?'

'actually, they said yes this time. finally we're not busy doing other shit'

'thank the lord.'

'see you at 5?'

'yep, I brb, mom's checking on me to see if I'm sleeping'

'why the hell did you take the time to type all that??'


Ali didn't answer after that, he must have gotten in trouble, or just fallen asleep. I rolled over in my bed, going back to sleep.

the next morning, I woke up to my alarm. I never turn on my alarm, so I jumped. I groaned, tired as I got out of bed and turned off the alarm. my mom must have set the alarm again. she kept it on top of my bookshelf to get me out of bed. I hated her for it, but I knew why she did it. I opened my door and headed downstairs. I walked down the hallway to the kitchen, grabbing my lunch. I sighed, relieved it was Friday. I stuffed my lunch in my bag, along with a book. I was putting my bag on as I stepped out the door. I locked it and walked to school.

it was a long day, I spent most of the time at school blasting music in my earbuds to drown out the teachers.

I walked out of the front doors of the school, meeting Ali. he had black hair with grey eyes. "I'm so glad school's over, I was so close to sneaking out" Ali said, looking at me. "don't sneak out. you can get in a lot of shit for that" I said, giving him my warning look. if the teachers find out a student isn't in class and they weren't absent, they'd call parents. and Ali seemed to forget that sometimes "fiine. my mom says she'll pick us up in 5 minutes"