
An Unlikely Combination [Marvel/ Dc/ Dragon Ball]

Reincarnated in a dc/ Marvel combination universe as a Saiyan hybrid. Dragpn ball is not really apart of this, this is just a DC Marvel combination, with a hybrid Saiyan between him as a half Saiyan and half something else.

ElliotJackson2 · Anime und Comics
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22 Chs

A Favor

Gotham City, New Jersey.

Thomas fluttered his eyelids slowly open and got up, rubbing his eyes gently. He grabbed his phone...and sighed  He picked up his phone and called one of his great friends whom he had known for a long time.

There was silence for a long moment.

"Did you have to call me so Early Thomas?" The voice of Morgan Freeman echoed from the other side of the speakers in a mixture of emotions ranging from Irritation to amusement, and exasperation.

"Lucious..." Thomas said with a smile, "I know this may seem unconventional at this hour, but I want you to find information on a Kid I have found, I want you to find his parents and where he lived."

"You woke me up at this ungodly hour for a kid you have seen once on the streets?" The now-named Lucious' voice was incredulous, "Do you know what time it is?"

"I will give you a raise, just do me this one favor," Thomas said with a slight plead to his voice. "But he has amnesia, and was living homeless on the streets."

"Fine." The Lucious' voice was hesitant still,  "Where is the kid now?"

"He is in the Wayne mansion for the time being," Thomas replied with a slight smile,"I decided to let him live with us temporarily, at least until he can find his Parents.."

"I see.."  Lucious's voice muttered on the other end,  "One of these days your sense of morality is going to get us in trouble, Thomas." Luciou's sighed still slightly exasperated, but this time willing. "What's the kid's name?"

"Aaron Jackson." Thomas replied, " Black hair, blue eyes, tanned skin, and built like a bodybuilder." Lucious frowned, "How old is this man?"

"From his looks and the way his body is built, I assume he is about 16 to 18, but I am unsure, as I had never asked for his age."

"A Teenager...you let a teenager into the Wayne mansion?" Lucious was now in disbelief..."And from not just any teenager, a Jock."

"He doesn't act like a jock." Thomas Defended, "He seemed Genuinely helpless and lost it reminded me of myself, when I had lost my father,  please, just do me this one favor."

Lucious sighed...."Very well..."

Thomas sighed in relief, "Thanks again Lucious, I owe you one."

"Mmhm..."  was all Lucious said before he hung up, Thomas laid back on his bed, wrapped his arms around his naked wife, and drifted back off to sleep.

Lucious Fox groaned as he laid his head back on the bed with his wife next to him. He had been good friends with Thomas for a long while now,  Lucious knew Thomas had a heart of gold, and trusted him with his life. He had done wonders for the people of Gotham with the wealth and the money Thomas had.

However, Lucious sometimes fears that the good part of him can lead to his downfall. What if he trusts the wrong person, he silently sends a small prayer that Thomas's choice was the right one.

After a minute of thinking, Lucious finally got himself together to get up.

Lucious slowly got up walked to his office sat down in his chair, and put on his glasses. Very reluctantly, he turned on his computer, connected everything to everything he needed, and started to search for Aaron's parents through his sources.

Ever since Project W.W.I.  (World Wide Internet was Created a couple of years ago, the Wayne Industry immediately bought its shares before it was fully created after sensing the potential, if it failed, it didn't matter, being one of the biggest companies in the world had a huge part of it.

Thomas had made him the CEO, and had already made connections with a lot of the world leaders...but what he saw...

Shocked him to his core. Lucious Fox used the Internet to help him find the parents of  Aaron Jackson....and what he found stunned him to his core...not only was the Sattlite....showing depictions of  Aliens...Actual Aliens among them.

Lucious saw the spaceships crash, and as he looked down at the Sattlite black and white distorted video, he narrowed his eyes as he did a motion a couple of Experiences later in which he had reminded time...and he eventually was able to see it....how the spaceships came to be...

One landed in Kansas City, while another one landed in  Brooklyn. After distinct comparisons, he decided to make it known that that impact was what caused the amnesia to form on the kid's head. Luciouse opened it up and saw his parents.

His adoptive parents find him after a bit of arguing and take him into the house,  It turns out the father was a soldier of the United States military

There was a lot of stuff he could not see in the house, but he saw everything happening outside. The father was stationed somewhere outside of the country, and the mother had to raise Aaron on her own, A clear struggle, but it was clear that she loved her son very much.

Then Trategy struck, and the soldier was killed in action. Lucious couldn't help but feel sympathy for her, the mother's reaction was heartbreaking, as he watched her break down as the military offers told her the news.

After that, she tried to raise Aaron to the best of her ability, but the news of her husband's death still weighed heavily on her shoulders, try as she might, it was clear that she couldn't take the pain anymore, she placed him in the streets, not because she didn't love him, but because she feared of what the orphanage might do should they find out about his origin.

It still wasn't very smart, but Lucious could understand her mentality wasn't right at the head at the moment. Once he got what he needed, he looked at the time, it was.. 4:00 A.m.....should he...just stay up or.... He stared at the clock for a moment, before

Lucious shook his head, he'll tell Thomas when he wakes up. Lucious set his alarm clock to an hour later shut everything off, walked back to his bed,  set his glasses back onto the alarm table, and went back to sleep.

Stones? I appreciate it, also if you like this add it to your library, click the heart above my profile and maybe write a review or too. have a good day...and I am going to change my schedule to 8:00PM....you have a good day.

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