
The Ancient One

Back in my room meanwhile.

I slowly opened my eyes and yawned,

If anyone were to ask me, did I expect to wake up in Gotham City tomorrow today? I can safely tell you that I did not expect this, at all, I mean I had always hoped, as an avid reader of fanfiction for a hobby, but I had never actually thought it was possible until now.

I slowly got up and stretched, today was the day I was going to learn how to fly...I was going to be free from my chains of the ground...now that I have somewhat of control of my Strength.

I slowly got up from my bed and stretched with a quiet yawn I could feel my bones crack.. I looked at the shower door across the room, and smiled, the funny thing is when I learn how to fly,  I won't need to shower.

  Technically speaking,  I can let the heat of the atmosphere, or even the sun, burn off all the bacteria and germs in my system, but one thing I did not get about Superman, is how did the sun not burn his clothes off. Or the atmosphere., I mean, I don't care if my clothes get burned off, I mean honestly, I am quite the sight for women to look at,  Sorry if it came out as Arrogant, it was not my intention.

  I was just speaking straight facts. 

  The only reason why I even would shower anymore is because of the feeling the water has on your scout on your head. the second I heard the doors knocking, "Hello...young Aaron?"  Alfred's voice came from the door.

  "Come in." I said gently,  Alfred opened the door, and he came in with a pair of clothes, "Master Wayne gave these clothes for you, I think it should be beneficial, for the time being until we find you some more clothes."

  I nodded slightly and took the clothes from Alfred's hands, "Thank you." I said gratefully.

  "The Chef should be ready with breakfast, by the time you are finished." Alfred said with a slight smile,  "I assumed you fell asleep without eating anything so you must be hungry. causing me to smile,  my stomach hadn't roared at all even when I hadn't eaten a thing, and yet, my muscles hadn't diminished, The sun really does wonders, and I am really greatful for the Kryptonian part of my biology. 

  "Thank you, Alfred," I said bowing my head in grateful respect. "You  are welcome, sir." Alfred said with an Equal bow of his own, "If you need anything else, you are welcome to call." 

  I smiled at him, "Thank you, Alfred, I think that is enough for now..."

  "As you wish,"  Alfred said with a smile as he bowed his head and left. I slowly got up, grabbed my clothes,  and went to the shower. I gently...and very carefully, as if I was about to break a twig; which to me, it was.

  I opened the door, and put my clothes on the edge of the Bathroom sink before I took off the clothes that I had on and dropped them to the floor, I admired myself once again in the mirror and did a small flex causing my muscles to twitch which would make most women almost faint. 

  I smiled before I turned and walked carefully into the shower. Once I had stepped inside, I tensed my muscles, reached out as carefully as I could, and gently, pulled up and tugged to the right, turning the bath on and warm. before gently, and very carefully, pulling the screw on, converting it to a shower.

  As The water Massaged my scout and ran down my body, I closed my eyes; The thoughts from my mind were completely washed away for this brief moment.

After a minute I went out of the shower brushed my teeth, put my new clothes on, and walked to the dining room. 

Everyone was present.

Seeing the entire family together was a sight to behold, It was an honor seeing the famous Wayne family together. 

I looked at the TV, and saw that it had on breaking news, and what I had done last night was on the screen, with people reporting the incident.

"I am glad you are here to join us," Thomas said with a smile, I looked at Bruce surprised to see kids his age up and ready...

Noticing my confused look Martha explained, "Bruce is Starting Preschool today soon, this is his first day inside."

I nodded, still slightly confused, well my face showed it, I did have amnesia to them after all. 

"What would you like to eat today?" Martha asked with a soft smile.

I smiled softly, "Whatever you can give me is fine." I said with a soft smile, as I closed my eyes. Today was the day I was going to learn how to fly....should I do Ki style or should I do it? Superman style...I should most likely do both, I feel the need that I must, just to be safe as I do not know what would happen in the future should I come across a red sun, and with Kryptonite.

That is also  Another thing that is a must is I need to find and get rid of the Kryptonite around the world too.

"So do you have anything to do today Aaron?" Martha asked gently.

I smiled softly, "Well I plan on discovering more about myself."

"I see..."  Thomas and Martha exchanged glances Martha held a look of empathy on her face, "It must be tough not knowing where you come from." She spoke...

"Not necessarily." I said with a smile, "But it can be lonely sometimes..."

There was another set of awkward silence amongst the family, Bruce smiled nervously, and this was making him uncomfortable, shifting slightly into his seat. I can't blame him, I hate Akward's silences too. 

Suddenly the food was here....and yup, the classic Eggs, bacon, with a little bit of waffles and hash browns. Like I said before I didn't need to eat food thanks to the Sun providing the restoration and the nutrients I needed, but even still, this was not satisfying to me, but I was grateful for the hospitality.  We all  started to eat, the room was still silent, but slowly, the silence started to ease

After everyone was finished eating Thomas had to go to work, while I was focused on training,  "Sometimes you have to walk, before you can run, and sometimes, you have to run, before you can fly...I did all of those things, so now...it is time to fly.....I slowly, bent my knees, before I launched, myself upwards, this was a massive jump..... I landed in the middle of a sidewalk before I took off once again, once again, falling back down.  I gritted my teeth, before I launched myself upwards again, The third time was the charm,  as I managed to start flying.

"Whoooo!" I screamed out in pure Escatsy as I spread my arms out wide, and cut through the air like a missile.  I closed my eyes as I felt the wind brush past my face, it felt good honestly, and I was closer to the sun than ever, I could feel the Radiation pouring onto my skin.....I felt so alive... I soared through the air like a rocket,  before I landed gently onto the ground. I sighed in pure content, I was so relaxed.

"I suddenly felt a presence behind me,  but it was of no ill intent. A flash of orange at the corner of my eyes, caused me to have some theories on what this person or who this person might be as I turned to see who it was,  It was the ancient one, dressed in the same yellow battle robe that I had always seen her in the movies, or in the comics.

She gestured for me to come in. through the portal before she walked in.  I stared at her for a moment wondering if I should actually go through or if I decided not to, Eventually I decided why not...and I  walked through to the other side.

Wayne Tower; Gotham City. 

"Lucious, did you find anything about Aaron?"  Thomas whispered as he met him while he was walking to the business meeting.

"A whole lot of stuff Thomas,"  Lucious said calmly before he glanced around as if checking to see who was looking, before looking at him. "Aliens."  He whispered so only Thomas could hear.

Thomas's eyes widened, "Pardon?"

"That kid that you pulled from the streets you said he was lost,  he's an extraterrestrial."


Lucious said calmly, in a no-bullshit tone "Aaron is an Alien."

Thomas stared at him in disbelief, "You're not seriously pulling on my leg are you?" 

Lucicous stared at him with a serious look on his face.

Thomas swallowed..."I see...."

"Are you going to kick him out?" Lucious asked bluntly.

"No, why the hell would I do that:?" Thomas asked  in shock, "Just because he's an alien  doesn't mean he was lying."

"Good, because he wasn't." Lucious said, "And that's what most people do when they find out  a person living with them is an alien, he had a rough life."

"I kind of assumed it."  Thomas said with a sigh, "But an alien...as in a Martian?"

"Yeah...like a Martian,"  Lucious said fighting back a laugh, 

Thomas rolled his eyes but smiled nonetheless, "Alright then....let's get back to business."

Kathmandu, Nepal."May I just say how beautiful you look in your old age?" I asked nonchalantly taking a sip of his coffee.

"Thank you, but flattery will get you nowhere."  The ancient one said calmly.

"I am not flattering you I am just being honest," I said with a shrug, 

"Please take a seat."  The ancient one said with a smile, she was happy though, I could sense her soul. I smiled at her and gently took a seat,  "Tea?" She asked me and gestured to the tea from the table. I smiled gratefully and accepted her offer. 

There was a moment of silence, before the Ancient one spoke, "You...are not what I was expecting if I will be honest." 

"What you couldn't see me through that time stone thing of yours?" I asked curiously. 

She tensed, "How did you know about that."

I smiled, "I have a certain ability through my father that allows me to see visions of important events." 

"I see..."  she muttered... My smile grew,  as I leaned into her, my breath hot on her own face, "And you know what else I see....you and I...getting.....dirty...if you know what I mean...." My voice was husky... 

  Her eyes widened before a small smile came onto her face, that was slightly unexpected, as she'd never been flirted with like that before, especially by a young man as  handsome, and as well built as him, they normally dismissed her due to her age,  but she smiled wryly,  "Aren't I a little too old for you Aaron?"

Unsurprisingly that she knows my name I smile a retort, "I don't discriminate by age."

The ancient one laughed,  it was a rich laugh that echoed across the room, "I'll think about it." She said coyly before her eyes grew serious, "Tell me what is your plan on Earth, what do you want to do what is your purpose here."

"I don't know yet..." I muttered, "But I do plan on helping out behind the seas you know, trying to make the world a better place with what I can."

"I see...." The ancient one said with a nod, "A quite admirable goal to have."

"Thank you," I said with a smile,  "I was also wondering if I could learn from you as well..."

She raised an eyebrow, before she smiled wryly, "Most beings with your power wouldn't as they say, stoop low as to learn from a person weaker than them.":

"I am not like most people."  I said with a wry smile, "And...I suppose I need to learn better how to control my strength, I don't want to accidentally kill someone should I get angry, I fear, with you being so calm and er...you...you can teach me a thing or two about controlling my emotions, with your special kind of energy." 

The Ancient one hummed, for a moment....deep in thought,  her gaze felt as though she was going to pierce my soul. Before she smiled, "Very well, let us begin."

Stones? Need Stones, and if you like it, please, add it to the library and hit that red heart above my profile, I appreciate it.

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