
First Command

In the front there were 19 peoples who were all kneeling.

They are the Pillars of the city of Zenilla.

10 of 11 King's Right Hand

4 Aristocrat Family

Shadow's Watcher

Dark Mantel

Dark Luster Knight

Black Sword

Black Shield.

All of them are NPCs created by Lucius while still playing "World of Order" which spends more than hundreds of dollars per one character, especially those who are at the Max level.

Most of the gear they used is the designed by Lucius himself even though some of them are wearing the gear from Gacha, but all of that also spends alot of his money.

All this was done by Lucius because he did not want to lose to Zen, his good friend and also because he wanted to make his own world surrounded by NPCs who while in the game could only speak simply according to the command control installed on them. Not speak with their own thought and will.

DDMMO-RPG "World of Order" is the first game that uses the "Virtuality" program and because of this the game itself referred as "Ancestor of VR games".

Created by Dream Reality Network Company, which has been researching for more than 10 years with the help of various scientists and game designers on it's teams.

In this game you can have many job classes that game provided to reach Maximum Level 100, the level of several job classes varies from Max Level 5 for Unique Classes, Max Level 10 for Rare Classes, and Max Level 15 for Common Classes.

But that is also with risk of course, because the various job classes in the game may helped each other job classes or may collided with each other job classes.

And if you choose a lot of job classes, you will become a trash character who doesn't have high skills.

Like I say before the game itself has many interesting features, you can make your own character NPC's!

And some popular features in RPG games such as Gacha features that require real money or coin in the game itself, make a Multy Guild or Solo Guild, have your own town, conquer other kingdoms and etc.

Even when the game still available the Gacha system is the most seek system!

Because of that Lucius wasted his money like crazy by making his own NPC's, and he often used to Gacha to get Gear, NPC, or other objects he collected in the treasure room like a junk.

It's just because 3 years ago since Lucius's parents died he stopped playing game and since then he went to work after studying in collegue even though his inheritance is quite large it will still run out if he continues to use it, or so his thought.

There is no time to play anymore, because the time he uses is only enough to study, work and rest.

And with them (His NPC's) in this foreign world Lucius was confident enough that he could become the ruler of this whole world. Well at least be a Legend again, no problem.

And what needs to be known is that this world is NOT the "World of Order" because in the previous game the world's moons was red and the world itself have two moons, one was large while the other smaller than the first.

AND in this new world only have ONE moon and it looks like the normal the moon on earth.

So Lucius must became a worthy leader to achieving his new goals.

Unlike other characters who are used to wear a collar in his neck to be guided whenever other people want to be.

Lucius closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Now he is READY.

Now is the time to speak like a TRUE LEADER.

"My comrades as we know we are in another world now, a world that is foreign to us. I want us to find out what world we live in today. Is that the same world as our old world?"

I stopped for a moment and looked at the 19 people, their head it is still looked down so I couldn't see the reaction of their faces.

Will this work? Whatever just continue this shitty speech!

"With that your first task is I want some of you to point out your trusted people to find out the answer to our question just now. Look up to a radius of 500 km first with Shadow Holder as the unit leader to enter foreign territory. I want a report within 48 hours from now. "

I said again in one breath.

I don't know if my words which I consider it weird managed to persuade them, because what I did in the game was to give a few simple commands that appear automatically in the game, not through complicated conversations that make my tongue dry.

Luckily when I saw they all nodded their head in response, I got more confident and continued.

"Second, to make our people not panic, I want you to keep them inside the wall for a while, don't let anyone come out of the wall.

And because of it I want Dark Mantel to immediately tell the public our situation and catch the criminals around us, use data from Shadow's Watcher efficiently to catch them.

In the Underground District I want you to make a 100 meters space from the outer wall and find out if there are mineral sources or danger under this mountain. I want this task to be carried out immediately for the safety all of us and the people of Zenilla!"

"Rar brought the Prying Orb with you, I'm sure it can help you with this mission. And for those who don't join the task back to your post."

Rar is the Head of Shadow's Watcher the place for Spy and Asassin group of mine.

Rar an Argonian that's always wears a black hood now he's advances before me and receives a small transparent ball crystall from my hand.

After he received the item he returned to the line with the others.

"May you succeed in the task!"

I close my words with a flick of my sleeve.

The 19 of them stood up and bowed to me with their right hands above their chests and yelled.

"Yes My lord!"

They said with a bow and with that they all turned, out of my throne room.

I lean against my chair while massage my forehead.

Tired of emotional pressure.

"Phew ..This shit will happen many times in the future"

Hmm ... it turns out being a Lord is quite difficult.

Maybe I have to study how to acting again?

Hah ... I hope I'm became a skeleton that can suppress his emotions!

But ... hell no! Human its still the best!

Oh i have to tell you I just post 3 chapter every weeks or maybe I will post lest than 3 every weeks.

So dont put to much hope.

Yawancreators' thoughts