
A Plan and A Dream

Still in black attire, I stood on the highest floor of my castle, well it's like more rooftop than a floors.

In my back there was a garden with various flowers embedded on it make my gloomy caslte looks more vibrant and beautiful.

Weird somehow because my castle is known as a Dark Castle but it's rooftop full of flowers.

My shoulder-lenght hair flaping in the spring breeze that still felt cold in my skin, probably still carrying the remnants of the winter air that had just passed.

This castle has a height about 50 meters, made with black mountain rocks and coated with Black Iron, each of which is given a rune that can be interpreted as "Hard" on it.

Not too fancy actually when compared to other large guilds that coated their walls with Adamantium and various other types of runes which currently more expensive and hard to make.

I looked at the city right under my sight that now was bustling with activities.

Many different races people chit – chating, make a jokes, or go.. dating? In the morning? Seriously?

And actually about an hour ago I saw the team that I was assigned to inspect the surrounding area ride on various kinds of Beast like Fire Salamander, Lightning Bear and Ancient Deer, walking arrogantly and full of pride in the middle of streets that full of citizens.

So much pride that make me want to throw up just by looking at it.

Or maybe it's just a façade to cover their anxiousness or it's a warrior stuff to stick out their chest?

Also I saw some people listening to the announcement from Dark Mantel members, a special forces who served as city police.

Well the people remained calm and there was no riot happen, even though some of them were still questioning the Dark Mantel about what had happened. Easy, no worries.

And I can see from here that some of the farmers house who live outside the walls and a majority of the farms disappear entirely and are replaced by vast rock hills and pine trees with some shrubbery.

Also some reports came to me this morning that the mine inside the Underground area disappeared with the people inside it, as I thought.

And I can only hope this doesn't become even worse or became more shitty.

I hope.

Looking back at the activity in the city, I remembered my life a few years ago when I just a naive and pure kid ... Err, I guess?

Yep, I'm not completely a person who likes to close myself or bacame a nerd, sometimes I also like the boisterauness of the city.

And when I was a kid a few times I dreamed to enter the world of Fantasy and become an Adventures on it, actually became a hero/knight to save a bauty of course.

And that can be realized with the release of the "World of Order" and unfortunately I can't live my life as an Adventurer as it should.

You know when I was just sticking to Zen or just playing alone when Zen was offline.

Even though at that time I had several friends and acquaintances, but no. I prefer to be a Solo Player like some main character from novel I read and this is it I became a dark armored magic swordman.

And after thinking it back, I want became a True Adventurer and follow the right way to become as one of them.

Hmm right, being a true Adventures during the day and becoming a Lord at the night.

Aish, why do I feel I've heard the same words but different meaning?

I mean, being a good person during the day and being a bastard at the night? Right?

I've decided! I will be the True Adventurer!

And besides, some tasks don't require me to take action instantly, right?

And I have subordinates who I can count for 24 hours a day!

At least 6 – 8 hours each days also not too bad.

There is no harm!


We depart when the sun has just appeared in the east and the fog still hangs over this mountain, maybe more appropriate to call it mountains.

While riding a Fire Salamander our eyes were wide open in the midst of the cold winds that was blowing hard, watching every bend and descent of this mountain even the shadows were not spared from it.

Still doubt what we will find in this foreign world.

Right, foreign world.

It is strange because what we remember just like an ordinary day without any incident just like another days, until midnight our Lord, Uriel Zenille told us that our city appeared in a foreign world.

I still remember, in the afternoon on the previous day I still walked around the city without meet any suspicios sign.

Even the gatekeepers who opened their eyes that night did not see any strange events such as portals or anything.

Aware of the dangers, my father Agis Lohr the Head of Lohr Family, one of the 4 Aristocrat Families was summoned into the castle along with the others Families Head and other Departemen.

When he backs with a sour face and brings the news, I can't even believe what he says.

I mean, our city is one of the most respected cities in the entire continent and our Lord is one of 5 legends.

Is there anyone who can do this without getting caught?

And is there a gigantic spell that can move us to another world just in the blink of eye without anyone noticing?

Probably no.

Of course it will different if it's a god or goddess who do this.

And my Father told me that Lord Uriel had given the order to find out if there other intellegent creature's settlemen or clue of it, to find out infomartion of this world.

Hearing that, of course I was immediately excited, because who wasn't?

The previous world I live in was fully explored without leaving a single point unxplored, even the most hidden cave already been discovered a long time ago.

Maps are everywhere and sold out at fairly cheap prices and even the most commoner citizens can afford to buy a part of it like kingdoms map.

Isn't this an adventure that I dream about? An adventure that will bring my name written in history and sung by Bard in the Tavern/Inn or maybe in all cities even the world?

That I, Paul Lohr the Son of Agis Lohr one of 4 Aristocrat Family will become a Legend!

What a hard time I had!

Sorry for incovenience my laptop just have an error so.. Whatever.

Yawancreators' thoughts