
The Game is Over

At another place.

"So what do you think of "Dark and Light" the newest DDMMO-RPG?"

"I think this game is a perfection of the previous DDMMO-RPG "World of Order" because ..."

On a television program, a host was asking questions to a young man with blond hair that wearing a white clothes.

A Question about a new DDMMO-RPG.

"Then do you prefer "World of Order" or "Dark and Light" as the most impresive game at the moment?"

"I think "Dark and Light" is most impressive game I know, as I said just now in terms of its game, graphics and "REALITY" on it."

"And for "World of Order" this game has its own uniqueness, which is also known as the progenitor of the fantasy world named "Virtual Reality". Despite some shortcomings in this game, compared to "Dark and Light", my answer is I still chose "World of Order""

Said the blond-haired young man with a broad smile.

"Hahaha, that's of course you will choose that game. Because you owned quarter of continent! Who doesn't know Zen the Light Protector one of the most amazing Player!"

"Hahaha that's right."

"Then, so how…"

Regardless of what the host said, Zen as the blond man was called, somehow showed a sad face and muttered under his breaths.

"Well, a pity… "World of Order" was closed 2 years ago."

My eyes felt heavy and my head felt like to burst.

It feels like there is a worm that enters your brain and writhes in excitement while sucking your brain fluid.


"Ughhh .."

When I opened my eyes what I found was a dark room and I was lying on a bed which was most likely my bed at home.

Right this is my home.

Not something like otherworld right?

Could it just be a nightmare because a while ago I was just fired?


And what with that's memory?

I kinda blankout and then… errr sleep?

It's my burden that's heavy on my mind that I blankout out of nowhere?

Am I gonna be crazy?

"Aisshh, it turns out I got a big mental burden just because being fired from little company, weakling."

I sighed while holding my head which still felt dizzy.

I pushed my body from on top of my bed and try to stand up with my still wobbly legs, tried to reach the wall where the light switch of my room was.

And with the darkness of this room I walked with caution - I was afraid I will kicked the wrong item on the floor and make it broken or the worst, hurts my feet.

I then tried to touch the walls of my room that felt cold and search for the light switch on it and all I found was, nothing.

'Again,' I lament.

My back starts to get wet with cold sweat again.

And in my mind I can only shout with agony.

'Fuck! I think that's real! '

I weakly leaned against the wall of my room.

The coldness of the wall plus my now drenched clothes makes the cold seep to the marrow of my bones.

My mind was spinning for a few minutes until finally I tightened my jaw and shouted on top of my lungs.

"Fuck! If I really summoned to another world or whatever I have to be strong, so I can live to my role and disires! I'm Lucius Altdorf is a Lord of Zenille! One of the Five Legends! I will conquer this world with my power! Shit for the God or Goddess who sent me to this damn world!"

Lucius said fiercely with flaming eyes that could be seen in the darkness of the room.

At that time the moon behind the clouds appeared to show the light that added to the impression that Lucius's words would come true.

And that night a Lord was reborn after the game over.

"Ah! Who changed my clothes!? "

Still on the same night in the throne room.

There is a young man sitting on a throne in a fancy black suit with silver embroidery and a silver dragon symbol on his robe.

On his head is decorated with a crown made of pure silver without any decoration.

At the man's waist there was a black scabbard made of shark skin and a sword on it that would look silver in colour when removed from it is sheath.

Self confidence and a sense of authority radiated from his black eyes that is look likes bottomless abyss.

And from his body you can feel the radiating power that saying "Obey me!"

An image that makes anyone who sees it will immediately want to kneel and even worship before the man.

This man was Lucius!

Different from yesterday, a man who was so nervous and trembling when he accepted reality.

This is the REAL Lucius in his castle and also the Lord of his city that will become his mighty kingdom!

A man who will be known as Lucius Altdorf Uriel Zenilla!

Meh, I think I need to edit every my chapter a bit.


Yawancreators' thoughts