
After I Took Off My Tiara

"H3K! We need all your presence here!" It was only like that. A life of an spy, uncertain of what might happen every second of her life. It was as if being alive isn't given to her. A work she doesn't even know why did she take? However, as if fated, her superior who died with a gun was a maze. Without any clear evidence, pure guesses and intellect was all she could rely on. She knew that her life was in danger every minute, but... She didn't know that her life would be upside down in order to know who was the killer of Lino An aka Luyang An. A forced marriage with the Third Prince of the country. What can she expect? She promised that she wouldn't ever fall in love, but why does he kept swaying her heart? "I like you, Istel." The Third Prince has come to like her. But can they be together when she's a spy? A spy that might get killed in an instant. And being the Third Princess even made her life swirling around in pure unknown and hurdles. 'No, in the end you'll know that this marriage isn't for us.' She tried to push him away, but can she? === AUTHOR'S NOTE: Check out my other two books here! MASKS TO UNVEIL! - COMPLETED LATER IN YEARS OF TIME - ONGOING

LiLiNa · Urban
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190 Chs

Chapter 14

Jason also stopped some men whom William said they went to the Restroom, however, no one has the bracelet. Then, who has it???

The business man was in the investigation room, the only thing they could depend on was the fact that they were passing the bracelet to each other.

Who would've thought that, the mastermind behind this was the great thief of all? It seems humorous at all.

Although, it is... suspicious.

If they did and checked all the men they saw, and never saw a penny evidence that the culprit had left, then what could done wrong?

The four meet outside the airline. All of them was inhaling in frustration. They can't make this case longer.. because Lino's case has yet to solve too.

If they can't make this case solve easily, then how dare the solve the mystery behind Lino??

They have to find the thief quickly!

"I didn't get a hold of the culprit. We'd been tricked again." Istel said as she looked around the area.

"We should not lose hope, after all... maybe this is the test for Uncle Lino's case." Jason cheered even though he felt kinda useless.

JinJin nodded.

["Informing the team, we didn't get a hold of the thief. He must had been to something terrible there."] The voice sounded in their earpiece.

All of them was in distressed.

"For now, let's go to our hotel and settle things out." Jason said as he went inside the car with a sigh. If they couldn't catch the thief, the things that has been prepared for them would be in a waste.

The helicopter that was used only once was specially readied for them... it will be a waste if they would gone home without the good news.

This is the second time, the H3K Group has encountered such robbery case. The differences were, the first case wasn't in museum but in a bank. The culprit immediately confessed his wrongdoings and even told them all the robbers he knew.

The money he stole were given back to the bank without a penny loss. Such a rare thief. He said he was a newbie in this kind of work, that's why he doesn't like the idea even though his family was devastatingly starving.

"Where do we go?" Istel asked Jason while looking at him. She invited the couple to go inside first before her. She sat on the front beside Jason.

They never knew that the thief was so smart to think such measures. The robber knew they would clearly observe their actions... so he lured them to focus on everyone when he just sat there waiting for the airport.

He didn't get caught, why? Because the Bracelet wasn't inside his bag. So foolish polices.

The plan is going smoothly. The only things he have to do is to put the bracelet to Felix's room so he would be in terror. By that time, he would call the police saying he saw Felix looking so suspicious and that maybe he has some things which he hid inside his suite.

If that's not the case then, he was sure someone would actually inform the Third Prince about the missing bracelet. Felix then will invite the Polices inside his room to discuss the missing bracelet... then... the police would see the bracelet.

Great plan! Hard but accurate!!

He would be caught red-handed, and will have the case of robbery. Thinking of the future success made him smile.

He was wearing the same things the men was wearing to serve the things the customers needed. Besides, all the guards were beside Felix so there's no bodyguards here... Haha!


Jason pulled the car inside the parking lot. "... Royal Hotel. This hotel was prepared by Spy corp. They booked two rooms, for boys and girls." He said as he was busy tidying.

JinJin unconsciously stared at a particular back of a person. He was wearing, a stripes cap, a black boots, a coat. His height was seemingly shorter than Jason for 4 inches. He was so familiar, where did she saw him?

She looked at the picture her left hand was holding... then was fascinated.

It was the culprit!!!

"Hurry! The thief!! Run!" JinJin shouted then start running quickly. The three immediately followed behind her as they put their masks on.

As an international Spies, the basic thing they had to learn and to practice a lot was... 'Running', a mere thief won't get away from them!

"Hurry! He's getting away!" JinJin said. Out of all, she has the weakest waist to running was never her best.

William excused himself through JinJin's way then speedily ran. He have the great stamina. Really a great fighter!

The thief panted. Why those people have great stamina?! He was already old! He doesn't have much stamina!

Because he wanted to get away as soon as possible, he went to the wrong room. The Bodyguards on that room chased him and saw the four people wearing a mask with their gun on their belt.

The Bodyguards aimed their gun to the four including the thief. The four immediately stopped running.

It was the room where Felix and Nilet was in! Istel gaped then looked at the Bodyguards. If they want fight, they have no problems about it.

Istel remembered that... it was the room... it was the day of agreement... between Paris and Lim Empire for future purposes. She was supposed to be the one beside Felix but she declined because she felt uneasy.

Sure enough the robbery takes place. And now, the meeting between her and Feliz were unexpected.

He looked at them and didn't sign for the Bodyguards to lower their guns. The guns were still arrowed to them.

The thief was trembling so William took him and a bodyguard stopped him which he return as giving him a slight kick on his knee. The bodyguard was speechless at how he was so fast!

William then cuffed the thief's hands and bowed before Felix. Jason nudged Istel. It's her husband, she should knowhow to handle it.

She thought of an idea.

She bowed before him. "May I request a private talk with his highness? You can take all your bodyguards, all I want is to explain why we're here." She said. It was hard to changed the pitch of her voice.

Felix mysteriously looked at them with the unpredictable eyes. Jason glanced at him and didn't flinch at all.

Felix coldly walked towards her. His walk was forever graceful, this moment she felt... the two of them were simply just strangers to each other. The only difference was she knew who he is and he does knew who she is.

"So you knew I am his Highness. Whose highness is in front of you then?" He asked curiously.

'Bruuh... I can clearly saw who are you even when you're just... Are you implying that I don't know you? How shameless.'

Iste bowed again. 'If I bowed again, I will kill this man in front of me for real.' "You're the Third Prince; the husband of Third Princess." She calmly said.

The thief was in terror for real that he doesn't know what to feel now that he went to a wrong room. It was his fault!

Felix nodded at her and lifted his brow. 'If they knew who I am, then they must be... someone.... who's trying to catch the man, with his cuffs. I wonder what happened that they ended up here.' "Let's go to a private room. All the bodyguards surround them." He said as he turn around.

'Tch... this man is so hard to appeal with polite words, well, who wouldn't be suspicious to us?'

Jason looked at Istel. JinJin looked at the Bodyguards. They were all wearing that thick clothes. Their guns were readied for them surely.

"This way." One of the Bodyguards opened the door for his Highness and the four.

Istel waved to the three signing them to not go inside the room.

'Would she show who she is to gain the trust of Felix?' This was the question inside the three spies inside their mind.