

Get Started

When it was midnight the special forces had been given a moment to contemplate what they were going to do, then without warning, they immediately gathered gradually in the backyard of the house, this time the serious faces of the special forces were visible.

There is no playful atmosphere that exists, everyone dissolves into silence listening to their captain's instructions and prepares to carry out an operation, soon the informant includes and gives a change of clothes to the special forces, this change of clothes reads the cleanliness of the black city

Which explains their disguised identity currently serving as city cleaners, as why they wear these clothes at night is because the task of cleaning the city of black Siti is divided into two shifts 1 during the day and 1 at night this is done because of the activities of the clean city which is quite dense and crowded

So that in the end it causes a lot of garbage, even though it can be said that the community is quite disciplined in Siti's bandbox, but still cleanliness is the main thing done by city management so in this case the two work cycles in the city show how busy the city is

However, the city manager may never realize it because their decision to divide the existing work shifts into two makes a hole for the existing intruders to take advantage of this gap in this case making them members of the black city cleanliness who work early in the morning, After changing clothes now their weapons have turned into brooms and dustpans seeing this can't help but the special forces who are there sigh in their hearts trying for their mission who are well dressed and also authoritative with sophisticated equipment and deadly weapons

Now it must be replaced with ordinary orange clothes with brooms and important weapons in their hands, but that thought has disappeared from their minds and is replaced with seriousness to complete the mission at hand.

Because the sooner they complete the mission, the better so after they complete the changes that are in themselves then the team begins to follow the instructions from the informants, first, a team is taken out of the house and waits a few minutes later

The second team was taken back, and this took a while until a few moments later the third team was back at the bottom, and like the second team which had been missing for a long time, this time the third team also took a while until the fourth team walked away from inside the house

The four teams were taken away according to the place of loca they would be targeting in this case they were assigned close to the object they were going to target, and the four targets were not in one location but several locations so it took some time to arrange a placement. the personnel

However, this was done quickly and without delay, because it was clear they were currently in a race against time lest by the time of daybreak they had not finished the task, and in this case they would most likely soon become rats confined in a cage. go out

And mothers are waiting for the night to return when they want to finish the task or leave the black setting city because if they do it during the day or even under the hot sun then they will most likely be found out and it will waste their efforts. hard work

So after the intelligence information of the white alliance finished placing the various special forces in the predetermined target location the informants retreated to their headquarters that is to the plantation house where he would try to monitor and also provide information to the special forces that were there to avoid any dangers they might find. on the way

And sure enough, as the intelligence officer suspected, at some point, there were several members of the armed forces tasked with monitoring the movements of the special forces because it was clear from each of the special forces sent here that they were very talented talents so that if them losing such a talented talent is a pretty serious blow to the members of the white alliance

Team 1, which is now tasked with solving sabotage at the ammunition and supply warehouse, now behaves like a city cleaner, they carry out cleaning tasks by sweeping the street and also cleaning the trash cans on the other side of the large garbage cart which they are also ready to accommodate. existing trash

They did it naturally as if to indicate that they were the city janitors while on the other hand, the special forces continued their work as black city janitors, the troops guarding the building against supplies and ammunition were not so wary. with what is

This may have happened because of a habit that they had seen for a long time, namely, every night there would always be a janitor cleaning the road that stretched from one side to the other because the scene that had happened too often made the guards guard the warehouse and supplies.

Relaxing their emotions as well as their vigilance, and seeing that it was clear the special forces present were smiling slightly at the corners of their mouths because they couldn't imagine that they would easily and successfully make the surveillance on them seem less and this was news. good for them

If Team 1 has succeeded in reducing the vigilance of the existing guards then the teams on duty at the hospital can be said to have a more difficult condition because the laboratory in the hospital is something very important for the black organization so keeping them much closer.

Because the value in the laboratory behind the hospital has a value that far exceeds the ammunition and also the existing supply warehouse, in this case, it is natural that the supervision and guarding in the hospital are quite strict, especially since they are also aware that

They can't enter the hospital because the identity they currently use is as a janitor for the city of black Siti so how can they enter the hospital when they wear these clothes

So in this case they started racking their brains on how to infiltrate inside and not make the people in the hospital building suspect them.
