

Starting Sabotage

On the other hand, the two remaining teams also face obstacles that are in front of them, the only difference is that these two teams, one of which is not yet the headquarters of the black organization in the city of Blitz city, the other are in charge of controlling the communication and information center of the black organization. the place most guarded by members of the black organization

This is inseparable from the two vital objects which cannot be compromised, because if one of them is conquered by the enemy, then it is clear that chaos will soon hit the black city, so in this case, the security for the two can be said to be the tightest.

The third team in charge of controlling the information and communication center in the black city, this time the guard disguised as a janitor seemed to have begun to move the area around those who served as janitors began to surround the place, only the place that made it a communication and information center from this black organization

It has a high guardrail that makes it difficult for them, team 3 to see the real situation in it, especially since the cleaners are not allowed to enter the area, so in this case, they are also racking their brains like team 2 who are also still struggling with how to get inside. hospital

If only two teams have experienced significant obstacles, then what about the place in charge of controlling the headquarters of the black organization, which is different from most places that are the targets of the special forces, this time their target is the black organization's headquarters only in the form of a 3-story shophouse

Yes, the headquarters of the black organization in the city of the black city is a 3-story shophouse which is also located in the commercial area of ​​the city. generally

If it wasn't for the information provided by the intelligence of the white alliance then obviously the troops assigned there would doubt the information because what they were seeing right now was a three-story shop serving local treasury food looking at the decorations that were clearly under the disguise of the black organization is doing very well

On the other hand, they are special forces who are now disguised as cleaners who can comb the surrounding area from the commercial road they want to make sure there are other places that they should be suspicious of looking around they find that although this is a commercial road it is clear

Strict surveillance was seen because the surveillance cameras were more than double the usual surveillance cameras on commercial roads, not to mention they found several hidden cameras which were also placed in certain places.

Along with this they also found several midfielders who seemed to be sleeping in front of various corners of the shophouses on this commercial street, looking like ordinary homeless people but if you look closely, even though they have a random appearance and also wear messy and dirty looks.

One thing is for sure their bodies look very strong even though they are skinny but solid and contain this hint that I am a tramp is an undercover agent from a black organization tasked with guarding and supervising the area around this commercial when night falls.

Seeing this it seems clear that the special forces team that was there to carry out this operation had more challenges because the surveillance could be said to be too much and also there were no blind spots that could make the special forces that were there to sneak in and investigate the headquarters of the black organization.

Realizing that there was a delay in the operation on this mission, the colonel said to the third team in charge of controlling the communication and information area of ​​the black organization, report the condition to team 3?" Said the colonel asking the situation team 3

"Report commander, the situation seems to be out of control, it takes extra time to resolve" The captain of the third team replied

"Okay, wait for the next report, and please finish the mission immediately because 2 teams are constrained by strict supervision," the colonel said giving instructions and reminded

"Yes leader" exclaimed the reply from the third captain

After hearing the instructions given by their commander in this case the colonel, the team captain when started thinking about how to solve the problems in front of them because it was clear from the reports received that 2 teams were also having problems due to strict monitoring, causing 2 other teams also having trouble moving

Realizing this the world then said to his men " have you entered their network? " The captain asked one of his men who specializes in hacking

"It's captain, we're online from now on we can see the situation from the state of this place" the subordinate replied

Then soon on a screen given by his subordinates, it was clear that the surveillance inside the building where their target was from here they saw that the security was tight both inside and outside the building but there were visible gaps around it.

Even though the existing ones also seem to have their protection in this case it is not an easy task to get past it but back again when they have entered the network gradually they begin to master the control of the security in the building

After successfully mastering it, the subordinates began to change the existing situation to smooth their plan to enter and take control of the building after clearly receiving the location of each guard as well as monitoring.

Immediately took off her clothes, then they began to change into existing equipment taking the equipment and equipment that was in the garbage cart the team immediately began to change into their camouflage clothes and full weapons, no need to wait long less than 5 minutes they were already

Leaving a few members to guard the evacuation route est of the team of 20 people started carrying out their action this time they entered through the side wall where supervision was the least this happened due to several traps that were created automatically so it didn't make many guards need to monitor it more

Taking advantage of this loophole after successfully mastering the security system in the building smoothly the trap was deactivated and the troops entered safely after the troops entered safely they began to spread to each predetermined target.