


After successfully entering the house, the existing special forces team did not immediately move to continue their mission but then began to rearrange the equipment they brought in this case to check if there were any deficiencies when they walked during the process of entering the black city on the other side of the informant who served as the intelligence of the white alliance

Signaling for them to gather and from there he explained how they were to spread into the black city "the operation will be carried out the next day, more precisely in the early hours of this morning, this is done because there is a change in the changing hours of patrols in the black city. , so that we take advantage of the opportunities that exist we will walk to infiltrate "after speaking the informant from the intelligence agency also invited the members of the special team that were there to rest.

They are also aware that this time it seems that the operation they are going to do tonight is canceled, although they regret it with the psychological and mental qualities that have been trained they accept it well because they also realize that taking a step back is better than mission failure so in this case, they waiting patiently

Sharing a room with the special forces team and then starting to rest looking forward to tomorrow when they will start their action on the other hand a small discussion takes place among the special forces who are there this is done to re-examine their plans to be used when the operation takes place

They firmly remind themselves that mistakes are not allowed in the missions they run because if mistakes happen then most likely failure is something they can't avoid so in that case they shouldn't allow it

On the one hand, while they were resting, the special forces who were there did not relax their vigilance because it was clear that in carrying out their mission they could not fulfill 100% of the trust of an informant.

So even if they are resting, there will still be a team that takes turns guarding them to ensure the safety of the teams on the other side they also see that the house is located on the outskirts of the city area of ​​the black city, looking further it turns out that the house is in the area ah

Agriculture from the city of black city, so it is clear that the many cave trees in the backyard garden of the house explain the conditions of the surrounding environment around the house, of course, other than that the use of these trees is also camouflage from the headquarters used by the white alliance informant

Without realizing it, time went by so fast and the morning came, when the morning started to get busy around the house began to be heard where neighbors and also the existing farmers started their activities, some went to the fields and some went to the plantations, everything was done with proper routine

And that was all seen by the special forces who were in their homes peeking and seeing the activities and also Atan carried out by the people who were around from the house after seeing that it was a common and common thing they began to reduce their vigilance

Because in operation they can't believe what they see when they can't confirm the identity of the figure in front of them compact in this case they try to see if the farmers and workers around their environment are farmers' milk or not. undercover agent

So then their vigilance is also something that needs to be done because it is not uncommon for many agents to go undercover to get information, in this case, it is better to be vigilant than they are caught in the end suffer.

After finishing their breakfast, then in the sunny morning, the exercises were carried out in the backyard of the house to maintain their fitness and also their physical routine, but it was clear that they controlled the sound and noise as much as possible so as not to make people suspicious. around the house

On the other hand, the informant who is in charge of managing the angels in the black city is currently going to prepare for the operation they will carry out in the morning because from the results of the discussion they will be tasked with infiltrating the city as several police officers from the black city.

This is of course done to maintain their good disguise so that there is no possibility of leakage of existing information and also to increase their success in carrying out the missions they currently carry out so that they are in a tedious wait for these special forces.

Back to check their various equipment and also the plan that they will do this check they have done several times but it is clear that there is already a look of boredom and impatience when they do this, this happens not without reason Because basically

Experience teaches them that thoroughness and patience will always lead to success while impatience and carelessness will always bring disaster, in this case, they are something that cannot be compromised.

Because their thoroughness and patience will always bear good results, so never underestimate it, especially those who always carry out tasks on the front battlefield by risking their lives, small things that look inconspicuous but when it comes to uncertain factors will always be a serious threat. double

And that will lead to something that is not good so it can be said that the success of a mission depends on the discipline of the special forces, of course, valuable information is also a determining factor and also a driving force in carrying out the mission.

When the time rolled into tonight the special forces had started preparing to carry out their duties seeing the time it was already 11 o'clock there were a few more hours before they carried out their duties now they were given free time to rest in this case alone

Either they write a letter of prayer or they do something that pleases them because they never know if they will be able to come back alive when they go on this mission or whether they will become a name when it is time for mission completion.

So free time and also like this are used and also given by their superiors to their subordinates, to provide space for them to determine what life path they choose when they can no longer serve or they die while carrying out missions.