Zach died in a train crash and was reborn in a world he’d only read in books and seen in movies. The same world turned out to be less fiction and more hard reality than even his past boring life.
Once the coolers were filled from the meat and blood drive I locked them all up and only ate new kills when needed. I actually ended up locking them the day before the wedding so it was kind of convenient timing really. That night Emmett and I stopped by Bella's house to pick up Edward for his bachelor party.
We planned to hunt and let him take his fill of the animals we caught. Only problem was him and Bella were having a conversation. Emmett jumped up to Bella's window and threatened. "Send him out Bella or we'll come in a take him."
I chuckled when he landed and jumped up next. "Don't worry Bella, we'll have him ready for the big day come sunrise."
I dropped down and waited. I heard Bella tell him. "Go before they tare my house up."
Edward told her where we were headed before he jumped out. I caught him and shoved him into Emmett saying. "Aw, Em, you'd make the sweetest stripper Ed can find."
Emmett shoved him back to me and Edward used the momentum to flip over me and run. I turned to Bella who was watching us. "Use the dream catcher Bella, it'll help."
I darted after my brothers leaving a subsonic boom in my wake. We hunted three mountain lions and a bear for virility or so I said to convince him to drink it dry. When he was done I brought them to a fire pit I'd made in the mountain range. I cleaned and cooked the meat before eating it all.
Once my body started steaming, I raised my arms to them. "Drink. Only this once so don't get any ideas. It'll give you a boost you'll need to burn off during your honey moon."
Edward hesitates and I told him. "Relax, I've seen her future as one of us. She survives the honeymoon. Just grab the bedpost and bite the pillow or let her ride on top. When you feel close, grab the headboard and don't let go. It'll be fine little brother, I'm never wrong on the matters like this and you know I wouldn't risk your future happiness on a maybe."
He sighed and but my arm, I offered the other to Emmett. "It's a bigger rush then newly turning off Alice is to be believed one time offer. Give Rose a good week or two of fun."
He shrugged and took me up on the offer. I opened my mind a little and projected Bella and him running happily as vampires in the forest and even in their meadow. Edward drew deep and both nearly drained me dry with their hunger till I snorted. "Enough. I need to feed now as it is, you two go get ready and Emmett, hands off Rose until after the wedding, Alice will kill us both if you miss it because you're occupied."
They let go and Emmett exclaimed. "Woah! Alice wasn't lying, it's like I'm invincible and I could fight an army of newborns right now."
I snorted. "Just a facade I'm afraid. It's only extra energy stored in the blood it doesn't actually make you any stronger only more intensely aware of the power you do have."
I left them there so I could hunt down my own meal. I drained six deer and a bear when I finished then cooked them for my own extra rush. When I finished I took the pelts home and fixed them up. Alice and Rose were there with the guys and Alice was not very happy.
She pouted when she saw me and I chuckled. "Relax, it was a one time thing. I wanted them to experience something unique before Ed's big day tomorrow."
Rosalie raised an eyebrow and Alice told her. "He fed them his blood, that's why Emmett won't leave you alone and looks extra hyper."
Alice saw the same slight jitter on me and smiled. "Since you're sharing, you're sharing."
I gulped and fled, I know, not very manly but she's an addict and I was her drug of choice. Her look made me feel like prey before a tigress. I didn't make it three feet before I felt her on my back. I sighed and stopped while she had her snack.
When she hopped down she dragged me over to Rose and offered in my stead. "Rosalie, don't feel left out, it's only fair you try it since he let them do so."
It's true there's no pill for regret. After Rose drained the last of the extra blood out of me through my wrist Alice stopped her and dragged me to the cabin.
By morning she'd had her way with me and warned me about sharing again without telling her first. After we were dressed and ready she went to help Bella out on her makeup and get ready.
I went to see how Edward was before I was put on guest duty. I basically made sure our cousins from Alaska don't kill the staring humans and keep them distracted. I apologized to Irina she arrived and led them to their seats.
Tanya told me about how Irina had been moping around. I sighed. "I don't have any good news but I should warn you Irina, if the wolves hadn't killed Laurent, after that war, I'd have hunted him down and killed him myself. I slaughtered over a hundred newborns all because he betrayed your trust and you told him our weaknesses."
She looked ashamed before I sighed. "I am sorry you lost a potential mate though cousin."
I turned to Kate. "I don't know how you'll take this but I've seen you with a mate not far of from now."
She raised an eyebrow. "Someone for me?"
I nodded slowly. "He's a nomad of sorts. He feeds off humanities worst sorts and travels from place to place. His names Garrett, apparently he's an old friend of Carlisle, if you want more details. He matches you well and he's loyal to a fault from what I've seen."
She looked perturbed as she truly hadn't thought of a mate in a long while. She talked with her sisters for awhile and that seemed to occupy them for now. I went to greet the human and wolf guests that showed up. I was just Seth for the wolves but Billy Black showed up as well.
I told them to steer clear of my cousins because one of the vampires they killed was supposedly Irina's mate. I gave him my word they were safe here but not to push it or rub it in.
Billy was wise enough to know better and he kept a tight leash on Seth. When everyone had arrived I got Edward before taking my seat next to Alice. She whispered. "This is it."
As she spoke Bella and Charlie came out. I recorded their walk down the isle before recording the full ceremony. I was a professional after all. I had a film degree and an art degree so my skills were put to the test.
I didn't disappoint as I captured it all up to the point where they left in the car. I made copies for everyone before Alice pulled me away for her own devious purposes. I spent the next two weeks with Alice in the cabin until one day she had a vision about Bella disappearing from her visions.
We finally left the cabin to inform the rest of the family and she called Edward just to be safe. When Bella mentioned being pregnant Carlisle took over for a bit and told him to come back immediately.
Carlisle asked me if I knew about human and vampires procreating. I shook my head. "I don't think my mother counted as I highly doubt my werewolf genes didn't come from her. As for human and vampire offspring I believe the modern fiction coined them as dhampirs. I haven't a clue if they actually exist, let alone how to deal with one."
A day later Bella and Edward arrived back at the house. When I saw her I smelled the change in her. I snorted clearing the smell out of my nose. She looked at me and I apologized. "Sorry, the changes in you are very pungent. Not that you stink, it's your hormones, they're very odd and fluctuating."
Rose snorted. "Duh, she's pregnant, it changes a woman's body."
I looked at her with a droll stare before replying. "I've met pregnant humans Rosalie, that's different. It's far more rapid. I'd say she'll give birth in a three weeks at the rate of the change."
Now she looked concerned. I turned to Carlisle. "Correct me if I'm wrong as my medical skills are rusty, but the human body won't survive such a rapped change and growth as the fetus will need more nutrients to fuel its growth than a human can provide."
Everyone stilled before Edward growled. "Carlisle, get it out of her now! You've heard him, it'll kill her long before it's time for birth."
I frowned then thought of a solution to it. I hadn't been protecting my surface thoughts lately so Edward went wide eyed while staring at me. I began to get uncomfortable. "What? It's only a thought, though I wouldn't suggest mine. I haven't a clue what it would do to a growing child or Bella for that matter."
He shook his head. "You're a mad genius if it works."
I shrugged helplessly then wondered what my blood would do and if that was how I was born as a werewolf. I wondered if they'd used wolves blood as I knew my grandfather was a mystic so it was possible. Edward scowled and I shrugged. "Wasn't about you or your rugrat. It was a speculation on my own situation."
He sighed and told Carlisle to retrieve some of the blood we had stockpiled for Bella and to use and IV drip. I suggested. "If the child needs blood and the changes are this rapid to prepare her body then perhaps it would be easier to see if she likes the taste. It would be a far quicker route and it would help a lot with the delivery."
I had and odd thought and Edward grimaced. "It'd better not!"
I shook my head. "You gotta learn privacy bro. My heads not a pretty place for anyone to peek into."
I shielded my thoughts and thought about chest bursters and alien symbiotes. I switched back to thinking on what the hell went into making me. For a while I just stood there and stared blankly into space while going over the possibilities.
My mother couldn't have been a werewolf because I'd wished to be the first of the species so that left a mutation like the shifters or something was done during the pregnancy that turned me into one.
My thoughts turned back to Bree as Carlisle brought in some human blood bags. She was eyeing it with desperation before Alice took her by the hand and left. I watched him pour a little in a cup and offer it to her. "We need you to try Bella. If it doesn't work we'll switch to strictly iV only."
She did her best to keep a straight face while Rosalie helped her try to take her mind off of it. "Don't smell it, just think of it as vitamins or the baby."
After that it was pretty smooth sailing as apparently she had changed enough to ingest it orally even going so far as to say it tasted 'good' to her new taste buds. Caught off guard by her reaction my mental shield must've weakened because a stray thought crossed my mind that had Edward roaring at me. "No! You are not doing that or using her for some twisted experiment!"
I snorted. "You really need to gain more control of yourself little brother. You're confusing thoughts with actions now."
Rosalie looked at me wearily and Carlisle asked. "What is he talking about?"
I sighed. "I nearly wondered since human blood tastes so good and is healthy for the babe, what my blood would do. Don't hold it against me and before you say anything it was just a stray thought that crossed my mind. I'm still of the opinion that the child wouldn't deserve to become like me even if it were possible."
I took a deep breathe. "No, I doubt even that as my wolf is adamant that I am the first of my kind. This situation just has me thinking on my own origins and what must've been done to create something like me. Edward's heightened emotional state has his picking all our brains right now for any threat to Bella. Where as my mind isn't in the best place right now, that's all."
They seemed relieved and Carlisle was even a little intrigued by my words but nothing would come of it as neither of us would do something like that. I left them to think over my words while slamming my shields firmly into place, causing Edward to wince. I chuckled. "You're a father to be, I don't blame you for doubting me, but do remember this, I'd never jeopardize this family to find out my origins. They can remain hidden if they were to cost me even one of you."
I headed to the music studio and started playing newer songs I wanted while trying not to dwell on the past. Over the next two weeks as Bella's stomach started to grow rapidly I stayed in my music room only leaving to hunt or help with the blood drive. Bella has gone through an insane amount of blood to keep healthy while the baby grew.
She'd emptied most of the cooler over that time. While we managed to get enough blood to last another week, it would only be just enough. Alice stayed by my side while I sang and composed and only left to sit with Bella or warn the family of possible outcomes.
When she mentioned their future going blank one day, I stopped singing mid song and turned everything off. I went to their side and told them. "I smell a shifter coming. A few miles out but it's unmistakable."
Bella spoke up. "It's probably Jacob."
Edward agreed when he caught his thoughts. "It is. He's coming to see if you're still human."
I stood beside Alice. "Make a semicircle around Bella. Rosalie, you'll be right between them. Neither of us have seen how he'll react to the news. It may drive him into a frenzy and if I confront him directly it'll get bloody I'm sure. Bella would definitely get caught in his struggle to fight me off. Best to not tempt fate."
They followed my words while Edward brought him in. While it was less dramatic, he did round on Edward and try to attack him. That gave Alice the opportunity she needed to neutralize the situation. "Take it outside boys, if you fight in here you could do to much harm."
Jacob growled and they both went outside only Jacob left. Alice gasped and I grunted as I saw what was coming. She told them. "I can't see anything. It's all a blank."
I sighed. "I can. You can't see because the wolves are coming. They view the babe as a threat to be eliminated and they won't wait till it's born to do so. They're going to try and attack. That means no more hunts for us unless I'm with you. They still don't have the balls to attack directly because I'm here but once Sam is left with no choice he'll attack regardless in a desperate attempt to stop the babe from being born."
The news didn't sit well with the family as Carlisle told us. "Most of us haven't had a chance to feed in two weeks-"
I sighed and turned to Alice who looked at me deeply before nodding. "I'll go have a meal. I can't leave the house or Sam'll take the opportunity and attack in force. You'll have to make due with my blood. Just don't take to much as it can be addictive. I've had to ween Alice off of it as is."
She snorted but agreed. "He's right, once shouldn't be bad but try not to think about more after this."
I went and fried up nearly an entire freezer full of meat before eating it all. Clean up was a mess as well. Once I was done steam was still rolling off me in waves when I offered the my arms. Nearly the whole family took turns draining the excess blood from my body.
After Bree who was last finished, I felt a little weekend. And cursed in my mind as night set in. "I'd forgotten. Tonight is one of the three nights I fully turn. I'll be in my music studio. Alice-"
She was already leading the way with a smile. My vision began to flash green we got inside. I shifted as she closed the main door and entered the instrument room with me. I was still me and fully in control so I simply laid down on her lap carefully while sniffing her.
She smelled wonderful to my senses and when she rubbed my stomach she murmured. "We're not trying that, but I appreciate the gesture."
I rolled my eyes and snorted while she scratched behind my ears laughing sweetly. As a wolf I was always ready for my mate and on the full moon it just showed more clearly. She liked to poke fun knowing I wouldn't act on it until I was in human form again.
When I smelled wolves I growled and looked to the door standing up. She opened the door and I slipped past her heading outside. I jumped out the kitchen window and ran to meet my weaker brethren.
I found two of them standing on the forest ridge in the back of the house. I growled a warning and licked my lips showing I saw them as prey. They both went stock still when they saw me. I was the size of an actual wolf only slightly bigger and they may have larger forms but that meant absolutely nothing to me.
They backed away slowly while the family came out to see what I'd found. Jacob told them he came to warn them about the pack and that he'd quit it to protect Bella. Seth said he'd quit it because he knew it was wrong to attack a defenseless human regardless of what was growing inside her.
Carlisle smiled. "While I appreciate the gesture as you can see, we are hardly defenseless. Bella will be safe regardless of what the pack does. Zach will make sure of that. You're welcome to join us or just sit with Bella while you wait for the pack to descend. I'm sure she'd appreciate the company."
Alice appeared beside me and ruffled my fur before leading me to the house slowly. When she tried to run I chased so she stopped that just in case my instincts led to other endeavors neither of us wanted to experience while I was a wolf.
She led me to where Bella was laying on the couch and she sat on the opposite one. I joined her, laying across her lap and shoving my snout in her crotch on instinct. She murmured. "Perverted wolf."
I growled and Bree spoke up. "He's barely in control of himself. It's like he wants to-"
If vampires could blush she'd be beet red right now. As it is she turned away while Edward spoke up. "She means to say his instinct is driving him to mate with you. This-"
He waved at my head with amusement. "-is a compromise to keep it in check."
Emmett barked out a laugh. "Horny werewolf neat."
I turned my head to him as my ears flattened and bared my teeth, growling. Jacob came in saying. "That's a show of dominance. I've seen that one before. You'd better back off or his instincts will see you as a threat and he'll attack."
Emmett held up his hands. "Alright, my bad. Though I'd like to try some-"
Alice shook her head. "No, you really wouldn't Emmett. Right now we're all as fragile to him as Bella is to us. He's never at his most powerful than he is in these next three days. The last battle would've only lasted seconds for him as he is right now. And most of that would be just home running."
I ignored them and put my snout back into Alice's lap, causing her to giggle and pet my fur. When everyone was focused on their own conversation my instincts urged me and I held tight struggling as I gave an experimental lick to her neither regions.
Luckily for me no one noticed but her. Unluckily she was wearing a skirt my head was halfway up so when my tongue tasted her, my instincts road me harder while I felt her shudder and pull my head back more to stop any more licks.
She looked down at me with an unamused expression as her sent was changing from amused to arousal to annoyance and settling on a light anger. I flattened my ears and lay across her, not pushing my luck thank the gods.
Her anger helped put a stop to the mating instincts albeit temporarily. Two days passed in a blur until one evening the baby kicked and cracked Bella's spine. She screamed in pain as the forced labor began. When Carlisle went to give her morphine I stopped him careful not to hurt him.
I held his arm and shook my head. "It doesn't help any, it traps her in her own mind unable to scream to relieve the pain. A living hell and would make it difficult to tell when the venom kicks in."
Bella screamed. "No morphine just get him out!"
I sighed and held up a finger as a claw came out. "Carlisle, I'll deal with opening her up, you hit her with the venom directly in the heart once the babies out. Edward, Esme, you to grab the babe and clean it up, I can't touch it directly or I may kill it on accident from using to much strength."
We got to work while Alice held Bella's hand. Jacob was in the doorway while Emmett was holding back Bree in case she couldn't stop herself. I made the incisions and cut open her stomach before curing the embryonic sack and backing away. They grabbed the babe and I cut the umbilical cord.
Rose took the baby while Carlisle plunged the syringe into Bella's heart and released the venom. She was far better off now even with the thrashing. Alice helped Edward and Carlisle hold her down. Once the worst passed I told them to stop holding her as she went still.
I left and let them clean and dress her for her new life. When I went to see the babe, Alice and Rosalie were putting baby clothes on it. I looked at the little girl and spoke. "Renesmee, huh. Perhaps one day you'll tell me if we're alike or if I'm just an accident of nature's tinkering."
Alice shook her head. "You're no accident love. Neither is she, you're both gifts."
I chuckled. "While I don't doubt she's a gift, I doubt very much I am. I have a theory. My biological donor was a seer, so perhaps he used his revenge as an experiment of sorts. To create a monster even monsters would fear. A true freak of nature."
Alice went quiet for a minute before sighing. "I can't speak for his intentions, but you're no freak."
I chuckled. "That's emotions talking love. I merely meant that I'm a hiccup in nature. Werewolves and vampires. Even humans have them as the ultimate supernatural enemies. Yet here I am, the first werewolf and I'm also a vampire. If they only knew the irony. Though humans do have stories of this beauty, they have none of me. If they're to be believed she can survive on blood or food like I can. Perhaps she'll even freeze like when she reaches a certain age, though she grows faster than I did by far. I had a human lifespan before I stopped aging. Let's hope she gets the same chance."
Rosalie looked worried but nodded. "She's precious."
I smiled and pulled Alice into my arms while we watched Rosalie take care of the wee babe. Alice asked softly. "Would you, If you could?"
I sighed and kissed her neck before answering. "Only if you could and wanted to love. The only child I'd want is one that had your features and my fun personality, not to mention dashing good looks."
She snorted and smiled while rubbing my arms slowly. "I would, if I could."
I grunted affirmation. "Then I'd want to as well but only if it's with you. That's my one stopping point love, it has to be our child and no others. But if you're so concerned, we could always adopt and find a nice place far from human cities to raise it. We could move from place to place as a young married couple raising our child in piece. We'd even use makeup to make us appear to age to last longer in each place when we have to meet humans."
I could tell she was thinking on it deeply now so I continued. "I'm sure I can come up with a spray or powder that could hide our bodies in sunlight if I put in the effort. We could even move amongst the humans like we were apart of their society."
Alice turned in my arms to look up at me. "Are you sure? Could we—"
She stopped herself while I smiled and brushed her cheek with my hand. "I'm sure love. If it's what you want I'd move heaven and earth to see it done. I may not be able to give you our own kids, but adoptions not a bad option. I would deny you nothing."
I saw her asking for me to give her the other option and I frowned. "Except that love, you know I-"
I stopped and shook my head slowly. "I doubt a mortal could survive a night in our bed and I know the birth would be worse that Bella and Renesmee as the child would be stronger by far. Odds are it would kill the mother before she could give birth. Don't ask that of me, please."
I kissed her forehead and looked up to see Rosalie staring at us. I turned away and just held Alice while she thought on my words. That's when I smelled them, wolves, the entire pack was here. I rumbled a growl. "Rose, protect the baby."
I blurred and ran outside, swinging. I crashed into Sam on the porch and bulldozed over him. He flew into a tree as I roared and partially shifted. Claws, fangs and bad attitude was all they'd get out of us. Alice was right behind me with the rest of the family.
I charged and started throwing wolves away from the house and my family. Roots and branches started coming out all over and slamming into them. I looked back when I heard Alice's yell and saw a very familiar wolf slam her into the ground. The others were to far so I roared and charged, tacking it off of her.
I grabbed it by the spine and ripped it in half, silence greeted my roar that threatened death and far more violence to any that attacked my pack. I tossed the dead wolf at Sam as he whimpered. My eyes went full green and I dug deep for one last roar right into his face.
He whimpered as the rest did, my roar forced them to shift back into their human forms. Sam was left with Paul's dead body at his feet. I shifted back and told him coldly. "You needn't fear a child boy. If anything, you should fear me! I can stand foolish mistakes and constant bitching but BUT NO ONE ATTACKS MY MATE AND LIVES!"
My voice had shifted tones as I used what I deemed my alpha command on them. They gathered around Paul's body and I snorted. "Take the body and leave, if I ever hear your people attacking my family again, I'll go onto your lands and visit your families. NOW LEAVE!"
They took the body and fled in tears and agony. I turned to see Alice was ok and sighed. "I'm sorry love but I won't tolerate you in danger. I'll keep my word to them if it happens again as well. Hate me all you want for it."
I passed her to head inside and she grabbed my arm and pulled me into a kiss before whispering. "I could never hate you."
Smiling weakly I took her hand as we passed our shocked family to head inside. Jacob was devastated and standing on the porch. Alice told him. "You should tell them, they deserve to know and Edward most of all. I don't envy you Bella's wrath, but it could be worse."
He gasped out. "How?"
Edward spoke coldly. "It could be Zach's daughter you imprinted on."
I growled and snorted at their teasing. I ignored them and went inside to begin the next step. While they talked and hung around the baby I cleaned out the freezers and switched them to higher temperatures yo hold blood bags.
I cooked all the food and ate it while Alice siphoned off enough to satisfy her and get her through the next couple weeks. While Edward held Renesmee, the rest of us, excluding the wolves that were with Jacob, went to build the new parents their own cottage.
I made a winding path to the main house while using stones and my nature ability to move entire trees out of the way. Alice mentioned it was like I made them walk. I cut and shaped the stone path with my claws while they added the finishing touches. All in all it was a relaxing night.
By morning it was perfect and even had a guest room for the imprinted wolf to stay in. There wasn't a car path but that was fine as they were faster than most cars anyway. When Bella did wake up she acted out of sorts to my senses. It was like she'd forgotten what it was like to be human.
I laughed my ass off when she beat Jacob down. When she mentioned Nessy, I actually fell down laughing, that is until she'd apparently had enough of my laughter and rounded on me. I snorted when she turned to me growling. "It's not funny!"
I chuckled. "Bella, it's hilarious. But I get your point, if you want a wolf pelt just ask, I can skin him quicker than you can blink. He might even live a few minutes after I finish as well."
She looked sick at my words as well as the others, I smiled. "There, see. You're clearly not that mad if the thought of him dying like that makes you ill. Trust me on this, beat him up some more to get it all out of your system, but then let it go. The anger you feel is temporary and misplaced. Once you've calmed down you'll see that yourself."
Edward looked pained but I shrugged. "You understand otherwise he would be dead by now and while its entertaining, she has more important things she could be doing, like actually holding her daughter again."
Edward nodded understanding his fun was over. I took Alice's hand and went back inside. I spent that night writing two books. One for the family and the other for Bella. I named them Mind Arts and Their Defenses, and Gifts of Power.
The next morning I showed the family them and gave Bella and Bree copies of both while I handed the originals to Carlisle telling him to make copies and give them to his friends and those he trusted.
I wrote one other book over the course of a week. It was everything I knew of werewolves and shifters as a branch. I detailed everything about being the alpha and what it meant to be one while adding my thoughts on how the beta's could become alphas. I made copies and gave the original to Jacob while presenting the copies to the tribe as a gesture of peace.
I was assured that so long as I still wanted it, the treaty would remain in tact. I told them of Jacob's imprint on the child to reassure them everything was going to be ok.
I personally handed Sam a copy of the book and told him a secret I'd left out of the book. An idea that I'd formed where a werewolf could theoretically rise to alpha status on their own by pure virtue and force of will.
I'd felt an incline of it in him when we collided at the house and figure he might be able to pull it off. He wasn't a true werewolf but he had the potential to be a true alpha. I left him with his thoughts and returned home.
I organized a massive blood drive with my connections and bought several more coolers, filling them all up over the next three weeks. Then it came, the fateful day Irena saw Renesmee and ran to the Volturi. When Alice had her vision, the same one hit me and I saw myself meeting the dhampir with Alice.
I looked at Alice as she told them her vision. I nodded subtly as I'd made the decision to go with her to find him. Alice saw it then and smiled slightly letting me know she agreed. She wrote her notes and letters before we disappeared into the night, cutting through tribal land and giving them her letter to deliver for us.
We jumped together and swam at speeds that would shame torpedo's to South America. I called the covens we'd met in France and other farther out countries and asked for their help to join my family as witnesses.
Most agreed before I finished and called to make arrangements for Bella to meet my current human handler. He was trustworthy as I'd known him fifteen years and his previous partner twenty before that. After the appointment was set we sent the Amazon's and a Brazilian coven we'd met on our way south.
It took us most of the time seeing and finding leads to what we needed. Finally we found them in Brazil. After talking with Nahuel and his aunt Huilen they'd agreed to bear witness as proof that Renesmee wasn't dangerous. When I asked how he was the answer to my origins after I told him, he told me of his father Joham.
He told me he may know as he was the one who started making the first dhampir's or halfbreeds as he put it. With my next target in mind we left Brazil in a rush to make it back in time.
I ran ahead as Alice wanted me to make sure Irena survived. She must have known how much of a challenge that was because she kissed me for luck. I ran and swam faster than ever using my partial shift. I think I may have broke moch five over land speed as I ran up the border and into the US.
I didn't slow one bit as I used my visions to avoid humans. I made my way up California and back up into Washington as I arrived the night before the battle. When I heard them telling war stories I slipped through the forest mostly unnoticed except by the wolves, but they recognized my scent from miles off anyway.
We had a lot more witnesses than before but it didn't stop me from roaring and attacking when I saw the Romanian's reminiscing about the old days of 'fun' as they put it. I moved to quick even by their standards as I tore them apart leaving them limbless and in agony. When I stopped moving some of those I didn't know were about to attack.
I snorted and stomped on Vladimir and Stefan's heads crushing their heads into shattered bits. "You miserably fucks deserve far worse. Be thankful I can't bring you back for a thousand years of torture and death."
I turned to the concerned and alert vampires. When I saw them, Carlisle spoke up. "They deserves their death. Everyone, this is my eldest son, Zach. He was tortured by the Romanian's when they were still in power as you herd from their own mouths."
Garrett asked. "Carlisle, do you know your kids a werewolf?"
I chuckled. "He knows. I am the first werewolf. From me all others sprang forth or more like fled but that's beside the point. If it makes you feel better I'm only half werewolf and the other half is vampire."
I tossed the two ass clowns on the fire and sat down while Carlisle asked. "Where's Alice? We thought she was with you."
I shrugged. "Don't know. She sent me back with my own mission. I'm to ensure none of you die."
Benjamin, the element user asked curiously. "You can do that?"
I grinned. "Kid, I can do things that would blow you mind. The Volturi made a big mistake when they stepped out of their dead city to come here an pass judgment. If they want a war I can kill most of them in moments. The ones with special powers like the twins would be a problem but the rest stand no chance, even Aro would die in moments."
Garrett asked. "Then why are we here if you're so strong?"
I snorted. "Three reasons, one, I can't kill them all before they can fight back, they'd be able to over power even me if I'm caught off guard while fighting, then the twins would slaughter you all with the help of their gifted."
I held up two fingers. "Two, were hoping to avoid the fight entirely and make them see reason. And three, our people need a structured system and laws to follow and those to enforce it. I can't and won't rule in the Volturi's stead. Without a stable system newborn wars and immortal children would run rampant. We'd be exposed to the humans and a species war would end one of us as they'd never tolerate our existence."
That shut them all up except Amun. "I ruled before.."
I snorted. "You ruled a small section of a continent during the Romanian's rule elsewhere or should I be blaming you for my imprisonment and lack of law?"
He shivered and looked at Benjamin who shook his head. "He's right Amun. We need a stable structure and laws to abide. You failed last time because you'd become as complacent as the Romanian's. Even then it was on a smaller scale. While the Volturi are cruel and evil in places, they are necessary for our race as a whole unless someone here is truly strong enough and willing to take their place. I for one do not wish to rule anyone."
I nodded. "Same here. It's to big of a headache and would take me away from my mate way to much as I'd have to travel and punish a bunch of spoiled brats. Besides, I prefer the forests and places of nature over dead cities. If I did rule every human drinker would hate me as the only humans they could feed on would be criminals or wiling turns. The rest would be animal drinkers or dead."
Most of all of them shivered at my words and in their hearts each agreed to avoid that outcome. Benjamin and a few others were intrigued though and he ended up asking for my story.
I sat there and stoked the fire as Vladimir's body was nearly gone now. I began with my birth and told them of my life and my abilities since I was born in this world.
I left a few things out and my age was still an issue as well because times were hard to express from back then. Time was blended together with no calendar or dates to go off of.
I expressed it the best I could as I told them of everything, skipping over most of the pain and torture in Romania. Amun and Benjamin were surprised I spent so much time in Egypt and Africa without them noticing but understood when I told them of my desert cave.
Benjamin wanted to say something about the tomb robbing but I pointed out that human customs and religions meant nothing to immortals. I told them my view as it was simple.
No matter what you did in this life you'd all meet your gods when you pass away. You can deal with anything you feel bad about then. I certainly felt no putty for men who buried their wives alive with them when they passed and Benjamin dropped it when I pointed that out.
I was quite possibly the oldest vampire they'd ever met and my words held a lot of weight from what I could tell of their reactions. Even Amun couldn't tell which of us was older and he was over four thousand years old from his own words.
I asked how he measured it and when he mentioned the stars I looked up sighing. "When I was born the star alignments were very different. There was no belt of Orin and the Big Dipper was a cup. The cup of the gods they called it."
Amun stilled before saying. "That's not possible, that would make you well over nine thousand years old!"
The others went silent but I just shrugged. "Doesn't matter to me, I spent most of it alone in caves. I hadn't even met others like me till the Romanian's."
I spit in the fire while watching the flames burn. "I usually just say I'm over three thousand as it's true since that's when I ran into those two nightmares. Age means nothing after the first year anyway."