

Time really had no meaning for vampires so when I saw their shocked expressions I was the one that was surprised. "What, did I say something wrong?"

Emmett laughed. "Damn bro, you broke them."

Shrugging I turned to Carlisle who was amazed in his own way. "So Carlisle, care to tell me how you met Amun and the rest. I know of Garrett and some of the others but some of these vampires I've never heard of."

He smiled and introduced me to the Irish and Egyptian covens before switching to the Hungarian vampires he'd met in his early life. He spoke of a Japanese coven that should be on their way. I frowned and looked for them with my visions.

After I decided to find them I saw their fate. "The Volturi hunted them down and killed them. Several other European covens have met the same fate. They're determined to silence those that may side with us."

Amun asked. "If it does turn into a battle tomorrow and we do win, who will take over the Volturi's place?"

I frowned and thought on it for awhile. "I'm willing to back anyone you all decide on but it will not be our coven."

I turned to Carlisle. "Unless you wish to rule yourself?"

He shook his head. "I'm not interested in that sort of life."

I turned to Emmett and Rosalie who both shook their heads. Bella and Edward were next, when they followed that same logic I sighed. "Then figures it out amongst yourselves but it won't be a dictatorship."

Carlisle spoke up. "Are you suggesting a council of covens to lead us all?"

I nodded slowly. "They'd still need a leader to act in war times or in emergencies, but yes."

The French coven agreed to Benjamin being the leader of the alliance. I turned to him after the Amazon's agreed. "Looks like you're destined for power. Don't let it go to your head."

I asked Carlisle if he'd showed them the books I'd written and he hadn't even thought on it. Bella had been practicing with her abilities but he wasn't sure if those I'd sent were trustworthy until they'd agreed. He shared the books and their contents over the rest of the night.

Come morning we all headed to the battlefield we'd killed the newborn army on before. As we arrived so did the Volturi. Bella had her plan ready in case all else failed. I stood near the back in white robes covering all my features. I wasn't to act unless someone was in danger or it all broke out into a fight.

While we walked out a root system spread out underneath the ground like spider webs, covering the whole battlefield and miles in each direction. The reason I'd worn the white robes was because I was already in partial shift and I didn't want to give away the game so soon.

Carlisle stated our case and Aro replied that he'd like the answers from someone more central to the case. Edward went to him and had his memories read only those he revealed willingly though as he had his own mental defenses up.

None of our guests had had the chance to build up their own yet so I was relieved that Aro chose Edward instead of say Garrett or Tanya.

When Aro confirmed his validity of his words Bella went with Jacob and Emmett to have Renesmee show Aro of her own birth. He got his answer and they returned slowly while Caius called forth Irena. When she admitted to our innocence, Caius ordered her death.

I moved then and appeared next to her in a blink. I threw her to her sisters across the battlefield and kicked the guards away. I ran back to the center of the field and waited while still covered from head to toe in robes.

The Volturi hissed and Caius was thoroughly pissed. I lowered my hood speaking. "A pleasure to see you again Aro, Marcus, Caius. I see no reason to kill anyone here. She made a mistake, but she did bring you all out of your cold towers and into the world once more. Is that not a reason for celebrating in itself? After all you got to see a curiosity with your own eyes and learned that vampires can indeed procreate. The child grows at a faster rate than humans do by far. Even if she were a threat she'd be dead of old age in a decade at most. If she doesn't die and instead becomes immortal than she's to become one of us anyway and there's no cause for worry."

Aro frowned and did his speech of the unknown. Alice came forward from the tree lines and as she met up with me I took her hand and continued forwards. The guards tried to stop us but I kicked them out of the way. "The adults are talking boys, try not to interrupt or I'll be forced to give you a spanking."

A stopped a few feet from Alice as she told them she'd seen the future of the outcome if we fought and held out her hand to show Aro she meant not harm. Aro took her hand and saw the outcome of their gruesome deaths. In it I'd slaughtered nearly two thirds of them before they managed to kill me.

The rest were drawn into a struggle with the gifted on our side and after quite a few on both sides died Benjamin put an end to it with his control of the elements. The Volturi were ended and he became the new ruler all vampires answered to. He put the three heads of the Volturi to death and the vision ended.

I grinned when I saw my death. It was spectacular and would surly be remembered for centuries to come. When Aro released her hand she spoke. "Now you know. There's only one safe way out of this for those we both care about."

Aro frowned. "But the child is still a danger!"

She smiled. "What if I could prove she wouldn't be a threat to anyone."

Caius spoke. "You can't know that!"

The two we'd sought out came forwards as Alice spoke. "While the others were busy I was looking for witnesses of my own. This is Nahuel and his aunt Huilen. Nahuel is half human and half vampire like the child."

Nahuel took over from there and explained his existence. He told them his story and his diet. Marcus commented. "Brother, they are remarkably similar to us."

Caius sneered. "The Cullen's are still consorting with werewolves!"

I grunted and growled out. "These are shape shifters not real werewolves. Odds are their descendants will be badgers and porcupines at the rate they're going."

My ridicules comment had the witnesses from both sides laughing. A wolf growled and I snorted. "Shut it, bear bait."

Caius sneered. "And what of you, are you not a werewolf, the first werewolf if I'm not mistaken!"

I chuckled. "Yes, I am. But I'm also a vampire. And as you already know we've met twice before and both times you've let me leave without trouble, now if you're just going to nitpick for a fight I'm sure both witnesses would be better served as an audience between a battle of me versus you. Or do you think they should all risk their lives on your own bigotry and hatred?"

He sneered but looked uncomfortable as my words swayed everyone there. Aro, knowing they no longer had the upper hand, shook his head and sighed. "There is no need to fight this day. We have proven their innocence and have much to think of ourselves. For now it seems they are innocent, may it stay that way in the future."

A few minutes later Aro convinced them to leave after saying his farewells to Bella and Alice. I turned to the now relieved vampire and wolves just as Alice jumped on my back. Nahuel told me his father was last heard from in Ohio. He told me habits for science and finding young woman for his experiments.

Nodding I thanked him and they joined us as we returned to the group. When the wolves left and we'd all made it home the other covens asked about the alliance I'd proposed. Sighing I told them. "Search our and find gifted individuals. If they agree to join you, turn them. Help your covens find mates and grow, but do it slowly. Once you feel confident in victory, you know where I'll be. As long as Carlisle agrees to be the representative as is right, the Olympic coven will join the alliance and we can strip away the Volturi's rule. Slow and steady wins the race. Benjamin, I'd suggest you join the Denali coven and nudge with them there. That way we'll be close in case they come for you. Aro's seen your abilities from the vision. All of you may be targets later. I'd suggest those that can to move to America or Canada and make a home for yourselves here for the time being."

That being the most I'd said at once all year I left them to think on my words. Alice told them to make use of the books as the wolves surely would as well. Gifts and mind arts weren't just in one species because at our core we were all still relatively human and that's where our uniqueness lay.

They all took copies of both books and Amun started talks with Tanya about a merge. The coolers had been put to the test all week and were doing fine as there were five of them and they'd only emptied one so far. Over the next week the covens left with extra blood bags until they emptied it all between them.

I'd offered them free blood as some of the companies I'd invested in ran regular blood drives and I could afford to feed them easily. A vampire only needed four quarts every six days so it would be as easy as pie to organize a blood drive every month to feed the covens that moved near our area.

Those that already lived in the area agreed to receive their own as well. Our cousins from Denali were mostly animal drinkers so they opted out mostly. I stood beside Alice and saw her have the vision that had Edward smiling. When the last of the covens left I took Alice to the cabin and we had our own little talk.

I told her I had to go find answers and that I'd seen our family would be fine without me. She said she wanted to go with me and anywhere else our trip may take us so long as we were together. That's when I told her my full past. Everything, including my rebirth.

I felt a buzzing in my head as I told her everything I could remember and when I finished I felt a connection to her in my minds eye. She seemed to accept it as she'd known since the day she met me that I'd tell her it eventually.

She left me gobsmacked and without a word to say. My mind raced as I wondered if I'd always planned to tell her. As my mind became a jumbled mess of confusion she commented in an amazed voice. "I can here your thoughts! But how?"

I stilled and searched for the answer within myself. I found it from the wolf of all places. I felt a low growl from my chest emerge as I answered her. "I've excepted you as pack and mate. Apparently it's where the shifters shared mind originated before they bastardized it for their own purposes. Mate is for life and there's nothing that can come between that or us. Not even thoughts. We won't be able to shut each other out fully but we can still have a bit of privacy."

She hummed and smiled before kissing me. We began a week long bed rock that saw us heading out to meet the family as Charlie came to see Bella and Renesmee. When he finally left I told them of our plans and Alice reassured them they were safe and that we'd call if they were ever in danger.

We left that night on another hunt, this time to Ohio. Our search wasn't in vain but after what we found I nearly wished it was. We found Joham and his latest rape victim in his labs at a college campus. He was just about to enjoy himself when we arrived. We freed the human and Alice went outside while I got my answers out of him.

I carved his skin away until he told me about his research book he'd found written in an old dialect about a powerful seer trying to get the visions out of his head. He'd raped a shamans daughter and the visions had shown his spawn was the first of the vampire species.

It mentioned that the seer wasn't a vampire as we knew it but some other kind of beast. It mentioned another instance several millennium later where it did so once more and created a new hybrid species. He'd fed the poor girl a full wolf as he raped her and the process made another new species.

I demanded the book and he showed me it. The covering and pages were human flesh and the words written in blood. I grew irritable as he admitted to trying to remake the experiments. I killed him and lit the entire build on fire. This place shouldn't have ever existed.

A crude map was on the back of it where it described the location of either the beast that I called sire or something of great importance. I walked out as the flames grew and Alice fell into step beside me quietly. I handed the book to her with shaky hands saying. "Read the last page."

She flipped it open and read. "I came forth from a portal into this new world as I abandoned my old one. I, the eldest of old ones Maloker, came to this frail dimension and left my seeds to grow. Once they are mature they shall seek me out and we shall finally leave this world of weakness. I used the last of mine blood and my twin brother Valais's body to create my way home in my son. If you are reading this my son, I await you at the beginning."

Alice frowned and I explained. "Edward was wrong, we're not soulless, we're infected with demonic DNA. Maloker is an old one, the first vampire. A demonic creature that fled another dimension and I'd thought only fiction as this world was in my old life. Alice, if this got out, we'd be hunted into nothing. No one can know, I-I need to hunt him down and slaughter him for this. Maloker can't be aloud to stay in this world even if he is weakened."

She nodded slowly. "Then let's go. The map here shows something so let's go find out where he is. At least it's a start."

I trembled at the thought of her being anywhere near Maloker but she wouldn't hear it as she snorted and sent a stubborn resolve. Sighing I got in the car and drove while she looked up possible locations that matched the maps design. After a week of driving around all across the states we ended up heading to California, specifically a small town called Beacon Hills.

When I heard it's name I chuckled. "So this is here as well."

When Alice asked what I meant I let her into my mind to watch the full series of teen wolf. When she finished, I told her. "Since this is where he either came through, or ended up, there's only one place here that could be the cause."

She nodded. "The nemeton. A sacrificial Druidic tree of power. It makes sense I guess, though there were some blurry spots in your memories."

I nodded. "It happens when you're my age. I'm surprised Carlisle had such great memory before. Vampirism doesn't give perfect memory recall and he's had a few centuries. Though from what I understand, it took millenniums for mine to rebuild itself. Even now you and the rest don't have nearly as close mind defenses as I do."

She nodded slowly. "We'll need allies. The Druid and the hunters would be a good start. Though they may have their own prejudices as well."

I sighed. "I don't even know if the hunters are even aware of vampires. Though I don't think this'll turn out well if they find out I'm the first werewolf. I wonder how these werewolves differ from the original ones I'd created so long ago. Even now I can tell my old pack is dead. I can't feel them anywhere and my wolf senses say I should be able to."

She sighed. "Well it has been a long time. Perhaps they died from old age or were killed off."

I shrugged. "Perhaps. So, how do you want to play this because it may take awhile for us to find him or any clues to him."

She smiled. "We do like we always have. Back to school."

I snorted but gave up. "Fine. I'd better get started on finding a suitable skin paste to hide our shininess. Care to help me look?"

She nodded and called JJ for new IDs and school records. He set us up and promised to fly out and take care of everything. By the time we arrived in Beacon Hills we already had a Mansion and owned the old Hale house properties. The city sold it for a song to us as they were glad to be rid of the headache.

While we settled in JJ had a construction team tearing down the house after Alice paid a visit to collect the hidden laptop. JJ was used to our weirdness and knew better than to act. Especially since I was his only client and I paid really well for the work he did.

I drew up plans for the house and gave them to him to pass on. The crews were given strict instructions to have it soundly built in a months time and they'd receive pay that would make them each well off.

They hired extra hands as it was a lot to do especially with the pool and greenhouse needing built. After that I spent most of my time in our loft working on plants that could help us hide in the sun. When I wasn't working on that I was searching for recent events. Apparently we'd arrived just after the bodies were found in the park.

When I saw that I knew when we were. We'd arrived during Peter's big revenge. He was killing all those that burned the house down. JJ set us up with sophomore grades and even talked to the principal about a donation to smooth things over.

When I found the proper plants thanks to Alice's visions and my plant growing abilities we made our first batch to test out. Over the next week we perfected the mixture to last a week before we needed to re-apply it.

It worked like a spray tan and once it dried it lasted even with showers unless you used vamp strength to scrub it out. After we got it down I had one of my companies patent it as spray tan lotion and sold it in mass quantities.

Alice called our family and told them to look out for it. Once we were sprayed up we went out into the world as a rich pair of adopted siblings. JJ made us backstories and we'd learned them well.

He was a legal guardian on constant paid leave working elsewhere. Our families were close and we had marriage contracts drawn up while he was the joint executive of our estates.

We were just old enough to live on our own without his constant supervision so he was always at work. After JJ left his number to the school for emergencies he settled the business with the construction workers who just finished and left. Alice and I moved in while she ordered furniture for our new house.

The first hour we were there without humans a young werewolf showed up asking questions. When he came through the door like he owned the place I tossed his ass back out. "I don't give a damn if this used to be your house, you don't own it now and you certainly aren't strong enough to keep this territory for yourself little omega."

Derek's eyes glowed yellow and I flashed my green while letting out the presence of the alpha, not just the pitiful excuse of alphas they had here but the first and only real alpha. He looked stunned as I partially shifted and roared. His body head bowed on instinct, not ready for this challenge.

When I shifted back he asked. "What are you? That pressure-"

I snorted. "All species have their origin. Yours begins with me. A diluted bloodline like yours couldn't hope to challenge me for alpha of the entire species."

My words tilted his world on it's axis. After a while I sighed. "Come inside, I have a book of origins you can read. I have more to add to it now anyway. You are the first I've seen of this weak branch. You can't even properly shift on a full moon or the days surrounding it."

I walked back inside and flipped through Peter's beastiary for more information on this branch's legends and tales more specifically on their abilities. It was far more detailed than I expected and I could tell he'd compiled it as things he wanted to be able to do. He lacked the ability to turn into a full wolf but it had the list ticked off from forcing betas to turn to stealing other wolves power.

I even found the instructions on memory sharing and his thoughts on it. When I finished reading it all I wrote what I knew into the growing book of wolves. I kept the master copy with me and gave him the first addition while Alice answered some of his questions.

I sat down next to her on the spare none broken chairs the workers used. I handed her the laptop to make the furniture orders and told him. "Read the book. It covers most of what I know. I never really followed up on those I'd first turned all those years ago. I can smell the mixture of three of them in your bloodline. I guess they passed it on to your ancestors before they were killed off."

He frowned. "How do you know they didn't just die from old age and how are you still alive? More importantly, what is she?"

I chuckled. "First off. Real werewolves, original werewolves I turned are immortal unless killed. That means no aging past the prime or catching diseases. As for what she is, she's special and my mate. If you try anything to her you'll end up like I hear your sister ended up."

He stilled starts my threat. I could see he was having an internal debate at whether I'd do it and I grinned. "Don't doubt me on this. You wouldn't be the first wolf I've ripped in half for trying to harm her. I have no funny bone when it comes to her safety."

He swallowed before nodding. "I'd like to join your pack-"

I held up a hand. "Read the book first and you'll understand why I'd be reluctant to allow it. If you feel you're able to do so anyway I'll think about it and even help you find your sister's killer. Remember this though boy, no werewolf can lie in my presence and survive. No one. Now since you may not have a real home any more, your welcome to look around and find yourself a guest room. The old stuff is in the trash pile outside. If you find a room you like, you can stay. The furniture will arrive in a couple days and from there you need to give Alice a list of preferred furnishings. No dumb hunters will survive burning my home to the ground."

He nodded and left to look around. I sighed and told Alice. "Our clothes are in the car and the hot tub is ready for our use. When you get done of course."

She barely acknowledged my words as she was busy shopping online. As the day passed and night set in Derek came out of the room he was left in and found us still sitting in the living room. He held up the book. "Is this real?"

I shrugged. "Everything but the past about wolves like you. I'm not sure about that part as I just added my speculation and the history I found on this laptop that was under your stairs when the workers started tearing down the house. But the rest, yes, I confirmed it myself and was there for most of the rest in person."

He sighed. "Can I see the laptop?"

I pointed to the kitchen counter. "It's right there. Knock yourself out. It has a lot of things I'd never thought of on it but I can tell it was relatively well handled."

He went to look it over and frowned as he sniffed it before saying. "It's my uncles. He never told me he kept a beastiary. He's in a coma now so that's a dead end."

I let him think what he wanted and when he finished I stood up. "Let's go. It's time for a hunt."

He frowned. "What hunt?"

I snorted. "Your a wolf and you don't hunt your own game?"

He shook his head and I sighed. "Weak blood and weaker traditions. Come on, I'll take you on your first real hunt then."

We left Alice there to continue her shopping as she'd moved from furniture to clothing. I partially shifted and roared at him forcing him to shift. When he did I said. "Now we hunt, keep up."

I darted into the forest at speeds he could barely follow. When I smelled the herd I stopped and he caught up. "Smell the air, let the wolf take over. It's senses are unparalleled. When you've found your pick Wait for me to move and I'll drive it to you to finish off."

He growled low and sniffed the air while we moved forward slowly till they were in eye sight. He mounted a rock formation and when he nodded I moved around the herd before releasing a roar and chasing them under the rocks.

When they passed he pounced and brought it down while I joined him in taking down another one. After I snapped it's neck I dragged it up to him where he followed my example.

With our meal caught I chuckled and tossed both over my shoulders saying. "Good pick. It's got plenty of meat in its bones. Just remember to never take down the young or the buck. It helps to continue the herd so there's always food."

He nodded and followed me back to the house. I showed him how to drain the blood, skin and clean them. When I was done with that I told him to bury the organs and bones a mile out in any direction. I took the blood inside and gave it to Alice to drink.

When she was done with it all I cleaned the bowls and meat before building a fire pit outside and cooking the meat. While it comes Derek returned and I told him to sit. "So, how was it? Your first hunt I mean."

He smiled slowly. "It was primal. I'd never felt so close to what made me a werewolf."

I chuckled. "It's only the beginning. Stick around and you just might learn something."

He nodded. "There's another beta in town. He's a new turn. His names Scott McCall. The alpha that killed my sister bit and turned him."

I sighed. "What you call an alpha is now more than a power hungry by blow. I doubt a real alpha would turn a random kid."

He waited for my next words and I didn't disappoint him. "Would you still like to join my pack?"

He stilled and mulled it over for a while before nodding. "Yeah, even if I can barely keep up."

I smiled and went to hand him a hunk of roasted meat fresh off the fire. When he went to take it, I grabbed his wrist and shifted before biting him. I gave him the full gifts I'd accidentally given those long ago. He'd have his immortality and full shifting abilities but first a little pain.

He looked at me in surprise before he fell over in convulsions. I watched for a few minutes before he sat up. His wound hadn't healed yet so I just smiled and gave him his food. "Eat up. I'm sure you've read the details of all my wolf abilities. You'll be given the same. Congratulations, you're immortal now."

He looked exasperated but I just chuckled and slapped his shoulder. "Welcome to the pack. You'll find I'm generous and freely give out knowledge to those I trust. You ever betray me like my old pack and I'll kill you and use your pelt as a door mat."

He sweat dropped but nodded all the same. I saw him try to eat the meat and chuckled. "Shift and eat it properly, like a wolf. Now I guess I should warn you, you'll have to regain full control as you do have a real inner wolf now. You will fully shift on a full moon and the days surrounding it. It's our nature and you'll have to get used to it."

He began his meal in full now and I chuckled while he chowed down. I ate my own as we polished off both deers worth of meat. When we went back inside he snorted as he smelled Alice. "You stink."

I smacked the back of his head. "Don't be rude, she's my mate."

Alice laughed and told him about her vampire nature. He was stunned as she explained it all. I told him everything except about Maloker. His mind reeled at my age and history. He did however have pack loyalty and even started to respect her.

I told him where I put the deer blood and Alice smiled. "I'll be going on your hunts with you from time to time. Don't worry my venom can't harm or change you. It may taste weird around the area I bite but Zach will eat that as he likes it."

I grinned wolfishly. "She's not wrong. She may smell weird to your senses but that's because she's not your mate. Find your own. Ow and here, take these."

I handed him the mind arts and gifts of power. "They may help if you practice to shield your mind. The wolf will defend your mind of course but it's not unbeatable and practicing the arts will give you help in control for when you're ready to confront your wolf. You've read about it so you should know to be prepared. It can be unpleasant to say the least."

He took them and gave Alice his list and room designs and decorations. She took it with a smile before reading on. While he slept I finally got Alice to try the hot tub. We sat there in comfort for a while till she decided to ride me.

After several rounds we got out and grabbed a shower before cleaning the hot tub. As morning came we went to the grocery store and picked up plates, pots and pans and silverware along with some breakfast makings. We stopped by the local furniture store and she looked around before buying a double wide fridge and stove.

They had it delivered to the house an hour later as we payed in full up front. When Derek came down I was cooking breakfast. He asked about another hunt and I chuckled. "Only for supper and only sometimes. These woods have a limited supply of animals and I'm not a fan of squirrel meat."

He smiled and I handed him a plate of bacon and eggs. "Eat up you have some meditation and training to go through. No pack member of mine will ever be caught defenseless."

After he ate and cleaned up I took him outside for the beating of his life. I taught him everything I'd learned about fighting and instructed him to practice. Wen he finished, I told him. "It's time to go newbie. We need to clear your name now. You've been blamed and are hunted by more than just the police."

I had called JJ and had my lawyers come to town for Derek's case. They filed an appeal on the grounds that the sheriff's son has accused him of multiple false charges before and has no real proof of his involvement. Even his car wasn't seen by the other students involved in the school incident.

I dropped him off with my lawyers and told him to follow their instructions. "Let then work and if the hunters come pretending to be police tell them to call home. It's time I introduced myself to the Argents. You're safe, trust me. I doubt the wolfsbane would even burn you but I know it won't kill you."

He nodded and left with my lawyers to see the police while I headed to greet the locals. I pulled up at the Argents house with Alice on my arm. She had a mysterious smile on her face as we went to the door.

She rang the door bell and we waited. Mr.Argent answered the door. "Can I help you?"

I fleshed my eyes saying. "Hello hunter. I'm new to town and I felt it's time we had a talk."

He looked spooked but nodded as I noticed the sound of a gun cocking. "I wouldn't do that if I were you. It'd only piss me off and see you dead. I'd suggest you keep it pointed at me if it makes you feel safer though. I don't suggest you point it at my mate or I'm libel to shove it in a very uncomfortable place on your body. No one threatens my mate ever."

He led us into the living room where we sat down and his wife came in. I smelled the wolfsbane on her and chuckled. "Silly hunters. You've never encountered a real werewolf. I'd suggest you call off your people at the station before Derek makes a mess and I have to kill everyone in this town to keep the secret hidden."

Chris spoke up. "You speak as if you've done it before."

I nodded. "I won't lie to you. I've had my fair share of slaughter. I am the first werewolf after all."

They drilled and Victoria scoffed. "That's impossible you'd have to be-"

I raised an eyebrow. "Immortal? Yes, yes I would wouldn't I? It's a rather long story but suffice it to say I look damn good for my age. And to make it clear, wolfsbane and silver have no effects on me other than to make me smell like dead plants."

They mauled that over while Alice told them. "You have five minutes to call off your hunter in the police or he and everyone in town will die. Your toys will no longer work on Derek. My husband has given him the gift of a real werewolf."

They grimaced and Chris made the call. When they were done I handed them a copy of my wolf book I'd settled on calling Wolf Tales. "Read it and consider it a peace offering. By the way, the alpha you guys are hunting is Peter Hale. Your sister started the Hale house fire and saw him burned alive with his family. He survived and killed his niece to become an alpha and seek revenge. He's killing off all those involved and he will kill your sister. If you get between him and revenge he'll go after Alison and everyone you love until he gets to her."

Victoria frowned but nodded. "Thanks for the information but I can't just take your word for it."

I shrugged. "Suit yourself but my advice is not to stand between him and his prey. Once he's done I'm sure Derek will kill him for his sister's revenge. Around and around it all goes. If you must know it was Gerard that put her up to it. He's brainwashed her into a perfect little psychopath. After all, he's responsible for the many deaths more than a decade ago. He follows his own code and he's a traitorous little snake himself."

Chris asked concerned. "How so?"

I smiled. "YoI know of the peaceful meeting he supposedly had with Deucalion that turned into a bloodbath?"

He nodded. "I was told about it after the fact. Deucalion killed our men and declared war-"

I grinned. "Your father killed them."

He shook his head. "Impossible! They were killed by werewolves. I saw the body's myself."

I snorted. "You should ask your father about all the werewolf claws he collected back then. Awfully convenient excuse when you can just glue them to a bat and beat your own people to death. He added wolfsbane to the boilers and caught them all by surprise. He even took two of your little flare arrows and shoved them into Deucalion's eyes. He went from a man of peace to a war monger after that. He'll eventually come to town for his own revenge soon enough."

Victoria asked. "How do you know so much?"

I chuckled and tapped Alice's knee. "My mates a seer. She sees many things and your family's so naughty. I've come to town to straighten things out before it leads to full blown war between the species. Gerard is a vindictive and desperate man now that he's got cancer. He also happens to be a hypocrite who will want to be turned into a werewolf as it's the only cure you humans know of."

They turned to Alice who nodded. "It's true. Though I've seen a lot the future is easier to see than the past for me. Like the fact that once Kate Argent is dead Gerard will come to town under the pretense of revenge. Oh and be ready for a Kanima as that's going to be so not fun for you."

I chuckled and stood up. "Now that we've said our peace it's time we leave in peace. Your daughter will be coming inside in three minutes and I really don't think you've told her your family's secrets yet."

They led us to the door and I sighed. "Oh, and since I'm a reasonable man, I should tell you I've bought the old Hale house and fixed it up. You're welcome to visit but if there are any sudden fires I'll blame you all and there will be immediate and deadly action taken. I don't usually kill humans but I'd make an exception to any that harmed my pack."

Chris asked. "How big is your pack?"

I chuckled. "For now its just Alice, Derek and myself. I see no reason to make it grow as there's very little that could be a threat to us. Leave us be and we'll leave you be. Sound good?"

I held out my hand to them and released my presence. They may not be wolves but they were still animals and they had there own sense of danger. I studied them as the hairs on their arms stood up and their heartbeats quickened to an extreme pace. I put it back down as he took my hand and let out a deep breath. "Sounds wonderful. Just stick to the code and we're square."

I nodded and shook Victoria's hand firmly. "Will do, but I must warn you not to be killing any innocent wolves. They may be of weak bloodlines but in the end they are my children and while I don't mind you killing the guilty few to thin the herd, wonton slaughter like Kate did will be punished. If Peter doesn't kill her, I will. There were babies in that house and some were even human."

We left them to there thoughts as we went to pick up Derek. Tonight was the night before the full moon and his first turn so he couldn't be left in jail.

After he finished giving his prepared statement saying he was dealing with paperwork with JJ to sell the extra land to me at the time. JJ gave his confirmed statement along with faked video of the time and place they'd supposedly been. It was grainy but Derek was definitely seen there to the human eye.

He was let go and the sheriff was put on paid leave until it could be sorted out. Stiles was given a warning for lying to the police as they had proof Derek was innocent now. Scott was no better as I'd heard his mother yelling at him from the front desk.

When Derek came out I saw Scott staring at us. I smirked and flashed my eyes at him before taking Derek home. Later that night I helped him through his first full shift. When we were both shifted we ran and hunted more deer. He lacked control but it was funny to see him slip and get kicked by the deer he was chasing.

He had a midnight black fur coat, a stark comparison to my gunmetal gray fur with green tint. I watched as he ate two whole deer raw while in wolf form. I enjoyed my own boar I'd caught before leading him for a run of the grounds. It must be instinctual because his wolf never challenged me for alpha.

His eyes did change though. They were no longer blue but a bright burning red. We ran for half the night before I led him home. When he went to attack Alice I pinned him down until the moon passed and we began to shift. I jumped off of him as my bones started to break and realign.

When he finished shifting he apologized. "Sorry for that. I wasn't in full control."

I nodded. "It's ok. The weakness will pass FYI. Once you've confronted the wolf and fused with it you'll be much stronger. Though I doubt you'll ever reach my level, you'll be able to fight La Bete evenly. Now that was a bad example of werewolf mutation. Strong for sure but not a real werewolf all the same, too much demonic energy."

He nodded weakly and Alice handed us our cloths. While I cooked him breakfast I told him everything I'd told the Argents. He was responsibly mad but I promised him his revenge anyway. I made it clear Peter was acting under his own recognizance as he'd lured Laura to Beacon Hills.

When he asked when he could have his vengeance I simply told him. "After Peter has his. Kate deserves to die for the crap she pulled. Let him have his vengeance then you can have yours. You're stronger than him now anyway. Listen to your wolf and learn everything we have to teach you. I'll let you know when it's time."

He nodded and ate his food while I grabbed my school supplies. Alice was waiting in the car so I told him. "Stay on the property unless Kate acts. Then call me one way or the other. I'll hear and come deal with it. You're not to act against her at all. Just run to the loft. It's address is on the fridge. The guards at the gate will let you in and shoot anyone else. They have your picture so you needn't worry."

He waved me off. "Got it, I'll be here when you get back."

I chuckled and left him there to finish his meal and meditate. Alice drove us to school in her Porsche and parked next to Jackson's. I hopped out as Jackson did. I snorted when he banged the door. "Dude, watch the paint job."

Alice laughed in her musical voice and took my hand as we left him there staring at us with slightly odd fascination. We picked up our class schedules and were shown around by the principal.

The first day past quickly as we breezed through classes. Lydia managed to pull in Alice as a new friend when she asked where we got our clothes. Alice smiled. "We went shopping in France for a few months. Zach was nice enough to sign us up to an exclusive tailor shop that does all our designed clothes. Our stuff is being flown in this week while new furniture and everything was ordered online for the house we had built."

Alison asked. "Wait, you two live together?"

I chuckled. "Yes, our parents were rich investors in big time companies and they signed marriage contracts to be effective on our majority. Combining two rich business empires. It's how the rich do business I guess. After they passed our guardian moved us out here to keep the investment under wraps. JJ handles the legal stuff but right now we're here to stay."

Alison frowned. "Is that legal?"

Alice laughed. "You're cute. It doesn't matter to be honest. The kind of money we inherited changes laws and buys countries out of debt. As it is we own six private islands between us."

They were truly shocked which made me laugh a little. "You can relax. You're invited to visit them for a vacation if you want. There's a one in the China sea that has this wild dragon fruit and funny looking lizard that grows on it. The beach is nice too. There's a small resort on the one near Hawaii if you're into that sort of thing."

Alice spoke up. "Don't forget the Bahamas, that ones my favorite. It's perfect for spring break."

I chuckled. "You just like that it's not boat accessible. We have to fly in the private jet to get there."

She snorted. "What do you know? I like it because no gawkers can peak when I go full nude to get some sun."

Lydia finally asked. "Full nude?"

Alice shrugged. "It's my island, not like anyone will see that hasn't seen it before."

I grinned wolfishly and pulled her in for a kiss. When we broke apart Alison said. "Let's head to lunch."

Alice looped her arm with mine as we followed them to the cafeteria. While I ate Alice talked fashion with them until Jackson came over. He tried his little flirting tricks but Alice shot him down saying. "You're cute but my boyfriend would be you to death and dump your body in the ocean if you continued so you really should stop."

He smiled charmingly. "Oh yeah? Whose your boyfriend? I bet I could take him."

She giggled and I spoke up from across the table. "Me, and I highly doubt that boyo, I've been men twice your size for far less. The next time you try you silver tongue on my girl I'll be happy to cut it out and nail it to your forehead."

He looked over to me and I released my desire to do violence on him. He nearly had a panic attack as he visibly paled. He tried to speak but I scoffed. "You can save your I'll call the cops threat. If I mean to harm you they'd never find the body."

I stowed my animalistic nature and he seemed to breathe easier. He slid away from Alice as Lydia asked him what he was doing. They got into an argument and she dumped him then and there.

He blew it off as if it meant nothing and tried to flirt with Alison. She laughed in his face making his jaw tick before he left in a hurry. Alice told me she saw him threatening McCall to get the bite.

I smirked and shook it off. He could go to Derek if he wanted the bite. Derek may not know it yet but every wolf I turned was considered an alpha by his standards.

After school I headed to the animal clinic to hopefully make an ally. I arrived in time to see Deaton handing off the last of his patients to their owners. After the dog and his owner left I stepped inside and the animals in the back went quiet. They sensed a predator far above them on the food chain and wanted no part of it.

Deaton clearly noticed because he looked back to the animal holding room with a frown. I chuckled. "Sorry about that, I get it a lot. Animals tend to make themselves as quiet and small as possible when I'm near. I'm Zach."

I held out my hand and he seemed to collect himself and shook my hand. "Dr.Deaton. I'm the veterinarian. So, are you here for a pickup or-"

I shook my head. "Sorry Druid, no such luck. I've come to make an ally if possible, or at the very least, not an enemy."

He frowned. "I didn't say I was-"

I smiled and cut him off. "You didn't need to. My mate is a seer and she's seen us meet."

It was true enough but it didn't actually explain why I was here or how I knew he was a Druid. He sighed. "Seer you say? That's a rare gift."

I nodded. "Yeah, she had it when she was human but the humans thought she was insane or possessed depending on who you ask. Now her gift is under control and she can see events when people she knows makes decisions. Each decision that changes brings a new vision of the future."

He nodded slowly. "So what are you then? Werewolf, vampire, kitsune, werecoyote or other?"

I chuckled. "Quite a list you've got there. Well to be honest I'm two of the option you've given and other."

His frown deepened and I set my 'father's' journal in front of him. "Read it when you have time and It should answer your questions easy enough. The back is a map to this area and no I don't intend to help the monster that made this. I intend to hunt it down and put it out of all our misery."

His eyebrows furrowed and I looked at the gate of mountain ash he had between us. I opened it to his surprise and walked passed him to the animal room. I saw them cowering in their cages and tried something. I masked my scent and presence as best I could and reigned in my animal aura.

They seemed to relax all at once and go about eating and sleeping. Seeing it work I walked past the door and headed to his lab table hopping on and laying down, pretending to sleep while I searched my mind for other answers.

A few hours later I heard the door bell ring and opened my eyes. I smelled Scott as he called out to Deaton to let him know he was here. I hopped off the table and saw Deaton was going over the Journal and another book he had. I assumed he had a reference to it because he was writing things from both boos onto a piece of paper.

Ignoring him I turned to the beta as he walked into the operating room. He dropped his bag and stared at me. I chuckled. "Hello Scott, my names Zach. I'm new here. Deaton's doing some research on a rare disease for my-"

He snorted. "You don't have any animals. I know because Lydia told Alison-"

I chuckled. "Well that's unhealthy, stalking your ex. Don't only psychopaths and sociopaths do that. Are you going to say something like, well if I can't have her no one can?"

He shook his head. "Stop deflecting. Why are you here?"

I turned to see Deaton come out of his office. "He's here to do some investing. From what I hear he's well off enough to donate to the school and even buy up all the old Hale property."

I shrugged. "It was going to waste, besides, I like the wooded surroundings. Makes me feel like I'm in a hunting cabin or on a mountain. It's freeing you know. Plus the trees help make the air fresher than the city pollution."

Deaton took over saying. "Scott, why don't you take the day off while I talk business and finances with our young friend here?"

Scott asked. "Are you sure, he could be dangerous?"

I chuckled. "Of the two of us I'm not the one stalking my ex girlfriend."

Deaton frowned but let it go saying. "I'm sure. But I will need you here tomorrow. The pups need their worm pills and the cat that has mange will need another shot and some scans done."

He nodded and grabbed his bag before leaving. Once he was gone I turned to Deaton. "Mange? Really? Huh."

Shaking my head I sat down and asked. "So what's the verdict? Friend or foe?"

He sighed and took off his reading glasses. "What do you know of Maloker? And which experiment are you?"

I chuckled. "Those are some heavy questions. Well for starters Maloker is a demon. And not just any demon either, he's an old one. A race of proto-demons that are far stronger and far more viscous."

He nodded and I continued. "As for the experiments, I'm the younger of the to. The letter in the back was written for me. Instead of sending him home I intend to destroy him."

Deaton sighed. "That's a tall order. From what little I know of him he's said to be unkillable. When he first came to this world he was wounded and yet even then he managed to kill most of the druids guarding the nemeton."

I nodded. "It's true his essence is difficult to destroy, that's why after I destroy his body I intend to devour his essence and trap it inside myself for all eternity. I'm the only one who can put an end to him for good. After all, I am his son."

He frowned. "About that. I think it's far more likely that your his twin. It says he fed is twin to your mother before he, well, conceived you. If his brother's essence was truly as immortal as him that it stands to reason that you are simply another incarnation of It."