
A new world to discover

I own this cover, the left is Veesha and on the right is Spher. join this -> https://discord.gg/bJWP9yXfFX very important if u like this novel. Two girls, travel the world to find out why & how. Born from a stray meteorite, these 2 girls ended up next to each other at the great plains of Denora… This is a story of how 2 girls experience this world, mostly having fun.

Pelperson · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Ch.5 A warm welcome

join this -> https://discord.gg/bJWP9yXfFX very important if u like this novel

Before the Director started his speech, all the instructors walked onto the stage, lining up next to the director in shoulder-to-shoulder formation.

The director finally started.


"I welcome you all, my precious students!"

"Welcome to the tenth year of this glorious academy!"

"This year, we'll be blessed with the presence of Denora's crown prince!

I hope you'll all be kind to him because here he is! Please welcome! Artiria Denora!"

A young man with blonde hair walked onto the stage, waving to the crowd, as it seemed he was quite popular already. He is handsome, but I have no interest in that. He started his speech, but it was nothing special. Not only that, but he only introduced himself, lowered his head which got most girls' panties wet, and then walked offstage, along with the Director. Pfft, entitled bastard, I already do not like this guy.

Two Instructors walked, towards the voice amplifier. One, really tall, like, really tall and extremely buff, he looks... Human, sort of. And the other, uh, a demon? WHAT? Wait, No. How?

If they knew he was a Demon they would all be panicking now, and no one besides us and Gyffard knew that Lukas was a Demon, so he has also been using something to keep his true identity hidden.

This Demon, acting like a human, wore a butler's suit and had black glasses that only covered half of his eyes, he also has long black hair.

The buff man started speaking.

"Hello, everyone!

I am Judo, one of the two instructors for Class-S!

For the newcomers or those who forgot, I shall explain how everything will work during your enrollment!"

And so, Judo began explaining.

The classes are ranked in order, like Adventurers, but this time it's from C to S, with A being below S of course. Even if you graduate from C class, you probably have a bright future. Each class has 24 students. Except for S-Class, Which is always a variable number, saved for the exceptional.

The students will live in Dorms, with classmates only, or alone, depending on the status of the student. And of course, there will be no male students in female dorms or the other way around.

Students will wear their given uniforms, which have marks on the sleeves that represent the class they partake in. The marks are several stars, the more stars you have, the higher your class. S-class students have 4 stars, and C-class has just 1.

"That is all! We shall be waiting for your results in the entrance exam!" Judo finished speaking as he took a step back.

Then, the other instructor cast some sort of spell. It generated a bunch of uniforms, that appeared on everyone's laps, thus, immediately revealing everyone's class.

They both then left, as the doors opened, we had two hours until the entrance exam,

Oh? I am in S-Class? But I barely know anything about magic.. Is it because of a Duke's recommendation? I wouldn't know, it's just a possibility. It's time to walk to my dorm, the S-class dorm, I wonder what's it like?

The Royal Denora Academy, with a big and fancy campus and with nice and fancy dorms. But the S-Class dorms are different, they were designed by the heroes who were summoned to this world. And these dorms are the same dorms you'd see in your regular high school anime.

Finally! I'm at my dorm! Alright, let's just open the dorm and- A girl? Oh, right, you share your dorm with someone else. Hold on, how old is she? She looks to be around the age of 16, and she's relatively small.

I set foot in my dorm, closing the door behind me. I took off my shoes and walked towards the young girl. So, I held out my hand, trying to get her to shake my hand.

"Hello, my name is Spher, I hope we can get along."

The girl gave me a quick glare as she had finished putting on her uniform. Then walking past me as she opened the door, "Prove yourself worthy, then we'll talk." Aaaaand she was gone. Great. All the people here are so friendly! NOT! These people are crazy! Fed up with pride and strength and-! AGH!

After calming myself down, I put my stuff on my bed, undressed, and then put on the uniform. I put my arms in the air as I stretched, closing my left eye. "Today is going to be interesting, to say the least."

At the training grounds, every new student is lined up, and every Class-A and S student is sitting in the spectator seats, except for me. You see, the entrance exam is only for Class-B & C students, but you are still allowed to participate in it regardless of class.

So, there I was, standing in line along with the other students. People were baffled that an S-Class student is participating in the entrance exam. This hasn't happened before, not ever has one participated in the entrance exam.

I ignored the ruckus that surrounds me, people were giving me weird looks and whispering until the instructor in black, the one who's a demon, came forward. He said, without any effort and any emotion, but with a domineering tone, "Silence."

Everyone was quiet, as Judo started explaining the entrance exam.

"The entrance exam is simply an evaluation, an evaluation of your potential and of how much we can help you here. If you show great potential in the entrance exam, you might even go up a class. But of course..." Judo looked in my general direction. "If you are of A-Class and above, your class won't change regardless of the outcome."

Meanwhile, in the spectator seats, the audience wasn't really happy...

"What. is. that. girl. doing?" The young girl from Spher's dorm looked like she was about to pop a vein, she was appalled at what an S-Class student is doing, with those of a lower rank! But the other S-Class students weren't angry, they were curious.

The entrance exam consists of 3 parts. Theory, magic, and martial arts. The theory exam is a paper-written exam with 60 open questions, but with a 50-minute time limit. The magic exam, here you have to use a basic offensive spell at a target, and you will be instantly evaluated. In the Martial-Arts exam, you will have a mock battle against Judo, and he will evaluate you based on the results of that battle.

So, finally, the theory exam started, I almost didn't finish in time but I answered all the questions that I could. Luckily, I ended up passing the theory exam, but just barely. There were many angry and sad people at the end of the theory exam, only a quarter of those who participated passed.

But now, begins the magic exam, I will have to use an offensive spell, a basic one… Yeah… I don't know any. It's because I have the Null magecraft, I do not know how to perform a spell, at least I think. If I was sent here by Gyffard in vain then I probably won't be able to face Veesha ever again.

So now is a guy who's currently in class-B, he's chanting a fireball spell, still chanting… still… And he finally used it! Wow! What a magn- FAILED? Oh.

I see, he took way too long to cast, just for it to be a stronger attack. Probably in hopes of getting into the A-Class. Sucks, huh… I won't make the same mistake!

I walked forwards and looked at the Demon in front of me. "You may start now." He said as he looked at me like he was analyzing every part of my soul. I looked at the target and sighed. I simply have to try something, remember how Veesha accessed magic, She used hers accidentally, even though she also has the same magecraft as me.

I closed my eyes and held a single hand forwards, the other students and instructors looked with curiosity, even the girl that lives in the same dorm as I do. I felt like I was swallowed by a massive wave, I can't see, I can't breathe. Where am I? I let out a few tears as I could still feel myself standing there. The wind breezed past my body, as I unleashed... nothing! Wow, how disappointing...

"Spher, you shall NOT needlessly participate in another exam again." The instructor in black told me, as he was sweating? Like he had seen a ghost or something.

I did a small bow towards the instructor. Man.. I really messed that up badly. I wonder what the other S-Class students would think of me. Probably not many good thi-

* BANG *

A loud bang was heard, an explosion? I looked at my leg and it was bleeding. Like something scraped past it and cut through everything effortlessly. It was the girl from my dorm.

She floated down in front of me, a face full of anger. She was holding some strange item. I could hear the crowd whisper.

"That's Yerisa. No way!

She fired one of her guns at a fellow S-Class student!

Yeah but that girl did nothing during the magic test, and almost failed her theory exam.

S-Class failure, ha!"

Yerisa? Gun? So her name is Yerisa and that's a gun… I stared at her, I was speechless, but at the same time, I was a bit angry.


No... you don't even deserve S-class! You Null-failure!"

She pointed her gun at me, this time at my head. Yerisa's right, I have embarrassed them.

"Alright, that's it. SAY GOODBYE!" Yerisa almost pulled the trigger, before 3 people jumped in front of me.

"That's enough, Yerisa von Schwalbe."

It was the Crown Prince of Denora, and 2 other S-Class students.

Without even protesting or saying anything, with an annoyed face and a murderous glare aimed at me, Yerisa flew away.

"Are you alright?" The two.. half-elves told me in unison.

"Yeah I'm fine, it only scratched my leg after all."

The three looked at each other like they were confused about something but then they chose to ignore it.

The half-elf girl put a hand on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry we didn't intervene sooner, I'm afraid Yerisa is currently still out of our league."

I nodded, I was still confused about what happened.

The instructor in black told us to leave the area so the martial arts part can begin. So we did.

Now, in the school's backyard, at a table, they introduced themselves.

The half-elves started. "My name is Ivish T. Dron, and this-" "And my name is Syvish T. Dron! Nice to meet you, Ivish is my brother if you hadn't noticed already." It was the crown prince's turn. He did a small bow.

"My name is Artiria Denora, but I'm sure you already knew that. Nice to meet you regardless and I hope we can get along. So, what's your name?"

I smiled. So, these are… friends?

"My name is Spher, just Spher. I hope we can get along too!"

"Spher, did you intentionally not cast any spell at the target?" Artitria asked me, curiously.

"No, I really did want to cast a spell, I just don't know any, except for household spells."

Ivish chuckled a bit. "Not to be rude, but, how did you even get into S-Class in the first place?"

I simply shrugged, I honestly don't know. I don't think just a duke's recommendation is enough for that.

Syvish stood up and looked at me. "How did you manage to ricochet Yerisa's sniping spell? She aimed that one right at your head, you know, Any of us would've died right there."



"Spher, unknowingly, you used your Null magic, this is unheard of for a human. Although, I'm pretty sure the only ones who noticed were the instructors and us."

I did? I used magic? I had instinctively closed my eyes when I heard her gunfire.. So I accidentally used magic… That's great news, so I can use magic! Just like anyone else, going here wasn't in vain!

mmmmmmmmmmmmmm sphere

also short chapter because i fucking had to rewrite the entire thing multiple times. will not happen again.

atleast i have set plans for chapter 6 already.

Pelpersoncreators' thoughts