
Nina #16

It has been two days since that night. I have done nothing but carefully watch Dan. His movements, the way he causes misfortune to others around him, and who he makes contact with. Dan was not looking for his brother, he was just having fun. After school is when he really gets to have fun. So many poor choices students make without his influence, but when he steps in the poor choices become poor life choices. "So who are you going to ruin this time?" I tapped on his shoulder with a kind smile. "You." He turned around and kissed me. I felt my energy drain as he forced his soft lips on mine. I pushed him away before he took too much. "Prepare to die." I charged at him. Keeping my eyes on him, I saw him change into JJ. I stopped mid way. "What's going on?!" I screamed in confusion. "Did you think I wouldn't know? Your little adventure away from me." It was still Dan but He disguised himself as JJ. "Enough of this." I tried attacking using my water magic. "Too bad." He smirked and disappeared. I was left alone in an empty parking lot wondering where he went. "Don't you think it's time, keke." A voice crept in my mind. "What magic is this?" I turned to the right, nothing not even a car. I turned to the left, again nothing. "Keke, I'm loving the abundance of magic here. But you're becoming soft." I calmed down quickly to assess where I was hearing the voice. "You gave me to ancient magic, but now you want to keep me by your side. Don't you think that's a little too much? Keke." The voice got more aggressive as time went on. "What?" I no longer kept my composure. This voice carried no body and yet I felt it's life surround me. "You know who's who, and What's what already. Keke, how's this for boredom. You're losing me." The voice ceased to talk and I could no longer sense it. "No!" I yelled. I woke up in my small bed with my eyes wide up and hand stretched out. "A nightmare?" I placed my hand on my head only to find out my face was wet. I looked down and saw that I had been sweating a lot. Maybe I need some air? I got up only to fall down. Huh? the room started to spin. What's going on? What is happening to me? More importantly that voice, the things it said. Ancient magic? I got up again trying my luck against gravity. Just one foot in front of the other. Come on Nina, you got this. I made it to the sink and turned on the faucet. I put my head under letting the cold water splash me. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs. However, my lungs felt as though they were burnt to a crisp. This can't be happening. This is another dream. I'm going to wake up any minute feeling fine like usual. Any minute now. ~Knock, knock, knock~ Fuck! "Come in." I mustered up the strength to speak. The door swung open and shut. "What are you doing?" It was Dan. I turned my head to see him under the rushing water. "I need to get back to Taher." I smiled in attempts to lighten my situation. Dan rushed over to me and turned off the faucet. He placed his hand on my forehead. "You're burning up. How long have you been feeling this way?" He helped me back to my bed. "Shut up, what are you? A doctor? Or are you the crazy disciple that tried to kill his brother?" I was getting fed up with anything and everything. "So you knew. ~Sigh~, The information will eat at you till you die. That's why I lied. Plus I had to have you on my side." "Ancient magic, what is it?" Dan squatted down so I would no longer have to strain my neck. "Me, my brother, your book, and a little bit of your favorite pet tree." Dan stopped talking to focus his mind on a piece of paper next to me. "Where did you get that?" Dan took it and examined it closely. "What you think I was going to remain dumb forever. Ha, I know everything, Misfortune." I glared at Dan. "Suppose it's only right to tell you. Since you're dying now." He looked at me with pity. It took me a minute for me to process what he just said. "What.?" I didn't know what to think anymore. "This map, my brother's handwriting is on it. The tree.....of course. But the map was lost, it wasn't at the scene of the crime. How do you have this? ANSWER ME!" Dan's fury rose as he continued studying the map. "Bring me home, and you shall know." I was dying. Such a pitiful way to die. I always thought I would die on a battlefield. Not because I knew too much. "I'm going to open a portal. However, you need to stay away from your human self. Remember, only one of you can exist in each world." Dan said as he calmed down. He then began murmuring in a low tone. I couldn't hear his words clearly enough to make out what he was saying. A portal opened in the middle of this small room. Dan swung my half dead body over his shoulder. "Dick!" "Well, if you didn't try to know so much you would've been fine." I heard him smile as he talked. We walked through the portal, which only made me vomit all over Dan's back. "Hey!" Dan shoved me. "Now, now don't get mad at me for being sick." I giggled knowing that I reminded him he had to be careful with me. Dan carried me for 2 hours before putting me down to rest. I looked around the area to discover that I was in an uncharted part of Taher. The trees grew together yet, they made sure not to grow in a large wide area. The ground was walkable and the air dense. Just being in this area I felt my magic energy rise giving me enough strength to stand on my own. "What is this place?" I turned to Dan. "First let me ask you a question. Can you see it?" I looked around once more. Besides from the fact this area is wide open and suitable for living I don't see anything else. However, if I want to know more I must take risks. "Yes, I can see it." I lied knowing that there would be a possible chance of being caught. But, I want answers. I want to know everything. Plus it seemed like he would open up more if I said yes. "You're not her. You may look like her but in the end.....you're not her." Dan shook his head and placed his hands on his waist. "I don't know of what you speak of. However, I assure you not to act in such a manner towards me. It won't end well for you." I threatened trying to get a foot up in this situation. "HAHAHA, she's got some backbone, I'll give ya that!" A crazed man popped out of thin air. He was old, looked around 90 or 100. He had white hair and an overgrown beard. He carried a staff in one hand while using the other to stroke his beard. His clothing was strange too. It looked that of a night gown with clouds painted on it. "Gatekeeper, can you help?" Dan asked while walking up to the old man. "Not once since you got your new job and exiled from the town have you stopped by to say hello. And now you're here begging for help for an outsider. Wait till my wife hears this." The old man laughed. All the while keeping his eyes on me. It felt like he was studying me. Ripping apart my skin and looking inside my mind. "Stop it! I command you to stop it!" I tried to yell but the power in my voice was stripped away as soon as I opened my mouth. I put my hand to my throat. How could this have happened? I thought to myself. I am losing the ability to speak with authority. Why? I stared back at the old man knowing that he had something to do with this recent development. "Feisty one aren't cha?" He grinned and kept stroking his beard. "Gatekeeper, she may not be part of it but she suffers from the curse." "Why didn't you say that in the first place?" The old man stopped stroking his beard. He was now focused on Dan. "So, tell me why is she in this state?" Dan explained to the Gatekeeper every piece of information he could. And how I was too curious to stay oblivious. "Oh dear, such a tragic thing. And you said she killed humans. Maybe this is her Karma. Speaking of Karma he is not going to be happy when he realizes his wife Dharma is having tea at my house tonight. You see he thinks-" "Gatekeeper." Dan pleaded with the old man. "You know it's against the rules. I'm sorry my boy but you would have to get the permission of the top four. Plus you shouldn't have let her get too close to the truth." The old man looked down in attempts to avoid eye contact. "You know I tried that. I told her nothing but lies whenever she asked. But she's a smart one. Please can you at least give her something to last the week. That way I can have enough time to get to the four." Dan took the old man's hand and held it close to his chest. I've never seen Dan act like this. I stood in place just observing and waiting for my fate to be decided. The old man started walking over to me now. I flinched in a haste of whether or not I should escape or attack. As the old man walked closer I felt his magical energy increase, to the point it started suffocating me. I readied myself for attack on instinct. "Poor child. Deluded by your strength you let your personality rot. However, luck was always on your side. I gift to you a weeks worth of energy." The old man stretches out his hand and within it a pill was waiting for me to take it. I looked towards Dan and he signals me with a thumbs up. I took the pill out of the old man's hand and swallow it. It went down smoothly. I felt energy disperse inside of my body bringing me back to my original state of health. Amazed I looked at the old man once more. "What type of magic is this?" I was kind enough not to use an intimidation tactic. "The kind to save your life." The old man smiled and disappeared into thin air. "You have one week. Wait till I tell the wives this. I'll be the h-" The voice faded out. I dropped to my knees. There are creatures in Taher stronger than me. How weak am I really? I can't believe I was content with just being strong enough to beat everyone else up. The old man did not raise any attacks and yet I had already lost the fight. All I could do was react. How pathetic, I really believed I was the strongest. Dan rushed over to my side. "What's wrong? Do you still feel sick? Damn old loose lips when I see him I'm gonna have a word with him." "I'm fine, just mentally tired." I stood up on my feet and asked Dan where to now. "Well, you are going to see your parents. While I try to save your life." Dan looked at me with pity in his eyes. Oh how far I've fallen, I was given a grace period to get my affairs in order order and stay by loved ones. I used to kill without giving such a thought to how the prey felt. No one could stand up to me nor look me in the eyes. But now I see I was wrong. I was wrong to think I was the only creature capable of being strong. I was wrong to think I was the only creature that mattered. "Dan, before you go...." I tugged on Dan's arm before he got the chance to disappear into thin air like the old man. "What is it?" He asked a little hurriedly as if to insinuate that I was wasting precious time. "I don't know this area very well, would you be able to help me get back home?" I spoke through my teeth. I, Nina Frea have to readjust in order to survive and become stronger. Let this day be a lesson learned. There is more powerful opponents I have yet to meet. I need to get back to the top!