
The switch #15

Hello again, it's my turn to tell the story. After I had switched bodies with my far more weakened self, I found myself at the mercy of the mysteriously strong boy. "Your name?" I asked as I sat up and looked around. I was in some type of rusted and worn down inn. "How cheap." I got up disgusted that I had been laying there. "So, my hunch was correct. You're not my wife." I turned to face the boy with a smile. "Answer my question Null." I demanded. He stood up quickly to stand against me. "You know Hamble and JJ told me you were an ass. So I guess nothing new. ~Sigh~ Well I don't want to cause harm to my future wife's body so I'll play nice. Kevin. Call me Kevin." Kevin smiled in a gentle way. "Misguided Fate, you know him?" I kept my distance and reminded him that I won't be friendly. "Misguided Fate is my older brother's boss. Have you seen him?" Kevin sat back down. "What do you mean your brother's boss?" From what I was told, misguided Fate was his brother. And in fact he was just trying to keep things in order. But then his disciple went crazy. In order to make things right he had to lock his disciple in a book and the brother in a scroll. So why is something not adding up? "Do you know him? Have you seen my brother?" "No. but perhaps I can be on the look out once I return to my rightful body. You shall tell me of your past with your brother." Kevin looked at me with a 'how could she say those words' face. "Well....are you going to stare at me with a fool's expression? Or are you going to answer me?" I sat down grudgingly. "My brother's name is Misfortune. We grew up together. But one day he went mad and tried to kill me. He failed at that but now I'm looking for him. So I can make sure he doesn't do anymore wrong." Kevin looked down sympathetic to himself. "Hahaha, So this brother of yours, he is your twin. Yes?" I understand now. One of them is lying. One of them is trying to deceive me or my other self of their innocence. "Tell me, where do you believe your brother went." Kevin stared directly into my eyes without breaking contact. "You know him. You know exactly where he is and what he plans to do." He walked over leaning in closer to my face to get a better look. "Mind you manners." I smacked him away from my personal space. "Hey, can we not fight right now." Kevin kept his face away from me as he rubbed his cheek. "You should've paid close attention to your manners and now you wish to retaliate. It's as though one can not accept the consequences of their own actions." "You could've moved back." He rebutted before he took a seat on his side of the room. "Why should I be the one to move, when it is you who shouldn't move into my personal space?" "Wow I can't believe you're Nina." "And I can't believe no matter how naive she is, she would marry you. Never-the-less, I shall not pry into such affairs of the heart. Even if said affairs involve me." I didn't miss a beat. I wasn't going to allow him to say whatever he liked. "Okay, princess. Since I told you mine, you'll have to tell me yours." Smart move, I guess it couldn't hurt to tell him what I know. I told Kevin about Dan and how I freed him from a book in my school's library. Kevin kept a calm expression on his face. I noticed how he took all the information in without me having to repeat myself. Call me a scammed fool, because I am in utter disbelief that he would want to marry a girl who can't keep up with him. Towards the end of my explanation Kevin told me some valuable information. "He's probably still mad over that." He whispered to himself. "Is there something I should know?" I tapped my foot waiting for him to open up. "It's nothing, just something from our childhood. Come on I'm sure you would want to see some familiar faces." Kevin walked out of the room looking more distraught than I've ever seen him. I want to know. Whether it be trivial or of great significance. I moved my life in order to satisfy my boredom, the least I can get from this is the full story. So now there's more entertainment to keep me busy. Let's see, if they're two dimensional creatures then the only one who would have any form of information would be....Lily! That's right when my mother gifted her upon me she spoke of Lily's background having nothing but knowledge of magic and decades of history that had grown on her. "Lily show yourself, I know you're here." I said out loud. "Master you called." she appeared before me with her head held down and one arm bent inwards. I missed being treated this way. "Do you know what this Kevin character is not revealing?" Lily is my favorite servant. She's always poised and punctual. Just talking to her brightens my mood. "Yes, I do." She still had her head down as she spoke. That's right I must tell her to lift her head. "You may lift your head." I waited for her to look at me before I continued speaking. "Do tell me what it is he has yet to reveal." I was in a happy mood so I spoke lightly with her. "I'm terribly sorry master. However, due to reasons of ancient magic restrictions. That is one topic I cannot discuss." Lily's eyes were cold. Her eyes were never cold with me prior to now. A new feeling washes over me as I stare hopelessly in Lily's eyes. I don't know how to describe it. It felt as though heavy hands were grounding me to the low quality bed sheets and choking the words out of my throat. I couldn't think while in this state. I couldn't move either. I just stared directly into Lily's eyes. Trying to tear myself away at no avail. "Master if I may?" Lily spoke. I snapped back to reality with that. "You may." I kept my responses short and simple. I did not want to over think anything and accidentally stumble on my words. "I am not restricted to telling you're human self of such news." Lily broke out a smirk. "Why is it that you can tell her, but not me? Are we not the same person?" I stood up to feel more superior. It didn't work. "Although, you are the same there can only exist one. She is something you are not, and you are something she is not. When she switches back, have her meet me in the academy. There she will learn the missing pieces." Lily transformed into a book and disappeared from site. This is new. I never once saw Lily like this. I must contact my mother and ask if she knows the origins of Lily. I walked out of the inn room to join the other's in the lobby. Such a shabby place. Does anyone care about proper skin care here? If they did I'm sure the inn would be out of business. I got to the main entrance to discover Kevin and Ann playing about while the two Nulls I had beaten up were well rested and trying to woo a young green skinned female. "Nina!" Ann rushed over to my side and came close to touching me. I smacked her away. "Who said you can touch me?" I wiped my hand on my clothes. The attention was now completely on me. I looked at their faces and saw nothing but disbelief. I smiled knowing that they had a rude awakening. "Hahahaha, You're finally acting like yourself." Ann got up and tried to hug me again. I put my hand in front of her face and kept her an arms lengths away. "I will use magic if you don't cease your behavior." I pushed Ann away letting her fall back. "Okay, But I'm just glad you're not hurt. It was a scare when I saw you unconscious." She smiled and went back to the group. I was left in shock that the Nina before me had fainted. "Where to now?" The fire fairy asked. "Should we go to the big city and start a revolution?" The green skinned girl cut in. "Why would we do that? I'm reaping the benefits of how things are now." Ann grinned at the young girl. "Name, all of you. State your name so that I may address you accordingly." I walked out expecting them to follow my lead. "Um...We've been traveling for two months and you mean to tell me you've forgotten our names?" The Jack 'o lantern spoke. I looked at him with little to no care. After all, they're a bunch of Nulls. They walked out and one by one said their names. The angry one with less capabilities is Hamble. The calm, mainly scared fire fairy is JJ. And the little green girl is apparently my biggest fan, Darcy. Alright, now that I know their names I won't have to be annoyed when they don't respond to 'Null' or 'lower creature'. Honestly you'd think they would know better, but after traveling with me for so long I'm sure they proved useful. "Ann, I need to have a word with you in private." I closed my eyes to let her know she most open her mind. Ann and I have been friends since our kindergarten days. She was the first to challenge me. Also the first to accept defeat. Just like that it had become a routine for her to challenge me. Sometimes it would be a sneak attack.....which failed. Other times it would be a letter. I never accepted her challenge letters so she would then come running to me out of anger and attack. She never got the chance to land a hit. Yet, despite all the one-sided fights, we became close and developed our own language. Thinking back, my life with Ann was fairly fun. Ann walked away from the group leading me to an isolated place. "This is the reason you've been acting strange?" Ann guessed on the topic of discussion. "In a way, yes. However, it is also no." I paused to brace myself for Ann's reaction. "Lily, Sound proof us." Lily reappeared and chanted us with Clarivasin, a spell that makes our voices only reach the mind of the other person under the spell. I told Ann all about my adventures and where my real body is. Along with the fact she had been taking orders from my human self. At first Ann was silent. She just stood and stared at me with a blank expression. Did I give her too much information? If she decides to go crazy, I'll just wipe her memory. "So this is you in a weakened state?" Ann smiled. Here it comes, she's going to try and defeat me. "Hahahaha. I knew something was off but never would I have guessed it. Say your prayers, you shall learn the taste of defeat." Ann declared. She roared with excitement as she sprinted to me. Unfortunately for her, My human body is not as weak as she thinks. I slapped her down watching as her face broke the ground. "Why do you still have that much strength?" She drew a white flag. "Why do you not understand, I shall never taste defeat from your hands." I giggled as I stretched out my hand to her. "And so, now that I know what do you want me to do?" Ann quickly recovered and moved on to the topic I needed her to be on. "This Kevin character. Something about him throws me off. He's good, yet I feel as though it's his own power that has corrupted him. Keep an eye out. Especially when he's near me." I couldn't trust Kevin. I wanted to trust him more than Dan, yet the lies Dan showed me didn't help his case. In fact, I saw something in his memories when he showed me it. A small detail he probably forgotten to hide. A girl, standing above the supposed mad disciple. She was a small child, with rags for clothes and markings on her skin. She held the mad boy from delivering the final hit. And if I'm being honest, she felt familiar. In that moment, I knew Dan was hiding something from me. But I did not think he was capable of manipulating his own memories in order to keep me out of the loop. I suspect this has something to do with the ancient magic restrictions Lily had once mentioned. "Lily, I'm done speaking." Lily undid the spell and both Ann and I went to join the group. I felt a huge strain on my head and body then. It's time. "Prepare a carriage and set course for the academy." I stumbled a bit trying to keep on my feet. JJ looked at me and although frightened came to give me support. I never leaned on the weak before. Yet, this felt nice. JJ used his fire magic to slightly warm me up. In my moment of weakness JJ would help me. Even after I beat the shit out of him. "Don't worry, I got you." JJ smiled and proceeded to be an anchor for me. My heart started beating fast. What is this feeling? Why does it hurt in a good way? I kept my eyes on JJ without notice. Can Nulls become strong? Should I help him become strong? "Um...Nina. I feel like you're gonna burn a hole in my face." JJ smiled awkwardly. I realized then that I was staring and leaning on JJ a bit too much. A lower creature, JJ. I mean sure he's one of the top grade lower creatures and does have a chance to make it past the body refinement stage bringing him closer to my level. But that's what school is for. Making sure those with potential grow. I stood up on my own and cleared my throat. "As you should." Was all I could muster after such an embarrassment had happened. JJ laughed and continued to walk behind me. It felt nice knowing that he would care for me, what's going on with me? What?! Feels nice?! It's time to switch back now, the strain is making me go crazy. After Hamble and Darcy left to get a carriage Kevin, JJ, Ann, and I sat down and ate. We also brought some preservatives for our trip back to the academy. We were finally on our way. Inside the carriage I didn't have enough room to stretch my legs. So I took one side and let the others have the other side. Then I went to sleep. After meeting and switching back to my body I felt a sense of relief wash over me as I was able to use magic as I was used to. I woke up and found Stacey my pet tree waiting on my arrival. "Why are you here? I gave you orders to not interact with the humans here. You might go on a hunger frenzy." Stacey looked at me and smiled. "There is something I found in the midst of hiding. I think master should check it out." Stacey pulled a small paper map depicting the home of his mother. "I was told when I was just a sapling, that something bad happened to a young girl. She knew she was to die, so she stored her memories and the rest of her magic in my mother. giving enough magic to make the population of Tarins. My people." I was indeed intrigued. The topic of a little girl seems to be the latest buzz for me. More importantly I want to know who she is. "In the stories your mother told you. Was the girl marked with strange markings on her skin?" "Yes, have you heard of her too? The story goes like this. One night a strange girl came to mother, singing and crying too. She talked to mother all night, but at the end of her words she always looked down the path she came. She grew weaker by the hour and her life force was fading fast. And so she turned to mother and said, 'I haven't much to live. But I want someone to know my heart. I love Misfortune. He's always grumpy and most of the time mean, but he always defends me when the other kids pick on me. He teaches me new things everyday too. And when he looks at me, he doesn't look at my flaw. I'm happy I got to live close to him.' And just like that she hugged mother and went to sleep. This map, was the only thing she held close to her. So mother saved it and hid it." Stacey finished his story. "Was the name the little girl said true?" I found out who that little girl was as soon as I got back to my body. I truly do have great pets. "Misfortune, that's the name she said?" "Yes master, that's how the story goes." Great news! I am getting closer to uncovering the mystery. Which means I get to go back home and tell my mother of such adventures. I would receive a rank or two because this adventure was just that risky. I'm glad I decided to help that fool.