
#17 A Small Bump In The Road

"So have you found out how to get to earth?" Ann pulled me aside to ask that. "Umm...." Whenever I thought about it, it was the other Nina who brought me here. However, every time I try to contact her she doesn't connect. I feel like my first friend had blocked me from the call list. "We can't travel to an unknown destination. Do you have any idea how to get there?" Ann crossed her arms and pouted. I looked at Ann only to shake my head. "You know, some people actually don't care where they go. Just as long as they know where." She looked angry like she wanted to punch me. I felt an unusual tug on my whole body. "I may not know where the place is exactly, but I feel that if we continue going south we will find it." I smiled awkwardly. Ann gave a loud sigh and walked over to the group. I have been feeling this mysterious tug for 2 days now. Something is calling me. I'm really excited to find out what it is, but at the same time I'm slightly scared. What if whatever is calling me turns out to be my murder. No, no I mustn't think like that. I joined the group and we continued on our no-destination journey. I decided to tell the rest of the group of my origins. And how I am indeed Nina just not the Nina from this world. Hamble, JJ, and Darcy reacted very bad. "No wonder. When I smelled delicious meat on the cliff side, only I didn't know where it came from." Hamble said eyeing me like I was some new food he was too anxious to try. "You being human means that you are the weakest creature here. So how is it that you can use magic?" JJ put his hand to his chin. "I was able to preform magic all thanks to the other Nina. Although, she's not here, we've been able to stay in contact." Kevin looked shocked at this news. "You're still in contact with her? Are you sure? Once you've awakened to the truth all connections should've been lost. If You're still in contact with her.....She's here." What! What did he just say? "Kevin, I haven't been able to contact her recently. Instead....." I hesitated to overshare. "What do you mean she's here?" I changed the subject to focus on getting more answers than questions. "Meaning we shouldn't be heading south. I must find my brother." Kevin looked panicked as he stopped the carriage and walked out. "Hey!" I yelled at him. The group just watched as the drama unfolded. "I've got no time for this. All hope is lost if he finds you Amy." Kevin ran after saying that. "Amy?" I looked to the group and they looked at me. "Seems like we're in the dark just like you.....Amy." Ann started laughing. The rest of the group followed her lead. "Such a break up. I should learn from bro there and break up with girls calling them a different name." Hamble chuckled "Get a girlfriend first." Darcy no loner held her laughter back. "You guys this is no laughing matter. Plus I already told you that he wasn't my boyfriend." I was getting angry but decided not to act on it instead I took the helms and continued our journey. "Are you sure you want to leave him behind? After all the group isn't the same without him." JJ sat next to me. "Anyone is welcomed to leave whenever they please. I'm not stopping anyone." I sulked knowing JJ is a gentle being made it easier to converse with him. "So, Nina....well the other Nina. How did the two of you meet?" Eh?! Why is he curious about that? "I'm not completely sure. I stumbled upon an abandoned house in the middle of the forest and suddenly she was there. It really did scare me." I laughed a bit knowing how suspicious it sounded. "Hmm, sounds like it was planned. So how is she like? I've always admired Nina from school. But she was such an ice princess that I could never go talk to her." JJ scratched his cheek embarrassed that he had to say that. "JJ, could it be....." "Say no more. The guys might be secretly listening." That confirmed it. "How long?" This topic piqued my interest. It was a topic I dreamed about having with my future friends, but my luck was too bad. I never got the chance to actually have such a conversation. "First day of ninth grade. I saw her on the stage in front of the podium giving a speech. She was the top student with a promising future. Not only that her beauty was like no other. ~Ahem~ to me at least." I can't believe someone would have a crush on someone who only focuses on her self entertainment. "So you stalked her since freshman year. So what made you have the confidence to step to me when you thought I was her?" "Your aura was different. She always carried herself like she had control of everything. So when I found you at the cliff side I thought maybe it was because we came from the same school that you had put your guard down." JJ payed close attention to the street with me. "And so, after all this time we spent traveling together, what did you think?" "This.....honestly I was a bit disappointed. Seeing you act as though you had everything together made me hope it wasn't true." Wow, what a punch to my face. "But, I still wanted to get close to you. Then Kevin appeared. I thought my window of chance had closed. I'm relieved to find out that you are not the Nina I fell for." Maybe he doesn't know that he's being a bit inconsiderate. "JJ.....the way you fix your words is a bit....much." I giggled the slight embarrassment off. "Oh I'm sorry. So how is she like?" JJ asked a little chipper than usual. Should I tell him that she's a heartless creature who only thinks about herself and her own personal enjoyment? "She's....she's nice to those she considers friends. And well educated." I paused to find anything else good that I can say about her. After a minute of silence I realized that Nina was a mean person who bullies others around her. No wonder her friend reminded me of Britney Camwell. Birds of a feather, "Um...she's strong!" I was happy that I came up with that. I had searched my head tirelessly for at least that. "I know that already. But, it seems if you don't have any other things to say about her she's either a total bitch or very secretive." JJ laughed silently. I noticed that this was the first time in months that I've seen JJ so immersed in a conversation. He is a little perverted but looks like he was happy to travel with me because he thought I was the girl of his dreams. "So that's your type?" I began teasing him. "Isn't it the same for humans. They're not attracted to power?" He stumped me. "Well, yes and no." "What do you mean?" "Humans are attracted to power, but others things plays a part in it too. Like how good looking a person is, how much money they have, and how would they benefit from it. It's considered rare to find a couple that truly cares for one another." It's shameful when I say it out loud but from my experience with any guy, he was not happy until he got something in return. Just like my foster dad. At times like this I wish I didn't have to go through such ordeals. "I wonder what true love is?" I said out loud thinking about how depressing my experience was. "Well, I couldn't tell you. But from what I feel, it's more like a feeling of belonging. If you feeling like you truly belong with that person shouldn't that be enough." JJ patted my back. Which made me think, I've felt like I belonged here in this world for awhile. My friends are the people I met along my journey and although they are certainly weird, they also look at me as though I am a friend. Could this be a form of love? If so, after all this and we find the other Nina would I have to give all of this up? Such a thought scared me to my bones. I don't really want to go back to earth. But finding Dan is a need to help Nina. Wait a minute. Help her. She has everything, friends that she takes for granted, a boy that wants to be with her in the name of love, a loving family, and power. Why should I help her? I came her to start over, not to tangle myself in other's drama. I pulled the helms of the rope commanding the horses. "Why did we stop?" Ann leaned closer to me. The conversation the group was having in the back stopped. JJ look at me a bit bewildered too. "We don't need to go there." I said realizing that I could act like I want. "Huh? But we need to get to earth so my Nina can finally reconnect with us." Ann spoke out again. "N...no." If I go to find her I would have to say goodbye. It has been nothing but hardships but I found friendship within. The only thing I ever wanted, I had it. Now I must decide whether to give it up or not. Of course I'm unwilling. "Let's turn back. I'm worried about Kevin." I know it's selfish, but if I was selfless than could such a situation happen again? Would I be able to get new friends back in my world? Unlikely, so I must hold onto them for as long as I could. "We drove for 2 hours already I think it would be quite difficult to find him." JJ broke in. "We've got to find him before we continue. I've got questions for him." I know I wasn't making any sense but in this moment I don't want to drive my only friends to the end of our friendship. "Can't you ask them after?" Hamble cut in. I looked at them in utter despair. They all want to go see Nina, they all want to say goodbye to me. "Am I not enough?" "Huh what are you talking about?" Darcy now put herself in the conversation. "Maybe you're tired. Let JJ handle the reins." Ann suggested. "NO! We are turning back. After all, the group isn't the same without Kevin." I lost my cool. They all threw a concerned look as if to say I was acting crazy. I just didn't want to give them to the other Nina. Why, why must I have to give them off to her? She doesn't even care for them. I am much better. "Nina, why are you crying?" JJ asked as he took my hand. Such compassion is hard to come by in my previous life. How am I expected to let it all go? "I'm not crying. I just feel as though we shouldn't continue without Kevin. Plus I want to know who this Amy girl is." My voice cracked, ah this is what it feels like to desperately hold on to something. "Okay, how about we stop and make camp. We can decide our plan tomorrow." Darcy stood up and guided the others off the carriage. I stayed in my spot too ashamed to move. "Hey, I may be the newest member here, and not know what's going on. But, regardless of who you are. Just so you know, you were the one I came to be friends with. You were the one who believed me when no one else did. So whatever it is that's bothering you. I'm here you know." Darcy walked away from me and joined the group. I Looked at the group who were setting up a tent on the side of the road. "Darcy, if only you knew the reason for my tears. I'm sure you wouldn't have sympathy for me."