
A new class of Rick: Dragon ball

Follow the adventures of the self-proclaimed Rick Sánchez in the Dragon Ball universe or multiverse. Rick, now with a new dream, won't stop until he gets to the end of his life and says he's given everything. With a system that imparts knowledge. Can Rick make a wise choice? And more over, are you ready to witness the changes made throughout the universe? ____________________________ Sigue las aventuras de el autoproclamado Rick Sánchez en el universo de Dragón ball, o mejor dicho multiverso. Rick quien ahora tiene un nuevo sueño, no parará hasta encontrarse al final de su vida y decir que lo dio todo. Con un sistema que otorga conocimientos. ¿ Podrá Rick elegir sabiamente ? Y además, estás listo para presenciar los cambios realizados a través del universo? _____________________________________ Verfolgen Sie die Abenteuer des selbsternannten Rick Sánchez im Dragon Ball-Universum bzw. Multiversum. Rick, der nun einen neuen Traum hat, wird nicht aufhören, bis er am Ende seines Lebens steht und sagt, dass er alles gegeben hat. Mit einem System, das Wissen vermittelt. Kann Rick eine kluge Wahl treffen? Und sind Sie außerdem bereit, die Veränderungen im gesamten Universum mitzuerleben? ___________________________________ #Isekai #System #MartialArts #DragonBall #Multiverse #UniversBuildings #DojoBuilding #MoreThanOneProtagonist

minombre26_ · Anime und Comics
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68 Chs

Rick leaves, the temple is gone.

The fight begins with Rick throwing the leaf into the air. As it falls, both of them confront each other directly without looking for any more tactics thanks to their great confidence.

"It seems you're stronger than you look," Rick pressed both hands against his opponent's, trying to push Rockero back.

Although his physical strength was superior, Rockero anchored his legs to the wall and stood as steady as a pillar. The wall, on the other hand, cracked under the pressure, so as the surrounding wall fell, they floated in the air continuing their confrontation.

"That sounds like you're not following your own teachings."

Seeing himself pushed back, Rockero uses Rick's strength as leverage to throw him off.

With Rick's back turned, Rockero moves quickly to deliver a punch ten times stronger than his current power.

Even for Rick with a combat power of half a million, it's a bit threatening.

His flesh is still mortal, and his physical strength is only superior in terms of raw power.

He's not going to let Rockero land a hit.



"What happened?"

Rockero smiled, thinking that with his combat power of 1500 units he could devastate Rick, whom he believed to be a slacker.

Remembering ancient times, all Rick shouted at the air.

"!Hmhmhm hahaha! The era of shouting the names of techniques is over! The era of boasting has come to your face!"

Several Ricks appeared simultaneously as the beaten Rick vanished into the crater in the ground.

"Clones, right... They're solid and quite resilient.

But Rick, remember! You're just an ambitious kid! You could never focus on one fighting style or technique! You always want to absorb all the knowledge and use it at your own whim.

I, who have focused on only what I can do for years, will not be defeated!"

Rockero exclaimed to all the Ricks that surrounded him.


Rockero's scream was intended to destroy the clones and disorient Rick.

However, it didn't happen.

All the shockwaves weren't powerful enough to move the clones, and Rick had already prepared for this kind of situation.

"Heh, don't say I didn't give you a chance."

The Rick clones disappear and Rick launches into a hand-to-hand fight.


Rockero thinks as they both fight for supremacy.

Rockero gained the upper hand as Rick restricted himself to the same level.

But of course that only lasted until Rick accepted that he had to improve his Taijutsu, then he created a Rasengan with which he injured Rockero's arm to the point of breaking the bones.

Rockero didn't scream, he used all his concentration to heal his wounds in a rather original way.

With ki, he blocked the blood from the inside to the surface of the wound and with the return of life he accelerated the natural healing process.

The arm was still broken but at least it wasn't bleeding anymore.

"Oh... That's an interesting way to heal yourself, but you're missing the final details." Rick floated in the air as he looked down.

"What details?"

Forced to raise his head, Rockero was blinded by the sunlight while Rick watched him.

"If you could solidify your Ki like I can, you could create fake muscles and join the broken bone with ki to keep fighting."

Rick replied, his intention was simply to show how capable he was to his former disciple.

Rockero originally didn't know he could do that.

With a continuous jump and propulsion, they faced each other again but now Rockero used his left arm all the time.

Rick, seeing that he was no longer surpassed in physical skills, laughed at Rockero, but Rockero punched him with his right arm.

"What!" Rick retreated a few meters with his hand on his cheek. "Me and my big mouth! Let's see if you can copy this!"

*Whoosh* countless lasers shot from Rick's fingers towards Rockero.

Rockero was seriously injured and as he kept dodging, he raised his arms towards Rick.

Millions of ki-made blades materialized out of nowhere, attacking Rick with fury.

In Rockero's heart, Rick was no longer his master, just a kid who helped him enter the world of martial arts.


The exchange lasted for a few minutes and as Rockero became exhausted, he took the characteristic pose of the Turtle School.

'So you want to fight your master like this? Alright, I'll give you the confrontation you want.'

Two voices rose in the desert like the blue and yellow lights on the wall with Rockero above and Rick lowering his flight height.








The confrontation didn't last long, and Rick overwhelmed the tired Rockero.

The energy wave pushed Rockero to the ground.

And Rick approached with a frown.

"Keep your crappy school, I'll make a better one!" Rick pointed his middle finger at the motionless Rockero on the ground and spat in his face.

"And take this!"


Rick shot at the temple, injuring a few students in the process.

*Pew! Splat!* With a shot from his portal gun, Rick left the planet Earth.