
A new class of Rick: Dragon ball

Follow the adventures of the self-proclaimed Rick Sánchez in the Dragon Ball universe or multiverse. Rick, now with a new dream, won't stop until he gets to the end of his life and says he's given everything. With a system that imparts knowledge. Can Rick make a wise choice? And more over, are you ready to witness the changes made throughout the universe? ____________________________ Sigue las aventuras de el autoproclamado Rick Sánchez en el universo de Dragón ball, o mejor dicho multiverso. Rick quien ahora tiene un nuevo sueño, no parará hasta encontrarse al final de su vida y decir que lo dio todo. Con un sistema que otorga conocimientos. ¿ Podrá Rick elegir sabiamente ? Y además, estás listo para presenciar los cambios realizados a través del universo? _____________________________________ Verfolgen Sie die Abenteuer des selbsternannten Rick Sánchez im Dragon Ball-Universum bzw. Multiversum. Rick, der nun einen neuen Traum hat, wird nicht aufhören, bis er am Ende seines Lebens steht und sagt, dass er alles gegeben hat. Mit einem System, das Wissen vermittelt. Kann Rick eine kluge Wahl treffen? Und sind Sie außerdem bereit, die Veränderungen im gesamten Universum mitzuerleben? ___________________________________ #Isekai #System #MartialArts #DragonBall #Multiverse #UniversBuildings #DojoBuilding #MoreThanOneProtagonist

minombre26_ · Anime und Comics
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Kharaa a new enemy

A day had passed, and no one had bothered to look for Bardock. He spent it sleeping in a cave for hours. When he woke up, the first thing he did was touch the left side of his face.

"Ah, right. I transformed into an Ozaru. The scouter must have broken."

After warming up a bit in the open space of the cave, he surrounded himself with aura to fly out of his hiding place. He might not be in good health, having open wounds all over his body, but doing those things clear his mind. But if he stayed in the cave any longer, he might bleed to death.

As he reached the surface, he noticed a shocking scene. There was no war in sight. Just abandoned ships and debris.

After exploring a bit, he picked up a radar lying on the ground.

*Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep*

The forces on the planet were divided into two groups. The one closest to the left, Garlic's presence was detected there, as well as that of other outstanding warriors in Frieza's army.

He immediately set off in their direction.

'Have they formed a truce?'

You never know until you find them.

In the distance, an island could be seen with a black tower, surrounded by spaceships parked on the ground.

*Pat Pat*

Bardock's feet hit the camp, Alien warriors of many races walked around the place, some behaving like normal people and others as if they had never eaten in their lives.

"What's going on?"

Bardock asked into the air.

"Don't you know? The commanders, Generals, and most of the troops suddenly fell ill.

I'm afraid this planet is cursed.

Fortunately, it happened to the galactic patrol too."

A small purple alien spoke, his armor was cracked but no piece of the suit was missing.

"Hello I'm a Saiyan! What force do you come from?"

Bardock introduced himself, it's interesting to hear about other people's races and planets.

"That's clear, you are very distinctive. In any case, I am from a small race, on a planet with a lot of diversity. It's not important."

He waved his hand dismissing his home.

"Okay then. Do you know where I could make an appointment with Garlic? He's a general from the Saiyans."

"Just go to the infirmary. Didn't I already tell you? They're all sick."

Seeing the purple man complain,

Or maybe it's a woman, no one knows what you'll find in the universe.

Bardock decided he wouldn't waste any more time socializing.

He turned directly to run to the infirmary.

Nothing must happen to Garlic, he's his ticket to get a job on Planet Vegeta.

Entering the infirmary, he saw commanders with even nearly 180,000 battle powers, all in health booths.

"Can I talk to someone?" He asked the doctor.

"Sure. Is it something important?"


As he approached Garlic's booth, he entered his question into the panel and then pressed the button to wake him up.

*Badum, Badum, Badum*

Garlic's heart could be heard even separated by the healing viscosity and its tempered glass, the sound echoed in Bardock's ears.

The next moment, Garlic opened his eyes.

He didn't move, but everyone present knew he was awake.

He rolled his eyes to the panel facing inward.

And then he placed his hand on it to answer Bardock.

-Yesterday afternoon, most of those present suddenly fell ill. Currently, there are only 130 combat forces ready for battle.

There is something on this planet that is killing us.

Find out and bring the cure.-

After writing his orders, Garlic fell asleep again through the device.

'Where do I even start?

Wait, the creature that saved me seemed to possess intelligence.

Is there a civilization underwater?'

He already had new orders, but he couldn't carry them out immediately.

He was injured.

So he asked for a new suit with life support.

And while they were building it, he asked for a new tracking team, these things are useful.

After another revitalizing rest, Bardock set off.

He plunged into the water and continued submerging.

From one side of the island, he began to hit the walls trying to enter, as no results were found, Bardock took the assault to a higher level.

He no longer hit with his fists, now he## A Day in the Life of a Saiyan: A Dragon Ball Z Fanfiction

...only fired ki blasts.

"How can this be so hard?"

He couldn't help but criticize the wall.

'It's over, plan C.'

Bardock started flying at high speeds using his radar to scan the covered surroundings.

While exploring the coral reefs and underwater rock formations, Bardock had a new idea.

Charging his hands with energy waves, the condensed ki spheres formed instantly.

Although he had already found clues to follow, it was useless if he didn't understand them, each symbol engraved, each crack in the surface was a possible clue that could guide him to the entrance. But since he was in another language, he decided to speak in his own.


The explosion unearthed a large part of the structure, the beautiful corals were pulverized amidst the muffled sound of the explosion.


Bardock said with satisfaction.

A faint light filtered from the interior inviting him to enter.

With impulsiveness, Bardock entered the opening. Darkness surrounded him, only illuminated by his scouter and the faint light that came from the inside. The descent was slow and silent, only interrupted by the sound of dripping water from the walls.

At the end of the descent, Bardock reached a cavernous chamber. In the center of the chamber, a sealed metal door appeared to be the entrance to the island with structure. The door was covered with symbols similar to those he had seen outside, but these seemed to glow with a faint blue light.

Bardock's mind became confused again, the first time of the day, voices in his head forced him to touch the writings, after his mind calmed down he placed his hand on the glowing symbols. Suddenly, the metal door lit up with greater intensity and, with a soft hum, it slowly opened.

Bardock crossed the threshold of the door and entered the island structure. The air was cold and damp, and a sepulchral silence reigned in the place. In the distance, illuminated corridors and the sound of machinery operating in the distance could be seen.

Bardock, with his heart pounding with curiosity, ventured into the island structure. He was determined to uncover the secrets that this place held and to get rid of the damned voices he heard since arriving on the planet.

In his exploration, Bardock finds strange symbols engraved on the exterior walls of the island. These symbols seem to be arranged in a specific way, as if they form a message or a code. Bardock tries to decipher them, but without success.

The corridors were wide and high, with smooth metal walls and no windows. The artificial light that came from the ceiling created a cold and sterile atmosphere.

As he progressed, Bardock observed details that revealed the sophistication of the civilization that had built this place. Control panels with flashing lights, tubes carrying liquids and gases, and complex machinery that emitted a constant hum.

It seemed that they were even more advanced than Frieza's headquarters.

In one of the rooms, Bardock found a scientific laboratory equipped with unknown tools and equipment. Microscopes, centrifuges, computers with turned-off screens, and shelves full of vials and test tubes.

On one of the computers, Bardock found a text file with strange symbols. As he tried to decipher it, the computer beeped and turned off abruptly.

Startled by the sudden change, he put himself in a fighting stance.


Nothing happened, with no one around, Bardock even dropped his stoic demeanor to laugh nervously.

After searching for other paths, he reached an observation chamber with a large window that allowed him to see the outside of the island. From there, he observed the vastness of the ocean and the beauty of the coral reefs.

Of course, it could only be appreciated once you covered the view of spaceships parked all over the island with your hand.

In the center of the structure, Bardock discovered a chamber with a huge energy reactor that pulsed with an intense blue light. The energy emanating from the reactor seemed to power the entire structure.

It looked like the engines of a mothership.

-¡Attention!- -¡Attention!-¡Attention!-

While Bardock explores the scientific laboratory, a robotic voice suddenly resounds in the room. At first, Bardock is startled, looking for the source of the sound. There is no one in sight, but the voice continues speaking.


- Kharaa bacteria entry detected -

-Please enter the code 'purification' to begin cleaning -

"Is it... An AI? But didn't they speak another language? Why do I understand this damn machine?"

- Idiot entry detected, please leave the premises.- A male and irritable voice echoed in the laboratory.

-Ha ha, I can't really hear you, but you're probably wondering if there's anyone here. I'm Rick! I brought this planet to the universe because it has several puzzles and I want to know who will discover them. I haven't touched anything except the language of this AI and the information contained in the colored cards scattered around the map.

By the way! I also deactivated the planet's protective barrier, seriously, how am I going to see someone show off if the ones who land are dead.

This planet has a bacteria called Kharaa

Surely you are already infected. Find the cure and get out of here, someday I will pass by to have a vacation, if it is too destroyed I will go for you-

When the recording finished, a banner with confetti appeared on the ceiling. (Don't mess up my garden.)

Bardock's face was frozen in a look of uncertainty and shock.

"What the hell...."

-Alert- -Alert- -Alert -

"What the hell! I already know there's a bacteria in the facility!"

- Retard alert - - Retard alert -


The facilities returned to their silence.

"So.... Will you answer questions?"

Bardock was lost, he no longer has any desire to stay here. A lunatic came to the planet to make fun of the people who arrive.

That guy surely has no life of his own.

- Just the right help will be provided, please enter the code 'purification' -

"Okay, okay.... Point the way"

- follow the lights - The constant lights on the ceiling turned off and then formed the pattern of a moving arrow by turning on.

When he reached the control panel and entered the command,

The lights in the entire laboratory, corridors and central hall went out.

"What's going on?"

A red light came on throughout the structure.

"This looks bad"

- Attention, error found, energy reactor failure, supplement the reactor before the backup battery runs out completely.-

"And how do I do that! I don't even know how serious the matter is!"

-Without power, the reactor will lose stability and self-destruct with the entire planet-

"Ah≈ well≈ having said it before.

Wait! Where do I get the energy?"

- Instructions to follow will be provided, wait a moment, prevent the spread of the Kharaa bacteria to the universe -

When the AI finished speaking, a laser in the laboratory began to behave strangely.

As it turned completely, it pointed at the wall to write the tasks provided by the artificial intelligence.