
A new class of Rick: Dragon ball

Follow the adventures of the self-proclaimed Rick Sánchez in the Dragon Ball universe or multiverse. Rick, now with a new dream, won't stop until he gets to the end of his life and says he's given everything. With a system that imparts knowledge. Can Rick make a wise choice? And more over, are you ready to witness the changes made throughout the universe? ____________________________ Sigue las aventuras de el autoproclamado Rick Sánchez en el universo de Dragón ball, o mejor dicho multiverso. Rick quien ahora tiene un nuevo sueño, no parará hasta encontrarse al final de su vida y decir que lo dio todo. Con un sistema que otorga conocimientos. ¿ Podrá Rick elegir sabiamente ? Y además, estás listo para presenciar los cambios realizados a través del universo? _____________________________________ Verfolgen Sie die Abenteuer des selbsternannten Rick Sánchez im Dragon Ball-Universum bzw. Multiversum. Rick, der nun einen neuen Traum hat, wird nicht aufhören, bis er am Ende seines Lebens steht und sagt, dass er alles gegeben hat. Mit einem System, das Wissen vermittelt. Kann Rick eine kluge Wahl treffen? Und sind Sie außerdem bereit, die Veränderungen im gesamten Universum mitzuerleben? ___________________________________ #Isekai #System #MartialArts #DragonBall #Multiverse #UniversBuildings #DojoBuilding #MoreThanOneProtagonist

minombre26_ · Anime und Comics
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A boy deceives two men

"Wait wait wait!

Do you mean you were being serious?"

Rocker asked excitedly.

How to dont be excited, who would want to be a normal person when you can destroy mountains with your fists, he is a nobleman, since he couldn't rise in his family because of his brothers, he decided that he would defeat the man who the last king couldnt, the Master Muten Roshi.

However, until today he has not set his sights on the acclaimed god of martial arts. Even he believed it was all tricks, he spent a long year with Dr.Brief putting effort into cultivating the perfect body, learning from different schools at the same time.

It was not until today that he heard a hypermuscular boy by his looks, that the unheard of happened, he said that the martial arts were being degraded by the so-called masters of today, he didnt want to believe it, but he already was slightly agreeing with him, since he himself was a genius and had already learned 6 martial arts by heart, without improving some on his body.

He followed him but not before calling Dr.Brief to make a interview with the boy.

Upon catching up, he discovered that something in the square was disturbing, the boy now had veins popping out of his head.

When he started threatening the elderly,

I called the police, a crazy man like this did not deserve his respect.

Not even if he can jump that far,

...well, even with weights, he said to himself as he saw the sandbags fall on his calves. There are enough people who can do that in his army.

But all my thoughts were diverted as I watched this kid dodge as if he predicted where they were going to hit him.

But wait even I was able to identify the attackers, were they fakers or why didnt anyone know how to throw a punch?

Then only something crazier happened, that boy destroyed wood and bones as if they were cardboard. That scared everyone, including me.

Without knowing it, Dr. Brief, tired of running here, had also observed the fight and a few seconds later, the police also arrived.

How could they not arrive so quickly, if I'm the one calling them.

Without knowing it, we were already interviewing the kid.

Which he saw as a waste of time as he started ranting about how lucky we were to find him, blah, blah and blah!

Who was trying to fool with that shitty story, we already have many myths, so, no thanks, we don't need more Karin towers.

Wait, Tao pai pai? Isn't that the most evil murderer in the kingdom? The one who murdered the previous king? It was said that he entered through the main gate and killed all the inhabitants of the royal castle.

How does this child know about someone so hidden. Only the highest level nobility knows that name and there are no records of where he comes from.

And if what he said is true, it means that he has a way of being the strongest man in the world and that he wants to teach the way of martial arts to everyone, is that even possible?

What has he been practicing until today? If even this child is stronger than me?

No, even more importantly, if I follow in his footsteps and rise with him, doesn't it mean that I will be one of the main world power houses?

Then! Even I would have a high position in the government, I will even be the head of the family!

Okay! Let's see what he wants!


Returning to our protagonist's perspective;

To start, I will need resources.

To feed myself properly, a Dojo or gym where I could train and where I could renew the equipment from time to time in order to increase the difficulty.

Give me all the information on the fighting styles that currently exist, a map of the world, including information on legendary locations such as Paos Mountain, Karin's Tower, etc.

And lastly, freedom, I want you to give me official identity documents, along with the freedom so that other law enforcement officers do not interfere in my way of becoming stronger, in exchange I will give you my friendship as the strongest earthling in the world, in Whatever they need me for, I will try to help.


"How come you don't have an identity?" Brief question.

"O! I just lost all my documents! Hahahaha" Rick said to get an awkward laugh.

"In any case? What do you think Rocker, are you the rich one here?"

"Everything can be done, except freedom."

"Not even I am free.

But I will try to give you as much help as possible, if what you say is true."

"Great, then I'll start now,

As a scientist, you will know that we living beings have energies in the human body, right?

We qualified martial artists call them Ki.

Ki is generated inside the body of the living being. It is made up of two parts: basic ki, which is life energy that is generated naturally, and cultivated ki, which is life energy that is generated through training and cultivation.

Wait, let me explain better.

Ki is generated inside the body of the living being, in the center of the spinal column. This center is known as the "sea of ki."

Basic ki is generated naturally in the sea of ki. This ki is the life energy that is needed to keep the body alive.

Base ki can be increased naturally through diet, rest, and martial arts practice.

Food provides the body with the nutrients it needs to generate ki. Rest allows the body to recover from training and wear and tear. Practicing martial arts helps develop physical strength and endurance, which also contributes to increasing basic ki. And cultivated Ki usually involves the practice of meditation, concentration, and breathing techniques, since it is an energy affected by your own brain waves.

Meditation helps control the mind and body, which is essential for ki control. Concentration helps focus energy in the sea of ki. Breathing helps regulate the flow of energy in the body.

Ki can be used to increase physical strength and stamina. When ki is increased, and stored evenly, the muscles become stronger and the body becomes more resistant to damage.

Ki can be used to generate energy attacks, such as ki beams, ki blasts, and ki spheres. These attacks are very powerful and can cause a lot of damage, which would be what Master Roshi used against the old army, they are not tricks as you would call them, nor are they shooting laser beams from a mini gun."

'Thank goodness, I bought the understanding of Ki learned by Master Roshi.'

"And you may wonder why I am so confident in becoming the new god of martial arts, right?

Well, you see, martial arts are created to improve the quality of life and fight for what you want, whether it is protection, revenge, etc.

And the fight of the 2 main schools

It consists of hitting each other with blows and shooting lightning bolts at each other whenever they want.

Naturally they not only do that, but they use ki to fly and reinforce their attacks causing destruction on a natural level.

That's why the gap between those who know how to use Ki and those who don't is almost insurmountable, unless you have the physique of a god or are a mutant with innate abilities.

Or who knows maybe an alien. Hahaha

However! In exchange for all odds, I developed my own martial arts, with a different base than theirs.

My own technique is called Martial Gate.

Force your body to move as your mind wants, turning 6 techniques into instincts to control, from the smallest muscle fiber to the least controllable hair.

Technique that allows you to control your digestive system and so on, perfect for people who do not have talent in meditation."

At this, the eyes of the 2 adults on the opposite side lit up.

"Basically, I created the technique to perfect your martial arts base to inhuman levels, this in turn blends himself almost perfectly with other martial arts and even with themselves.

I plan to practice this technique to the top and have a duel against Muten Roshi,

I will make him see my potential and teach me all his other knowledge of Ki manipulation to create my own techniques. And be the strongest!"

When I finished talking about my plans, my whole body vibrated with excitement, so much so that both of the ambitious people ahead felt the same.