
The Immortal Heroes


Sinha cleared his throat to catch the student's attention.

"Everyone, may I have your attention? As you all know, the point of this trip is to test whether or not you are qualified to become an adventurer, and to prove it, everyone must gather inside the city's arena, at 4 pm, until then you can do whatever you please. That is all!"

That's right, we went to the capital to test how much we have learned these past years, we will have to fight each other in a tournament kind of style, and based on our performance, we might not be able to graduate, and become an adventurer.

"Hopefully we don't have to fight each other"

Tero blurted something that is bound to trigger a flag.

"Hmph, unlike you guys, we of the student council have a privilege, so we don't have to participate in this proc-"

Before Aldo could finish, he was interrupted by a member of the student council.

"Aldo! Stop idling around! We need to make preparations for the test, ASAP!"

"Y-yes, be there in a second!"

Aldo stuttered, and ran off to the arena.

"Sure is tough being a member of the student council..."

I said in a worried tone.

After Aldo left, Orfia remove her mask, and said:

"I'm hungry"

"Yeah, me too"

After hearing the two of them I suddenly felt hungry too.

"Well for starters, let's go to a bar and order a meal"

After saying that, I went straight to the bar as Orfia and Tero followed behind me.

After almost getting there, we saw a group of people walking out of the bar.

One who seems to be the leader, had a bright red hair that almost reached his shoulder, with white clothes that looks like it cost a fortune, and was carrying a sword on his back.

The other two that was following him worse the same outfit, one of them had a dragon like tattoo that covers half of his face, and neck, and had a short brown hair, while carrying a big sword on his back, and a large steel shield on his hip.

The other one appears to be a kid that is wearing a mask similar to Orfia's, he had short green hair, and was carrying a bow, and a quiver on his back.

We stare at them silently, until one of them made eye contact with us.

"What are you kids doing here?"

The tattooed one questioned us.

"Hmm? Those uniforms... Are you from Cytus academy?"

It seems that the red haired one was more informative.

"Y-yes we are currently on Filia to test our skills in combat"

I answered in a hurry, and nervously.

"I knew it, we have a friend that's working there, my name is Mikael, this one is Arma, and the one wearing a mask is Aska"

It seems that Tero, and Orfia's body stuttered a bit after hearing their name, so I had no choice, but to be the one that introduce ourselves to them.

"Ah, my name is Chrono, this is Tero, and Orfia, it's very nice to meet you"

Mikael stared at us, while holding his chin, and scrutinize.

He suddenly smiled, and said:

"What an interesting bunch. Oh? it's already this late! Well then, it's nice to meet you guys, but we're on a tight schedule so we must go now, may you be gifted with endless blessing from God. Bye!"

The three of them suddenly vanished.

Was that teleportation?

"Who were they?"

"I don't know, but their names are similar to that of the 'immortal heroes'"

I look at Tero with a 'What's that?' face.

"You don't know about the story of the immortal heroes?"

"N-no... I don't"

At that moment Tero remembered that I wasn't from this world, and explained to me what these immortal heroes are.

Basically, they were a group of people that had extraordinary skills. Mikael have 'Angel's Light', Arma have 'Scale of the Dragon', and Aska have 'Wind of Aelous'.

Mikael's skill symbolize Angel, Arma symbolize Dragon, and Aska symbolize Aelous, a creature said to be the source of the wind.

It is said that the three got their skills from their respective master.

Together they defeated a calamity lord, and was granted eternal life by God.

"Hmm... I'm surprised you know the story so well, considering you're an idiot"

I teased him a bit to lower the tension.

"What did you just say!"

At that moment, Orfia wasted no time, and went inside the bar.

"Let's go eat, what do you want Tero?"

"Don't ignore me!"

We take a seat in the corner, and the waitress gave us the menu, I ordered a beef steak with vegetables on the side, Orfia ordered fried rice with octopus, and as for Tero... He ordered everything on the menu.

And after a surprisingly long wait, our food finally arrived.

"Sorry for the wait, here's the meals that you have ordered"

The waitress had a worried look on her face so I asked if everything was okay.

"Yes, it's just that, someone ordered alot of food, and we ran out of stamina potions, so our chef passed out after using too much fire magic, then we had to go get a stamina potions from a nearby magic shop"

Sounds tough...

"A-anyways it's just trivial matters so please don't worry about it, and enjoy your meals"

The waitress opened the kitchen door, and I peeked inside a little...

Living in a world without electricity sure is tough.

That was the only thought that came to my mind after seeing the situation in the kitchen.

"What's wrong Chrono? Not gonna eat?"

Tero asked me as he puts in food after food in his mouth.

"No, I'll eat, Itadakimasu"

I said the traditional Japanese words before eating in a quiet tone, and grab a knife and fork.

"I've been meaning to ask, what's this phrase that you always speak of before eating?"

Orfia queried.

"Ah, it's what the people of my old world always said before eating, it is used as a way to thank the one that cooked this meal with hard work"

"Hmm.... Your old world sounds rather interesting, I'd like to go there someday"

Orfia's words make me remember my past life.

"What's wrong?"

"It's... Nothing"

I eat the meal that I ordered, and looks at Tero... Hmm? Where did the meals he ordered go? Did the waitress forgot to bring his food? I only saw empty, and clean plates infront of him... Oh well, he looks full already, guess the garlic bread that's already served on the table was enough.