
A BKDK Camping Story

What Will they do together in the tent? What will class 1-A think of it?

Dizuku_ · Filme
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2 Chs

A BKDK Camping Story

Warning this story contains-

Some smut and lemon, strong language, homophobic people, r*pe mentions, and sewerslide.

if you feel uncomfortable with any of these you can leave of you want.

3rd person POV

Izuku was was walking out of his house when he suddenly bumped into someone and fell on the floor, Izuku was trembling wondering what his ex-childhood friend was going to do this time, Bakugo noticed he was trembling and said, "Why the hell are you trembling Deku-" Izuku replied saying,"I don´t know maybe because its cold and I´m tired Kacchan." Bakugo did something Izuku would have never guessed. Bakugo reached out his and to help get Izuku get up. Of course Izuku took his hand and got up but then Bakugo gave Izuku his sweater, and again Izuku took it then started mumbling why he was doing thus talking to hiself and other things, Bakugo kept on yelling Deku but that didn't work so then Baukgo hugged Izuku, and whispered in his ear, "Now do I have your attention~?" he said in a sof low voice as Izuku blushed really hard when Bakugo said that. Izuku finally replied saying, "W-what do y-y-you need K-Kacchan?" "Were gonna be late Deku" Izuku realized what time it was and started panicking standing still, Bakugo grabbed his hand as he started running while they were both blushing. As soon as they got to the classroom door Izuku let go of Bakugo´s hand and then Bakugo immediately looked at Izuku and grabbed his hand and walked into that classroom while still holding hands, one of Bakugo´s so called friends yelled out, "WHAT THE HELL BAKUGO WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH THAT BASTARD?!?!?" Bakugo said, "Walking in the classroom with him?" Someone else yelled out saying" WHY THE HELL ARE YOU TO HOLDING HANDS?!?!? ARE YOU TO GAY OR SOMETHING!?!" Bakugo said, "Actually-" as he looked at Izuku nodding a very small yes to Bakugo, as Bakugo finished what he was saying, "Actually, Yes we are" As Bakugo pulled Izuku closer and kissed his lips softly but passionately. The teacher yelled at them, "GET OUT OF MY CLASSROOM AND GO HOME" They left the classroom and Izuku said, "WTF WAS THAT FOR?!?!?" BAkugos whispered in his ear: Im sorry I should have told you earlier, I like you Izuku..." He said as he hugged him Izuku moved Bakugo in front of him and said: I like you to Katsuki" and then him and kissed him. They both melted in the kiss and then Bakugo grabbed Izukus legs and picked him up and carried him the whole way back to Bakugo's house went in. When they went inside Bakugo said: OLD HAG, WERE HOME" Bakugos mom/ Mitsuki responded: WDYM WERE?" she went outside of the kitchen and when she say Izuku her eyes got bigger, she ran towards Izuku pulling both of them into a hug since Bakugo was still carrying Izuku somehow. Mitsuki said: Izuku what are you doing here?" He replied saying: I dont really know, Kacchan just picked me up and brought me here." Mitsuki said: Oh ok, why are you out of school so early today anywa-" She was cut off by Bakugo: Well were just gonna go up to my room..." as he ran up the stairs to his room,

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Izuku: Kacchan, Do you have any spare clothes I can borrow?" Bakugo: Yeah here" he said as he tossed Izuku some black shorts and white shirt. Izuku took off the top of the uniform he wore to school when Bakugo looked and saw all the scars on his body and said kind of worried: D-did I do that? Izuku said: Not all of them just some the others are fro-" he was cut off by Bakugo hugging him and apologizing for everything Bakugo: Im sorry Izuku I never ment to do anything to you, I didnt want to hurt you, I never wanted to stop being your friend, I only bullied you because I didnt want people to the that I had gone soft but I realize now that was not important, the only thing I cared about was you and it hurt me so much to hurt you in both mentally and physiclly." at this point Bakugo was crying a water fall as Izuku kissed him asking for an entrance, Bakugo immidiently let him in and both of their tounges fought for dominance, Bakugo won or maybe Izuku just let him win they were still connected by a small string of saliva when Bakugo got up while carrying Izuku and went to the door and locks it, he closed the curtains and closed the windows, and threw Izuku on the bed and got on top of him, Izuku took off Bakugo's shirt.

Bakugo: Ready deku?

Deku: Ofc Kacchan

Bakugo starts to suck on dekus dick. ¨Ungn k-kacchan¨ Bakugo sucks harder, bobbing his head once he got used to deku. Deku starts to feel a pull in his stomach. "k-kacchan my stomach..¨ ¨So you wanna cum huh? not yet wait a sec...¨ Bakugo sucks and then.. "A-Aah" Deku cums in bakugoś mouth. ¨ d-don't swallow that..¨ Bakugo swallows it all. ¨Tastes like candy apples nerd¨ *Blushes* Suddenly Bakugo flips Deku over. Bakugo sticks one of his fingers in Deku's ass. Then ¨MMMM¨ akugo slowly moves his finger in and out. Then he puts in another and makes a scissor motion. ¨MMMMMMMMhmm¨ ¨Like that?¨ ¨MMmm y-yes kacchan¨ Okay Deku Iḿ gonna put it in.¨ ¨Please do Kacchan!¨ Bakugo sticks his dick in, slowly pushing in hope not to hurt Deku. "Kacchan are you in?" "n-no D-deku your really tight, hnn" Bakugo manages to get it in. "O-okay I'm gonna start moving now.." Bakugo starts moving with every move their bodies getting hotter and hotter. While both of their dick's get harder and harder. "K-kacchan faster!" "F-fuck Deku your so hot~" "A-aah, MMMM k-kacchan I love you~" "Love you too nerd *pant*" Finally Bakugo slows down and Deku comes down from his climax. They lay next to eachother panting, their body's still entertwined. They start to kiss, Bakugo was rough and demanding. Deku softly kisses back their tongues rolling around eachother, strings of spit left behind. Finnally they were done (Rip Dekus ass and Bakugo's dick😭)

Bakugo and Izuku were a moaning mess, when all of a suddon Izuku got a call from his dad: WHERE TF ARE YOU, YOU LITTLE SL*T?!?! GET BACK HOME IN 5 MINUTES." Bakugo barley heard anything but Izuku said: Im really sorry Katsuki I have to go, my dad wants me home. Bakugo said: It's fine we'll continue another time, kitten~" Izuku started putting his clothes on as fast as he could, but then he tripped while trying to walk to the door, Bakugo said: Damn are you ok?" Izuku said: No, you fucked my ass to hard" (R.I.P. Deku ass) Izuku got back up and walked to the door and left the house.

While Izuku was on his way he took a shortcut he used to take when they were friends, while Izuku was in the alley of the shortcut he saw a drunk person staring at him with a smirk on his face, Izuku tried to run away but he couldnt, the drunk person grabbed him and said: You a cutie, can you help me with something..." Izuku said: Maybe, depends on what you need help with" the drunk man showed him what he needed help with, He pulled down his pants and showed his boner, and once again Izuku tries to run away but the man catches him, he starts taking off Izukus clothes and starts with his pants, the man see's Izukus dick and grabs it and sucks it hard Izuku wanted him to stop but it felt good to him, but then he finally snapped out of it and kicked the drunk mans face making his nose bleed, Izuku quickly put his pants back on and ran away back to his house, when he got there his father was sitting on the couch drinking, when his father noticed Izuku was home he sterted yelling and beat the crap out of him by kicking his stomach, legs, shins, head, all sorts of places, when finally he was done, Izuku went to his room to go take a shower because of the events that had happened, when Izuku was done he was still tramutized thinking of what that man had done to him, so once he got dressed he called Bakugo and asked him to stay the night and to tell him something. When Bakugo got to Izukus house he rang the doorbell and his dad answerd, he let him in and went to Izuku's room. Bakugo opened the door only to see Izuku sitting there on his bed curled up in a ball crying, Bakugo ran up to him and hugged him asking what happened, Izuku said: K-k-k-Kacchan, s-s-someone r-r-rapped m-m-me he said trying to get it out while crying. Bakugo picked Izuku up and kissed him then went back on the bed to go to sleep, Izuku was tired of everything that had happened, so he fell asleep quickly.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The next day at school they announced that there was going to be a camping trip and announced who was going to paired up with who. The last people that were paired up together was Izuku Midoriya, and Katsuki Bakugo.


I dont know how this took me 5 hours to write I just hope people enjoy it, there will be a chapter 2 soon probably this week so keep checking.

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Dizuku_creators' thoughts